Pokémon Pokemon General

I'm planning on trying to complete my Pokedex in Pokemon Sword, never completed a Pokedex in any of the games before, came very close to it in Let's Go Pikachu
Platinum was almost my first game I completed my Pokedex in. I did complete it years later tho. When the shiny charm was introduced in B2W2, White 2 became my first game to complete the Pokédex. Ever since then I have always completed the Pokédex in my games. I even made a living dex in Bank and transferred it to Home. Even got the gift magearna for completing it in Home. Now I have multiple living dexs for different games. I still need to make a Legends Arceus dex tho.
Hey, if anyone has Pokemon Sword or Shield and need help completing the pokedex
PM me what Pokemon you need and I’ll see what I can do :)
Ever since dexit happened I've been disinterested in completing the dex. We're approaching 1000 mons and the prospect of trying ti complete the nat dex on home is quite daunting if you want 100% completion. I just go with my favourites now. For example, I really don't like the Clobberpus line so I'm like "Is it worth it to catch this thing? Nah.." Clobberpus remains unregistered to this day. So yeah...completing any dex has sort of lost its meaning for me but I can see why others would want to do it.
The only reason I complete the dex is to get the shiny charm (or any other rewards). Otherwise it would be like pre B2W2 where I didn’t bother.
Pokémon Home gives you an Original Colour Magearna if you have all Pokémon from Gen 1 to SwSh registered in your Home National Dex. Currently the only way to get that form.
Been playing a lot of Pokémon Legends: Arceus recently. The storyline has me hooked at the moment!

Quelled the fifth and final (or so I thought) frenzied Noble, and then everything happened with the sky turning red. I can't believe the way the story turned after that!

Caught Palkia and Dialga, and I'm so pleased with how many more missions there are after this point (I thought the story would end there but now I realise it's only once you meet Arceus after completing the Pokédex?

Best Pokémon game I've played. :)
There's a Victini event if you have Sword and Shield. Enter the code: W0RLD22V1CT0RY
and you will get a 6 IV Victini with V-Create. Sadly it doesnt have any of Zekrom or Reshirams moves but its still worth it if you dont have a Victini.
Yo who’s excited for the SV Trailer tomorrow?
I hope a new Pokémon gets revealed!
I'm sort of excited. There's a certain mon that I know about of a certain credible leak that may or may not be the one being revealed tomorrow. This certain mon will definitely help market the game so there might be a good chance for it being revealed. However, I think they will be revealing more of the Terastalising gimmick and co-op play since its the closing ceremony of Worlds.
Just catch this guy!

Legends Arceus is a good way to get shinies. I also heard LetsGo also has good shiny encounters but I don't have those games so I wouldn't know. I've had insane shiny luck lately in Sword though. I recently bred a shiny Gastly and found a shiny Grimmsnarl in a raid den. The mother that that I bred the shiny Gastly is from Legends so that might explain it. It will be interesting how ScarVio handles shinies because I really want shiny overworld encounters to return!
I also heard LetsGo also has good shiny encounters but I don't have those games so I wouldn't know.
I've only had two shinies from that game, Snorlax and Lickitung, which were found minutes between each other. I haven't seen any other shinies at all, and I chained the max amount of Chanseys on a few occasions without any luck there either.

I guess it might be because you can see the shinies before you enter battle with them like Arceus, but my luck with Let's Go has been garbage.
I've only had two shinies from that game, Snorlax and Lickitung, which were found minutes between each other. I haven't seen any other shinies at all, and I chained the max amount of Chanseys on a few occasions without any luck there either.

I guess it might be because you can see the shinies before you enter battle with them like Arceus, but my luck with Let's Go has been garbage.
Yeah I don't have LetsGo (and dont plan on getting it!) so I have no idea really. If the catching chain is garbage then other games are probably better for shining hunting. Legends Arceus is good because of the overworld shinies. Its something I really want them to carry over to the next gen. Speaking of shinies, I caught another shiny Grimmsnarl in Sword so it may be event with a higher shiny rate. Maybe they can have similar events in tera raid dens so we can get a shiny of a particilar Tera type.
Hello there!!! I'm yeeting an interest check out into the general populace!!!


I started breeding Pokémon again at the request of a friend of mine and I forgot how much fun it was. Thus I'm curious whether or not anyone would be interested if I opened a shop.

In this shop I would be selling 5-6 perfect IV Pokémon, bred with preferred nature, with or without hidden abilities, and possibly shiny.
I would take breeding requests and the accepted currency would be TBT.

I'm currently breeding Dratini of a Jolly nature with at least 5 perfect stats and with or without HA.

If I set this service up, would anyone be interested..?

Hello there!!! I'm yeeting an interest check out into the general populace!!!

View attachment 455659

I started breeding Pokémon again at the request of a friend of mine and I forgot how much fun it was. Thus I'm curious whether or not anyone would be interested if I opened a shop.

In this shop I would be selling 5-6 perfect IV Pokémon, bred with preferred nature, with or without hidden abilities, and possibly shiny.
I would take breeding requests and the accepted currency would be TBT.

I'm currently breeding Dratini of a Jolly nature with at least 5 perfect stats and with or without HA.

If I set this service up, would anyone be interested..?

I’m interested :)
I breed my own mons but I'm sure some users here may appreciate the service. Honestly, I would wait until maybe ScarVio comes out. Sword/Shield have sort of run their course and most are looking forward to the new games.
Just had the most frustrating time on Arceus
trying to catch Landorus, Thundurus and Tornadus.

But then.

Trying to catch Enamorus.

I honestly rage-quit the game so many times and probably lost 10 years of my life due to stress. 😂
Just had the most frustrating time on Arceus
trying to catch Landorus, Thundurus and Tornadus.

But then.

Trying to catch Enamorus.

I honestly rage-quit the game so many times and probably lost 10 years of my life due to stress. 😂
Bruh. I absolutely hated that part of the game. It is absolutely the most frustrating part of the game and I needed all health charms for it.
Just had the most frustrating time on Arceus
trying to catch Landorus, Thundurus and Tornadus.

But then.

Trying to catch Enamorus.

I honestly rage-quit the game so many times and probably lost 10 years of my life due to stress. 😂
Crap, I've yet to get to that part. I'm so sorry. 😔