How often do you change your signature or profile picture?

How often do you change your signature or pfp?

  • Very often

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • Often

    Votes: 8 9.0%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 18 20.2%
  • When I'm in the mood

    Votes: 32 36.0%
  • Almost never

    Votes: 25 28.1%
  • I haven't changed it in years-

    Votes: 4 4.5%

  • Total voters
very rarely, usually just for events. i try to make my avatar match my signature instead of the other way around. my "melo chasing madoka" signature is too silly for me to permanently let go of
I typically change them both at the same time around every 2-4 weeks, depending on my mood! Sometimes I'll change them a bit more frequently if there's an event, or to show off a new collectible or something.
I change mine for every event here, sometimes also for seasonal stuff or whenever I find something cute I like. So I picked "often"
I’ve changed it mostly for events, or when I receive new art of my rep. 💜✨
Honestly, not very often. I changed my profile picture and signature for the sake of the Space Camp event, but otherwise I stick to the same one nowadays
Not that often because I'm a lazy person, each event I draw something and it will generally stay there until the next one.
I change my signature quite often depending on what's going on, but I'm only likely to change my PFP for events and holidays, like the space-theme one I have right now.
Prior to coming back, I only really changed them for events. I'm unsure what my long-term plans are for my signature/avatar now tbh, but I'm still unlikely to change them too often outside of events.
I dont change either very much these days. I dont want to confuse people who might only know me on here by my profiles appearance and I like it! Sometimes I change for the event/season but Im always broadly the same boring that I was 6 years ago
I picked “when I’m in the mood” because I don’t think I’ll change my signature in the near future. As for my pfp, I’ve changed it five times, but I think I’ll stick to this one for a while
I'm thinking of sticking with my avvie and siggie for a lot longer, until I get the courage to add a different avvie and siggie of my Mario Kart Main.

And yes I chose almost never, I haven't really changed much in a span of a year or so except for events, and I don't really believe events count.