Hello, I hope you're doing well ♡ I'm not in any rush, so please do take your time. Whenever you're feeling up for it, I'd like to place an order.
1. Ruined Seat DIY recipe
2. Pergola (purple flowers)
3/4. Curved Streelamp (black) x2
5/6. Streetlamp (black) x2
7. Storage shed (black)
8. Space Suit
9.Space Helmet
10. Space Boots
May I also add 5 Royal Crowns.
Thank you so much in advance. Hope you feel better soon! ♡♡♡
(Edited out the Jail Bars DIY, didn't realize i already had it)
1. Ruined Seat DIY recipe
2. Pergola (purple flowers)
3/4. Curved Streelamp (black) x2
5/6. Streetlamp (black) x2
7. Storage shed (black)
8. Space Suit
9.Space Helmet
10. Space Boots
May I also add 5 Royal Crowns.
Thank you so much in advance. Hope you feel better soon! ♡♡♡
(Edited out the Jail Bars DIY, didn't realize i already had it)
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