Pokémon Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet General Discussion

The Sprigatito evo animation floating around is FAKE!

Thanks to TPCI not releasing a trailer, the ravenous Pokemon fanbase will eat anything up on the internet. Fakes are now higher quality than ever before.
Ok...I've thought long and hard about this but there needs to be some hype building for these games. I'm going to start spoiling a little to stir some hype. I know some users here may not want to be spoiled. That's why the leaked info will be blurred/in spoiler tags.

If you don't want your life "ruined" and be spoiled: DONT CLICK ON THE SPOILER!

All spoiled info will be blurred. If anyone replies to the spoilers please respond in spoiler tags in kind. This is Scarlet/Violet discussion and whether some may like it or not, leak season is a part of prerelease.

Now then...with that out of the way...

Leaker confirms they are playing Scarlet. Let's start easy with gyms.

Gym Typings: Water, Electric, Grass, Psychic, Bug, Normal, Ghost and Ice.

Leaker confirms you can challenge gyms in any order but there is no scaling.

All Gym leaders have occupations/jobs just like in Black and White.

Comment if you'd like but remember to use spoiler tags. Like with all leaks, take everything with a grain of salt. Let's hope this week has a new trailer so maybe I won't have to spoil more.
I was going to some more today but then I noticed this on Pokemon Twitter


I am legit angry. They know leaks are out there yet they're not releasing a trailer. All we want is an official trailer...
Still no trailer...still angry...

Seriously though...will we ever get a trailer?
I'm not going to predict any longer or try to spoil because...there's no hype. You can see it in this thread. You would think the first true open world games would have trailer after trailer of info to build up the hype but no...nothing.
This has to be the worst marketing for one of the world's most popular gaming franchises.
My guess was the next trailer being the 20/21st or 27/28th.
But if there really is leaks out there, Nintendo has been known to react to things they don't like..
To be honest I just don't find the lack of trailers weird? We're missing the name of the region and the gimmick when it comes to crucial information. All that will fit in one 15 min trailer and they have 3~ months still to deliver on that. My personal guess is they will start to ramp publicity up closer to launch.

Out of curiosity I also took a peek at Sw/Sh Marketing and after the initial announcement it took 4 months for marketing to kick in and regular updates (or any updates at all) to start coming out. We're just now nearing that 4 month mark from Scar/Vio announcement. We've even had a second trailer in that time so I wouldn't say this is a marketing failure. I'd only start to get concerned if this coming last quarter is quiet since then we would actually be breaking the norm.

I will admit all my favourite game devs are typically the radio silent type though so I'm more than used to long, quiet waits.
To be honest I just don't find the lack of trailers weird? We're missing the name of the region and the gimmick when it comes to crucial information. All that will fit in one 15 min trailer and they have 3~ months still to deliver on that. My personal guess is they will start to ramp publicity up closer to launch.

Out of curiosity I also took a peek at Sw/Sh Marketing and after the initial announcement it took 4 months for marketing to kick in and regular updates (or any updates at all) to start coming out. We're just now nearing that 4 month mark from Scar/Vio announcement. We've even had a second trailer in that time so I wouldn't say this is a marketing failure. I'd only start to get concerned if this coming last quarter is quiet since then we would actually be breaking the norm.

Yeah, all of this is well said. I was going to also mention Nintendo and GameFreak aren't obligated at all to give us a trailer. There's no law that states they MUST give us a trailer before launch. Obviously it would be mysterious and crappy going into the game without another trailer, but yeah. Since the game is open world format I'm going to be purchasing it day one anyway (and because I'm a Pokemon fanatic through and through).
To be honest I just don't find the lack of trailers weird? We're missing the name of the region and the gimmick when it comes to crucial information. All that will fit in one 15 min trailer and they have 3~ months still to deliver on that. My personal guess is they will start to ramp publicity up closer to launch.

Out of curiosity I also took a peek at Sw/Sh Marketing and after the initial announcement it took 4 months for marketing to kick in and regular updates (or any updates at all) to start coming out. We're just now nearing that 4 month mark from Scar/Vio announcement. We've even had a second trailer in that time so I wouldn't say this is a marketing failure. I'd only start to get concerned if this coming last quarter is quiet since then we would actually be breaking the norm.

