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How do you cope with being alone?


The Director
Dec 12, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Kapp'n Christmas Doll
Winter Mittens
I'm curious to see how some people here deal with the feeling of loneliness and what you do to try and overcome it :p
If I'm being completely honest, I can't. Being completely alone severely triggers my anxiety and causes me to panic since I have too much time to think. I'm either always with my boyfriend or when he's at work I go to my parents house. I know that's really bad and I need to figure out how to cope with it, but I just can't
i never feel lonely, i have enough friends and i live in a large city. i know you're pretty isolated so id suggest just talking with your online friends as much as possible and making friends with your new co-workers

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also im an introvert, so i like being alone. if im around people for a long time i start to get into a really bad mood
I get so lonely so easily, and that makes me think of the bad thoughts. I'd rather not disclose what exactly those thoughts are, but they're pretty macabre and morbid. I hate it. I'm also an introvert, so being around others too long exhausts me, and I prefer online interaction anyway. If I'm not talking to someone online or IRL, it doesn't take me long to get the bad thoughts. Typically I cope by watching a funny YouTube video, reading a book (currently rereading the Wimpy Kid series and reading IT; nearly done with both). I also like to play Animal Crossing whenever I feel super duper lonely boii. I write in my journal sometimes, too, when I'm lonely.
I play animal crossing, play with my cats and dogs, or watch cute animal videos or cartoons.
it gets tough for me after a while, but it's actually kind of fun to be alone. i always have to have noise in the house, like the tv, though, otherwise i'll start to get paranoid listing to the sounds the house makes. i have to do stuff to take my mind off the fact that i'm alone lol
I'm more introverted so I do like being alone. However it is also a double edge sword for me. I struggle with depression, and I tend to isolate myself.

What I did was I got a cat. He's my little turd, but that way I am never really alone. I also keep my family close. My husband knows my bad days, and he is always there for me when I need him, he is the one that will drag me out of bed.

We also decided to get a puppy, who we pick up next week. I'm super stoked for that!
Sounds cliche but I'm pretty alone yet not lonely. I think being an only child helps me cope a little better but my family plus my boyfriend are seriously enough for me. I was actually a very confident teenager but over the past few years (I'm 21 now) I've completely changed and do not enjoy maintaining friendships that require constant talking and meeting up (which is what most people understandably want). I used to think that I was weird for not being able to maintain close friendships anymore but once I realised I put myself in this situation by choosing to isolate myself it became easier to cope with. I do have a friend from school who I talk to but the reason why I can maintain that friendship is because we're so close that we don't have to message 24/7 and I can comfortably "forget" to reply to her messages without feeling like I've offended her and vice versa. Not saying it's healthy to isolate yourself and I do tend to feel anxious and depressed quite a bit but I find that these feelings are actually strongest when I try to forge meaningless friendships with others.
idk ive gotten so used to it so it's not really something special for me to deal w anymore i guess. i try to ignore it or distract myself. or cry lol
It?s the opposite for me, I like being alone, if anything I have to push myself to go spend time with other people.
But I moved to a new town at the beginning of the year, and I don?t really know anyone here, so it?s not like I got anything to do, it was easy making friends back in school, but as an adult it ain?t that easy to find opportunities like that other than online.

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I’m pretty much a hermit, and I don’t mind too much.
I didn't. I just stayed being lonely, just kept receiving each moments. No matter who was with me, and how lovely they were, and how nice moments they gave me, to talk, joke and laugh, I was lonely, I had been.
50% introverted, 50% extroverted. Don?t particularly care for people though, unless they are kind and thoughtful.

EDIT: Also, if they disagree with something I say, I debate with them and do my best to win the argument.
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usually the only time i dont have people to talk to is when everyone is asleep AKA im up too late AKA time to SLEEP MYSELF and speak to people in the morning...
Well in reality, we will never not be lonely. We die alone. We experience life, in our bodies, alone. There can be people or things to distract us from feeling loneliness, but we will always be loney. Sorry to break it to everyone xD Such a sad reality... :(
I enjoy isolation. People are so demanding, and wear me out mentally.

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Well in reality, we will never not be lonely. We die alone. We experience life, in our bodies, alone. There can be people or things to distract us from feeling loneliness, but we will always be loney. Sorry to break it to everyone xD Such a sad reality... :(
None of this makes any sense, sounds like a lot of fake deep doodoo caca looool.
I enjoy isolation. People are so demanding, and wear me out mentally.

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None of this makes any sense, sounds like a lot of fake deep doodoo caca looool.

He is basically saying we all are born alone and we all die alone, which is pretty well-known by now.

However, the choices we make in life do not just affect ourselves. They affect everyone.