[RP] The Other Side of the Screen [OPEN]

Thievius Raccoonus

The True Master Thief
Mar 26, 2015
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Pear (Fruit)
  1. Please use correct grammar
  2. No 1- or 2-sentence responses
  3. No Mary-Sues nor Godmodding
  4. Please don't use asterisks for action
  5. Keep it PG-13/T, please!
    NOTE: This doesn't mean you can't make/use character from anything higher, just keep the contents to that level.
  6. Please try to keep the ratio of fan characters and canon characters about 1:[2 or 3].

"Enjoy video games, anime, or cartoons?!" shouted out assorted flyers and posters throughout the city "Learn how it's like to BE in one!" However, few people really thought anything of it, dismissing it as an art or tech college advertisement, yet those who did enter found themselves not going to a college but instead to a high-tech, and then some, laboratory. Inside of the lab was a large ring that, according to people who escorted you there, used the forms and pictures you entered and materialized you as the character of your creation on the "other side" of the screen where you could meet your favorite characters from just about ANY animated franchise. While in this "other side" everything would feel real and you have the same powers, strengths, etc of your created character. However, as soon as you enter the portal and became yourself, you hear the machine suddenly dying down along with the sound of a struggle before panic and, with rasping breath, "Be...care...ful!" followed by silence. Something went wrong with the machine and left you trapped "on the other side of the screen", but the question is now: how do we get back?

[U]Source - Where is/are the Character(s) below from[/U]
[INDENT]1) [B]Name:[/B] Full names, if possible.
[B]Profile:[/B] Link works or 5+ sentences.
[B]Other:[/b] Any changes from the link, if used.

2) [B]Name:[/B] Full names, if possible.
[B]Profile:[/B] Link works or 5+ sentences.
[B]Other:[/b] Any changes from the link, if used.

X) <Copy/Paste as Needed>[/INDENT]

[U]New Source, if Using More Than One Source[/U]
[INDENT]1) [B]Name:[/B] Full names, if possible.
[B]Profile:[/B] Link works or 5+ sentences.
[B]Other:[/b] Any changes from the link, if used.

X) <Copy/Paste as Needed>[/INDENT]
[U]"Our Side" Details[/U]
[INDENT][B]Name:[/B] Full name, please!
[B]Age:[/B] 10+, please!
[B]Appearance:[/B] 2+ sentences -AND/OR- Non-RL picture at the end
[B]History:[/B] 3+ sentences
[B]Personality:[/B] 3+ sentences
[B]Other Facts:[/B] Anything extra goes here

[U]"Other Side" Details[/U]
[INDENT][B]Source:[/B] What is the fan character for
[B]Name:[/B] Full name, if applicable, please!
[B]Age: [/B] Keep it appropriate for the source, please!
[B]Species:[/B] Please answer regardless of source
[B]Appearance:[/B] 2+ sentences -AND/OR- Non-RL picture at the end
[B]History:[/B] 3+ sentences
[B]Personality:[/B] 3+ sentences
[B]Other Facts:[/B] Powers, skills, abilities, moves, etc

Canon Characters
  1. Name: Sly Cooper
    Profile: http://slycooper.wikia.com/wiki/Sly_Cooper
    Other: (None)
  2. Name: Espio the Chameleon
    Profile: http://sonic.wikia.com/wiki/Espio_the_Chameleon
    Other: (None)

    Name: Vector the Crocodile
    Profile: http://sonic.wikia.com/wiki/Vector_the_Crocodile
    Other: (None)
  3. Name: Link
    Profile: http://zeldawiki.org/Link
    Other: None
  4. Name: Touka Kirishima
    Profile: http://tokyoghoul.wikia.com/wiki/Touka_Kirishima
    Other: Wearing a wolf mask as opposed to a rabbit one.
  5. Name: Sinon (Asada Shino)
    Profile: http://swordartonline.wikia.com/wiki/Sinon
    Other: Will always be as their avatar
Fan Characters
  1. "Our Side" Details
    Name: Donovan Wright
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Donovan is about 5'8" tall and slightly rounded in the middle. However, he's in just enough shape where his stomach doesn't lap over his waist. He has dark blue-green eyes with a head of messy, dark blond hair. On the day of the even, he was wearing a lightweight blue polo-style shirt with thin stripes going across it, olive green shorts, and black flops.
    History: Donovan was one for playing video games, whenever he wasn't doing chores, with his family, hanging out with friends, or doing homework, he would be pounding buttons on his controller. Despite this, he never let his grades slide nor got into any trouble with anything. In addition, he's kept quite few friends, be they gamers or not, but when he heard about the chance to BE inside of them, he jumped at the opportunity.
    Personality: Donovan is a cheerful person, is rarely down in the dumps, and loves to meet new people. In addition, he can be quite thoughtful about what he does, when he wants to be. Sadly, he likes to jump into most everything head-first and do everything he can right then and there.​