I will admit all my favourite game devs are typically the radio silent type though so I'm more than used to long, quiet waits.
Nah, SwSh trailers gave us more info around this time than this year. Sun/Moon was a lot different in the number of trailers because it was Pokemons 20th anniversary so they did a huge marketing push. However, this year we hardly know anything (if you don't follow or believe in leaks). Again, I want to stress...its not the number of trailers, its the amount of content in the trailers. The SwSh trailers gave us so much content compared to what we have with ScarVio. If we're having a true open world game they should at least give us the main gimmick of the game and how an open world changes gameplay.

Yeah, all of this is well said. I was going to also mention Nintendo and GameFreak aren't obligated at all to give us a trailer. There's no law that states they MUST give us a trailer before launch. Obviously it would be mysterious and crappy going into the game without another trailer, but yeah. Since the game is open world format I'm going to be purchasing it day one anyway (and because I'm a Pokemon fanatic through and through).
No, they aren't obligated obviously. Its just highly unusual that they would keep even the region name unrevealed for so long. Trailers are also helpful for normies that may be on the face and TPCI caters largely to the normie audience (why there's always a darn tutorial at the beginning, Exp.Share key item, etc). Also...a new trailer could also confirm if the supposed leaks for authentic or not, which to me is the most important.
No, they aren't obligated obviously. Its just highly unusual that they would keep even the region name unrevealed for so long. Trailers are also helpful for normies that may be on the face and TPCI caters largely to the normie audience (why there's always a darn tutorial at the beginning, Exp.Share key item, etc). Also...a new trailer could also confirm if the supposed leaks for authentic or not, which to me is the most important.

Yeah, you make some good points as well. It is unusual that we don't know the region name yet, and they are helpful for that. I guess I'm just kind of disinterested in it at the moment because I don't follow leaks and I'm playing other games right now. But for someone that does follow leaks I can see how it would be frustrating.
For comparison sake, here's the marketing for SwSh:

Big trailer
Reveal of the region + some panoramic shots + name
Three starters
Main trainers
Glimpse of basic features (battling, catching)
Small tease of the gym challenge focus
Names/logos revealed

Tweet "confirming" gyms, was deleted

CoroCoro holds contest for the japanese name of a new Steel-type move

Sublty confirms trainer customization thanks to the contest with the drama of plagiarism for the winner

Big trailer
More random footage of the region
New characters (Hop/Sonia/Magnolia/Milo/Leon)
New Pokémon (Wooloo/Gossifleur/Eldegoss/Drednaw/Corviknight/Zacian/Zamazenta) + Tease of Greedent line
Tease of Pokémon Camp
Reveal of Wild Area
Reveal of Max Raids
Reveal of Dynamax + Max moves
Focus on Gym challenge
Random things like Rotom phone, new abilities, new move, normal trading and Corviknight taxi.

More random footage of the region
New character (Nessa)
New Pokémon (Yamper/Impidimp- which hilariously was never officialy revealed)
More info for previous features (Y-Comm, Max Raids, Dynamax, Max Moves)
Random things like Pokemon Plus and Home connectivity
The bombshell of "dexit" and no Megas, no Z-moves

Big trailer
Reveal of Gigantamax + GMax moves
New characters (Rose/Oleana/Bea/Allister
New Pokémon (Alcremie/Rolycoly/Duraludon + tease of Cufant)
New forms (GMax Alcremie/Drednaw/Corviknight
Random things like new moves, abilities, outfits

The main difference is that for SV, the two trailers are full of little teases which haven't been explained yet, contrasting the more "open" approach of SwSh. For example, we have the random crystal thingie, the school (and rival school) setting, the past/future stuff, the battlefields, etc that have been shown but not yet explained. For SwSh, we already had some focus on gyms, Dyna and Gigantamax, raids and Wild Area. But overall, we have similar stuff regarding pokémon, trainers, etc.

There's also the fact that for whatever reason, Nintendo as a whole "skipped" their usual summer plans, so TPCi schedule may have been also hit by that and that's why we're one trailer "behind". I don't mind, I know more info will eventually come around. Of course I like info, but I also kind of trust the marketing team of the multimillion dollar company.

