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heyo friend! I'm eyeing the Kaleidoclover and maybe a Squid egg? (not sure about trade in values, but trying to make it so that neither of us have to give change, lol!)

I have a Glam Heart Balloon, Final Boss Heart Balloon, regular Sweet Balloon, and a regular Purple Balloon for trading. I will wiggle through my inventory to adjust the value if it's not even!
heyo friend! I'm eyeing the Kaleidoclover and maybe a Squid egg? (not sure about trade in values, but trying to make it so that neither of us have to give change, lol!)

I have a Glam Heart Balloon, Final Boss Heart Balloon, regular Sweet Balloon, and a regular Purple Balloon for trading. I will wiggle through my inventory to adjust the value if it's not even!
@MasterM64 if Aerith needs more credit towards trade in, you can use my perfect peach for that, I actually don’t need the famous mush anymore!
heyo friend! I'm eyeing the Kaleidoclover and maybe a Squid egg? (not sure about trade in values, but trying to make it so that neither of us have to give change, lol!)

I have a Glam Heart Balloon, Final Boss Heart Balloon, regular Sweet Balloon, and a regular Purple Balloon for trading. I will wiggle through my inventory to adjust the value if it's not even!
@MasterM64 if Aerith needs more credit towards trade in, you can use my perfect peach for that, I actually don’t need the famous mush anymore!

Hello to both of you again! :) That is so nice of you to do that @Foreverfox ! I actually would accept the following in exchange for the Kaleidoclover and Squid Egg after checking to see what I have already: Glam Heart, Final Boss Heart, Sweet Balloon, and the Perfect Peach! That would be an even trade. If that sounds good to y’all, I’ll send everything over once the above is received. :) Would you like any messages @Aerith ? :D
Hello to both of you again! :) That is so nice of you to do that @Foreverfox ! I actually would accept the following in exchange for the Kaleidoclover and Squid Egg after checking to see what I have already: Glam Heart, Final Boss Heart, Sweet Balloon, and the Perfect Peach! That would be an even trade. If that sounds good to y’all, I’ll send everything over once the above is received. :) Would you like any messages @Aerith ? :D
I’ll send it over now!
I have sent mine over :D Thank you again the both of you! 🌈💕

Squid egg I don't need a message on, but if you can think of something fun for the Kaleidoclover that would be lovely!
Hello! Could I date trade my Pink Toy Hammer for yours dated Mar 17, 2024 at 3:50 AM? I believe that would be 30tbt?
hi! would it be possible to ask for the trade-in value of these
I have sent mine over :D Thank you again the both of you! 🌈💕

Squid egg I don't need a message on, but if you can think of something fun for the Kaleidoclover that would be lovely!

Just sent everything your way! Pleasure like always and enjoy the egg and Kaleidoclover! 🎉

Hello! Could I date trade my Pink Toy Hammer for yours dated Mar 17, 2024 at 3:50 AM? I believe that would be 30tbt?

Hello! That sounds good to me. Would you like a message with it? :D

Hi! After calculating, I would be able to offer 1,000 TBT in trade-in value for it! What were you wanting to exchange these collectibles for? :D
Just sent everything your way! Pleasure like always and enjoy the egg and Kaleidoclover! 🎉

Hello! That sounds good to me. Would you like a message with it? :D

Hi! After calculating, I would be able to offer 1,000 TBT in trade-in value for it! What were you wanting to exchange these collectibles for? :D
could i grab a squid egg and a rafflesia :0 no messages on either! i’ll send over the collectibles now :]
could i grab a squid egg and a rafflesia :0 no messages on either! i’ll send over the collectibles now :]

Just sent everything your way! I also sent you 100 TBT in change. Pleasure doing business and enjoy the new collectibles! :D

Hey, so I think I do still want that mush lol. Would a lump of coal even it out?

Hey again! Oh! lol Thag would give you 40 TBT in trade-in value which would mean you would 110 TBT for the difference for the Famous Mushroom. What were you wanting to exchange for the difference (TBT, collectibles, mixture)? :)
Just sent everything your way! I also sent you 100 TBT in change. Pleasure doing business and enjoy the new collectibles! :D

Hey again! Oh! lol Thag would give you 40 TBT in trade-in value which would mean you would 110 TBT for the difference for the Famous Mushroom. What were you wanting to exchange for the difference (TBT, collectibles, mixture)? :)
Let me see what other collectibles I can toss at it! Already went 100 under what I wanted to in my ABD, so really trying not to use tbt.

Edit: what about adding a yellow balloon?