Place your random thoughts.

Something that's been on my mind off and on for a while. So first and foremost, betting in sports games isn't anything new. However, the one massive problem I have with it is how its become so easily accessible and further cultivating toxicity because of it. I've literally seen ads where they advertise their betting apps and websites in one way or another.

I don't care whether or not it's illegal (it's legal here in Canada). It's that I personally think it only opens up a huge can of worms that'll only further feed into people's addiction of gambling, and holding grudges against players and/or teams if they didn't win according to their bets. Yeah, you have to be at a minimum age to play in the first place, but how often do people lie about their age? I dunno, it doesn't sit right with me at all, especially with people struggling to make ends meet and selfish billionaires trying to exploit the general population.
I don’t even like sports betting. I’m more into slots (specifically the older-style 3-reel slots) and roulette when it comes to gambling.
Oh that's creepy as hell. Absolutely report. 😬

yeah this isn't even remotely okay behavior :L

I'll contact the group admin.

My top favorite Zelda forest music 🌳🌲🌳🌲🌳 it always relaxes me. I love Twilight Princess so much.

And here are some non-Zelda forest music I really enjoy 🌱🌱🌱 because variety is nice.

Even though it's first heard at the Dreamyard, I automatically think about Pinwheel Forest

My grandma keeps calling me "Miss Priss" as like... a term of endearment?? I think because it rhymes...?? 😭 grandma pls I don't think that's normally meant as a compliment askjfkljslkdlf
also unrelated to my grandma, but it's one of those words that feels kiiinda loaded and it icks me out hhhh
The “What are you listening to?” thread: 80% metal, 20% other genres.

I honestly didn’t expect the Animal Crossing fandom to be into that kind of music when I first stumbled upon the thread. XD (i’m kidding.)
Yeah, you're definitely not wrong. I sort of fall into that 80% but just barely. I'm into most subgenres of rock more than anything.

Something that's been on my mind off and on for a while. So first and foremost, betting in sports games isn't anything new. However, the one massive problem I have with it is how its become so easily accessible and further cultivating toxicity because of it. I've literally seen ads where they advertise their betting apps and websites in one way or another.

I don't care whether or not it's illegal (it's legal here in Canada). It's that I personally think it only opens up a huge can of worms that'll only further feed into people's addiction of gambling, and holding grudges against players and/or teams if they didn't win according to their bets. Yeah, you have to be at a minimum age to play in the first place, but how often do people lie about their age? I dunno, it doesn't sit right with me at all, especially with people struggling to make ends meet and selfish billionaires trying to exploit the general population.
Sports gambling is legal in Michigan, and yes, the overabundance of betting ads and stuff I hear and see is annoying. Honestly, I don't really care what odds are for certain things. All I want is to watch a game the ordinary way. Betting on pro sports isn't bad as long as there's no cheating involved (and lifetime bans are very much justified if athletes try to throw the system), but what I do have a major problem with is betting in college sports. I've heard instances of college athletes straight-up quitting for good because a single bad game caused them to receive death threats from random bettors who placed bets on them or their team. If I was in the athlete's shoes, I would definitely suffer mental breakdowns and hide from the public eye for a while. Now certain states are actually banning player prop bets for college sports due to this, but it would probably be for the best if college betting were eliminated altogether. It's all a hot mess. As far as I know, lost bets don't help school budgets in any way.

Wanna watch the Fairly OddParents episode “It’s a Wishful Life”? Sorry, but you’ll have a much easier time accessing the Pokémon episode “Electric Soldier Porygon” than the said Fairly OddParents episode.

