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Interested in trading in my Spring Bloom egg, Gastly egg and peach for your caustic crystal, if that works?
Hey again! That sounds good to me, that would give you 800 in trade-in value! What were you want to use to cover the 200 in value needed? TBT or other collectibles or combination? :)
Hiii, I'm sorry but I can't do the trade with you right now. 😭 I bought a gradient heart token last night, so I'll probably come back if I don't get the variant I'm looking for. Sorry about that!!
Interested in trading in my Spring Bloom egg, Gastly egg and peach for your caustic crystal, if that works?

Hey Coach, hope you are doing well! I actually would be willing to do a straight trade for your Spring Bloom Egg. How does that sound to you? :)

Hiii, I'm sorry but I can't do the trade with you right now. 😭 I bought a gradient heart token last night, so I'll probably come back if I don't get the variant I'm looking for. Sorry about that!!

It’s all good! No problem at all. :)
Hey Coach, hope you are doing well! I actually would be willing to do a straight trade for your Spring Bloom Egg. How does that sound to you? :)
Hey, I'm doing well thank you! I hope youve been alright too?

Sounds great to me! I'll send it over now! No message on mine please. Thank you!
Hey, I'm doing well thank you! I hope youve been alright too?

Sounds great to me! I'll send it over now! No message on mine please. Thank you!

That’s awesome to hear! I’m doing well too. :)

I just sent the Crystal over and pleasure like always!
Hello, may I sell my Sweet Balloon here? I got one more sweet balloon.

Hey again Alolan! :) I am currently not buying at the given moment (due to lack of TBT), but I am accepting trade-ins. Are you wanting to trade it for something else in exchange possibly? If not, I may be interested in buying your balloon later once I get more TBT on-hand. 👍
Hey again Alolan! :) I am currently not buying at the given moment (due to lack of TBT), but I am accepting trade-ins. Are you wanting to trade it for something else in exchange possibly? If not, I may be interested in buying your balloon later once I get more TBT on-hand. 👍
I think I can wait until later.
Hey again! I would offer 800 trade-in value for each, how does that sound? :)
thanks for letting me know! i would like to trade for the planet wand. would a fresh+rad bunny, heart glam balloon, green crescent moon, and a pave pink feather cover that?
Just a dream here but if you ever get any of the og wands? I have a pokeball for trade. My dream is a star wand 🫶💜
thanks for letting me know! i would like to trade for the planet wand. would a fresh+rad bunny, heart glam balloon, green crescent moon, and a pave pink feather cover that?

You’re welcome! That sounds good to me, I can offer the Planet Wand + 200 TBT in change for all that! How does that sound? :)

Just a dream here but if you ever get any of the og wands? I have a pokeball for trade. My dream is a star wand 🫶💜

I wish! lol I unfortunately have not been active like I would like during TBT Fair, but there’s always that possibility something could happen down the road. :) If I ever get one, your offer is noted!
You’re welcome! That sounds good to me, I can offer the Planet Wand + 200 TBT in change for all that! How does that sound? :)

I wish! lol I unfortunately have not been active like I would like during TBT Fair, but there’s always that possibility something could happen down the road. :) If I ever get one, your offer is noted!
that would be great. i'll be sending it all ur way now. i'll take a message for the planet wand as well. thanks again!!
that would be great. i'll be sending it all ur way now. i'll take a message for the planet wand as well. thanks again!!

You’re absolutely welcome and just sent the wand+change your way! Pleasure like always! 😁
Hey again! I'm back for your Fresh Heart Balloon. :p I can trade in my Rad Heart Balloon and Tockoid for it, I think it should be enough?

Hey again! Sounds good to me, would you like a message on the balloon? :) I’ll send over as soon as I receive the trade-ins. :)