Something about those eyes looks unsettling.......I have to say...Briar does look evil. Probably not though. This is GF we're talking about.
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I saw this news this morning! So excited! I’ll be getting both DLCs for sure.The Pokemon Presents was today!
New mons:
Dipplin, another Applin evo
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Archaludon, new Duraludon evo
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New characters:
Perrin: Adaman's descendent
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Anyway, this DLC hyped me a little more than the last, especially with the Paradox Raikou and Cobalion. I'll add more later.
I'm sad to that Applin got the Tyrogue treatment. As cool as Raging Bolt is...I do like that fanart more. That being said...Archaludon looks so much better than Duraludon. I'll probably be migrating my Galar Duraludons here just to evolve them. Don't care that they lose their Gmax forms. I also like Iron Crown (Cobalion Paradox). Judging from Iron Leaves, its typing will be Steel/Psychic and as an offense mon will make it like Metagross (my 10th favourite mon)I thought Dipplin was a Convergent form, I'm pretty disappointed in it now that it's an evolution if I'm honest... Thought we'd be getting a Dipplin evolution
I also preferred Raikou before it ****ed a Farigiraf I think. Someone did this 'Rumbling Ray' fan design a couple months ago and it's basically the same but better, which makes me sad.
I’m begging for a trex entei comically short armsI shutter to think...
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