I'm still alive
Can't wait to become epic!
Just to understand this right, even if I can't participate in one or two events for example, I still have the chance to get enough tokens together for a Red Balloon at the end?Each event will reward 1 balloon token. You'll earn enough tokens to purchase the long-awaited red balloon collectible as long as you participate in nearly every event throughout the entire world tour!
will we get more events where we can earn bad luck charms? I really want to get 2 potions but I don't think I'll be able to do that with only 3 events with 13 charms each.
I appreciate how sleek and shiny the new balloon designs are. Can't wait to get my hands on that red one!
Um, how is the ancient candle already sold out??
The three Friday the 13th events are the only way to earn Bad Luck Charms. There are no further events planned that will offer this currency.
So the single one I did enter was pointless?
So the single one I did enter was pointless?
So the single one I did enter was pointless?
Instead of looking at it as pointless look at it as, 'what can I buy with 13 Bad Luck Charms?'
The answer is: an Ancient Candle (13); Lucky (13); or both a Spring Shamrock (6) and a Famous Mushroom (6).