How many times have you reset your island?

How many times have you reset your island?

  • Honestly? who keeps count...

    Votes: 2 1.6%
  • Never!

    Votes: 82 67.2%
  • 1-5 times

    Votes: 32 26.2%
  • 5-10 times

    Votes: 6 4.9%
  • 10-20 times

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • 20-50 times

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 2 1.6%

  • Total voters
I wouldn't ever reset my island! I've had mine since launch! I'm very content and it feels like home. If I get bored with my island maybe I'll do some construction work. But in reality my island will never be finished and I'm okay with this. It's my way of expressing myself. Plus getting all those diys again... and the catalog... no ty.. lol 😰
I haven’t reset my island. I’m enjoying how it looks right now. Personally I rather flatten it out then resetting
3 times prior to getting this island. I can say with confidence I'll never be resetting again unless something goes wrong and is completely unsalvageable. I'm content with every aspect of my island and from past experience, resetting for minor things such as fruit is never worth it. plus obtaining all the DIYs and the furniture is just... too much.
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I haven't reset my main island and I never intend to.

My second island I barely touch and will likely reset at some point.
I have never ever reset. I have had the same island since the release of the game.

I don't like the sound of starting over completely.... I have worked too hard for all the DIY's and all the items in my catalog. Resetting sounds like some kind of torture. 😂

I have however, completely flattened my island plenty of times.
I've had my main island since launch and I'll never reset it. I haven't reset my second island either since I started it. Originally I wanted to maybe reset that island at some point, but it took me 73 day 1 resets to find the map I wanted, and I don't want to go through that again. I love the beginning of the game, so I wish I could reset to play it again but I'm too attached to my islands.
I’ve been very happy with my island. I started the game on the night it released and I had a few things I knew I wanted to have for my map. Like two south exits and cherries or apples as my native fruit. That was just in case perfect fruit were a thing but of course now we know. My island isn’t anything fancy but I love it. Instead of being jealous of other people’s islands, traveling just makes me miss my island. Lol
My newest island reset is my sixth. The first time I reset was because I didn't like my island name and villager name. I also reset once because I messed up the island with bad terraforming. Other resets were boredom.

I've had pears, apples, oranges, cherries, pears again, and now peaches.
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i'm currently on my third island in 9 months u_u it's been rough but i'm really happy with how things are now!
I haven't reset and have no intention to do so. I've put too much time and effort into acquiring things, paying off houses, and filling up the museum. If something were to happen to the save, I'd simply stop playing. Resetting holds no appeal for me.
Zero times, and have no desire to ever reset in the future. Progressing in New Horizons takes a very long time, and I don't think that's a bad thing at all! However, between attaining 5 stars, collecting DIYs, materials, designing your town, accruing bells, getting the villagers you want, completing the museum, collecting Nook miles/Nook achievements, etc., it isn't very appealing to restart. I also have the native fruit and airport color I was really hoping to get, and there is nothing better I'd get from restarting.
i've restarted 7 times i think 😅
the only reason i collected all diys and completed the museum was to make sure i never restart again lol
I haven't! But I did buy another Switch just for that reason, lol.
I have two towns. Never reset either to date. My main town will never be reset ideally unless a glitch were to happen. I am debating resetting my second or just terraforming it from nothing so we'll see on that note...I feel like it turned out to be shaped too similar to my main which is kinda boring.
Only once, but I’m not sure it counts because I got a new switch and moved my stuff to my new Island. I loved my old Island, but I was tired of having to share it because I wanted to be able to have complete control over it. The old Island did get reset though which made me a little sad. If I could have I’d never have changed Islands I’d still have the same one.
currently i am considering resetting my first island, sleeptime, because i just cannot get any ideas, i hate that both river mouths are on the bottom, and resident services is so close to my airport. the only reasons i havent is because of all the nook achievements ive gotten and i dont want to loose them, and i started sleeptime on launch

i prefer how the islands look when first generated, i like the natural feeling of them, which is why i even have my second island, raindrop
My main island I've never reset and I don't intend to. I've grown to like how I designed it. Even when I run out of ideas I would probably flatten things or visit a dream island for inspiration.

My second island I restarted once. I intentionally thought I could work around how close RS was to the airport. However, after I had terraforming and began placing cliffs, trees, bushes, etc but I just didn't like how it looked and wanted more space. Now I have a layout a love and I couldn't be happier.
Never! I’ll never reset my island. I didn’t reset on launch day either because I wanted to go ahead with the first one!
i’ve never reset and have no plans to! while there’s definitely a few things i wouldn’t mind changing, i’m overall pretty happy with my island and the progress that i’ve made. :)