DLC COMES OUT TONIGHT! Only a few hours now!
I am already ready and going for a villi-sona with a mono-Dark team. Why a Dark team? Because there are no evil characters in this game! So...why not be the evils yourself?
Here is the team...
I selected the best of the best for my evil mission: ...destroy Blueberry Academy! However, I must gain the trust of Blueberry students for my cover not to be blown! A trip to Kitakami should be the perfect place...
Each evil member fulfills an evil role.
Overqwil: my [REDACTED] like mon, also part poison (not today Fairies hahah) and has Intimidate
Muk: my goop-like mon, good for melting walls, Adamant and has Poison Touch
Greninja: my stealth mon, has Timid and Protean. Its a ninja...of course I'm going to use it for a secret mission!
Samurott: my melee fighter mon, Adamant and has Sharpness, also my escape when I destroy Blueberry Academy ohahahahaha
Kingambit: my villainous-looking mon that is probably illegal in most schools. Its Adamant and has Supreme Overlord. Was going to use Hydreigon but I wanted another Paldea mon aside from Chi-Yu.
Chi-Yu: my legendary mon, I can only use one legend which works out because I hate the Loyal 3 and will box Ogerpon if I'm required to catch it. Its Modest but Mischievous...just like my plan
So that's my team...
Are you going in the DLC with an OP team or are you starting fresh?
I'm interested to know

Trying to make this DLC fun for myself despite feeling less hyped for it than SwSh DLC.