“It’s a Wishful Life” is a prime example of how TV episodes can be banned simply because of negative reception.
I rewatched parts of that episode just now to get a proper understanding of what it deals with, and oh boy is it uncomfortably dark. The message it ultimately tries to send was very poorly done and the ending was likely written in a way to try and prevent the episode from receiving too much criticism. For those that don't know, the episode deals with Timmy wishing he was never born, which causes Jorgen von Strangle to take him on a journey "Scrooged" style to show Timmy how different life would be if he never existed. Life in Dimmsdale turns out to be much better without him, and the climax has Timmy fall to his death right into a fiery pit. Out of nowhere, he randomly saves himself, and redos the wish given to him for free by Jorgen. The moral of the story was that it's totally fine for life to be imperfect with your existence, and bam. Happy ending. If someone were to watch the episode for the first time, I'm fairly certain that older viewers in general would be offended by the plot. Meanwhile, younger kids would only really laugh at the action sequences and feel good about the "laughing gas" featured in the episode to keep it somewhat light-hearted. Nickelodeon eventually realized that the message being sent was sort of wrong, and has not regularly aired the episode since due to moral guardian complaints. It is available on Paramount+, however.
I rewatched parts of that episode just now to get a proper understanding of what it deals with, and oh boy is it uncomfortably dark. The message it ultimately tries to send was very poorly done and the ending was likely written in a way to try and prevent the episode from receiving too much criticism. For those that don't know, the episode deals with Timmy wishing he was never born, which causes Jorgen von Strangle to take him on a journey "Scrooged" style to show Timmy how different life would be if he never existed. Life in Dimmsdale turns out to be much better without him, and the climax has Timmy fall to his death right into a fiery pit. Out of nowhere, he randomly saves himself, and redos the wish given to him for free by Jorgen. The moral of the story was that it's totally fine for life to be imperfect with your existence, and bam. Happy ending. If someone were to watch the episode for the first time, I'm fairly certain that older viewers in general would be offended by the plot. Meanwhile, younger kids would only really laugh at the action sequences and feel good about the "laughing gas" featured in the episode to keep it somewhat light-hearted. Nickelodeon eventually realized that the message being sent was sort of wrong, and has not regularly aired the episode since due to moral guardian complaints. It is available on Paramount+, however.
That’s weird. Usually when an episode is banned, it would never be available for streaming. But yes, that episode is clearly the worst episode for any cartoon (even worse than A Pal for Gary and One Coarse Meal).
That’s weird. Usually when an episode is banned, it would never be available for streaming. But yes, that episode is clearly the worst episode for any cartoon (even worse than A Pal for Gary and One Coarse Meal).
Yeah, those aren't very good season 7 episodes either. "A Pal for Gary" simply made no sense from a logical standpoint (Gary gets blamed for everything wrecked in the house despite several scenes where his "pal" is very clearly the one doing the damage), and "One Coarse Meal" was some randomly-made episode where Plankton suddenly has a huge fear of whales (Krabs' daughter Pearl). I particularly didn't like where Mr. Krabs made a full-body Pearl disguise suit later on just to get scares out of Plankton for his amusement.

One episode in particular that I will NEVER have a desire to rewatch is the season 6 episode "The Splinter". It grosses me out to no end. Meanwhile, I would like the episode "House Fancy" more if that one scene of Squidward's tentacle getting smashed wasn't so uncanny valley.
I am now realizing I can go in my profile, click on my inventory while inside my profile page and sort things how I want the collectibles to be.

Since when has this been a thing? I've been going in the Shop icon and clicking on Inventory from there, which is obviously the faster way. But it is convenient for where I want to be in my profile for any reason whatsoever as well.
Random pictures from my Switch:

Just thought this was cool




Where’s Mario?


Totally normal day in Hyrule, just climbing in mid air


I was literally 0.1 seconds from not getting this star


By the way, “voe” means “male”

Wow, what a sore loser


It’s that one meme except it’s Pichu instead


Pit… whyyyyyy??? Just stop dabbing please


Poor talking flower


I think you might be referring to a different GameBoy Color game



Epic explosion moment


10/10 naming right here


You… realize you’re talking to Mario right now, right?


