TBT's Winter Short Story Contest

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If I'm reading the rules correctly we're allowed to do original work or animal crossing fanwork as long as it relates to the themes šŸ˜Š

Oh I know I could not do an Animal Crossing writing, but being on an AC forum and all, I feel it would be better to do AC plus it's more 'relatable' for lack of better words. Plus, I gotta start writing fanfic soon since I do plan on doing that at some point in time. I can just use this contest as practice first.
Been a while since I've done any writing, I hope you guys like this! It's a very personal piece, so it's a little nerve wracking to post it publicly like this, but maybe some of you mirror the sentiments expressed here.


Man, that weather looks brutal, Flip thought as he peeked out the window of his island home. Still, no weather could stop his morning walk, part of his rigorous training regimen. Sighing, he draped his scarf around his neck and slipped his coat on, mentally preparing himself for the blistering cold.

As Flip stepped outside into the wind-swept snowy isle of Juperu, he couldnā€™t help but marvel at how far the island had come. It had been how many months since him, Zach and Phoebe arrived here? Ten, maybe eleven? But the change from the deserted isle they once knew was drastic. Brick roads paved the island, flowers blossomed at every corner, every inch of the town painstakingly and deliberately decorated.

It baffled Flip how one person could change an entire land mass so drastically. The entire island was an undertaking of Zachā€™s- his labor of love. He would often see him running from place to place, uprooting trees, planting flowers, pushing furniture. As beautiful as everything now looked, Flip couldnā€™t help but look back on the beginning of the island fondly: Just Phoebe, Zach, himself- and the Nooks of course- living off the land: gathering fruit and sleeping in tents. It seemed so long ago now: but it invoked a strange emotion in Flip when he thought about it.

As Flip passed by Zachā€™s house, he had a sudden realization that perhaps it wasnā€™t the tents or the ruggedness that he missed. It was the sense of community: Zach coming by to say hi every day, watching buildings and public works being built before his very eyes. As time went on, he found less and less time to speak with Zach: he was always running about the island with that construction hat on his head and shovel in his hand.

Granted, Zach had turned this little island around for the better: and barring the small frustrations, such as when he couldnā€™t decide where Whitney should live and he moved her house 3 separate times, no one seemed to mind him sprucing things up too much. Flip hoped that when the town was as developed as one person could make it, things would slow back down, but he soon noticed a troubling change in his old friend. As the island neared completion, Zach was seen around the island less and less. At first it started with the occasional day spent indoors, but it quickly worsened. Soon Zach would be absent from the island for days or even weeks at a time: People wrote letters checking up on him, and he would occasionally be seen opening his mailbox to read through them before stepping back inside. He never wrote back.

During major events, such as Halloween night, Zach would venture out of his house for an hour or so and say hello to everyone, but there seemed to be a massive change in his demeanor. There were dark circles under his eyes: His smiles seemed to fade a little quicker: his laughs seemed shallower, less genuine. Flip was greatly concerned for his friend: this change was drastic and troubling. Was he losing sleep over the layout of the isle? Everyone loved what he had built, that couldnā€™t possibly be it. Perhaps he had received troubling news from back home? He was often found standing still, staring out into the distance.

Flip came to the conclusion that whatever was troubling him was a greater turmoil, something outside of their small island community entirely. His sudden absence from their island community and his weary and tired expression pointed to some greater turmoil in his life, invisible to anyone on their small island home. There was nothing more he and his friends could do but continue to write, continue to spend the time they got with him, and hope that whatever cosmic issue was causing their friend pain would eventually be resolved.

Flip jolted to. He had been lost in thought, and the biting wind had chilled him to his core. He shivered and continued on his walk, still contemplating everything on his mind. He waved hi to Celia as she strolled past, and even stopped to talk to Pinky, who was watering the bamboo shoots sprouting near her home.

As flipped headed towards the town center, he was suddenly shocked to see none other than Zach: and in the morning, no less. He was always a bit of a night owl, and it was still pretty early for him. He wondered if he should say hello, but before he could decide, Zach turned around, and, seeing his friend, his face lit up and he ran over to say hello.

Flip noticed a change in his appearance: he was dressed warmly, and the bags under his eyes were still there, but beginning to fade. Zach smiled, and it felt genuine to him: and, reaching into his pockets, Zach handed him a small bundle wrapped in colorful paper. Opening it, Flip found a few peaches: his favorite fruit. Zach looked at him strangely: he couldnā€™t quite understand the emotion pouring from his face. Whas it embarrassment? Guilt? Flip gladly accepted, giving Zach a small trinket in return-a hat he had been trying to give him for weeks, before he vanished. Zach smiled again, and Flip felt strangely comforted as Zach thanked him. But, even more comforting were the words out of Zachā€™s mouth as he walked away:

ā€œSee you tomorrow.ā€
pumped for another event and the raffle for these awesome prizes šŸ„ŗ it's always so fun to look over everyone's entries
staff, you are too good to us šŸ–¤
I like how the 175 bells prize odds are less than any one of the big collectible prizes lol

now time to try to figure me out something to write, I guess
I'm so excited! A writing contest! You all are really putting in a ton of time and effort for us with all of these events. Thank you so much!

Now, I've got to come up with a good idea.
~ Waiting for first snowfall šŸ„€

It was the end of winter on Isl. Tropico and the season had treated its villagers with a magical time. Just outside of town, a joyful spirit named Lolly called the forest lands her home. Her favourite season had once again given the area a beautiful blanket of snow and made the white trees and bushes glinster at night just as much as her home did when evening falls. Afterall, Lolly had once again decked out her home in the most beautiful lights and decorations.

But the most magical one of them all perhaps stood right outside her window, a perfect snowboy rolled all the way from the forest up to her house. She had given him a bright orange nose so he could enjoy the delicious smells coming from her kitchen as she made her famous seasonal winter stew. Two black button eyes placed on him so he could look over her as she once again had fallen asleep infront of the fireplace. And a mouth created from twigs so he could greet her on her ways to and from town.

