Pokémon Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet General Discussion

Leak are upon us!
They are in spoilers if you're curious. Types not revealed yet.


Don't like Leek Season? Well...leeks are to Pokemon as turnips are to AC. No hiding from them.
Leak are upon us!
They are in spoilers if you're curious. Types not revealed yet.

Don't like Leek Season? Well...leeks are to Pokemon as turnips are to AC. No hiding from them.
That bipedal Ursaluna variant looks pretty awesome. I'm also glad that Dipplin's shiny variant is yellowish/golden so it looks more like a caramel apple. I wish that was its default coloration, but hey, it gives me incentive to try for my first Scarlet/Violet shiny hunt.

The various animations(?)/versions(?) of Poltchageist are neat to see. I still prefer Sinistea and Polteageist a lot, but at least Poltchageist is growing on me a bit.

Pretty indifferent about the Loyal 3 and Ogerpon. The only one I care about is Fezandipiti since I like birds and it has a neat look.
The various animations(?)/versions(?) of Poltchageist are neat to see. I still prefer Sinistea and Polteageist a lot, but at least Poltchageist is growing on me a bit.
I think the various Poltchageist and Sinistcha are to show the forms. Like the Sinistea line, this line will have marks underneath them to indicate the Unremarkable (Phony) form and the Masterpiece (Antique) form. Its unknown if items are required to evolve them like the Chipped and Cracked Pots but its assumed so

That bipedal Ursaluna variant looks pretty awesome
Its appararently the Blood Moon Ursaluna form that Perrin is wanting to take a photo of. Probably my favourite SV mon after Annihilape and Kingambit. Its entry says its mud is "hard as iron" so some are speculating its Ground/Steel. I may try for a shiny Teddiursa to get a shiny, the reds go really good together.
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Ursaluna is just great

I just can't get over how much I love Ursaluna's new Kitakami form lol

Anyways...Mewtwo's raid is now live. Its has a Psychic tera. This raid will run until September 17.

Rewards are more generous this time (looking at those 3 ability patches). Hate to give up the Blisseys but some are mixed with Grimmsnarls and Hatterenes so I think I'll try it with maybe a Dark Mew.
I’ve just about finished a support mew build for mew two. If enough people here want to get together who have physical attacking Mew builds (apparently bug Tera with sword dance, leech life and struggle bug is the best build for an attacker) I’d be up for it. Support role is key this time and I’m more than willing to fill it.
I just saw Okidogi's shiny variant in the leak, and now I can't unsee the fact that its fur is the same color as Thousand Island salad dressing. help. me.
physical attacking Mew builds (apparently bug Tera with sword dance, leech life and struggle bug is the best build for an attacker)
Just realised Mewtwo has Aura Sphere so Bug tera Leech Life so the best. It also has Rest (I really hate this gens raids) so more of a pain. I may just keep my Blisseys idk. Raids this gen are just frustrating and not fun but its just me.
Fresh New Leeks! This time its types.

1. Okidogi: Poison/Fighting
2. Munkidori: Poison/Psychic
3. Fezandipiti: Poison/Fairy
4. Ogerpon (Teal Mask): Ghost/Grass
5. Ogerpon (Wellspring Mask): Ghost/Water
6. Ogerpon (Hearthflame Mask): Ghost/Fire
7. Ogerpon (Cornerstone Mask): Ghost/Rock

Bloodmoon Ursa still not confirmed to be another typing. Its assumed its still Ground/Normal for the time being.
Fresh New Leeks! This time its types.

1. Okidogi: Poison/Fighting
2. Munkidori: Poison/Psychic
3. Fezandipiti: Poison/Fairy
4. Ogerpon (Teal Mask): Ghost/Grass
5. Ogerpon (Wellspring Mask): Ghost/Water
6. Ogerpon (Hearthflame Mask): Ghost/Fire
7. Ogerpon (Cornerstone Mask): Ghost/Rock

Bloodmoon Ursa still not confirmed to be another typing. Its assumed its still Ground/Normal for the time being.
Fezandipiti not being part-Flying is sort of a weird, but gotta admit, I like the sound of Poison/Fairy for it. I think I like it even more than I did before, and more than I probably even would have if it was part-Fyling. Ogerpon being able to change its secondary typing with the different masks is cool too.

