Party Prepping Station

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Aug 16, 2018
Throwback Tickets
Sweet Heart Balloon
Purple Bunny Balloon
Pink Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Purple Heart Balloon
Pink Heart Balloon
Blue Bunny Balloon
Sweet Balloon
Pink Bunny Balloon
Blue Heart Balloon

Oh! I'm so glad you stopped by!

We thought we had everything prepared for TBT's 20th Birthday Celebration. However, when I went down to storage to pull out the supplies, I found an absolute mess!

Perhaps we shouldn't have put our faith in Hugh and Chester to clean up after the last party. Nothing had been put away properly, so a family of mice made a nice nest for themselves.

I left them to enjoy their new home, but now we have to start over from scratch. Will you help? Oh, please say yes!
Task 🎉

Every 2-3 days I will post a new category of items that we need to complete our party setup. Locate an item that meets the criteria given and take a photo of it along with a visible namecard. Submit your photos in this thread by the deadline of August 11th at 11:59pm EDT.

Schedule 🎉

Round 1:
Round 2: Wall/Ceiling Decor (Crafting allowed!)
Round 3: Centerpieces (Crafting allowed!)
Round 4: Full Place Setting
Round 5: Scatterables
Round 6: Party Favors

All rounds end on August 11th at 11:59pm EDT!

Checklist 🎉

✅ Your selected item(s) meets the criteria for the round.

✅ Your submission is a physical item. No drawings or website photos.
✅ Your submission is not a duplicate of an item you submitted for a prior round.
✅ A namecard with your TBT username is clearly visible.
✅ Your submission is suitable for a PG-13 audience.
✅ You have attached a photo of your submission and checked "entry" on the attachment's thumbnail. (See this post from a previous event if you're unsure how.)
✅ You have submitted prior to the end date of August 11th at 11:59pm EDT.

Prizes 🎉

Participation Prize:

  • 2 Tickets per round
  • 2 Throwback Tickets per round
Submitting in all 6 rounds will net you a total of 12 Tickets and 12 Throwback Tickets!

FAQs 🎉

Is crafting allowed?

For most rounds, crafting will not be allowed. You must submit a physical item that already exists. However, there will be a few exceptions to this rule and they will be clearly noted when those rounds are announced.

Am I allowed to take pictures at a store if I do not own the required item?
Yes, this is acceptable as long as the item is clearly identifiable, especially if it's in packaging, and it must be complete. For example, if I asked for a puzzle, I would expect an assembled puzzle and not a box full of separate puzzle pieces.

Can I submit one photo with items for multiple rounds?
It would make my life easier if you submitted one photo per round, but I will accept it as long as you clearly state which rounds your photo includes.

I have an item that works for multiple prompts. Can the same item count for multiple rounds?
No, we're looking for unique items for each prompt. However, you may submit a variant that is the same type of item. For example, if Round 1 asked for something blue and Round 2 asked for a tablecloth, you cannot submit a blue tablecloth for both rounds. You may, however, submit your blue tablecloth for the first round and a green tablecloth for the second round.

Is ________ item acceptable?
The prompts will be fairly broad, leaving the interpretations up to you. I'm excited to see your creativity and individuality. I will be providing examples of acceptable options, but you do not have to limit yourself to those examples. If you are unsure whether an item you wish to submit is acceptable, please ask.

Additional instructions will be given as needed when certain rounds are announced.

🎊🪅Let's get this party started!🪅🎊
Round 1: Inflatables
Round 1


This includes any birthday party appropriate item that is traditionally filled with air or helium. Your entry must be inflated to be accepted!

Examples: Balloons, inflatable props/decor, bounce houses 🏩

I'm going to be playing along with you for fun.
*Note that staff entries are not eligible for prizes.
Milleram's event entry:
  • Photo 2024-07-28, 7 31 52 AM.jpg
    3.8 MB · Views: 15
View attachment Photo 2024-07-28, 7 31 52 AM.jpg
Post automatically merged:

Oops, it looks like my image isn't showing up properly in the thread, only by following the links. Anyone know why this might be happening? Is my image too large?
Suguri's event entry:
  • IMG_1170.jpeg
    1.9 MB · Views: 395
Here ya go! A balloon...that I inflated...that I decided to draw on! I hope that's okay!

(I also reused my name tag from Celebrating Diversity 2024. XD Expect to see Crisp a lot!)
Coach's event entry:
  • Screenshot_20240728-185449.png
    1.7 MB · Views: 366


It's for making balloon animals, but unfortunately I am not skilled. I'll also make a bigger Nametag for future stuff lol
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