How many times have you reset your island?

How many times have you reset your island?

  • Honestly? who keeps count...

    Votes: 2 1.6%
  • Never!

    Votes: 82 67.2%
  • 1-5 times

    Votes: 32 26.2%
  • 5-10 times

    Votes: 6 4.9%
  • 10-20 times

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • 20-50 times

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 2 1.6%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
Aug 7, 2017
I am NOT talking about day 1 resets when you reset because you didn't like your fruit / river mouths / villagers... I'm talking about those times when you reset after a few days / weeks / months.
I have the same island since launch, and I don't plan on reseting it. How many times have you guys decided to start again and why?
i have never ever thought about resetting my island. I have grown really comfortable with how it looks, and would miss literally all of it.
I've not reset yet, but have considered it. I think there isn't really that much motivation for me since the terraforming tools allow me to do a lot with my island if I don't like the way it currently looks. Said another way, I don't have to reset the game to make big changes to my island.
i have never ever thought about resetting my island. I have grown really comfortable with how it looks, and would miss literally all of it.
Yeah I am on the same boat, but now that I'm really close to finish it, I'm thinking on flattening everything and starting again with some new plans (so a soft reset maybe?)
Never reset and I don't plan to. I've put a lot of time into mine and I'm happy with the outcome so far!
I reset first after like 3 days (hated the airport color), then at the end of June reset after 3 months (hated the RS location), got a temp island (I knew I'd reset it later for the perfect map so I kept this one to celebrate my birthday) for also 3 months and now hopefully I have my definitive one since September.
So it'd be 3 times.
Must be around 5-10 times. I enjoyed my time with each island and then resetted when I was yearning for something else. I think my current island is perfect, but if I get the urge to restart and reexperience the beginning I won't be mad. But I think I'll chill for now and just stick with it.
I haven’t really reset. I did reset the day after release, after I already had played 24 hours, but I don’t think that counts. Because of that I think my island says started 21st instead of 22nd.
I have flattened my island so many times. I finally got the layout how I like it though. I’m just having trouble with one particular area. I don’t think I’ll ever reset though. I’m too far in as it is, and everything is starting to come together.
Yeah I am on the same boat, but now that I'm really close to finish it, I'm thinking on flattening everything and starting again with some new plans (so a soft reset maybe?)

I'm also thinking of flattening! An idea popped into my head a few days ago... "What if you made an island dedicated to the four seasons?" and I haven't been able to get that idea out of my head.
I haven't, and I won't. At this point I've put so many hours into the island that if I ever really wanted/needed a new island then the progress I have made on my island/catalog/achievements would probably outweigh the cost of a second switch and game. But I probably wouldn't do that either, because if I wanted to change the entire island I could just change the entire island. :D
unless you count me restarting a couple days in because I bought myself my own switch, I've never restarted. part of me wants to keep my current island forever just to say I've had it since day 1, and just keep flattening and rebuilding it over and over, but at the same time I think I could very well reach a point one day where I really want to start totally afresh. we'll see I guess!
I never reset in any of the other games and I don't plan on doing it with this one. I doubt I would bother putting in as much effort into the next island if I did reset. The game makes it so much easier to move a lot of the stuff around that was once locked in place on NL, so that helps to.
I have had my island since launch. I don’t plan on ever resetting it. Mostly because it has taken so much time to get all the DIY’s and items I do have and I don’t have all of them yet. So I got a second island so I could start over. I really like the beginning and plan to have my main be an all penguin island one day. Having the second island will let me enjoy different villagers. I might at some point reset my second island but I love how it’s starting to look.
I haven't reset my island at all, nor do I plan to at any point. I've put in too much time and effort into my island and gotten nearly everything in the game, so resetting would just kill all motivation I have to play the game.
I have never and will never reset. The thought of starting over makes me break out in a cold sweat 🤣 I have spent, according to my activity log, over 1,105 hours (I’m sure the counter is broken as I am sure it couldn’t be that much 😊)

I am still very much not finished and my island will never be insta perfect. Sounds silly but it feels like home so I will make changes and hopefully eventually it will be perfect for me. I guess that’s all that matters 😊
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I don't like my RS placement or the peninsula shape but other than that, I quite like my island. I've redone it like 7 times now with terraforming (to get super different layouts) which is great because it's stopping me from resetting. I don't think I will ever reset this island, I would miss it too much and I've regret resetting on other games so much before!
I have never and will never reset. The thought of starting over makes me break out in a cold sweat 🤣 I have spent, according to my activity log, over 1,105 hours (I’m sure the counter is broken as I am sure it couldn’t be that much 😊)

I am still very much not finished and my island will never be insta perfect. Sounds silly but it feels like home so I will make changes and hopefully eventually it will be perfect for me. I guess that’s all that matters 😊

This sums up perfectly how I play too! If I ever wanna spend a lot of time on a project like an island I want to finish just for the sake of finishing it, maybe I'll buy like, a second hand switch or something, but for now I just want to play the game slowly, because to me that's how it's most fun to play
i havent reset, and i probably never will tbh. im pretty happy with what i have now, and id probably just flatten everything and start decorating fresh before id reset