Looking forward to the first half of the DLC! Less than two weeks to go now.
Bear Update

From Centro: "You can’t evolve Ursaring into Bloodmoon Ursaluna. The only way to get it is to catch it already evolved in that form" This means a shiny Teddiursa can't evolve into Bloodmoon Ursa in SV...which really sucks. Dream crushed.
Bear Update

From Centro: "You can’t evolve Ursaring into Bloodmoon Ursaluna. The only way to get it is to catch it already evolved in that form" This means a shiny Teddiursa can't evolve into Bloodmoon Ursa in SV...which really sucks. Dream crushed.
That's so disappointing. The red/orange and dark grey combo of the shiny is so cool. Hopefully it will be available somehow in the future.

If the same sort of thing applies to Dipplin, I'll be so annoyed. I need that golden color.

Looks like White Basculin survived and has its own entry in the dex. Basculegion too. Some of these portraits for the Teal Mask dex are different for base game dex. Gyarados is a good example. I remember it being different though I like the waterfall reference. Ogerpon's is really cute. I can't wait to find out its lore.
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Ogerpon’s face is cuter than I could ever imagine! Also rip that okidogi shiny is HIDEOUS QAQ
Reviews for the Teal Mask DLC have come in and some have decided to share non-spoiler information in quotes. I'm going to add what I think of each new info below it. The info comes from Serebii.net if you are curious.

"Famitsu notes that the moves Grassy Glide, Burning Jealousy, Lash Out and Poltergeist were seen as well as Toxic."

Scald was also seen in the trailer on a Milotic. I'm glad the SwSh DLC move tutor moves are now just TMs tbh. Rillaboom is ready for GG lol

"It also confirms that more clothing, hairstyles and picnic supplies will be available at the Kitakami Center, and you can even now rearrange chairs at the picnic table."

More clothing is always good but its not a positive that you think it is. The fact we can only wear hideous uniforms creates a false positive when they add "new" clothing. Just give us more clothing options to begin with smh. I can care less about the chairs.

"In addition to Mochi when completing the Ogre Oustin’ mini-game where you pop balloons, you can also get Tera Shards. There are three difficulties: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced and you can play with other players to complete it."

I have around 900 shards of each from keeping the Blissey raids. Why would I want to go to this? Lol jk. I'll do Beginner over and over again. If its anything like the one in Legends then no way I'll stick with raids.

"There was also new items including one that increases the experience points Pokémon gain in battle when held."

Thats nice. Especially for mons in Fluctuating and Slow, which are the worst ones.

"When your Pokémon pose for a photo when you have the Roto Stick, you can also select a song which will cause your Pokémon to react. You can also share photos among friends when connected via a Union Circle."

Don't care lol
They're really out here adding all this random **** no one asked for instead of just making a good game from the get go :cautious:
They know we will buy an incomplete game because its a "new Pokemon game". So they add stuff that should be in the base game to the DLC to create more profit. Very slimy but thats current Game Freak. Paying more for all of the TMs? Paying more for more QoL functions? Sounds about right.
They know we will buy an incomplete game because its a "new Pokemon game". So they add stuff that should be in the base game to the DLC to create more profit. Very slimy but thats current Game Freak. Paying more for all of the TMs? Paying more for more QoL functions? Sounds about right.
And the same could be said about New Horizons, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Disney Dreamlight Valley, and Mario Kart 8 DX but you see no one complaining about that. If GF wants to have us pay for DLC then let them and don’t complain about it. If you don’t want the DLC then you need to buy it. No one is forcing you to get it. It’s not like Super Mario Run where you MUST buy the extra levels just to finish the game.
And the same could be said about New Horizons,
Don't know or care about the other ones but people do complain about NH. I'm getting the DLC anyway because its the real complete game so I don't know why you have to be confrontational about it.
Don't know or care about the other ones but people do complain about NH. I'm getting the DLC anyway because its the real complete game so I don't know why you have to be confrontational about it.
Confrontational? I was just saying that lots of games get DLC that you pay for more content and that the Pokémon DLC isn’t as bad as paying extra money for you to unlock levels necessarily to clear a game.