For now, I'm mostly enjoying leak and rumour season (mostly thanks to leaker Kaka). I'm really excited about everything I'm hearing, but I think many people here don't like leaks, so I don't know how much I should comment/speculate lol
I'm so sorry (but not really because I'm like Elesa to the poison point that it hurts) to have to make this pun, but I have to agree, marketing has just been really Slaking with the core Pokémon games starting with Sword and Shield and it sucks because I love this franchise, I've been playing it since the good ol' horribly broken RBY days. I want to be hyped about playing a main series Pokémon game again. It was out-of-this-world amazing being hyped for PLA even though it's not technically part of the main series yet it kinda is, that right there felt like a whole new experience, and I still remember being excited as all hell about playing Black and White back when it was being marketed. I don't recall exactly how many trailers were released for Gen 5 and I won't bother looking it up, but what they DID show us was enough to get me squealing like a Tepig. Oshawott was my very first Gen 5 starter, and I'm reminded fondly about just how good those games were (the animated sprites are what really had me like Blacephalon, my mind was blown).

Sun and Moon, however, revealed way too many new mons too quickly, and this was before the major Dex leak, which killed the excitement of discovering the new Gen 7 Pokémon on your own by simply exploring, which is the whole point of Pokémon, but even then Gen 7 is memorable because it was indeed a milestone for the franchise with it being its anniversary. In short, good marketing makes games memorable.

The thing that turned me and other people off about Sword and Shield was undoubtedly the Dex cut. So many favorites, POOF, and at what cost? Did those "high quality animations" get Baton Passed to PLA instead? I'm not crazy about the story in SwSh, either, though the Gen 8 Pokémon themselves are as solid as a Solrock and have great designs and origins. I would still love to use some of them one day on my team, such as Greedent, Appletun, Boltund, Toxtricity and Coalossal.

But back to the Scarlet and Violet discussion, I'm personally not following the leaks because I want to wait for actual confirmation, and I agree that GF has the right to release trailers/information at their time, not ours, but it's disappointing when leaks are literally all we have to go on, but should of course always be taken with a grain of Smelling Salts. If they turn out to be true (just like the SwSh leaks) then that really sucks because I think games should be handled properly by actual officials and not just a group of super tech geeks on the side that can somehow find out all this stuff. I'm hardly that excited for ScarVio aside from the prospect of using a Fuecoco and Larvitar on my team. The only thing I would spoil for myself before the games release are the starter evolutions.

What's even sadder about all this is that GF is still going to make bank regardless of bad marketing because if it has the word "Pokémon" slapped onto it people will scarf it down. I'm a huge fan of the franchise but I also know better than to just buy any Pokémon game day one, but that's more so nowadays because lately the main games are becoming unstable. Now I need to look up reviews, gameplay etc. just to find out if the games are actually worth getting (which is what I did with Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, and thank God I did. Pokémon Platinum is unquestionably the definitive Gen 4 experience. My $60 went to PLA, a much more deserving game) but it's insane to think that back then I did buy games day one purely out of excitement, such as Diamond, White and White 2 and Sun. Now, I have to be more careful about my Pokémon purchases which shouldn't be the case because I wholeheartedly love this franchise and just want to see it be treated with love again, not just for the money.....
Yeah, just going to reiterate that they don't owe us a trailer at all. And also people seem to be forgetting that marketing doesn't always dictate how well the game does. It's simply something that generates hype and gets people interested in the game. There could be little to no marketing for a game and it could end up being absolutely fantastic. That's how we get games that are underrated or unheard of by the masses, but are great games in and of themselves. Or on the flip side, there could be a TON of marketing for a game and it could end up being an absolutely terrible game. As someone who specialized in business in school, I know all of this already.

But mostly I'm just tired of the debates and controversy with the Pokemon fandom in and of itself. Might just reach out to friends from now on in order to determine if I should purchase a game, whether it's Pokemon or something else. That's what I do with anime already, and I haven't dropped a single show because of it.
I have heard we will most likely get a trailer on August.... 3rd I think? The day the preorders opens.
So they can announce the preorders along with new gameplay stuff. Corocoro (maganize who used to report the pokemon news before TPC started doing global trailers) also said we would get a announcement on August, but didn't mention a specific date.
While I would like some official news, I have to say that following the leaks and the fights between the leakers have been very fun lol.

