I feel like there are a lot of little disagreements I can have with people's political opinions and still be friends with them but there are a couple Fundamental things that I don't think I could tolerate (e.g. discrimination, racism, bigotry) just because I believe they say a lot about what kind of a person someone is
I don't often make friends based on politics in the first place. I make judgments on people based on their quality of character, and if they're a good or pleasant person, or hilarious, of course, they can be my friend!
I can't imagine any conservative person wanting to be my friend in the first place. Me & my trans partner are pretty far to the left and anyone I've met that's far to the right has no interest in people like me. Why waste my time? We can be civil in a workplace setting though.
I had a friend from work who was conservative and I learned awhile ago that she deleted me off all social media for being vocal about trans & human rights. What did she expect from me? I was always trying to be tolerant of her religious views but clearly she didn't have the same intentions. She didn't even believe in the atom and I kept my mouth shut lmao. I'm just too much of a gay lord to be liked by conservative people I think. Or I make them uncomfortable. Oh well.
It's hard for me not to judge or not feel discomfort in the presence of a friend with a very different political opinion. I'm a HSP (highly sensitive person) so when I heard a pal of mine say things such as "sure people have the right to have their little protests but if you just listen to the riot/cops and just go home,you won't get attacked," it rubs me the wrong way and I can't help but get very emotional and cry. So if anything we try to avoid political talk. The friends I have that are/secretly conservative haven't said anything that has hurt me on a personal standing yet but I will definitely agree to disagree if they are against abortion,womens rights,and such.
I have zero interest in being friends with people who have different political opinions than mine. I'm a pro-black, pro-queer, anti-law enforcement, anti-military industrial complex leftist. Why would I want friends who are anti-black, heterosexist/cissexist, pro-police etc? Lmao nah I'm good.
I definitely have friends on the opposite political spectrum of me, which is completely fine. Most of the issues we disagree on because although we want the best for everyone, we have different ways of achieving that "best". At the end of the day, I can be friends with anyone who respects me.
Though, I sometimes draw the line at lack of respect and care for human rights.
I make friends with people with many political views (though they have reasoning behind them), but the closest of my friends have similar views as me. I find it easier to talk to them because I am slightly socially awkward and anything that someone says that doesnt support my opinion in a uneducated manner can make me change my behaviour and some people say I can be a bit ‘irritated’? I guess I can’t stand people with really uneducated and discriminative views. Thing is anything that hurts my feelings (like mocking an extremely personal matter to me) can make me very emotional and cry. I am just highly sensitive and this actually happened to me a few days ago when people at my school made fun of torturing people and I cried because my people (Belarusians) are suffering under modern day torture right now. Also making fun of disabled people makes me actually angry because those people are amazing people in our society!
It doesn't bother me if they have different political opinions, I try to stay away from politics in general, but it won't prevent me from being friends with them as long as they don't try to cram it down my throat.
If they actively support people who hurt marginalized communities, then we probably wont get along in general.
If they don't know what's going on in the world or "don't like politics" and "prefer to stay out of it" Then I tend view them as part of the problem, especally if they vote baised on gut feelings and don't actually research the policies of those they are putting in power.
hm. well, it depends on what we're talking about here. is it "politics", as in the governance of an country/area and support of individuals hoping to achieve power, or is it "politics" as in "i think these people don't deserve rights and shouldn't exist and i'm going to do everything in my power to make it so" bc if it's the second one it's a no from me fam. all of my offline friends share the same political leanings as me (theyre a little less hard on the cops tho) so i've never actually had to debate one of the really nutso right wingers and i hope i never befriend one by accident lol. i dont need that in my life
My friends and I are all sort of similar in our beliefs. That's kind of how we bonded. I don't think I'd be able to bond with people who had wildly different beliefs.
I personally would not want to make friends with a racist/sexist/homophobic/conservative person.
Irl my friends do have different political opinions than me, because they don't pay attention to or care about politics and I do (the curse of having been a Government & Politics student in college lol). But they're also all LGBT and left-wing, so we fundamentally agree on most stuff even if they don't care as much as I do.
I generally try to avoid politics especially if I know we have some significant differences of opinions and if the person can't respectfully converse about differences. So, I wouldn't say I refuse to carry relationships with different political views; it just comes down to specific scenarios. However, like you and many others stated, when it comes to political views that would be harmful or hateful to anyone...that is where I personally can't continue on a close relationship. So anything where xenophobia, homophobia, racism, discrimination, sexism, trying to police other's medical rights is concerned...is a no go for me.
The sad thing is that as a queer, neurodivergent woc, my mere existence has been politicized against my will. In the U.S. so much is politicized that it's truly baffling. I don't think a belief in science should be politicized??? Like you said, I don't need someone to have the same opinions as me but they need to have similar base values which usually results in making friends with people with similar political views, as well as moral ones. I don't think it's conservative vs liberal for me bc I don't even agree with a lot of liberals (who uphold capitalistic and imperialistic ideals). I will say though, even if I may not want to be friends with you, I'll still try to help you and work to make everyone's lives better.
The truly sad thing is all the stereotypes being cast on people you don't even know based solely on what you perceive their political views to be.
No person is what you are making them out to be here and to assume that all people, on one or the other side of that fence are the tings you are calling them is fear and hatred in and of itself.
So, if you are so tolerant of others on various subjects, then tolerate others political views just as well. We are all human beings.
I don't see the world in political terms so much as I see it in moral and/or spiritual ones. There are a lot of people from all political sides that are good, bad and everything in-between. It just comes down to your basic moral character, or your values, if you will. It really depends on that.