I’m pretty sure you’re holding a rock right now


Milliseconds before disaster


I could not have gotten that last red coin faster
I rewatched parts of that episode just now to get a proper understanding of what it deals with, and oh boy is it uncomfortably dark. The message it ultimately tries to send was very poorly done and the ending was likely written in a way to try and prevent the episode from receiving too much criticism. For those that don't know, the episode deals with Timmy wishing he was never born, which causes Jorgen von Strangle to take him on a journey "Scrooged" style to show Timmy how different life would be if he never existed. Life in Dimmsdale turns out to be much better without him, and the climax has Timmy fall to his death right into a fiery pit. Out of nowhere, he randomly saves himself, and redos the wish given to him for free by Jorgen. The moral of the story was that it's totally fine for life to be imperfect with your existence, and bam. Happy ending. If someone were to watch the episode for the first time, I'm fairly certain that older viewers in general would be offended by the plot. Meanwhile, younger kids would only really laugh at the action sequences and feel good about the "laughing gas" featured in the episode to keep it somewhat light-hearted. Nickelodeon eventually realized that the message being sent was sort of wrong, and has not regularly aired the episode since due to moral guardian complaints. It is available on Paramount+, however.
omg I actually remember this episode, I haven't watched Fairly Odd Parents in years so idk how I remember it, but I do remember the part where everyone's lives are miraculously so much better when he's not around. I don't quite remember what I thought of it as a kid, I feel like I was simply humoured by it.
but like I said, I haven't watched the show in years and I kinda have no interest in watching it now, aside from nostalgia maybe. the only childhood show I still watch is Spongebob, and even that's just the older episodes.
That’s weird. Usually when an episode is banned, it would never be available for streaming. But yes, that episode is clearly the worst episode for any cartoon (even worse than A Pal for Gary and One Coarse Meal).
omg I actually remember this episode, I haven't watched Fairly Odd Parents in years so idk how I remember it, but I do remember the part where everyone's lives are miraculously so much better when he's not around. I don't quite remember what I thought of it as a kid, I feel like I was simply humoured by it.
but like I said, I haven't watched the show in years and I kinda have no interest in watching it now, aside from nostalgia maybe. the only childhood show I still watch is Spongebob, and even that's just the older episodes.
I just realized; there's a season 3 SpongeBob episode that was straight-up taken off TV rotation and is not even available on Paramount+. This being "Mid-Life Crustacean", and it was taken off due to a very specific inappropriate scene (if you've watched it, you know what I'm talking about) which Nickelodeon themselves found to not have aged well. This was a fairly recent decision, actually - instead of deleting the scene and ruining the joke, they simply declared the whole thing a banned episode in March 2022 and paired its original sister episode with one from season 7 instead. The only way you can watch "Mid-Life Crustacean" now is through the DVD releases.

There have been other episodes with scenes cut, like "Just One Bite" (with a gas explosion joke which Nickelodeon does not condone; can still be seen uncut in some countries outside the US oddly enough) and "Procrastination" (a 3-second scene involving Sandy & Patrick; another 5-second scene with real footage of a drag car crashing into a wall; yet another with SpongeBob doing calisthenics. All three were later restored). Two more episodes I can think of were left off DVD sets originally for different reasons - the very first episode "Help Wanted" (music licensing issues with the Tiny Tim song it features, later put on the season 3 set) and the season 12 episode "Kwarantined Krab" (didn't air until about a year later due to its indirect references to the 2020 lockdown and the fact that it was in production as it happened, thus it missed its DVD release before it could air). I would very much like episodes of cartoon shows to remain intact in full throughout their series run, but you simply can't have everything.
When I'm tired and can barely function, I tend to forget who I am or what I'm trying to talk about if I'm conversing with someone. That happened today at work, and my manager laughed when I said "I don't even remember my name."
I was so confused by Peachette because I thought…we already have Baby Peach! But apparently she’s a combo of Princess Peach and Toadette. Peachette is cute, but imagine if they fuse Waluigi and King Boo together or something…😂
I left an empty container of strawberry yogurt in my room (yes, very smart) and my room smelled like strawberries all day, which left me with a craving for strawberry milk. So, I finally made some a few minutes ago... And I downed the whole thing in two seconds. Talk about anti-climatic. XP
There was this one book I enjoyed reading when I was little, and it was about these two kids who lived in the Metropolitan Museum of Art for a while.

I could easily recall the premise, but never the title, until now. Just today I rediscovered the book while browsing Wikipedia. It was called "From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankenweiler" by E.L. Konigsburg.
So I just watched the SpongeBob episode “SpongeBob in Randomland” for the first time. It seemed very odd. And I can’t forget the scene with the Red Mist Squidward behind one of the doors (which is what terrified Squidward).
Im so nervous because today is the book launch of a book I wrote a section of and I agreed to read it out to the guests at the event but Im not gonna lie guys... I actually have severe social anxiety and I feel like a bad public speaker (which conflicts with my VERY public career but ignore that). Im just SO nervous Im literally shaking at the thought of it, I really don't want to mess it up. Between my own fear and my dyslexia (and the fact the section I wrote is about a very personal childhood memory) Im just worried ill make a big mess of it.

This is here because its not a bad thing, this whole event is a great development in my career and Im only going into the 2nd year of my degree - its something to celebrate! But Id have an anxiety attack over a simple rock if I could.
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