But I think they're slowing things too much, with Legends Arceus we didn't even know what game we were buying! And it seems this one will follow a similar route.
Since its pokemon, they barely have to promote it to get 1 million sales on release day, but I would like some info at least... we only know the bare minimum so far. I think they showed too much during Sun/Moon, but showing 2-4 pokemon monthly would be good.
My problem with the marketing is it just makes me think the game isn't going to have that much to do bar what we've already seen..

I remember Sun and Moon marketing like crazy with something new being revealed pretty much every month, a lot of which was pretty mind blowing at the time but it meant the games weren't that exciting (IMO) when they released because we pretty much knew everything new about them. There were plenty of leaks etc before the game came out but because the dex was so small it wasnt really anything new.

I feel like they should be able to advertise and reveal new stuff about a game without there being little left when the game comes out, and they can never seem to find a good balance which has me worried as per usual.

The damn company has me in a chokehold though so I'll buy the stupid game even if it's rubbish :cautious:
For those that have been following the leaks, now that Kaka is seemingly done, which of the new Pokémon are you most excited for?

This gen seems to be aiming to please all the requests people have had since 20 years ago, but I usually never wanted those same things (I wasn't really dying to get a dolphin, flamingo or Dunsparce evo). However, many of the concepts seem so promising.

As a fan of object mon, the coin, engine and salt Pokémon intrigue me. Specially since the coin supposedly evolves into a humanoid thing and not the obvious mimic treasure chest. Also, the salt mon screams "translation issue" but I'm also excited to see the Pokémon magic on that rock we use for food.

The tiny pink fairy wielding a gigantic hammer is also one of the concepts that seem so ludicrous that I want to see just how out of the box it truly is. Notable mentions to the "Cleopatra-hair" ostrich and the scarab beetle- those are very interesting.

The Paradox and the Convergent Pokémon will probably be very interesting, but with those, I don't have the same expectation. With the concept being basically brand new, I don't know what to expect and that's also very exciting.
For those that have been following the leaks, now that Kaka is seemingly done, which of the new Pokémon are you most excited for?

This gen seems to be aiming to please all the requests people have had since 20 years ago, but I usually never wanted those same things (I wasn't really dying to get a dolphin, flamingo or Dunsparce evo). However, many of the concepts seem so promising.

As a fan of object mon, the coin, engine and salt Pokémon intrigue me. Specially since the coin supposedly evolves into a humanoid thing and not the obvious mimic treasure chest. Also, the salt mon screams "translation issue" but I'm also excited to see the Pokémon magic on that rock we use for food.

The tiny pink fairy wielding a gigantic hammer is also one of the concepts that seem so ludicrous that I want to see just how out of the box it truly is. Notable mentions to the "Cleopatra-hair" ostrich and the scarab beetle- those are very interesting.

The Paradox and the Convergent Pokémon will probably be very interesting, but with those, I don't have the same expectation. With the concept being basically brand new, I don't know what to expect and that's also very exciting.
Of the leaks, I am most excited for the Primeape evolution (Fighting/Ghost),the Bisharp evo and Quaxly's final evo. According to the leaker, the Primeape evo is based on an old hairy hermit, kind of like the sage type. The Bisharp evo is still unknown but many are thinking it will either be rook or queen inspired since the Pawniard line is based around chess. I've been going from starter to starter but I think I'm going to choose Quaxly based on the leaked images and descriptions. Water/Fighting is also very good competitively if you have the right stats (poor Poliwrath) and movepool.
Of the leaks, I am most excited for the Primeape evolution (Fighting/Ghost),the Bisharp evo and Quaxly's final evo. According to the leaker, the Primeape evo is based on an old hairy hermit, kind of like the sage type. The Bisharp evo is still unknown but many are thinking it will either be rook or queen inspired since the Pawniard line is based around chess. I've been going from starter to starter but I think I'm going to choose Quaxly based on the leaked images and descriptions. Water/Fighting is also very good competitively if you have the right stats (poor Poliwrath) and movepool.
The best thing about the Primeape evo is that it can go on different routes and all of them are appealing. An old sage that channels its fury into spirit energy? Primeape literally dying and finding peace on the afterlife as a nod to that Pokédex entry from SM? Primeape getting so angry it is still bitter after dying? Give me any of that.