Mario and Kirby

You might learn something from eyeballing, although it's still frowned upon. And I don't care at all if you're learning: the way you made it sound, the artwork was original. And it's not. So like...good job on art theft and stuff.

And if you're still learning, does that mean you don't know how to trace? Wow. Good like with life.

Tracing teaches you to draw lines over ones that are already made, which is just pathetic. Shame on you.
TheGremp said:
dragonflamez said:
I mean....COME ON! You don't learn BEANS like that.
I beg to differ

I leaned the basics of drawing a character by tracing them, it helps me learn the sizing and shape of them by drawing them out right, then I can make it on my own better than I would have if I didn't trace them.

and btw, good job at flaming someone who's still learning
First, you be quiet and respect the members here, especially the ones who know what they're talking about.

Second, no, tracing doesn't do that, looking does that, if you look closely at the human anatomy or a style you are fond of THAT will help you learn, tracing won't.

And trust me on this, I am a professional artist and I have taught.
I never said that it was original, in fact, I said it myself that I was a novice and that these were not original.

I came to these forums to have fun and thought I would be welcomed and encouraged to keep working and get better, and that everyone here was just be laid back and not think of a drawing made by a 12 year old as something extremely serious that you should flame him about it... I make these for fun, I just wanted to share them with people who could help me get better and give me CONSTRUCTIVE critiscism.

I guess I was wrong...

I guess I should just stop posting and leave you guys to yourselves...

TheGremp said:
I never said that it was original, in fact, I said it myself that I was a novice and that these were not original.

I came to these forums to have fun and thought I would be welcomed and encouraged to keep working and get better, and that everyone here was just be laid back and not think of a drawing made by a 12 year old as something extremely serious that you should flame him about it... I make these for fun, I just wanted to share them with people who could help me get better and give me CONSTRUCTIVE critiscism.

I guess I was wrong...

I guess I should just stop posting and leave you guys to yourselves...

I guess so you attention hog. (and yes I would substitute that with another word)

And by the way I'm newly 13, and you don't see me using that as an excuse. So even if you do leave, stop frikkin complaining.
JJ's twelve? Whatever.

You said you used the pictures for Guidance! Guidance =/= tracing.
Guidance is looking at the picture and drawing from it.
Tracing is laying your piece of paper over the picture and drawing over the lines.

You want constructive critiscism? Stop tracing. K?

BTW, age is quite possibly the worst excuse for bad art imaginable.
Good job dingbats. Nother good member lost to art. >_>

Yea Gremp if your still around don't listen to them.
you guys don't understand that this was never meant to be "art"
it's just something I did for FUN. If you know what that is.
I DID stop tracing, as I said, those pics were from a year ago.

About Dragonflame's thing about "good luck with life", do you seriously think that some picture I decided to draw has anything to do with life? The only way that it would ever impact my life is if I had an intention to become an artist, which I don't.

I know fully that I am not talented at all when it comes to drawing, I just like to do it.
I may end up being a good artist one day, but even then, I wont be serious in any way about it.
Odd shut up, anything I say needs to be said, I have filters in my brain, and don't insult me.

And, TheGremp, what DF said about good luck with life I think you need to look deeper into what he said, its obviously not only art he was talking about, but then you wouldn't understand that, after all "you're only twelve".

And if you know you aren't talented why did you come here to SHOW OFF YOUR WORK and GET CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISICM, which, need I say, we gave you, but why should you understand any of THAT either? After all "you're only twelve".

Why aren't you gone yet? Or was that exactly what I called it, a weak grasp at attention, go ahead leave.
If I'm "showing off", everyone who has a gallery in this forum is showing off, too.
all I did was post some pictures I made.
other people have done that.
what makes me different from others?
TheGremp said:
If I'm "showing off", everyone who has a gallery in this forum is showing off, too.
all I did was post some pictures I made.
other people have done that.
what makes me different from others?

People who post art make their stuff RECENTLY, not a YEAR AGO..
Also, we don't trace.
UltraByte said:
TheGremp said:
If I'm "showing off", everyone who has a gallery in this forum is showing off, too.
all I did was post some pictures I made.
other people have done that.
what makes me different from others?

People who post art make their stuff RECENTLY, not a YEAR AGO..
Also, we don't trace.
and most of us accept critisism.
JJRamone2 said:
UltraByte said:
TheGremp said:
If I'm "showing off", everyone who has a gallery in this forum is showing off, too.
all I did was post some pictures I made.
other people have done that.
what makes me different from others?

People who post art make their stuff RECENTLY, not a YEAR AGO..
Also, we don't trace.
and most of us accept critisism.
That too.
JJRamone2 said:
UltraByte said:
TheGremp said:
If I'm "showing off", everyone who has a gallery in this forum is showing off, too.
all I did was post some pictures I made.
other people have done that.
what makes me different from others?

People who post art make their stuff RECENTLY, not a YEAR AGO..
Also, we don't trace.
and most of us accept critisism.
if you guys are just gonna keep insulting me until you see a descent picture, I'll draw one that's not traced or eyeballed (Ive already made one of those but I guess you decided to ignore that one because you couldnt flame it :rolleyes: ) just to shut you up. Will that make you happy?
If you people can't talk about someone else's image in an appropriate manner, you won't have to if you're banned. Secondly, if you'd like to participate in backseat moderation, go away. :gyroidsmile:

But TheGremp, next time I suggest specifying if it was traced or not, etc...
ok here it is. This pic is made completely by me, not traced, not eyeballed, I made this one on my own.


there are several problems with sizing, but it's because I made his body too big and the paper ran out, so his wings, sword, and feet are too small.

I know that this pic really isn't that good, but you can't say that I didn't work hard on it. I created this on my own, shaded it, inked it out and took away all the extra marks (thanks for those tips UltraByte)

I also just realized that his feet should have been facing to the side, heh. My bad lol.
TheGremp said:
ok here it is. This pic is made completely by me, not traced, not eyeballed, I made this one on my own.


there are several problems with sizing, but it's because I made his body too big and the paper ran out, so his wings, sword, and feet are too small.

I know that this pic really isn't that good, but you can't say that I didn't work hard on it. I created this on my own, shaded it, inked it out and took away all the extra marks (thanks for those tips UltraByte)

I also just realized that his feet should have been facing to the side, heh. My bad lol.
Thats actually much better. Good job.
JJRamone2 said:
TheGremp said:
ok here it is. This pic is made completely by me, not traced, not eyeballed, I made this one on my own.


there are several problems with sizing, but it's because I made his body too big and the paper ran out, so his wings, sword, and feet are too small.

I know that this pic really isn't that good, but you can't say that I didn't work hard on it. I created this on my own, shaded it, inked it out and took away all the extra marks (thanks for those tips UltraByte)

I also just realized that his feet should have been facing to the side, heh. My bad lol.
Thats actually much better. Good job.
Total agree.

One thing I don't like is the hand. It's a giant circle. Try fleshing out the grip of the hand next time, though that might be hard to do with a Kirby... =/
heh, yeah, kirby's are a really cartoony so they're hard to "flesh" lol

but, cartoony is my style of drawing, Im not good at human or realistic stuff lol

It's nice to know that you guys admit it when something is good, there are people I know that just flame everything anyone makes even if they truly think it's good, just for fun or to make themselves feel better.
oops lol I forgot to add, (I cant edit yet lol sorry)

the reason i did metaknight is that he's round, so I can just use a stylus and make a perfect circle, I'm not the best at doing strange shapes lol, I'll start doing more human-like people eventually, I'm gonna work myself up in how complicated the pic is. Baby steps lol