Pokémon Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet General Discussion

the way you can't wear the hats with two of the better hairstyles i like, even though the part where the hat goes is flat. qué? they massively nerfed clothing customization but still couldn't be bothered to model a few hats to at least fit the hairstyles where they would work? god, i really want to like this game, but it's so hard when there are literally indie games with broader customization. the fact that i look nothing like myself/how i want to is just taking me out of it. on the bright side, i caught an eevee?

oh, god. switched to the romantic tuck, and the bangs physics when you run ???????????? what is happening there-
Got my 5th gym badge from the Psychic type gym! It was NOT an easy battle. I definitely wouldn't have won without the help of Bakugo (my Skeledirge) and Tokoyami (my Deino). I'm also getting super close to my ideal team, alright!! :D


I played around yesterday and beat Katy and the Stony Cliff Titan. Probably going to go after one of the Star gang next. I'm taking my time and not rushing through the game.

My only real gripe is with the map. It's easy to get lost and opening the map doesn't help as much as it could. Still, I'm not having too much trouble with lag and it is fun zipping around.
I love the hair color options, but the hair styles leave a lot to be desired. Also wish there was a dress or skirt option for the uniform, and that it wasn’t color locked. I also am not sure how I feel about the graphics change from the style of PLA back to Sw/Sh or BDSP style. I get that they combined the open world aspect of PLA with the graphics of slightly older (but still relatively new) titles, but it felt like going backwards for me. My guess is that they did this because otherwise it would essentially be PLA2. I’m having fun with it though and enjoy the complete open world aspect. It is overwhelming me a bit because I don’t know what I want to do first! 😅
lmao so apparently the game is full of bugs. This would be immersion breaking for me. This is Nintendo and a AAA title. How do the fans let this stuff slide? They should be held accountable for the state of their game. Yeah they can patch in a day1/week1 patch, but no it should've never been like that at the start.

People and companies are getting too reliant on the whole fix it later thing. This is borderline game breaking from the clips I am seeing.
lmao so apparently the game is full of bugs. This would be immersion breaking for me. This is Nintendo and a AAA title. How do the fans let this stuff slide? They should be held accountable for the state of their game. Yeah they can patch in a day1/week1 patch, but no it should've never been like that at the start.

People and companies are getting too reliant on the whole fix it later thing. This is borderline game breaking from the clips I am seeing.
i haven't encountered any bugs yet, but that's because i only just went to the first gym -- the map is almost too big, imo, and i keep feeling the need to explore it so i don't miss areas, but i think i'm going to try and leave exploration for now until i unlock the climbing/swimming. (so much for going anywhere you want lol.) that being said, i haven't experienced a lot of lag. like, to the point of frustration. it's really annoying starting battles or running into a wild pokemon and having to wait several seconds for the battle to even start, at which point my character sometimes just straight up teleports into position lmao. pop-in is really bad for groups of pokemon. like, people complained with swsh, but that was nothing compared to this.
@daringred_ I've been seeing a lot of clips where everything is stuck in T-pose, the frame-rate is suffering like mad, a few clips where someone's body was clipping through themselves and looking like those whacky-tube carsales lot balloons, people clipping through the land and falling off the grid, and one where everyone in battle was stuck in bicycle mode, even the Pokemon.

It's possible some of these were hacked for clout, but the game still should not had been dropped day 1 in this state.
Apparently the game doesn't scale with you, which is just pointless. If anyone wants to follow the levels without struggling at one point and then totally blowing through another, here's an image for what you can expect from every single bubble from all three colors.

Maybe it's because I play mainly offline and on my own, but I haven't seen much lag or bugginess. Or maybe I'm just lucky. :D
the only really big bug thing ive seen is that the elite 4 and champion music are bugged so it only plays the first notes of the song but never really starts it? which is annoying and sad since ive heard the themes on youtube and they were really good
Apparently the game doesn't scale with you, which is just pointless. If anyone wants to follow the levels without struggling at one point and then totally blowing through another, here's an image for what you can expect from every single bubble from all three colors.

I would say that they will probably release an area via DLC that will probably have higher level scaling to help you level up after you get to a certain point. Or maybe some battle thing via DLC to help level up. But idk if they will release a DLC.
I've experienced a lot of lag. There have been far too many times when I've thought the game has soft-locked because all I can hear is the songs playing and all I can see is a black screen. Also, constant clipping (including when my Quaxwell evolved - kinda ruined my first proper sighting of his evolution, because all I could see was his head above ground).

To look on the bright side, I've obtained two shinies so far.

Apparently the game doesn't scale with you, which is just pointless. If anyone wants to follow the levels without struggling at one point and then totally blowing through another, here's an image for what you can expect from every single bubble from all three colors.

....Oh dear. I'm only at two of everything completed (I have no idea where I'm going, I guess) and I'm already way past the stage of anything here being a challenge 😬

Speaking of challenge, when did capturing higher leveled monsters set off the 'won't obey you' rule? I always thought that applied to ones you received through trade, but my Houndstone (who was caught at lv40, higher now) won't obey me. Haven't even see Greavard yet either.
Speaking of challenge, when did capturing higher leveled monsters set off the 'won't obey you' rule? I always thought that applied to ones you received through trade, but my Houndstone (who was caught at lv40, higher now) won't obey me. Haven't even see Greavard yet either.

This was present back in Sword/Shield, lol (I believe that's when it started, someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong).
I just unlocked the swimming ability. It's weird how it's locked like that and you just die in water when later you don't. But it's weird that you can basically swim around the entire island avoiding the mainland alltogether.

Also not being able to pick a point on the map to zoom in on is a terrible choice.

But I enjoy all the raids all over the map. I'm glad the game is basically Sw/Sh Wild Area in full.
Photo montage time!

Fire Stone evo for Pepper kappa

Beat Larry. Just a normal guy...or is he?

You get Tera Blast after gym 5

Beat Poison team star. We have a wannabe Koga here

Decided to go against Grusha since Ice is trash not that good

I love Hassel. My favourite E4. E4 this gen is top of the top


Beat Ryme. She's got soul lol

So thats
7/8 Gym leaders
3/5 Team Star
3/5 Titans

I've done a good job balancing them out. Now doing classes at the school because I keep forgetting to do them.
All caught up on classes. It seems you can get close to teachers. Maybe the reward is the ability to battle them.
I've experienced a lot of lag. There have been far too many times when I've thought the game has soft-locked because all I can hear is the songs playing and all I can see is a black screen. Also, constant clipping (including when my Quaxwell evolved - kinda ruined my first proper sighting of his evolution, because all I could see was his head above ground).

To look on the bright side, I've obtained two shinies so far.

....Oh dear. I'm only at two of everything completed (I have no idea where I'm going, I guess) and I'm already way past the stage of anything here being a challenge 😬

Speaking of challenge, when did capturing higher leveled monsters set off the 'won't obey you' rule? I always thought that applied to ones you received through trade, but my Houndstone (who was caught at lv40, higher now) won't obey me. Haven't even see Greavard yet either.

That's been around for a while I believe. I remember dialog after getting a gym badge in older games saying pokemon up to lv x will now obey you.

nvm... I forgot I had some traded pokemon in a couple of older poke games. I normally don't trade.
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I'm super loving the game so far!! I chose Violet and I've been exploring like crazy (haven't even made it to the school yet, lmaoo). I managed to find a shiny Skwovet! I named him Barry. c:

The only issues I've came across so far is that I can't actually play co-op. Everytime I join my bf's group and either of us start a wild Pokémon battle, it just disconnects us. It makes me sad because it seems like other people aren't having this issue.