How many visitors did your dream island have?

Oh, wait... I need to use my RL phone for this? I still don't get why Nintendo has made the phone app so important to some games šŸ˜• Some people (like me) don't use our phones much and don't want to.

Still a neat feature, though. Maybe I'll try and figure out how to check it at some point... but my phone is ancient and has zero memory left so we'll see how that goes...
Seriously Nintendo let us do everything on our actual gaming system.
I just wish dreams were safe for the uploader of it. I don't like that people can report your dream. It's not my fault all my villager curse, and... Other things. Haha.

But speaking of that: Anyone else gotten reported or a warning from Nintendo by mail? I'm asking because I have. :sick:

Do you share your dream publically or only to trusted people?
Zero because I haven't made a dream address. Are we able to visit our own? XD If so, I would definitely create one so I can remember what a "finished" island looks like as I'm tearing it down and rebuilding it up in the new year. šŸ¤£
22, which i'm really surprised by because i haven't shared my dream publicly anywhere, just among a small discord server with a few friends. i wonder if they're mostly random visitors from the dream suite.
5, all of which should be from random visitors after the recent update, since I don't think I've ever put it up online. Hope they liked it!
I had 9 up until the random dream update happened and I now have 16. That may have been due in part to me finally putting my DA on my AC Twitter bio, but then again I feel like I only did that after seeing it was 16... I can't remember lol
Currently at 10.

I have had a couple of my friends visit. But the rest must be from the random visits.

My DA is public on some of my social media. But I didn't really make a big deal about it. It doesn't really bother me if people visit or not. šŸ˜‚
A little over 700 right now. 600 or so of that was from my islandā€™s first version, from the dream suite update until November. The next 100 was from my new update mid November. Iā€™m surprised how many people visited in such a short time. I posted my island a few times on social media but I was never actively promoting it other than posting pictures now and then. Definitely surpassed both of my new leaf towns views combined lol.
Zero but I also have never posted mine so itā€™s to be expected lol
I feel like people either have more than 300 or less than 50 visitors, but nothing in between haha
i've had 8 but i haven't rly posted it that publicly since i'm still working on my island a bunch. i don't even know where the 8 came from tbh lol šŸ™ˆ
I haven't had any. It's not really special enough for anyone to want to visit it so I don't advertise it. I mostly saved a dream to have the memory of what my island looked like at the time, when it was decorated for winter. However, I can't figure out how to visit my own dream. Maybe that's not possible. Or I just can't figure it out.

There should be an NPC to let us record memories of our islands for ourselves. That would be neat, imo.
I haven't had any. It's not really special enough for anyone to want to visit it so I don't advertise it. I mostly saved a dream to have the memory of what my island looked like at the time, when it was decorated for winter. However, I can't figure out how to visit my own dream. Maybe that's not possible. Or I just can't figure it out.

There should be an NPC to let us record memories of our islands for ourselves. That would be neat, imo.

you canā€™t visit your own dream unless you have a second island. Then you could use it to visit your first islandā€™s dream.
29 and my island is still a work in progress... my exterior is decently decorated but my 5 houses are super lackluster. I haven't openly been sharing my DA though aside from it being in my signature. I did have a couple people on the Sailor Moon Sub-Reddit ask for it after sharing a screenshot from my game there.

I probably won't get very many until my island is more finished and I actively start sharing my DA around more.