For security reasons this would never, ever happen (I hope) but you know- in space, it’s awful dark, but they still have checks out there. So how do you see? Well, some get a digital passport. We’re in the future, it’s got all you need to travel- your info to actually pass through, travel brochures with photos to view, a calendar organiser and a spot for notes. You can even make audio notes. On the right edge, obscured in these photos are the power button, charging slot and even a headphone jack. Not only convenient for those who need to look and check, but the traveler themselves.
Some of the the easter eggs: serial number is WW’s japanese cart serial number, Celeste’s birth date is accurate (2005 because WW release date), themed the passport loosely after NH’s space crew set. There are some small ones peppered in this, nothing really obscure other than the serial number.
Anyway yeah Celeste was just on my island just two artists hanging out and she just got this job ;]
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