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pet peeves / lil stuff you cant stand

People who ask you for general advice or just a question they want you to look up or answer but then they proceed on ignoring it or just look it up themselves.... like okay why did you ask in first place 🤦‍♀️
Noises when i'm trying to go to sleep. I'm a light sleeper so any noise will jerk me back awake.
This and when people turn on lights, like if my mom turns on stuff even though she knows I'm asleep that late (I sleep in the living room for reasons) I awake too easily.

Like just use a flash-light or your phone's one??
This very well could be in the “what’s bothering you” thread, but this is something that I’m sure bothers lots of people and isn’t just a personal problem.

I wish people would understand that not everyone is neurotypical. I feel that other neurotypical people just assume that’s how everyone is and that’s just not the case. I personally have BPD and I mostly struggle with identity disturbance and fear of abandonment, with the former being my biggest struggle. I had to learn to make decisions for myself rather than being influenced by other people. I had to learn to manage my emotions rather than seeing everything as all good, or all bad. It’s a process for most people. We should understand that some of our brains work differently, but we shouldn’t treat others differently or like less of human beings because of that.

That’s all I’ll say on this topic. I just think the world needs to be way more accommodating towards neurodivergent individuals. As I see it, society itself doesn’t understand that not everyone is neurotypical.
This and then they suddenly want you back also after enough time lol :cautious:
Corrie said:
Or as soon as that new person leaves their life.
Yes to both, and when you call them out on their behaviour and they then try to blame it all on you for not keeping in contact. 🙄
The "Are you ticklish?" question.
More often than not they will try to tickle you regardless of your answer. It's even more annoying when you do not want to be touched.
The "Are you ticklish?" question.
More often than not they will try to tickle you regardless of your answer. It's even more annoying when you do not want to be touched.
Wait random people ask you that?

Agreed with everyone talking about fair-weather friends. I don't know what it is, but it feels like more and more people are trying to make this socially acceptable and I just don't get it? Are these crappy people trying to gaslight people into accepting their crap?
Wait random people ask you that?

Agreed with everyone talking about fair-weather friends. I don't know what it is, but it feels like more and more people are trying to make this socially acceptable and I just don't get it? Are these crappy people trying to gaslight people into accepting their crap?
Well not RANDOM people(as far as I've known) mostly family especially asked to children. For some reason since its family its supposedly ok. Still, if I or other relatives don't want to be tickled, don't.
Well not RANDOM people(as far as I've known) mostly family especially asked to children. For some reason since its family its supposedly ok. Still, if I or other relatives don't want to be tickled, don't.
Ah I get that. Was an honest question cause there are some really disturbing people out there that don't really understand personal space/boundaries and are super socially inept.

Yeah it's annoying when adults did that when we were younger and or would never take us seriously/automatically cut us off/write off whatever we had to say.
Everytime I hear these phrases "I'll always be here when you need me" or "If you need to talk I'll be here for you" I just think of them as like a lie to me. I've been ghosted several times both online and real life. Its like I've been a good friend to people and they all ghost me as if they never want to talk to me or just simply say "hi" and promises that they will talk the next day and then a whole month passes and they still haven't said anything to me.

Not even my so called "friends" in real life don't ever call me to check to see how I'm doing or asking me how is everything doing. Most of my family does this too. Now I get it everyone is busy these days with their life and I know they have a lot of time these days I get it it can be very stressful, but can I just ask this question. If you had spare time and you had nothing else going on would it make much more sense just to check on how your friend/family member is doing?

Apparently that doesn't matter to the people I know in life or random strangers I meet on the internet. This is the reason why I have trust issues and I always don't open up how I feel because the moment I befriend people I know whats going to happen. They will be my friend and then forget me as time passes. But you know what its fine. I like being alone because if I just avoid everyone maybe I would not be so hurt anymore, but most people don't understand what I go through and its a hurtful feeling.
Everytime I hear these phrases "I'll always be here when you need me" or "If you need to talk I'll be here for you" I just think of them as like a lie to me. I've been ghosted several times both online and real life. Its like I've been a good friend to people and they all ghost me as if they never want to talk to me or just simply say "hi" and promises that they will talk the next day and then a whole month passes and they still haven't said anything to me.
I've had this happen to me way more than I'd like to admit and it's horrible because even if they do mean what they say, I never believe them and never follow through when it comes to wanting to open up. Plus it's worse when you do try and open up and the response is either minimal or it stops dead in it's tracks making you feel like your problems are a burden on them despite them offering you a shoulder to lean on.

People who think their country, culture, mannerisms, grammar and spelling etc is far more superior than others. Grow up, evolve and accept that every country is different, neither two are the same and they all have their pros and cons.
When you’re on a phone call or talking with someone in person and they sneak blunt, rude comments while you’re speaking.

Also when people get mad at you for something they expect you to read their mind about.
Also when people get mad at you for something they expect you to read their mind about.
Thisssss so much.

It's like people will never learn mind-reading doesn't really exist, lol. :/

also when people ask you to help/do something for them, but they get mad because you do it a different way than they do it.... like okay does it matter if you really needed my help?