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pet peeves / lil stuff you cant stand

Ignorant people telling me that I'm "so lucky". I have two examples.

When I was in the 7th grade, my dad told me about benificiary stuff for people who are at least 1/16th Indigenous (I'm 1/2). I thought it was pretty interesting, so I told my classmates about it the next day. "Oh, you're so lucky!" I didn't realize it at the time, but that's not very 'lucky'. It's a fairly small benefit that's not really worth the discrimination we face, and besides I didn't choose to be (half-)Indigenous.

I also prevail from telling people that my period cramps aren't very painful, because then I get the same "you're so lucky!" comment. Dude, I still have to deal with every other side effect; Headaches, mood swings, and blood staining everything. Just because I have one side effect that's not as bad, doesn't mean it's the same for everything else.
People telling me "You need friends or else you'll be lonely" First of all, I don't have anymore friends and second I prefer not to have any friends give how I have so much bad experiences with them. If there is one thing my therapist told me its this "Sometimes its best not to have a lot of friends when you've been hurt by ones who were suppose to be your friend but they turned against you. Always trust your gut whenever you feel like something isn't right and be around those who support you the best. Its all about quality rather than quantity"

I am glad I don't feel too bad about not having any friends because at least I have some people in life who support me for who I am.
when people can tell youre headed in a direction, but you dont want to just go in front of them so you take a little slower and then they realize this and wont move until you go ahead of them even after youve embarrassingly said "no its okay!! really!!" a ton of times and they get upset with you for not going in front of them sooner bc now theyre waiting .-. i hate it. i have no problem waiting a few moments to just go behind someone. its not the initial offering that bothers me (although it does make me extremely uncomfortable bc of social anxiety) but when they continue to insist multiple times until you dont have a choice bc theyre getting upset, i just hate it :C
People who think you must like the music you've grown up for any reason like it's a trait too. Like okay sure I can like some 90s songs for nostalgia fun causes but I hardly defend it "cause it's 90s, I grew up then so I must like it" or anything. Usually the same people who think it's a trait to like a band and acts like you attacked their person for it lol.

I had someone try to shame me for not being a fan of 80s music with "but you're an 80s kid". First of all, I was born in the tail end of the 80s so I have no memory of the decade and second, well, it's absurd to think that I should like the music for that reason.

90s music is largely forgettable to me, by the way. Even though I am by all definitions a "90s kid". I don't even have nostalgia for a sizable portion of it. Now, oddly enough, I do have nostalgia for pop and rock music of the early 2000s. That was in my early teens and I was more in tune with modern pop/rock in my early teens. So I have a soft spot for music from that era.
when people can tell youre headed in a direction, but you dont want to just go in front of them so you take a little slower and then they realize this and wont move until you go ahead of them even after youve embarrassingly said "no its okay!! really!!" a ton of times and they get upset with you for not going in front of them sooner bc now theyre waiting .-. i hate it. i have no problem waiting a few moments to just go behind someone. its not the initial offering that bothers me (although it does make me extremely uncomfortable bc of social anxiety) but when they continue to insist multiple times until you dont have a choice bc theyre getting upset, i just hate it :C
You are from Canada. Perfect example of polite passive aggressive courtesy. 😂

Or, when someone driving slows down for a crosswalk and there are like 3 cars behind them. Yet I am the only pedestrian trying to cross, so I run across feeling bad that I held up traffic.
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You are from Canada. Perfect example of polie passive aggressive courtesy. 😂

Or, when someone driving slows down for a crosswalk and there are lik 3 cars behind them. Yet I am the only pedestrian trying to cross, so I run across feeling bad that I held up traffic.
im from the u.s. not canada, but thats a good way to phrase the situation haha

