Star Fragment Salvation - Rescue Complete!

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Time for some dusting! I am not sure how often I can come to the tent - but I really enjoy all the dust collecting ✨
Ok, now I got something from writing a comment.🥹
Lol. Yeah. I’ve been trying to organize all this stuff from All the areas into my own calendar so I can keep up w/ everything. I guess I can just add this to it all too 😂😂😂
I donated my first batch of carnival dust to Blathers, I mean Celeste.

Hoppip and Oddish aren’t the only helpers I ask for dust gathering. After that turnip festival was ruined in The Ghost and Molly McGee (thanks a lot Ghost Council), carnival dust has scattered everywhere in Brighton. Molly McGee is looking for carnival dust too, and she might help Celeste find the missing star fragment.

TLDR: My profile is open to Molly McGee pictures too.
I’ve donated my dust (42) last night, now onto a new day. (this post is mainly for me so I can check how much as donated already)
Good idea! I donated I think 38? New day so let’s go! ✨✨🧹✨✨
I was gonna go on a huge dust sweep but cant get more than 10 rn 😅😭 here are some observations:

Things that gave me dust just now:
- 1x haunt of viewing (1 dust)
- 1x haunt of reaction (4 dust)
- 1x haunt of conversation (4 dust)

What didn’t give me dust:
- poll vote (last one 22 hours ago)
- basement posts (last one was 17 hours ago)
- profile visit and post (last one was 22 hours ago)
- additional in thread posts

so my takeaway from this is that the amount of times you can post for dust in one go has been significantly reduced. During the fair you could post in the basement several times in one window for dust, same with in thread posts. Also basement cool down is crazy long?? Not sure how I can get to 200 dust at this rate fam. I think the cool-down windows and dust amount have been changed a lot since the fair so I won’t be relying on the old schedule.

Can anyone tell me their basement cool-down duration? I can’t believe it’s this long
Yesterday I gave 42 dust in the morning. Then later on this night I gathered about 34 dust, but haven’t transferred them yet.

So 76 in total for day 1.
Doing a morning run to see what I get. Probably will have to spend another ticket to get more dust. I’m going for 200 for the first donation so I know I’m in the clear for prizes.
I was gonna go on a huge dust sweep but cant get more than 10 rn 😅😭 here are some observations:

Things that gave me dust just now:
- 1x haunt of viewing (1 dust)
- 1x haunt of reaction (4 dust)
- 1x haunt of conversation (4 dust)

What didn’t give me dust:
- poll vote (last one 22 hours ago)
- basement posts (last one was 17 hours ago)
- profile visit and post (last one was 22 hours ago)
- additional in thread posts

so my takeaway from this is that the amount of times you can post for dust in one go has been significantly reduced. During the fair you could post in the basement several times in one window for dust, same with in thread posts. Also basement cool down is crazy long?? Not sure how I can get to 200 dust at this rate fam. I think the cool-down windows and dust amount have been changed a lot since the fair so I won’t be relying on the old schedule.

Can anyone tell me their basement cool-down duration? I can’t believe it’s this long

Yeah same. Feels like it's a bit different for the cooldowns. I know it changed in camp, also. I'm not organized enough to figure out all of the changes, so I'll be attempting dust gathering throughout the day and donating what I get.
I've gotten 4 dust and then 3 dust for the haunt of conversation from posting in threads. I don't think the length of the post affects it?
I’m just post in stuff that I have something to say about and not really paying attention to what exactly gives me some Dust.
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