    "Other Side" Details
    Source: Sly Cooper
    Name: Spynco (Spine-KO)
    Age: (Unknown)
    Species: Anthro Spinosaurus
    Appearance: (Picture)
    History: Spynco spent all of his life in a military family, raised to become a mercenary, but he didn't want anything to do with killing people - regardless of which side he was one. Instead, he took off at the age of 15 and was never seen from again the picture is the last know photograph of him. However, what people don't know is that he decided to take of thieving for what he needed, but made sure to target from those who deserved to be stolen from-allowing him to stay under the radar for so long.
    Personality: Spynco, on the surface, is pretty easy to get along and become friends with. However, he always seems to be looking around suspiciously for something to come for him, an unfortunate trait from a life spent in training. However, this trait has allowed him to be able to move from instinctive actions to more thought-out ones with relative ease.
    Other Facts: Able to use most guns, stealth, and basic soldier knowledge
  2. "Our Side" Details
    Name: Caesar Abrami
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: See picture.
    History: As a fascist, Caesar was always ridiculed in school. People called him "Benito" all the time, and he had very few friends. The few friends he did Have were from places that were not in his home country, Italy, who he played games like Civilization (CIV) with. He was more talented than them at the game, which surprised them, as he always chose Venice, his home town, and considered the worst nation in the game.
    Personality: Caesar is analytical when it comes to thinking, and forceful when it comes to diplomacy. As a fascist, he does not believe in compromise. He loves the city of Venice, especially in CIV, as he is quite the silver tongue, and can easily play other leaders off one another
    Other Facts: While Caesar himself is not strong, he is an excellent speaker and leader. His favorite book is Sun Tzu's "The Art of War", and has dedicated his life to one day proving that Italy should be a world power.​

    "Other Side" Details
    Source: Civilization V
    Name: Caesar Abrami
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: See picture, but add a red beret and dictator uniform.
    History: Caesar, a history buff and Italian nationalist LOVES games like CIV. EU4, Politics and War, nation-states, you name it! But CIV, because of its... different warfare was always his favorite. He loves the strategy of battle, the tech trees, the policies, everything!
    Personality: Caesar is analytical when it comes to thinking, and forceful when it comes to diplomacy. As a fascist, he does not believe in compromise. He loves the city of Venice, especially in CIV, as he is quite the silver tongue, and can easily play other leaders off one another
    Other Facts: While Caesar himself is not strong, he is an excellent speaker and leader. His favorite book is Sun Tzu's "The Art of War", and has dedicated his life to one day proving that Italy should be a world power.

    (Applies to BOTH sides)​
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"Other Side" Details
Source: Civilization V
Name: Caesar Abrami
Age: 21
Species: Human
Appearance: Unlike the picture, he would wear a red beret, in a military fashion. He would also wear a stereotypical dictator uniform.
History: Caesar, a history buff and Italian nationalist LOVES games like CIV. EU4, Politics and War, nationstates, you name it! But Civ, because of its... different warfare was always his favorite. He loves the strategy of battle, the tech trees, the policies, everything!
Personality: Caesar is ananlytical when it comes to thinking, and forceful when it comes to diplomacy. As a fascist, he does not believe in compromise. He loves the city of Venice, especially in CIV, as he is quite the silver tounge, and can easily play other leaders off one another
Other Facts: While Caesar himself is not strong, he is an excellent speaker and leader. His favorite book is Sun Tzu's "The Art of War", and has dedicated his life to one day proving that Italy should be a world power.
"Other Side" Details
Source: Civilization V
Name: Caesar Abrami
Age: 21
Species: Human
Appearance: Unlike the picture, he would wear a red beret, in a military fashion. He would also wear a stereotypical dictator uniform.
History: Caesar, a history buff and Italian nationalist LOVES games like CIV. EU4, Politics and War, nationstates, you name it! But Civ, because of its... different warfare was always his favorite. He loves the strategy of battle, the tech trees, the policies, everything!
Personality: Caesar is ananlytical when it comes to thinking, and forceful when it comes to diplomacy. As a fascist, he does not believe in compromise. He loves the city of Venice, especially in CIV, as he is quite the silver tounge, and can easily play other leaders off one another
Other Facts: While Caesar himself is not strong, he is an excellent speaker and leader. His favorite book is Sun Tzu's "The Art of War", and has dedicated his life to one day proving that Italy should be a world power.

Thanks, but may I also have the "Our Side" version of the character, cause I plan on doing some back-story.
Sorry, I'll do that now

I thought they were different applications
I understand the confusion, but they are the same application. Basically, two sides of the same coin: before and after entering "The Other Side".

- - - Post Merge - - -

Nah This is my first RP, so I want to stick with a character that I know very well

Fair enough. Just figured I'd ask as the visitor is a character you make yourself.
I understand the confusion, but they are the same application. Basically, two sides of the same coin: before and after entering "The Other Side".

Alright. Is it ok if everything is pretty much the same, save a couple things?
"Our Side" Details
Name: Caesar Abrami
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Appearance: The same as "other side", but no dictator uniform History: As a fascist, Caesar was always ridiculed in school. People called him "Benito" all the time, and he had very few friends. The few friends he did Have were from places that were not in his home country, Italy, who he played games like Civ with. He was more talented than them at the game, which surprised them, as he always chose Venice, his home town, and considered the worst nation in the game.
Personality: (See "other world")
Other Facts: (See other world)​
"Our Side" Details
Name: Teela D'Aeth
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: Teela is right around 5'4" in hight. She is fairly skinny for her age. She has dark brown eyes with honey blond hair. On the day of her entrance into the game, she was wearing a black, lotia styled dress with a thin silver chain necklace and black, heeled boots.
History: Teela was always called an outcast due to her gothic appearance. Because of this, she had no friends and soon became addicted to online multiplayer games.
Personality: Teela can be very cold towards others, and she's very stubborn.
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@zelorm: Did I copy your information correctly to the opening post
@KittyKittyBoo: So far, so good. Just lemme know when you finish, if I don't respond to it.
Alrighty! Does my "Other Side" character have to be from a game, or based on one?

On the Visitor sign-up sheet the "Other Side" is a fan character, which is closer to the second choice. Basically, "Our Side" refers to how your character is/was before they went to the "other side" and became a character they designed themselves based on their favorite game/show/anime/etc.
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@zelorm: Did I copy your information correctly to the opening post
@KittyKittyBoo: So far, so good. Just lemme know when you finish, if I don't respond to it.

I forgot to mention he did not wear a red beret on our side, but he doesn't. Everything else seems right