Pencil Passports

Finally finished my, I mean Filbert’s passport. Because I truly suck at Digital, I’ve decided to go to the traditional route, which I know cannot even remotely compete with the utter stupendousness of the digital masterpieces and their FanTABulous creators. That being said, I did my best. Each badge is a little bigger than a quarter so it made it super hard to get tiny details in but I tried my hardest. Each badge is one that I personally own and of course represents events that I have participated in over the years. The passport number is Filbert’s amiibo card number, and the date of issue is the date I joined TBT. The small dots and dashes on the bottom are Morse code for my team Actually Nevermind.
This took so much longer than its simplicity would suggest.

The stamps at the top are the four Animal Crossing towns I’ve really invested in over the course of my life: one in Wild World, two in New Leaf, and one in New Horizons. The names at the very bottom are the four player characters associated with the towns, and the years are when each town was founded.

This was fun! Also, man, I’ve been on this forum since 2014.

quick question: i see a lot of people using their islands in their passports. would it be ok for me to use my acnl town instead?
quick question: i see a lot of people using their islands in their passports. would it be ok for me to use my acnl town instead?

That is fine! (it's actually not mandatory to include your town/island name in the first place, as long is the entry has Animal Crossing elements to it!)