Giveaway Liz's New Horizon Giveaway - CLOSED!

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@Byebi sorry about that. It seems I did miss it. Added it now.

Outstanding Orders
Mimi Cheems - Crescent Moon Chair DIY, Bonsai Shelf DIY, Cherry-Blossom Bonsai DIY, Garden Wagon DIY, Stack of Maple Leaves, Stack of Cherry Blossom Petals, Stack of Snowflakes, Stack of Large Snowflakes, Stack of Bamboo Shoots + Monotone Playground Gym + 50 NMTs
Dracule - Stacks of Wood (x6), Stacks of Clay (x4)

Order Ready - Sending PM
Byebi - Ratten set (black)
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hi again! was wondering if i could get these this time:
  • academic painting
  • calm painting
  • dynamic painting
  • flowery painting
  • glowing painting
  • beautiful statue
  • maple leaf pond stone recipe
  • mush log recipe
  • mushroom wand recipe
  • outdoor picnic set recipe
and then add on 50 NMT if possible! will try to be on when convenient/same as the last time if that's good too :)
Outstanding Orders
June - academic painting, calm painting, dynamic painting, flowery painting, glowing painting, beautiful statue, maple leaf pond stone recipe, mush log recipe, mushroom wand recipe, outdoor picnic set recipe + 50 NMT

Order Ready - Sending PM
Mimi Cheems - Crescent Moon Chair DIY, Bonsai Shelf DIY, Cherry-Blossom Bonsai DIY, Garden Wagon DIY, Stack of Maple Leaves, Stack of Cherry Blossom Petals, Stack of Snowflakes, Stack of Large Snowflakes, Stack of Bamboo Shoots + Monotone Playground Gym + 50 NMTs
Dracule - Stacks of Wood (x6), Stacks of Clay (x4)
Hello Liz, may I order the following items for this time? Thank you very much.

Gold Roses (10)
Birthday Table (1) Gorgeous
Birthday Candles (2) Gorgeous, Green
Birthday Sign (1) Green
Birthday Cake (1) Strawberry Buttercream
Mom’s cakes (4) Chocolate, Carrot, Bird, Dog
@MatchBB 10 gold roses counts as your full order. Feel free to order the items next time.

Outstanding Orders
Thom96 - Sanrio Villager photos

Order Ready - Sending PM
June - academic painting, calm painting, dynamic painting, flowery painting, glowing painting, beautiful statue, maple leaf pond stone recipe, mush log recipe, mushroom wand recipe, outdoor picnic set recipe + 50 NMT
bestfriendsally - Fruit Basket diy & a Mom's Tea Cozy (Floral)
MatchBB - 10 gold roses
Outstanding Orders

Order Ready - Sending PM
Thom96 - Sanrio Villager photos
Hi there! I'd like to order...
  1. garden wagon recipe
  2. stack of books recipe
  3. clothesline recipe
  4. bee keeper's hive recipe
  5. ukelele recipe
  6. garden bench recipe
  7. signpost recipe
  8. small carboard boxes recipe
  9. birdbath recipe
  10. scarecrow recipe
And add 10 99K bags please! :)
Hello again! May I have the Seasonal recipes for: Acorn pochette; autumn wall, colored leaves floor, forest floor, forest wall, leaf stool, maple leaf pochette, maple leaf umbrella, red leaf pile, and Tree's bounty big tree? Thanks! If I could get five stacks of fish bait on the side, I'd appreciate it. :)
Outstanding Orders

Order Ready - Sending PM
DJFoxx84 - garden wagon recipe, stack of books recipe, clothesline recipe, bee keeper's hive recipe, ukelele recipe, garden bench recipe, signpost recipe, small carboard boxes recipe, birdbath recipe, scarecrow recipe + 10 99K bags
Msskanira - Recipes: Acorn pochette; autumn wall, colored leaves floor, forest floor, forest wall, leaf stool, maple leaf pochette, maple leaf umbrella, red leaf pile, Tree's bounty big tree + five stacks of fish bait
Hi I’d like to put in another order if that’s okay
Crafted items: 3 frozen treat sets, cherry blossom pochette, 4 starry garlands

Rover briefcase
Outstanding Orders

Order Ready - Sending PM
duckyducky - Crafted items: 3 frozen treat sets, cherry blossom pochette, 4 starry garlands, Rover briefcase
Hi! Could I get:

Public bench (blue and yellow)
Public bench (blue)
Utility pole (no ads)
Utility pole (with ads)
Construction sign (warning)
Drink machine (red)
Portable toilet (blue)
Parabolic antenna (red logo)
Playground gym (green)
Rover's briefcase
With an add-on of NMTs?
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Hey there!
May I get:
- Nuptial belt (white)
- Wedding Fence Recipe
- Bunny Day Festive Balloon Recipe
- 2 purple hyacinths
- 2 bean tossing kits
- Blossom Lantern
- 2 strawberry tea bobas
And 50 NMTs please!
Outstanding Orders
smug villager - Public bench (blue and yellow), Public bench (blue), Utility pole (no ads), Utility pole (with ads), Construction sign (warning), Drink machine (red), Portable toilet (blue), Parabolic antenna (red logo), Playground gym (green), Rover's briefcase + 50 NMT
Hat' - Nuptial bell (white), Wedding Fence Recipe, Bunny Day Festive Balloon Recipe, 2 purple hyacinths, 2 bean tossing kits, Blossom Lantern, 2 strawberry tea bobas + 50 NMTs

Order Ready - Sending PM
hello! may I please have a diner set in pink and an add on of bells?

thank you so much ;;
Hi! Today I would like:
- Coin headpiece
- Katana (gold)
- Lucky cat (black)
- Tower of Pisa (x3 if possible)
- Pagoda (dark wood)
- Stonehenge
+ 50 NMT

Thanks a lot! :D
Outstanding Orders
Felix Felicis - Coin headpiece, Katana (gold), Lucky cat (black), Tower of Pisa x3 , Pagoda (dark wood), Stonehenge + 50 NMT

Order Ready - Sending PM
smug villager - Public bench (blue and yellow), Public bench (blue), Utility pole (no ads), Utility pole (with ads), Construction sign (warning), Drink machine (red), Portable toilet (blue), Parabolic antenna (red logo), Playground gym (green), Rover's briefcase + 50 NMT
Hat' - Nuptial bell (white), Wedding Fence Recipe, Bunny Day Festive Balloon Recipe, 2 purple hyacinths, 2 bean tossing kits, Blossom Lantern, 2 strawberry tea bobas + 50 NMTs
machina - diner set in pink + 10 bags 99K
Hello! I'm interested in these art pieces of you still have them:

Gallant statue
Beautiful statue
Rock head statue
Detailed painting
Wild painting (left)
Wild painting (right)

I understand that's a lot and I will give you TBT for any of them. Thank you!
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