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may or may not be training a Chi-Yu with an Amulet coin and insane attack/sp attack evs to level 100 to farm money using ace tournaments by spamming dark pulse and obliterating everything in my path using feesh
I use Amulet Coin Gholdengo with Make It Rain for those tournaments. At level 100, Make It Rain hits every mon for KOs with Nasty Plot boosts. Very good way to get money.may or may not be training a Chi-Yu with an Amulet coin and insane attack/sp attack evs to level 100 to farm money using ace tournaments by spamming dark pulse and obliterating everything in my path using feesh
I managed to get a Magician Fennekin in a regular Pokeball from the GTS because how many were requesting Ursalunas at the time. I still don't want to give up the Blissey raids because of the generous Shard and Exp Candy drops. However, if I did want to do the Delphox raid I would go with Heatran with a Steel teraSolo Armarouge with Psychic Tera on the 1st try for Delphox in Scarlet and than Violet. Thanks goes to Reddit user tikun that started the topic.
Could I possibly pop over to someone to evolve a Finizen pod? I've managed to get one of each language, now I just need to evolve them into Palafins. I'll have them all ready to evolve via XP candy.
If you're trying to get back into Pokemon then sadly these games ain't it. They're really poorly optimized and some of the glitchiest triple A games ever published by Nintendo. Honestly pretty embarrassing for Game Freak. That said, the story was decent and I liked the school setting. Plus they managed to have at least 1 well developed character (Arven). So if you're casually into Pokemon, you may enjoy it, but the game is very mid.I'm still torn on getting these games or not, I feel like we're close to new entries anyways but also I skipped on arceus and swsh so it's been a while
I'm still torn on getting these games or not, I feel like we're close to new entries anyways but also I skipped on arceus and swsh dlc so it's been a while
This makes so much sense to me and yet so little—>
? —>—>
Any takers? Camp TBT is enough on my plate.