It was not the alive part of this snowboy that made it special amongst the others that filled up the town this season but rather the interest it had taken. You see, perfect snowboys each have a distinct purpose given to them during the season, a purpose of looking over those who had given them life, and in turn give life to the nature they were surrounded by. However, this snowboy had taken a particular interest in the home it was guarding. Each evening when he glanced through the window, he watched over Lolly reading in front of the fire. The room filled itself with a warm orange glow and yet he wondered... how that comforting sensation must feel like to someone like himself, made from snow. He saw the blanket her mom made for her this Christmas keeping her warm and yet he wondered... what that cozy sensation must feel like.

In front of the window, there was a small flower resting in a vase. Lolly would always go to the flower fields up on the cliffs during
spring and bring one with her. It was always the smallest one in the fields but for some reason they would always last all four seasons. Although faded, it still proudly showed its red color in front of the window.

The snowboy would always search for such colors around him but even though the snow was slowly starting to melt as winter came to a close, no such coloured flowers would appear outside. It was just as usual, the white covered fields. And yet... he wondered.

The next morning on the final day of winter, the magestically tall snowboy had aready melted down to half its size and knew that once again, his duty was slowly coming to an end. However this particular morning he decided to ask Lolly as she set out for town. Ask her about the little flower in the vase and why he could not find them outside. Lolly explained that the flower would not survive outside
during winter and had to be kept warm. The snowboy was confused about this, how could his purpose be to bring life to his surroundings, yet his cold would cease this flower from living. Is the warmth and color I gaze upon each night not meant for me to feel, he wondered.

"Each season brings life with it in its own special ways", Lolly said. You do too. But one could notice the black buttons stayed filled with troubles. On her way to town she suddenly came up with an idea, one that would let him show, let him feel the warmth he was looking for. The snowboy kept pouting as his surroundings melted further down. As the last winter sun started to set on the horizon, he knew his final greeting to Lolly came closer.

Not much later, Lolly appeared in the distance carrying with her a wheelbarrow she borrowed in town. "What is that for?" the snowboy asked. I've always travelled up the cliffs to the flower fields by myself, but this time I want you to come with me. Up there on the cliffs, the first rays of spring will light up the valley as the sun appears over the ocean. This year, I want you to be there with me. That night, she placed the snowboy in the wheelbarrow and brought him up to the flower fields. The snow carpet that once covered the area was melted down to not more than some patches.

In the middle of the flower field, she placed him down overlooking the ocean. The snowboy was still confused as to how he could give life to his surroundings, afterall the fields had no resemblence to the colourful flower he gazed upon through the window. "Each season has its own special contribution to life" Lolly reminded him, as they both sat on the clifftops waiting for the sunrise to bid the season of winter farwell.

By the time the warm sun on the first day of spring had appeared, from the snowboy only a bright orange nose and two black buttons remained surrounded by water. However, in the middle of the puddle a small flower starter looked to be the first to welcome in the new season. Lolly scooped some soil in her wheelbarrow and took it home with her. The flower in the vase who had now lived all four seasons
started to fade away its last bright colours of red. She replaced it with the one she brought back from the fields, tucked it in warm soil and placed it in front of her window while whispering "Thank you for the season".

For the year to come, that small flower in front of the window gazed to the outside waiting once again,
waiting for first snowfall. šŸ„€

This idea came to me last night, just before I fell asleep.

The Snowboy


Something thudded into the snowball, waking it from, well not really dreams, but perhaps remembering what it was like to float around as many glittering snowflakes. It rolled forward a little.


Again, that thud and roll. It didnā€™t hurt, but the snowball was a little annoyed. Who was doing this, and why were they picking on it?

After a few more thuds, it began rolling smoothly, steadily pushed. Each turn added more snow to its size. It heard a voice from nearby, ā€œThatā€™s good. Now to make the body.ā€

Things got quiet for a bit, but soon the snowball heard crunching snow and the voice again, humming a little tune.

ā€œJust a little moreā€¦ thatā€™s it. Now, get the head up on there.ā€ Another push from behind, and the snowball gave a little hop up into the air. As it came down, something amazing happened. It merged with the larger snowball and suddenlyā€¦

ā€œYou did it! Perfect Snowboy, at your service!ā€ Snowboy? Was that his name? And how could he suddenly talk, see, and hear? ā€œI have a special item to give you ā€“ a large snowflake. Youā€™ll need it for crafting.ā€

The snowboy didnā€™t know what he was saying, but somehow, he produced a large snowflake and handed it to theā€¦ what was that in front of him? His creator? Such a strange little creature.

The creature took the snowflake with a smile and ran off, busy with other projects. The snowboy tried to follow, but found it could no longer roll.

ā€œYou canā€™t follow her. But weā€™ll keep you company.ā€

Looking around, the snowboy saw several others like him, in various stages of melting. They each greeted him, explaining a bit of what had happened.

For the rest of that day, the snowboy watched as his creator rushed about, catching fish and bugs, and also beautiful snowflakes. He saw some of the items made from them, glittering ice sculptures in all different colors. He was proud to know that he had helped make some of them possible.

There were other creatures moving about. These were different, but he couldnā€™t quite place it. Asking the oldest (and most melted) snowboy, he learned the difference.

ā€œThey are animals. There are many living here, and several more who visit each day. They are nice, and wonā€™t do you any harm. They are friends of the one who made us.ā€

ā€œBut why is she different?ā€

ā€œShe is a human. The only one who lives here, although friends like her come once in a while to visit. It doesnā€™t seem to matter, as they all get along nicely.ā€

This was true. And as night fell and the stars dotted the sky, the snowboy was happy that he had been made here.

The next morning, the oldest snowboy had vanished, melting back into the world. He saw that he had begun to melt, as well. The human came running over, kicking a small snowball, and then rolling it into a larger one. Repeating the process, he watched as she made a new snowboy. After talking to all of them (and getting more snowflakes), she ran off to take care of things in other areas. The snowboy was happy to see a new friend, but he missed the old one, until he heard soft chuckling.

ā€œMiss me, did you?ā€

Taking a good look, he saw that it was indeed the oldest snowboy, remade.

ā€œThere are actually four of us, and we get rolled up again after we melt. Most of us remember, but you might have been kicked up against a tree when she was trying to make you. That always messes with the memories.ā€

This second day, the snowboy had much to think about. He tried, but he could not remember being here before. All he knew was that first time his little snowball had been kicked, to start it growing. It didnā€™t matter, because there was so much to see now. He didnā€™t want to miss a thing.

Later in the afternoon, a gentle snow began to fall. It was lovely. Puffs of white came from the animalsā€™ mouths as they ran here and there, looking at all the things the human had done to decorate the island. Sometimes they would stop and talk to each other, and the conversations were rather funny. The snowboy had to be cautious not to laugh, since none of the animals realized the snowpeople were aware. He learned some of their names and stored the memories away, hoping he would have them again when he was remade.

The third day brought more melting. It was a strange feeling, but not uncomfortable. Another snowboy had melted overnight and the girl (he had heard one of the animals call her ā€œmy girlā€) rolled him up again. She was a little off on the size, so this time, there were no snowflakes, but she still talked to him and seemed happy with what she had done. The newly made snowboy sighed as she ran off, but said that it was better than not being made at all.

The day was very stormy, and the wind drove the snow almost sideways. There were more of the glittering snowflakes, and the girl laughed as she caught them in her net. Sometimes, one of the animals would run after a snowflake, tilting their head, looking at the pretty shape until it faded away.

New sounds drifted over from the right, and the snowboy wondered what they could be. He wanted to rock, but was too melted to do anything.

ā€œThat is music. There is a special animal who comes to play it. I think he is called a ā€˜dogā€™, but we like him because he looks like the snow.ā€ The snowboy didnā€™t know what that meant, but later, he saw an animal all in white fur walking toward him. The eyes and nose were coal black. Ah, this must be the Music Dog. He knew he shouldnā€™t talk, but he couldnā€™t help it.

ā€œMusic Dog, thank you for the lovely sounds.ā€

The dog didnā€™t seem surprised. His eyes twinkled and he winked at the snowboys. ā€œAnything for the fans. Stay cool.ā€

With that, he turned and walked back the way he had come. Soon, the music could be heard again.

Night came, the storm subsided, and the snowboy watched the stars.

On the following morning, he had melted so much that only his head remained on a slushy pile. He still smiled and gave the girl a snowflake when she came to see him. She stood looking at him for a little longer and he could see that the smile was a bit sad. He wanted to tell her that he would be back, but before he could try, she turned away to one of the animals who had called her name. It was probably better that way.

It was a quiet day. The girl and animals all seemed to be busy elsewhere, although he saw them running about. He spent most of the day chatting with the other snowboys. The one imperfect one sighed and said he was glad to be melting, and hoped to be made better next time.

The sun set and it grew dark. As the stars came out, the snowboy saw some bright lights streaking across the sky. They were glittered more than the prettiest snowflakes. Turning to his neighbor, the snowboy asked about them, but another voice answered, ā€œThey are shooting stars. If you make a wish on one, it can come true.ā€

A pink owl, wearing a large pink ribbon, stood beside him. She also looked up at the sky. When one of the stars raced across the sky, she closed her eyes for a moment. Opening them, she smiled, ā€œGive it a try. Shooting stars are magical.ā€

They both saw the girl coming toward them, so the owl winked and held a wing to her beak. She waddled over to the girl and began talking to her about the stars.

Another star appeared, and the snowboy made his wish. He was tired, so decided to doze. Sometime in the night, he felt himself melt away. Then it was quiet.


The snowball moved, slowly growing. Another quickly formed, and thenā€¦

ā€œHello, did you miss me?ā€
ahhhhh, writing is literally the one (1) thing i'm half good at, but i don't know if i have the confidence for this.

still, i might as well ask for clarification: i'm allowed to write about my two (animal crossing unrelated) ocs so long as they do something winter-themed or the story is obviously set during winter, right?
ahhhhh, writing is literally the one (1) thing i'm half good at, but i don't know if i have the confidence for this.

still, i might as well ask for clarification: i'm allowed to write about my two (animal crossing unrelated) ocs so long as they do something winter-themed or the story is obviously set during winter, right?
Yes, that is correct. :)
You lot are doing amazing with these events~
Figures my writing block is giving me trouble this month, but I shall try my best!!
i wanted to write lately and this popped up at a good time 'w')b... im not used to writing with lots of imagery, but i really like reading stuff with it so i wanted to try ywy)9 good luck all!!

The Good in a Day

I looked towards the sky and sighed.

Could this day get any worse?

Snowflakes were falling gently, and the sky was a soft blue. The familiar grey winter skies were nowhere to be seen, instead being replaced by a picturesque sky. Certainly, the evening view would be beautiful: a few clouds in sight for the moon to illuminate, stars aplenty, ornamenting the evening. But for now, it was noon, and I was left wondering to myself.

Could this day get any worse?

In the distance was the sound of a guitar. Acoustic. Atmospheric. The snowflakes themselves seemed to be dancing to the tune. I wasn't immune to the music either, as I began humming along subconsciously. As I closed my eyes and enjoyed the music amidst my stroll. Note after note played, slowly growing quieter, and quieter. While the distant guitar could no longer be heard, the song continued on within me, a beautiful stain upon the quiet world.

Could this day get any worse?

As the wind brushed passed me, I noticed my fingers were starting to grow noticeably cold. My warm breath against them was evidence enough of their state, and yet, they weren't quite cold enough. My thighs, too. Underneath my layers, I'm sure they'd have a tinge of pink. And yet, the sting of winter was nowhere to be found. It was cold today, but not too cold.

Could this day get any worse?

Perhaps if I stayed out long enough, it would get colder. And yet, I doubted that. As I traversed these ever familiar streets, I stared at the road ahead. Snow had blanketed the area, but the sidewalks were neatly paved by footprints: evidence that many others walked the same path effortlessly. Mixed among the tracks were a few paw prints, and even a few very tiny footprints -- perhaps from a pair of puppy boots? How cute.

Quietly, I wished that the day would get worse.

The smell of cocoa wafted through the air, as if denying my wish. Light chatter mixed with a hint of jazz music emanated from a nearby cafƩ. My hand retreated into my pocket, met with emptiness where there should have been a wallet. After a moment of confusion and panic, I recalled my own foolishness.

"I'll just go for a quick walk," I told myself as I zipped my jacket up, "I probably won't buy anything, so I'll just leave this at home."

I had left my wallet at home. Deciding to make my way past the alluring warmth of a cafƩ, a bitter smile began to paint my face. Yet, no sooner did the corners of my mouth turn than a voice called out to me.

"Excuse me! Would you like to come in for a drink?" There came the warm, gentle voice of a barista.

Shaking my head lightly, I returned their greeting with a polite smile.
"Thanks -- I'd love to, but I'll have to decline. I left my wallet at home today!"

"Oh, it's alright!" They called out, holding the door open for me, "It'll be on the house! It's awfully cold out today, isn't it?"

To decline further felt like a slight to the other patrons. Surely, they mustn't like the cold air entering the warm atmosphere of the cafƩ for too long. Resigning myself to my fortune, I entered with the barista.

"It's not that cold," I shrugged, tapping the snow off my boots as I entered, "The weather itself is pretty nice today. Clear skies, light snow, not too windy."

"Is that so? It was pretty cold a few hours ago, but I've been in here for the past while. I suppose the outside is pretty cold in comparison -- Ah, you can sit down if you'd like."

As the barista made their way behind the counter, I shook my head lightly.

"It's alright, I was planning on continuing my walk."

"Suit yourself! Is there anything you want to drink in particular? Tea? Coffee?"

"Hot chocolate would be great, thank you," giving a polite smile, they returned my answer with a nod. In the air was ambience: the sound of a paper cup being separated from its stack, strangely clear amongst the light chatter of other patrons, "So... Why the free drink? Is something special happening?"

"Oh, no, nothing of the sort," they laughed lightly, the sound of liquid filling a cup overlapping with their voice, "You just seemed awfully chipper! -- Oh, would you like whipped cream?"

"Is that so? Oh-- no, thank you."

"Okay -- anyways, yeah. It's a bit quiet today, so why not, right?"

The warmth of the cafƩ was slowly permeating my body. What were once cold fingers with rigid movements had eased back into their natural state.

"That hardly seems like good business," commenting half-jokingly, I watched as they stirred the cocoa, a cloud of steam lifting from the cup.

"A single cup isn't going to bankrupt this place! It's fine -- and if you're that worried, you can just drop by some other day and we'll call it even! Anyways, here! Your order of hot chocolate!"

Nodding in response to their words, I took the paper cup into my hands, "Thank you. I'm sure I'll be back, then."

"Enjoy! And have a good day!"

"You too." Giving a wave as I left, the tiny jingle of the bell by cafƩ's door bid me farewell. Soon, I was met with the familiar cold of the outdoors. The warmth that had returned to the surface of my skin began receding once again. The sensation made the surface of my skin feel even warmer, if only for a moment.

My hands lightly twisted the sleeve surrounding the paper cup. The warmth of the drink had melted the adhesive slightly, making the sleeve stick. As I twisted, a little snap could be felt: a sure sign of the sleeve's freedom. As I continued to twist it back and forth slightly, now free from any adhesive resistance, I continued my walk.

Could this day get any worse?

Resigned to my fate, I decided to make my way home. The day was simple, but beautiful. Clumsily-made snowmen decorating one's yard, giving the atmosphere a certain charm. Patches of snow that hadn't been tread, and footprints along the edge belonging to someone who wanted to leave their mark. The intersection that was normally hard to cross due to an puddle of slush was missing its regular trial.

The day was normal. Exceedingly so. The day had no spice to it, no hint of trouble. A very normal, beautiful, boring day.

Sighing resignedly, I took a sip of cocoa. And yet, it was too hot -- the burn lingering on my tongue. A feeling that would remain for longer than one would hope, yet disappear before you realize it.

"Finally," A small cloud of vapor escaped my lips as I muttered to myself, "Something to get angry about."

Could this day get any better?
A Not-so-Icy Friendship

It was another winter day on the island, though increasingly more special than the last. Two friends, Gwen and Aurora greet each other on their morning strolls. Though rather snooty, Aurora thinks of Gwen as an elderly sister to her. Lately, she has pondered on what to do for Gwen's birthday the upcoming twenty-third.

"Ms. Gwen..." Aurora asking sheepishly. "Is there anything you are thinking about?" Gwen, still sleepy from the early morning glosses over the request.

"If my eyeshadow looks alright, h-h-hon! My eyes still seem to be opening to check." Aurora, initially suprised by the response lets out a kind smile, allowing both to break out into light laughter.

"Be seeing you, b-b-baby!" Both wave to each other as they go on there way to start the day. Once Gwen is out of sight, Aurora lets out a small sigh. How could I ever get her to tell me what she wants while keeping it a surprise, she thought
Since it is winter, she started to think of ways to throw a party fitting for the season. At the beginning of the season, Aurora managed to save some recipes from building snowmen over the holidays; she even built a bed of ice she was so handy! Though, there was one problem; she did not nearly have enough materials and would not enough it time for Gwen's birthday.

After (too) many hot cocoas and thinking later, Aurora looks out the window in frustration to notice Gwen chasing around snowflakes. "Maybe if we catch them together, I could get enough materials in time!" she realized to herself. "Hopefully she won't catch on..." thinking sheepishly as she grabbed her net, heading out the door.

"Ms. Gwen!" she shouted, grabbing Gwens attention as she dashes for another snowflake. "Mind if I catch with you?" Gwen nods in approval as they start catching the swirling flake together. After some time of catching, the two decide to take a small break to admire the sunset.

"You know..." Gwen said as she seemed to be trailing off in a thought. "I really appreciate your help today." The phrase transitioning into a kind smile. "There is no other person I would rather spend time with, h-h-hon!" Aurora replied with a kind smile.
With the sun now down, the two wave to each other and return to their homes to rest for the day.

During the course of days leading up to Gwen's birthday, aurora starts building the furniture for the outdoor-themed ice party. Though she does not have all the recipes to complete the set, she feels confident that Gwen will have an enjoyable time at least with the juice bar she's adding to.

Then, the day of Gwen's birthday came. Aurora had already set up the decorations the night before and excitedly went to knock on Gwen's door. A quite sleepy Gwen appears. "It is... so early, h-h-hon" she said as just finishes putting her mascara on.

"Come with me!" Said Aurora barely containing her excitement. She pulls Gwen away and they head to the town square. Once they arrive, Aurora is in total surprise as there is completely new and far more decorations than what she put out last night. "Gwen..." she said so quietly. "Did you do this?" Gwen let out a small chuckle into a smile.

"It's your party too after all, h-h-hon! I had some neighbors help me add to your decorations last night." Gwen signals to the ice sculptures. "Hope you don't mind a earlier party together!"

"I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate than with my friends...!" Aurora smiles wiping her eyes.

"Now..." Gwen said, putting party hats on each other. "Let's have that juice, h-h-hon!" Aurora nods and smiles wholeheartedly.
I'm not very good at writing, but here's my entry! It was 2053 words at first, but I managed to cut it down

A Cake for Blathers

Celeste and Blathers, both being quite busy, didn't have much time to sit down and catch up on things, but the night after tomorrow would be different. Blathers' birthday was in two days, and Celeste was going to make him the best cake ever! There was just one problem. She'd never actually baked a cake before. As she rifled through the pages of a cookbook, the corners of her beak began to take on a distinct downward curve and a dull headache began to build behind her temples. After reading through the ingredients and baking instructions for multiple types of cake, she closed the book with a sigh and buried her head in her wings. It was hopeless. Maybe she should just buy a cake from the store? No. She was going to do this. She just needed some help.

Tomorrow night there was going to me a meteor shower on Aria, the island her brother was living on, and it would be the perfect opportunity for her to get some help from the residents there. They always had nothing but good things to say about him when she visited, so they were sure to help out. She'd been planning to stay two nights anyway, given that her brother's birthday was the day after the meteor shower, so it wouldn't be too suspicious. She might have to miss out on seeing the shower, but it was worth it if she could see her brother's smile. He'd been working hard at his museum, and an incident with some escaped bugs the previous week had caused him a great deal of stress.

When Celeste woke the next evening, she headed straight to the airport and boarded a plane to Aria. After a brief flight, she landed on Aria and began her search for someone who could help her. She'd seen Lily post about some raindrop cakes she'd made on her blog, so she decided to head to Lily's house first, but on the way she ran into Peck. He waved to her with one wing while lifting a dumbbell with the other. "Hi Celeste! Are you excited for the meteor shower tonight? I'm getting some last minute reps in so I can look extra buff for the stars!"

"Oh, hello Peck! Well, actually, I'm looking for someone who knows how to bake a cake."

"A cake?" Peck tilted his head. "Why not something healthier, like a salad?'

Celeste shook her head. "Blathers' birthday is tomorrow, and I want to make him the best birthday cake ever! But... well... I've never baked one before."

Peck relaxed, pausing his exercising for a moment to think before responding. "I see. Are you sure he wouldn't prefer a birthday salad?"

Celeste sighed. The last time her brother had eaten a salad there'd been an ant in it, and he still trembled just watching someone else eat one. "I really don't think he would. Thanks for the suggestion though. I'll think about it." She exchanged goodbyes with Peck and continued on her way to Lily's house.

She'd just reached the base of the hill that Lily lived on when a voice called out to her. She turned to see an anteater with wavy hair and a very distinct pair of eyebrows. It was Olaf. "Hello!" She said.

"Were you going to Lily's house?" He asked, glancing from her to the hill she'd been about to ascend.

"Yes, I wanted to see if she could help me with a cake I need to bake," she replied. Olaf frowned, and Celeste felt her chest tighten. "Is something wrong?" she asked.

"Well, I don't think she'll be able to help you. She's sick today. Ashley gave her some medicine, but she's still recovering," Olaf said.

"Oh no, poor Lily! I hope she gets better soon. Today just keeps getting worse." Celeste's eyes filled with tears as she tried to blink them away.

Olaf patted her on the shoulder. "Hey, look, don't cry. Maybe I can help you with the cake?" Olaf offered. "What do you need it for anyway?"

Celeste took a deep breath to calm herself before replying. "Blathers' birthday is tomorrow, so I wanted to bake him a cake... but..." A sob escaped her as more tears began to spill from her eyes.

Olaf pulled a black and gold handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to her. "Don't give up yet. I know just the person to help! Follow me." Olaf said, beginning to walk toward the west side of the island. Celeste trailed behind him, dabbing at her eyes with the handkerchief.

They walked for a couple of minutes before arriving at a blue house. The exterior looked a bit different than it had the last time Celeste had visited, but she recognized it as the house of Aria's resident representative, Ashley. No sooner had Olaf knocked on the door than it swung open.

"Oh, hello Olaf, wha- Celeste?" Ashley ran over to Celeste, looking at the crying owl with concern. "What's wrong? Why're you crying?"

For the the third time that evening, Celeste explained how she wanted to make a birthday cake for Blathers but didn't know how. Ashley nodded as she listened, and once Celeste had finished speaking, she clapped her hands. "Celeste. My mom makes me a birthday cake every year, and every year it's delicious. I might not bake as well as she does, but she did teach me a bit before I left home, so I'm sure we can figure out something!" And with that she ushered Celeste and Olaf into her home and to the kitchen.

Once they were all in the kitchen, Ashley pulled out three aprons, handing one each to Olaf and Celeste for them to put on and wearing the third one herself. "Okay, so have either of you ever baked before?" Ashley asked them.

"I baked star cookies with my mom once when I was little, but I just stirred the batter and ate the cookies. It was hard to eat them though. They were so pretty..." Celeste's eyes went all wide and sparkly as she remembered the cookies. Her mother had decorated them to look like glittering galaxies.

"I auditioned for the role of a baker in a play once!" Olaf said. "I didn't get chosen for the part though. I must have been overqualified."

Ashley smiled at their stories. "Yes, I'm sure both of your experiences will be... uhm... helpful." She made her way around the kitchen, pulling ingredients and items out of the fridge and cabinet. She placed a large bowl on the counter and gestured for Celeste and Olaf to come over. "Before we get started, what kind of cake does Blathers like?"

Celeste tilted her head back for a moment before responding. "I think he likes all kinds of cake, but chocolate was always his favorite."

"Chocolate it is then!" Ashley opened the cabinet once more to take out some cocoa powder. With all of the ingredients assembled, she smiled. "Now, let's start baking!"


About an hour later the three pulled a fully baked chocolate cake from the oven. Other than a minor incident with the flour, some of which could still be seen in Olaf's hair, the whole process had gone pretty smoothly. Celeste smiled as she inhaled the scent of the freshly baked cake, and her eyes started to tear up once more. "Thank you both so much for helping me! I never would have been able to bake this on my own!"

Ashley pulled Celeste and Olaf in for a group hug. "After helping out tonight I think you'll probably be able to bake your own next time, but I'm always happy to help!"

"The only thing left is to decorate the cake, but we should do that once the cake has cooled, and it's getting pretty late for Olaf and me, so how about we do it first thing tomorrow evening? And I was thinking, why not have a party for Blathers tomorrow night in front of Resident Services? It might be a bit last minute, but I know everyone on the island would like to wish your brother a happy birthday," Ashley said.

"A birthday party? My brother hasn't had one since he was little. Yes, let's do it!" Celeste's eyes sparkled and she wiggled happily.


Blathers fiddled with his bow tie for the tenth time as he made his way down the path. When he'd woken up that night he hadn't expected to find a note written in his sister's handwriting telling him to go to Resident Services stuck to the museum wall, but there he was, heading to Resident Services. It was his birthday, and most years he had a birthday meal with his sister, so maybe she wanted to eat outside this time. She did enjoy looking up at the stars after all. It was oddly quiet though. Most of the islanders were usually still awake at that time, but he hadn't seen a single soul since he'd left the museum. As he neared Resident Services, however, he began to hear the sound of voices. Finally, he rounded the corner and the front of Resident Services came into view. He froze at the sight before him.

All of the residents of the island were standing in the plaza, and it was covered with tables of food, streamers, balloons, and a banner reading "Happy Birthday Blathers!" He'd only had a moment to wonder at what he was seeing before Celeste spotted him and called out to him. "Blathers! Happy birthday!" Her cry was echoed by the other attendees of the party, and Blathers' vision started to blur as his eyes grew wet with tears. He stepped onto the plaza and was quickly bombarded with hugs and pats on the back.

"W-what is all this?" He asked Celeste once he had a moment to breathe.

"Well, it seems you've made a lot of friends since you moved here. Honestly, I was worried that you'd be all alone, cooped up in your museum all day, but I guess I was worried for nothing. Everyone here was so excited when they found out it was your birthday. They spent the whole day running around gathering food and getting the decorations set up!" Celeste said as she gave her brother a hug. "Oh, but there's one more thing! Close your eyes!"

Blathers didn't know what else there could possibly be, but he closed his tear-filled eyes and allowed his sister to lead him over to a corner of the plaza. He stood there for a minute as he heard everyone crowd in behind him before Celeste finally said, "Okay, open your eyes!"

He opened his eyes to see a rectangular cake covered in chocolate icing and decorated with frosting fossils, fish, and even some objects he recognized from some of the paintings and statues that were on display back at the museum. He also couldn't help but notice the lack of any bugs, which he greatly appreciated. And there, in the middle of the cake, was the same message from the banner "Happy Birthday Blathers!"

Tears spilled down Blather's cheeks and Celeste's eyes widened. "B-brother? What's wrong? Do you not like it?"

Blathers shook his head, rubbing at his eyes with the tips of his wings. "No. I-it's not that. I just... Celeste... everyone.. thank you. I've never had such a wonderful birthday before. This is better than anything I could have imagined."

"Oh, you silly birdbrain. That's what friends and sisters are for!" Celeste smiled, wrapping her wings around her brother. She peered over his shoulder at all of their friends before calling out to them, "Come on, group hug everyone!" And they huddled in, wrapping wings and arms around each other while Blathers continued to sniffle in the center.

Oh, and the cake? It was delicious of course.
Sincerely Yours, Chevre

Most goats wouldnā€™t be looking to re-locate during the winter, but I come from a family of mountain goats and we can withstand a bit of cold. Plus, Iā€™ve got my favourite red poncho coat to keep me warm. With all my belongings packed neatly away in boxes, I headed over to the local diner to get one last milkshake before I leave.

ā€œTomorrowā€™s the big day, isnā€™t it kidders?ā€ This diner just happens to be owned by my best friend Pashmina, who slid a tall glass across the counter towards me. At this point, she always knew what I was in the mood for and no longer needed to take my order. I took a sip and tasted nostalgia. Classic vanilla, the perfect choice for my last day. Pashmina's secret ingredient? Sweetened with honey from Ellinea's local lavender farm, so it had a nice aroma.

ā€œThatā€™s right, tomorrowā€™s the day I bid farewell to Ellinea.ā€ It still feels surreal saying it out loud, but I had been craving a change in scenery for a while and knew it was time to make the leap. Still, I would miss this quiet town with its sleepy atmosphere. It has been a good home to me for a long time.

ā€œI really envy you, Chevre. Not everyone would be able to pick up and move just like that.ā€

ā€œWhat can I say? I love a good adventure, especially a spontaneous one!ā€

We chatted late into the evening, until Pashmina had to close up shop for the night. I took one last look around, trying to memorize the decor inside this little red diner where I spent so much of my time. I pulled out my bells, but Pashmina waved them away.

ā€œDonā€™t be silly. This oneā€™s on the house, kidders.ā€

I smiled, and gave her a parting hug. I was really going to miss the way she called me kidders.

ā€œIā€™ll send you a letter as soon as Iā€™ve settled in.ā€ I promised.

ā€œNow youā€™ll have two penpals!ā€ She said, squeezing me back.

She was talking about Nan, of course, who I had been writing to since I was in grade school. It was for a class assignment, but we continued to write to each other even as we grew older. Now it was like weā€™ve known each other our entire lives, even though weā€™ve never met. And since weā€™ve been able to maintain our friendship all this time, I felt confident that Pashmina and I would never fall out of touch as long as we wrote to each other.

The moon was high as I stepped out into the crisp winter air. It smelled of lavender, as it always did on Ellinea. The snow crunched beneath my hooves as I walked home for the last time. Tomorrow would be the start of my new life on a new island.


As I stepped off the plane, I was greeted by the warm sun and lush greenery. This island must be really far away from home, as it was summer here. The breeze carried the scent of citrus and I remembered that this island was well known for its large fruit orchard. On the ground sprouted breeds of flowers I had never seen before. The colors were vibrant and the island felt alive with energy.

This is so refreshing, itā€™s just what I needed!

I wanted to go out and explore right away, but I had to unpack my things first. I followed a dirt path until I reached my new house, tucked away in a secluded area of the forest. More wildflowers spotted the front lawn. It was the perfect location, and I couldnā€™t help but sigh in satisfaction as I gazed at my very own cottage in the woods.

Well, Chevre. Youā€™ve made it. This is home now.

I spent the rest of the afternoon unpacking, until everything was arranged exactly as it was in my old house. It was my familiar little sanctuary on this new island where everything was different. As I hung Nanā€™s photo in its usual place above my bed, a thought occurred to me.

Maybe I should ask Pashmina to send me her photo too.

I decided I would write to her tomorrow after I check out the town, so that I can tell her all about my new surroundings. As I climbed into bed, exhaustion from the long day suddenly took over and I had no trouble falling asleep.


I woke up early the next morning, unable to contain my excitement for the day ahead. I decided to locate the store in case I later realize I forgot to pack something. This would also give me the opportunity to ask for directions and meet my new neighbors. Maybe I could find a place to have breakfast as well. I set off in the direction of resident services, but along the way found myself distracted by a grove of fruit trees.

This must be the orchard!

I found an opening in the fence and stepped in.

Itā€™s even bigger than I thought it would be!

I wandered aimlessly between the trees, enjoying the morning sun and fresh air. It was so tranquil, the sun peeking through the leaves to warm my face. I was glad I called it an early night yesterday, so that I could experience the orchard before the daytime rush disturbed the calm atmosphere which reminded me so much of Ellinea. I was just thinking of how I would describe this scenery in a letter, when I heard a rustling. Someone was already here, up on a ladder, reaching for peaches and dropping them into a basket. As I came closer, I saw that it was another goat.

Hey, a goat! Maybe we can be friends!

I approached hesitantly, not wanting to startle them.

What are the chances, finding another goat on this island.

I cleared my voice, hoping to make a good first impression.

ā€œHello, pardon me. My name is Chevre. I just moved here and I was wondering-ā€œ

Just then the figure turned around and I saw a familiar face, one Iā€™ve only ever seen in photos. We both blinked at each other a couple of times. Although she was always smiling in the photos she sent, I now saw different emotions pass through her face. Surprise, recognition, then radiant joy. Nan smiled as warm as the sun.

ā€œHi there, kid.ā€

Ahhh, I really enjoyed writing this. I think it's so sweet how Chevre and Nan have photos of each other in their homes. I let go of Nan recently, but really wanted to write from the POV of Chevre because I love her name. I like to imagine that my Nan found her soulmate on another island.
Last edited:
Sincerely Yours, Chevre

Most goats wouldnā€™t be looking to re-locate during the winter, but I come from a family of mountain goats and we can withstand a bit of cold. Plus, Iā€™ve got my favourite red poncho coat to keep me warm. With all my belongings packed neatly away in boxes, I headed over to the local diner to get one last milkshake before I leave.

ā€œTomorrowā€™s the big day, isnā€™t it kidders?ā€ This diner just happens to be owned by my best friend Pashmina, who slid a tall glass across the counter towards me. At this point, she always knew what I was in the mood for and no longer needed to take my order. I took a sip and tasted nostalgia. Classic vanilla, the perfect choice for my last day. Pashmina's secret ingredient? Sweetened with honey from Ellinea's local lavender farm, so it had a nice aroma.

ā€œThatā€™s right, tomorrowā€™s the day I bid farewell to Ellinea.ā€ It still feels surreal saying it out loud, but I had been craving a change in scenery for a while and knew it was time to make the leap. Still, I would miss this quiet town with its sleepy atmosphere. It has been a good home to me for a long time.

ā€œI really envy you, Chevre. Not everyone would be able to pick up and move just like that.ā€

ā€œWhat can I say? I love a good adventure, especially a spontaneous one!ā€

We chatted late into the evening, until Pashmina had to close up shop for the night. I took one last look around, trying to memorize the decor inside this little red diner where I spent so much of my time. I pulled out my bells, but Pashmina waved them away.

ā€œDonā€™t be silly. This oneā€™s on the house, kidders.ā€

I smiled, and gave her a parting hug. I was really going to miss the way she called me kidders.

ā€œIā€™ll send you a letter as soon as Iā€™ve settled in.ā€ I promised.

ā€œNow youā€™ll have two penpals!ā€ She said, squeezing me back.

She was talking about Nan, of course, who I had been writing to since I was in grade school. It was for a class assignment, but we continued to write to each other even as we grew older. Now it was like weā€™ve known each other our entire lives, even though weā€™ve never met. And since weā€™ve been able to maintain our friendship all this time, I felt confident that Pashmina and I would never fall out of touch as long as we wrote to each other.

The moon was high as I stepped out into the crisp winter air. It smelled of lavender, as it always did on Ellinea. The snow crunched beneath my hooves as I walked home for the last time. Tomorrow would be the start of my new life on a new island.


As I stepped off the plane, I was greeted by the warm sun and lush greenery. This island must be really far away from home, as it was summer here. The breeze carried the scent of citrus and I remembered that this island was well known for its large fruit orchard. On the ground sprouted breeds of flowers I had never seen before. The colors were vibrant and the island felt alive with energy.

This is so refreshing, itā€™s just what I needed!

I wanted to go out and explore right away, but I had to unpack my things first. I followed a dirt path until I reached my new house, tucked away in a secluded area of the forest. More wildflowers spotted the front lawn. It was the perfect location, and I couldnā€™t help but sigh in satisfaction as I gazed at my very own cottage in the woods.

Well, Chevre. Youā€™ve made it. This is home now.

I spent the rest of the afternoon unpacking, until everything was arranged exactly as it was in my old house. It was my familiar little sanctuary on this new island where everything was different. As I hung Nanā€™s photo in its usual place above my bed, a thought occurred to me.

Maybe I should ask Pashmina to send me her photo too.

I decided I would write to her tomorrow after I check out the town, so that I can tell her all about my new surroundings. As I climbed into bed, exhaustion from the long day suddenly took over and I had no trouble falling asleep.


I woke up early the next morning, unable to contain my excitement for the day ahead. I decided to locate the store in case I later realize I forgot to pack something. This would also give me the opportunity to ask for directions and meet my new neighbors. Maybe I could find a place to have breakfast too. I set off in the direction of resident services, but along the way found myself distracted by a grove of fruit trees.

This must be the orchard!

I found an opening in the fence and stepped in.

Itā€™s even bigger than I thought it would be!

I wandered aimlessly between the trees, enjoying the morning sun and fresh air. It was so tranquil, the sun peeking through the leaves to warm my face. I was glad I called it an early night yesterday, so that I could experience the orchard before the daytime rush disturbed the calm atmosphere which reminded me so much of Ellinea. I was just thinking of how I would describe this scenery in a letter, when I heard a rustling. Someone was already here, up on a ladder, reaching for peaches and dropping them into a basket. As I came closer, I saw that it was another goat.

Hey, a goat! Maybe we can be friends!

I approached hesitantly, not wanting to startle them.

What are the chances, finding another goat on this island.

I cleared my voice, hoping to make a good first impression.

ā€œHello, pardon me. My name is Chevre. I just moved here and I was wondering-ā€œ

Just then the figure turned around and I saw a familiar face, once Iā€™ve only ever seen in photos. We both blinked at each other a couple of times. Although she was always smiling in the photos she sent, I now saw different emotions pass through her face. Surprise, recognition, then radiant joy. Nan smiled as warm as the sun.

ā€œHi there, kid.ā€

Ahhh, I really enjoyed writing this. I think it's so sweet how Chevre and Nan have photos of each other in their homes. I let go of Nan recently, but really wanted to write from the POV of Chevre because I love her name. I like to imagine that my Nan found her soulmate on another island.

šŸ˜­ wait i actually love this sm! this was such a cute story and i loved reading it! <3
Finding Friendship
It was a cold winter night. A sudden wind blew through the quaint town of Glimwood. Everyone was sleepingā€”or so it appeared. In the central forest, a single villager, Sherb the lazy goat, was wide awake in his small, dimly lit cottage. He was sitting at his crafting table working away at his project. His new crayons were strewn about his desk. Most of his markers had rolled onto the floor. He was working quite hard on his creation. Finally, he stood up, looked at his project with glee, and went to bed.

The next morning, everything went as normal. The villagers all stirred out of bad at their normal time, checked the stores, greeted one another, and then began exploring the town they adored. Sherb eventually ran into his neighbor, Clay. The two began talking, and Sherb whispered something into Clayā€™s ear. The small hamster grinned from ear to ear as he followed Sherb inside his house.

Inside, Clay looked at Sherbā€™s project with amazement. It was way better than he had expected. The two immediately began working on it again. They were both filled with enjoyment. The project was important to both of them. Eventually, Erik the deer walked in to ask Sherb if he knew how to craft a frozen pillar. ā€œWoah!ā€ Erik said, looking at the project covering half of Sherbā€™s floor. ā€œThis mustā€™ve taken you forever!ā€ Sherb replied, ā€œYeah! I worked on it all night! I was just going to ask if you could help with it.ā€ ā€œDefinitely!ā€ said Erik. The three worked into the night. Before the two neighbors left for the night, Sherb asked them to invite the other residents to his house to help with it, as well. He knew everyone should have some input here. They agreed and left for the night.

After Sherb woke up, he began getting everything ready for the big day. One by one, his friends came to his house to put their mark on this mystery project. It had turned out even better than expected. ā€œThis is perfect!ā€ exclaimed Sherb. He jumped up an down in delight. He couldnā€™t believe how his dream became a reality and began planning his next steps.

The rest of the night went as normal. Sherb ate dinner, watched the sun set, and counted stars with his fellow neighbors. After everyone went to bed, though, Sherb began working on his plan. He rolled up the poster, found some tape, and walked over to the resident representativeā€™s house. After a few attempts, he successfully hung the banner. The next step was to go back gone and wait. Sherb could hardly contain his excitement.

The next morning, Sherb woke up extra early to ensure he can work on his final preparations. He gathered everyone and waited behind the repā€™s house. Everyone was excited. Eventually, they heard the rep wake up and leave the house. Quickly, they ran around the corner and yelled, ā€œSurprise!ā€ The rep was completely taken by, well, surprise! ā€œWhat is this?!ā€ he said, ā€œitā€™s not my birthday or anything!ā€ Sherb said, ā€œwe know! Turn around!ā€ Without knowing what to expect, the rep turned around. Atop his door hung a large banner that read ā€œThank you for making Glimwood the best it can be!ā€ It also included personal drawings from all the residents. ā€œDo you like it?!ā€ Sherb asked. The rep replied, ā€œLike it? I love it! Itā€™s the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me! I love you all.ā€

For the rest of the day, all Glimwood residents sat around a warm fire roasting marshmallows and exchanging stories about their favorite moments. Just as everyone was about to leave, though, a shooting star appeared in the sky. Everyone made the same wish. ā€œI wish to never leave.ā€
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