yeah i used to run for cars too, but now i keep my normal pace and make them wait the extra 10 seconds bc im tired of feeling bad for just existing. so many cars have nearly run me over while im in the middle of the crosswalk and theres a signal to walk, and at this point i dont care about their extra few seconds anymore d: they need to give pedestrians space. if theres a driver just being super courteous im more likely to run across (i guess i still have that compulsion to not be in the way), but especially when they wont stop inching towards me and i can easily touch their car... it makes me want to walk slower just to spite them lol. i agree if its not at a light, and they stop for me and there are a ton of cars waiting, im pretty likely to run across too
Another one I have is that i can't stand still for too long. I have this annoying feeling and i got to move. Wish my body was more normal. Can't believe how others can stand still so long and me only can do it for like 15 min or less. Also want to add on that because I'm bad at standing still, I can't stand when people say "stand still" when I just do a little movement like plz I already said that I have a hard time to staying still for long time, like just let me move a little please.🥴 Sometimes its a pain to survive haircuts haha
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Another one I have is that i can't stand still for too long. I have this annoying feeling and i got to move. Wish my body was more normal. Can't believe how others can stand still so long and me only can do it for like 15 min or less. Also want to add on that because I'm bad at standing still, I can't stand when people say "stand still" when I just do a little movement like plz I already said that I have a hard time to staying still for long time, like just let me move a little please.🥴 Sometimes its a pain to survive haircuts haha

Yeah, same. I'm a pretty restless person, so unless I'm relaxing I'm usually always moving. I don't understand how people expect you to be perfectly still for a long period of time. It just... doesn't work for me. 🥴
Yeah, same. I'm a pretty restless person, so unless I'm relaxing I'm usually always moving. I don't understand how people expect you to be perfectly still for a long period of time. It just... doesn't work for me. 🥴
Unless I'm doing something that requires me to sit still, I agree.

Also people who think you're weird for not liking ABBA (especially if you're from Sweden like me lol). Like okay some might like their music and fashion, and they might be LGBTQ+ icons to some, but I just don't like that "intelligent lovey disco" music kind of stuff, bruh.
Unless I'm doing something that requires me to sit still, I agree.

Also people who think you're weird for not liking ABBA (especially if you're from Sweden like me lol). Like okay some might like their music and fashion, and they might be LGBTQ+ icons to some, but I just don't like that "intelligent lovey disco" music kind of stuff, bruh.
ABBA is overrated imo. People who think you're weird for not liking anything tbh. What's weird about that? I don't get it. Not everyone is going to like everything. It just makes them feel bad.
ABBA is overrated imo. People who think you're weird for not liking anything tbh. What's weird about that? I don't get it. Not everyone is going to like everything. It just makes them feel bad.
They are.

But yeah I meet a lot of people who think liking ABBA is something for everyone and some lifestyle, lol. If you(someone) likes them, fine, but don't get weirded out if people don't lol.
On twitter, I follow voice actors and some if the fan behavior bothers me like posts that consist names of a bunch of the VAs and then asking for them to wish that person a happy birthday. I think it is kind of rude . With art I think it is different and it is fine if you tag a VA that you think will like an art piece you did or if you dedicated it them. Seeing a tweet full of just tags to get attention bothers me a lot.

Cliques: they made me feel so crappy back in high school and as an adult, it still makes me and others feel like that. I used to like emojis and reactions but now seeing the number of likes one person gets and then the next post gets so little, even though they say something similar, just is mentally draining.
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When your friends say they've been busy but always find the time to update their social media profiles as well as make it abundantly clear (on social media) that the only person they like to hang out with all the time is their boyfriend.
That and reverse, that person is your partner but they claim they are "super busy" but obviously only hangs out with friends or family. Bruh *roll eyes*
Notifications that have numbers like:

(23) Inbox

That crap drives me insane. The new Facebook notifications that are little red bubbles with 0 in them drive me up the wall. Like who thought that was a good idea???? The good news is that maybe that will make me finally stop using the stupid site.
When shows/movies have dance sequences or dance offs. I find they feel out of place, especially when it's a huge crowd choregraphed dance. I respect the time and effort it takes to organize them but I find that they're boring to watch and am just waiting for the show/movie to go back to 'normal.'

Example being

The one from Sonic the Hedgehog 2
This. I'm trying to type something to my online friend and I'm met with red underlines instead. It drives me bonkers. 😭
And yeah, I had to censor certain words because it's Poofesure not very appropriate.
Screenshot 2022-06-23 4.53.13 PM.png
People who use their zodiac sign to justify or otherwise excuse their actions like
"sorry I'm so judgmental, I'm a Virgo" or "sorry I'm so selfish I'm a Aries"
like that makes no sense there's no scientific evidence you have the personality you have because of your zodiac and therefore you can use it to justify your actions, no it's not your zodiac it's your disgusting behavior :rolleyes: