• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

TBT's Winter Short Story Contest

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It doesn't get cold enough for snow where I live, so this is my personal take on a winter theme.

Winter Solitude

It was a dark, cold, rainy winter day--just the way I loved it. No one else seemed to understand, and some even thought me insane, so I went out alone. I took a long walk beneath the heavy clouds that softened the sunlight into the gentlest of gray glows, accompanied by the song of raindrops on pavement and puddle. I didn't carry an umbrella. How could I get rained on if I hid from the storm?

I tilted my head back to the sky, closing my eyes and feeling the rain pattering against my face. The cool, damp scent of new rain--like nothing else in the world--wreathed around me, and I breathed deeply of that smell of the mingling of earth and clouds, the smell of life itself.

For a time, that was all I needed: the rain, and the world beneath it to walk upon.

But after a while, my hair was dripping wet, my socks and shoes were soaked through, and the rainwater had trickled down my neck despite the best efforts of my raincoat, turning my clothes clammy and heavy. The winter cold seeped in, and I shivered.

I made my way home, grateful to have a warm, safe place to take shelter from the rain. After changing into clean, dry clothes and giving my hair a vigorous drying with a towel, I made a fire in the fireplace. The dancing flames radiated heat, wonderful warmth on my hands and face, and perfumed the air with the scent of woodsmoke.

Leaving the fire for the moment, I went to the kitchen and turned on the coffee machine. While the machine burbled and whispered to itself as if it were brewing a magic potion--which, truth be told, is not far from the truth--I warmed some milk and poured it into a mug. Rich, coffee-scented steam wafted up from the pot, the trickle of the coffee a tiny echo of the steady sound of the rain outside.

At last, it was ready. I poured the coffee from the pot into my cup, watching it swirling together with the milk for a moment, dark and light, bitter and mild, until both became one. Then I scooped sugar into the coffee, three spoonfuls, for my sweet tooth would not be satisfied with any less, and stirred.

I wrapped myself in an old quilt, curled up in an overstuffed armchair near the fireplace, and, with the murmuring of the rain outside and the crisp crackling of the fire in front of me, I had my coffee.

I looked at it for a moment before doing anything else, admiring its mellow, pale-brown color, feeling its heat through the sides of the cup in my hands. As I slowly brought it up to my face, I closed my eyes and breathed its aromatic scent. And finally, feeling utterly cozy and content, I took the first sip.

What chill remained from my walk in the rain melted away as the hot, sweet coffee worked its magic on my cold, exhausted body. In that moment, I needed nothing else, no one else. Coffee was my one true friend. Warm, sweet, dependable. A hug in a mug. It asked for nothing and gave me everything I needed, invigorating me, comforting me, understanding me. Of course it understood me, it had to. It didn't call me crazy for loving the rain, and how else could it provide exactly what I needed if it didn't understand?

I snuggled down in my quilt in my chair by my beautiful fire and listened to the music of the rain outside.

"This is all I need," I said to no one, taking another sip of coffee. "This is all I need."

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Winter Welcome

He's been told it's not the first snowfall of the year, but he wishes it would go away.

It isn't that Dobie doesn't like the winter; it's more the fact that the cold seeps into his bones and makes his body ache in ways that he despises more and more the older he gets. And the trip around the world hadn't made things better. He wonders what had possessed him to decide to pack up and move so suddenly. His old bones can't take this. He's not a young wolf anymore, and all of this hullabaloo for his arrival on this island has really ruffled his fur.

This island is nice, but winter... he doesn't think he likes it much.

He's used to warmth, to tropical weather. What's the point of island living if it isn't warm? He's used to the sunshine, a pile of books and the swinging bench outside his home. Hours spent whiled away bathing in the sunlight, sipping tea and breathing in the smell of the ocean. It had been warm, at his previous home, with grass so green he'd almost say it was too vivid, and neighbors so removed it was easy to get consumed by the silence. Dobie likes his silence.

The new island is nice. He isn't ungrateful. The island representative had been kind, almost overly so, when she had asked him to come live on her island. He hadn't been able to say no, and even if he had wanted to, he hadn't had a plan of where he would have gone otherwise. So, he'd agreed, made a phone call, bought a home, and started out on an ill-advised adventure he was far too old for.

He'd stepped off the plane to snow.

Now, it isn't that Dobie doesn't like the snow. It's a beautiful thing, and he has had time to learn to appreciate the smaller things in life. And, all in all, it isn't so bad if you were cooped up in your house all day. You just needed a roaring fire and a cup of cocoa. But when you had to walk to the store, and your fur got soaking wet from traipsing through the ice, well: it's not his idea of a good time.

The snow melts on his paws and the cold freezes his ears when he walks to Nook's Cranny the first day. The ice seeps into his bones, and his body starts to ache.

He'd say that he's homesick, but, well, there's just no need to be so dramatic like that.

He's three days in with this new island life when the next snowflakes start flying. And Dobie stares out his window, feeling the cold radiating off of the glass, and grumps and groans about how he's going to freeze on his way to Resident Services today. Maybe he can put it off until later. Maybe the snow will stop later.

It doesn't.

To his dismay, it piles up instead, building and building on his windowpane as he decides, no, he doesn't need to pay on his loan today. He's not going out in this dadgum snow.

The knock at his door startles him. Who would go out in this weather? He'd had his fair share of visitors on the first and second day here, all of the townsfolk ready to greet him. They had been... kind, but Dobie wasn't a wolf for attention. He didn't mind getting to know them, but he was just a cranky old wolf, and why would they want to? And why, of all things, would someone be at his door now?

He answers it, and finds their island representative standing outside. She's dressed in a long blue coat, the kind with a fuzzy collar and little baubles on the bow. Her auburn hair falls in the same wavy curls down to her shoulders, but this time it's half hidden beneath a knit cap with a colorful, wintery design. And she's covered in snowflakes, because it's a veritable blizzard out there. But she's standing there on his doorstep like she's got nothing better to do, smiling like she had when she'd invited him to move in.

"Morning," she greets, always cheerful, always... running around, doing this thing and that thing. Dobie has barely been able to keep track of her, these past few days. "Sorry to bother you, but I wanted to bring this over." She holds up a neatly wrapped package, a nice beige wrapping paper concealing something inside. "I, er, figured you might need it. I know it's crazy trying to get a foothold when you first move, and of course Tom is great with the loans, but... consider it a housewarming gift! Even though it's... more of a you-warming gift."

She never stops, even now. Standing in his doorway, the cold air ruffling his fur, Dobie huffs and ushers her in. "Don't stand in the cold. You'll freeze solid," he says by way of greeting. "Why're you out in this dagblasted weather to begin with?"

She laughs, stomping the snow off her shoes before she steps in. "It's just a little snow. And I think we need more snowboys in town, don't you?" Her eyes are sparkling, and that means they're resigned to meaningless conversation by either the snowboys who think they are perfection personified, or the ones bemoaning their misshapen existence. Dobie still doesn't quite know how to speak with them. He thinks he's too old for that. "But, no, I wanted to give you this." She holds out the gift, and Dobie stares.

"Why're you giving me something?"

"Just take it, Dobie," she laughs.

He does. It's heavy and malleable in his paws, and peeling the paper back neatly reveals a thick sweatshirt. It's well made, and has a smart argyle pattern in a deep blue that's darker than a choppy ocean, or the clouds before it starts to snow. It feels warm, much warmer than the vest he's wearing now.

"I wasn't sure if you'd like it," she admits, "but I wanted to get you something warm since it's been so cold here. I know it's not summertime, but, until then..." she trails off, and then nods. "Like I said, I know it's a pain to find the bells for things when you first move. Did I tell you I lived in a tent for awhile? By the time I felt financially secure, I was really ready to have a whole wardrobe!" She laughs with a humility he finds refreshing, although he's still mostly baffled by the thoughtful gift. "But only if you want it. If not, you can sell it, too. No skin off my nose, I promise!"

He doesn't want to sell it. The thought doesn't even cross his mind. In fact, he very much wants to put it on. "I'll try it on now," he says, and their island rep looks surprised, and then pleased.

She laughs again, nodding. "Okay!"

It's an easy fit, and impossibly warm. It feels good from the moment he slips it on, cozy in ways that lets him forgo smoothing down his ruffled fur. The fabric is thick, and soft, and catches his body heat to retain it so he doesn't freeze when he knows he'll go back out in the snow to explore. He's instantly warmer, but it's mostly from a glow in his chest he absolutely refuses to put to words. "Well?" he prompts, and she turns from inspecting the wall to inspect him instead.

The attention still makes his elbows feel squirmy, but he's... actually touched, dang it.

"You look cozy," she says, approving. "Hopefully a little warmer?"

"A little warmer," he echoes, and runs his paws along the nice, comfortable fabric. "You didn't need to, but... thank you."

"Nope, don't thank me." He'd lecture her on learning to just say 'you're welcome,' but she's already heading the few feet back towards the door. "Now, I'm sure you're busy, so, I'll just get out of your fur-"

He steps forward. "Get warm at least." She stops and looks over her shoulder, so he continues, "you came all this way. Do you think I'd be such a bad host? Take a load off."

She looks curious, and then intrigued, and nods as she scuffs her boots on his mat again. "Just for a bit. I really do have snowboys to make."

Dobie stops himself from rolling his eyes. Only just. Kids these days. "Have some cocoa in the meantime."

"I'd love that," she says warmly, and takes a seat.

She goes through his bookcases with his permission, hemming and hawing over the titles she finds that interest her. She warms her hands around one of his old mugs full of hot cocoa, chattering away, and Dobie, huddled down warm and snug in his new sweater, decides that winter on this island might not be so bad at all.

I just got Dobie to move in and he had quickly become one of my dreamies... I picked him up from a summer island and I'm in winter, and I just feel like crankies would be so bad with change and I wanted to write a little fic with Dobie finding his place on this new island 🥺 I wish we could have proper visits in NH but until then, we are hanging out and having quiet conversation and cocoa in my heart
Dreams of a Popstar...

Festivities are over. Christmas was fun and i did receive so many presents. And on top of that, the New Year's party was the best i ever had. But then came January. Nothing fun in store for the coming weeks and to be honest, i'm fed up with winter. I'm really a warm weather type of an animal. Hamsters do normally go in hibernation you know. But then i have to miss all these celebrations. And that's the thing i love the most, having a party!

With our new years party well behind us, i was getting a little bit depressed. Nothing cheered me up anymore. I've spend all my bells on light sticks and party outfits. So whats the point too give Nook's or Able's a visit. I'm totally broke!

I decided to pack my bags and go on a nice long vacation. Away from all this dreariness and to have a little fun! I went early in the morning. Hoping i'd avoid all my friends and especially the island representative Lt.Savior. I crossed the bridge and the coast seemed clear. Just a few steps and i would be at Dal Airlines. And hopefully i'd arrive on my fun party destination around lunchtime.

Just as i crossed the bridge and quickened my pace, i heard melody's coming from the plaza. I recognized it immediately. It was my favorite song Bubblegum K.K. It was Fang behind the piano playing this song.

Fang noticed me and greeted me with a wave. "Hey there Apple", he said. "Why are you up so early this morning?" I Didn't know what to say and i was getting red cheeks. "Oh nothing." I replied and was dead in my tracks. "Why do you have that suitcase with you?" He answered and now i wanted to disappear entirely. I really didn't want to admit to the fact i wanted to go away from Savi Sands without telling my friends. I felt so ashamed.

"Well then don't just stand there grab the mic and sing along!", Fang said. For a moment i didn't know what to do. But then i dropped my suitcase and grabbed the mic. And i sang, and Fang played the piano. It was so much fun. I realized that this is the thing i like to do most. This is what i'm dreaming of every night. Becoming a popstar!

After the song was over i asked Fang if we could do another song. "Yea let's do that Apple. What song would you like?" But then he already began to play on the piano again and it was like he was reading my mind. It was K.K. House my second favorite song. And i sung like i never sang before.

Then suddenly the mic went dead. And in front of me is Bella with an angry look on her face. She has a scissor in her hand and said to me: "You think you can sing all of a sudden? Well think again. You'll never become a popstar!" And she dashed away with tears in her eye's.

I was stunned and Fang also was in shock. "What was that all about?", Fang said. I replied i didn't know and this is nothing like Bella. Sure she can be cranky sometimes but i generally like her very much. Why is she denying my dreams of becoming a popstar?!

I decided to go to her house and thanked Fang for his beautiful tunes on the piano. I knocked on her door but there was no answering. But i knew she was inside and i opened the door. There she was crying on her bed. I rushed at her side and put my arms around her. "Why all these tears sweet Bella?", i said to her. She dried her tears and told me of her encounter with K.K. Slider.

One day Bella woke up having that dream again of becoming a singer. A popstar! Now she was determined and rushed out of her bed and went too K.K. Slider and said to him: "Hey Slide! I'm so sure now. I want to be a popstar! And you are going too write me a song! We are going too be so successful and we'll travel from island to island. Just you and me! This is gonna be so totes!"

K.K. Slider was in the middle of rehearsing his new song and felt a little bit ambushed. He said: "You? A popstar?! I don't know about that? I think it's better...." But he couldn't finish his sentence cause Bella stormed away and was in a deep sorrow.

Apple could not believe K.K. reacted this way. "Did he really say that to you? Are you sure he didn't want you to be a popstar?" But Bella was positive and gave Apple a big hug. "I'm sorry i was so jealous earlier. I shouldn't have cut your mic. I'm so sorry Apple! You're a better singer then me and i'll stop dreaming of becoming a popstar."

Apple felt so sorry for poor Bella. And she was sure this was all a big misunderstanding. She said: "Dear Bella. Please stop crying and let's go to K.K. I'm sure he didn't mean this. Let's convince him otherwise! We together will sing for him and then he surely will change his mind. We are both good singers and maybe he'll help us achieve our dreams of becoming popstars!"

Then a smile came on Bella's face. She never thought of an duet. Apple is such a good singer. We both could have so much success. Two is better then one, she thought. And gave Apple another big hug. "Thank you for cheering me up lovely Apple. You are such a good friend!"

Apple grabbed her hand and said: "Let's go to K.K. immediately and we'll tell him of our plans." Bella was hesitant but could not resist the pull of Apple on her arms and before she knew it she was on the plaza eye in eye with the great K.K. Slider.

With big eye's she looked at K.K. and was very scared of what was going to happen. She didn't want to be hurt like the last time she met him. But Apple took initiative right away and said: "Dear K.K. Slider. Great musician and the one who we love so much! Bella and i have a proposal. We both want to be popstars and we hope you can help us out!"

"Sure i can!" Slider said. Apple and Bella were so happy they jumped of joy! "But the other day, you told me i couldn't be a popstar?!" Bella said and she was staring at the ground, fearful of what K.K. was going to say. "Oh you didn't listened to what i had to say. Before i knew you ran away. All i wanted to say to you Bella, was that you are indeed a star. But most of all you are a rockstar!"

Bella couldn't believe her ears. A rockstar? Off course... I'm a rockstar! "Oh dear Mr. Slider. So that's what you wanted to say. You are totally right. I love rock music and my voice is much better suited for the rock genre!" And she gave Slider a big hug.

"And I've already have something for you both!" K.K. Slider said and began to play music on his guitar. "This will be the new song for you both. This is my new Pop-rock song, called: Motorcycle Fairytale! And tonight it will be performed by you both, Apple and Bella! They were so ecstatic and Bella and Apple screamed at the top of their lungs. "We are pop-rock stars Jippie Jee Jippie Joo!"

K.K. didn't waste any minute and began to practice with them inside the town hall. This has to be a secret from the other villagers. Because tonight there will be a great performance of the new Pop-rock sensation Apple and Bella and there will be a great party!

That evening everyone was summoned to the plaza. Clyde, Bitty and Melba were all excited and speculated on what was going to happen. They saw the mic and lights set up so they thought this was going to be a concert of their favorite: K.K. Slider. But then the doors opened of the town hall and there was Bella and Apple, hand in hand, singing: Motorcycle Fairytale.

Everyone was so happy. And after the performance the villagers cheered and clapped and gave lots of prezzies to the famous pop-rock duo: Apple and Bella!

The day's after the performance everyone talked about that special night full of music and they sang along with it's catchy tunes. Savi Sands was a peaceful place again and everyone was excited for the coming year. Especially Apple and Bella. They became best friends!
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Nobody is perfect

"W-what... Where... Ohh...". The sound of strong waves going through the ears of the weakened seagull, a chill breeze made his whole body shiver, wet sand stuck on his feathers. It's save to say, it happened again, he feel from the ship, now stranded at some unknown location. "Stop being so clumsy and watch your steps, dummy!", the captain always warned him. As strong and fearless the seagull claims to be, it's his kinda imprudence and silly behavior that brought him many times in this kind of situation. Nobody knows how often his crew mates had to save him and how often they made fun of him because of this. The captain is not pleased by this either, the seagull's misfortunes costs him valuable time and often his nerves. He's a quite good sailor, that's for sure. But with the way he acts, the crew along with the captain doesn't take him really seriously at all. As much as he tries to get the respect from the others, it feels like for him as if everyone sees him as the ship's own jester, rather than an actual sailor. It's not easy for him, he tries to cover his sadness about this fact by being joyful and laughing over it, yet it still bothers him.

Slowly, he open up his eyes half and moving his head around as much as he could, blurriness restricts his view. From what he can detect, it seems to be a inhabited island. "T-thank goodness!", he thought. At least not another abandoned place where it's too difficult to get off it again. The body still in pain from the rough cold ocean which shook him up for who knows how long, his mind starts to fill with thoughts. Does his crew knows what happened to him? Are they looking for him? More important, what will they think about this? "They are probably more than annoyed to save yet again the 'clown' that is me", he thinks while tears start to rise in his eyes. But before he could continue with his sorrows, he noticed the sound of something that could be footsteps. The noises coming closer and closer to his direction. "...Someone's coming?", the seagull's wondering.

Suddenly, a kinda squeaky voice speaks to him: "Hey! Hey, you! Are you alright? Please, say something!". Adrenaline going through the seagull's body, with his eyes wide open he puts all his strength together and standing up from the beach's ground. Still a bit weak on the legs, he spots a colorful creature in front of him. A bit smaller than him, shaped like a teddy bear from what he can tell, as his eyesight is still limited through the blurriness. "Oh, you're awake!", the bear cub said with happiness in his voice. "I was catching bugs when I saw you lying there on the beach, I was really worried about you, but guess you seem to be okay now, stuffin'!". "What a strange little fellow", the seagull thought. Before the sailor could say or do anything, the little teddy bear like creature continued: "My name's Stitches! I'm a villager from this island! Nice to meet ya! And who are you? You have a really cool outfit on, stuffin'! Huh, wait, are you a sailor?". "Wha- oh! Oh, indeed I am, kid!", the seagull proudly confirms. "I'm Gulliver, the travelling sailor! A pleasure to meet you, kiddo!". "Whoa, a real sailor! How cool, stuffin'! Say, what happend, what are you doing here? Did you took a nap on the beach? And where's your ship?", Stitches questioning while being fully excited over the visitor.

Gulliver started to become nervous, it's already embarrassing for him to be in such a situation, explaining to someone he just met how he ended up in said situation is too humiliating for him. What if this kid starts to laugh him out just like his crew mates already doing? He can't take it that some stranger now makes fun of him, even if it's just a kid. Should he maybe lie? No, that would be rude and not helpful at all. Jumping over his own fear, Gulliver decided to tell the painful truth. He was cleaning up the ship as he most of the time does and somehow ended up slipping on the floor, falling directly from the ship and right into the ocean which flushes him all the way up to this for him still unknown island. Not quite an amazing story a sailor would like to tell to somebody, as it sounds more like the plot for some kind of sketch from a comedy show. And while explaining and forgetting his sorrows about the reaction he might get, he admits that he's not the greatest sailor, how he has to deal quite often with defeats although giving all the time his best. Coming to the end of what seemed to be a short explanation of his life, Gulliver took a deep breath and look to Stitches, who stand there, not saying a word, listening carefully what the seagull has to say. "Well, and here I am now. That's the story of good old Gulliver! Pretty dumb, right, haha", Gulliver finished nervously while preparing himself in the same time for the mockery he could get from his new acquaintance.

"Dumb? That's not dumb at all!", Stitches contradicts. "First of all, not everyone could work on a ship, being surround by the ocean the whole time, stuffin'. I know plenty of people who can't even go on a ship while getting seasick after being on there for just a few minutes. And you are there, the whole time! Even working, putting all your effort into it while also traveling around the world, far away from home! That's so cool! You might have some faults, but nobody is perfect! I mean, if I am being honest, I'm also kinda clumsy and put myself in all kind of funny situations. For example, I can't go alone into the water anymore without supervision after that one accident with that shark happened a while ago, hehehe." The teddy bear blushes, as he scratches with one paw the back of his head while showing a bit of embarrassment. "I think you are a great sailor, stuffin'!", Stitches finished with a big smile in his face. "I... I... huh...". Gulliver was in fact surprised, for the first time someone didn't make fun of him, instead someone appreciates his work and even understands what he feels. All the time, he saw himself as a sort of loser. Perhaps he put himself way too often in a negative light? Yes, he has faults, but Stitches is right, others have faults too. And when the seagull thinks about it, the crew and even the captain made mistakes in the past. He might be clumsy and silly, but the others are also not better. A smile comes up in Gulliver's face, his eyes sparkles and a feeling of happiness comes up. "Thank you, kid!", Gulliver responds, "that cheered me up a lot".

Stitches smiles, then asks: "So, what are you going to do now?"."Oh, right! Wait, where did I... Aha!". Gulliver searches in his pockets and pulls out his communication device which he got from a dear friend a while ago. "I will just call the crew using my handy-dandy... oh... M-my, uh... OH MY GOSH! My handy-dandy communicator is broken! This isn't handy OR dandy! Aw, sardines! It's all cracked and busted, even missing some parts too. They must be somewhere here on the beach, oh what am I going to do, this will take forever to find them!". "Don't worry, I will help ya!" Stitches replies, full of confidence to find the missing parts. "Oh, really? You would help me?". "Yep! I'll go grab my shovel and will start searching, just wait here and leave it to me, stuffin'!". The bear cub starts with the search while Gulliver waits at his spot and turns his attention to the ocean. After all what happened, he was glad that he ended up here and he promised to himself to be more confident. After a while, Stitches returns with a handful of parts, Gulliver was able to fix his device and called the crew. A hour later, a huge elderly ship arrived on the beach, Gulliver says goodbye to his new friend and promise to write him a letter before he enters the ship where the captain and the crew already waiting for the seagull. Stitches waves goodbye while the ship slowly takes it's direction, behind him a crowd of other residents of the island, wondering what's going on.

Two weeks later, Stitches walks around the beach when he spots yet again a person lying there, not sure what their condition might be. He runs to the person, takes a closer look and ask with his squeaky voice: "Hey, hey you! Are you alright?". The mysterious person suddenly jumps up, looks around and gets shocked when they spot the colorful teddy bear. "Oh, you seem to be alright, stuffin'! I was worried! I'm Stitches, nice to meet ya! And who are you?".

"...Arrr! Ahoy, youngster! I be Captain Gullivarrr, legendary pirate, feared for all manner of dreadful gullduggery!", the person respond. "Arrr! So tell me, where am I?".


Phew, finally finished this. I wrote more than I planned to write, lol. First of all, sorry if this story is not so great and may contains grammar errors etc., I'm not good in terms of writing long texts. In fact, this is the first time where I made a fan fiction/short story (whatever you would like to call it). The idea came up while playing NH this morning, where I found Gulliver on the beach. He's probably my all-time favorite NPC and I always wanted to know more about him. I decided to pick Stitches as the second character because he's right now a villager I would like to get for my island. Besides I always saw him as a curious kid who says what he thinks. I hope you like my attempt and thanks for reading!
I've had a couple of messages about this so figured I'd clarify: yes, the fact the rules for this event are missing the usual "no editing" rule is deliberate. This means you can edit spelling and grammatical errors without being penalised or needing to contact me first. Keep in mind that this is applicable only to this contest.

I'll add this to the FAQ when I am on a computer.
the first snowfall (Erik's pov)
I've never really been one for early mornings; I much prefer to stay wrapped up cozy in my duvet, absorbing every last bit of good dreams and warmth that I can. I mean really, what joy do people find in waking up before the sun has even risen? What's the point? I'm perfectly content in my routine of waking up a bit later than everyone else, and it's great because by the time I'm ready for the day everyone else is already awake and outside! Much more fun that being alone for hours on end. Besides, the bugs under my bed would get lonely if I left them too soon.

But today something is different. I wake up and there's no light fighting its way through my curtains, not even the feeble grey rays that push through on a gloomy day. I check my clock. 6:54 am. Way, way too early. I turn over in bed and pull the duvet firmly around me, cocooning myself in. And yet for some reason sleep doesn't drag me down like it usually does. I find myself lying on my back, staring at the ceiling, thinking, waiting. Is this what it's like to wake up early? Olive's always telling me I should try it sometime. She says "the world is so much quieter before everyone's awake, sweet pea". I listen closely, and all I can hear is the sea gently lapping against the shore. No soft crunch of paws against the grass, frosty from the cold nights. No gentle hum of activity from visitors setting themselves up in front of resident services. No thud of a seagull washing up ashore.

I lie there for a while, taking in the silence, and decide to pull back the curtain a little. To my astonishment, small flakes of snow are being whipped around in the air, before clinging gently to the blades of grass. This feels like the sign I needed to get out of bed. As I scramble to find my warmest jumper, I have vivid flashbacks to being a young deer, my mother dragging me out to play in the first snow of the year. She insisted it was the true sign winter had finally arrived.

Jumper now on, I open the door and am immediately greeted with a blast of cool air. I welcome it, feeling it enter my lungs and wake me up more. I am, after all, still very much not a morning person. I leave the house without a plan but find myself inexplicably drawn towards the mountains, away from the usual hustle and bustle of the neighbourhood and the shops. I walk slowly, slowly, marvelling at the snow that's falling more and more heavily as I go. I tilt my head up to the sky and stick my tongue out, childishly trying to catch as many flakes as I can. Once again I am reminded of my childhood, chasing my siblings around as I ducked away from the onslaught of snowballs. I grin fondly and continue moving, across the river and up the ramp to the highest point of the island.

It's still very early, the darkness enveloping me like a cosy hug as I look out over the cliff and beyond, the sea stretching out as far as the eye can see and further. At a loss of what to do now that I've made it here, I decide to further indulge my childhood self and build a snowman. Enough snow has built up now to make some decent sized snowballs, and it continues to fall thick and fast. It builds up on my antlers, weighing them down, my eyelashes, causing it to tickle my cheeks when I blink, my jumper - everywhere. Before I know it I'm heaving the head onto the body. I gather some sticks and rocks from the nearby orchard and use them to give my new friend a face and some arms. I consider going home to get him a scarf and hat, but I've suddenly lost all my energy the initial excitement of snow seemed to fuel me with. I sit on the edge of the cliff, feet dangling over the edge, and just look. The sun is beginning to peep over the sea, painting the sky a hundred different shades of pink and orange. As my snowman and I watch the sun rise over the island on the 'official first day of winter', I feel entirely at peace with the world. I lean against a neighbouring tree and feel my eyes begin to drift shut, the early start combined with utter relaxation overwhelming me all at once.

Maybe early mornings aren't so bad after all.

I had a second idea I was going to try out but I *know* that if I write that too I'll never decide which to enter so hopefully this was the right choice! everyone's entries so far are amazing though, I'm just hoping for that cool feather 👀 or an egg.. anything really
“Little Star”

The leaves of the trees began to turn from green to yellow, then to brown, before silently floating down to their resting place on the ground. A small nest of twigs and hay was perched high in an oak tree. It was a cold, clear night in autumn, a shooting star sparkled through the air, and a small hoot rang out into the quiet.

The mother owl peered into the nest, the tiny speckled egg shook, a small crack appearing on the surface. Another shake, and the crack opened wide, a small yellow beak protruded through the opening. The mother owl ruffled her feathers in anticipation and anxiousness, though she dare not help. The beak poked along the large crack until finally, jagged pieces of porcelain shell fell into the nest, and a petite magenta owl emerged. The small owlet quickly spied her mother, her bright black eyes shining like little pieces of obsidian. The mother owl stepped delicately into the nest, wrapping her wing around the owlet. From her other wing, the mother owl produced a thin strip of pink satin. Using her beak and talon, she expertly fashioned the piece of satin into a small bow. She gripped it with her beak and gently placed it onto the owlet's downy head. The little owlet beamed up at her mother, as she gently nestled into her warm wing.

A small shadow could be seen in the distance, a slightly larger owlet was haphazardly zig-zagging through the air, heading towards the nest. "Dear, oh, dear! Sister is here!", the boy owlet cried. The mother owl looked up and let out a small coo, like a laugh. The boy owlet landed precariously on the edge of the nest, nearly losing his footing. "Sister!" he cried. The mother owlet tapped him with her other wing, "Calm down, Blathers, you'll scare your sister". Blathers took a deep breath and smoothed his feathers, using his talons to adjust his green bowtie that had gone askew. He peered down into the nest, two little obsidian discs staring back at him.

Another shooting star fell through the sky. "Mother", he started, "What will you name her? It's quite fortuitous to see so many shooting stars on the night of her birth!". The mother owl smiled and the girl owlet emerged further from under her mother's wing. Blathers gasped. "My! Her bow! Mother, how talented you are!", he shouted. The mother owl tapped him again. "Ah, yes, my apologies, Mother!" he whispered. Blathers moved closer to his mother and she gently extended her wing and pulled him close to her. "My two lovely children'', she cooed. "My little professor, and my little star". The girl owlet looked out into the night sky and saw another star dance down from the sky. "Welcome, Celeste'' said the mother owl. The girl owlet attempted to hoot, a sound like a tiny ringing bell. Blathers giggled. "Celeste," he said with a smile, "how wonderful".

The night grew colder, and the stars continued to cascade around them. The small owl family nestled together, a perfect night in autumn.

True Happiness

It was a very dreary day. The snow from the previous storm hadn’t melted yet, and therefore was now a dark gray color due to all the footprints and mud. I had no motivation to get out of bed, so I stared out the window. Frost covered the thick glass in a tear shape. Life on the island wasn’t at all interesting. There wasn’t anything exciting, except betting on how many days the turnip prices would be only 63. And even that was negative because the prices were so low all the time. While staring blankly at the cloudy horizon, I noticed that the plot of land that I placed last week was now a house. A cute little cottage with smoke coming out of the chimney. Out of curiosity, I decided to go greet the new villager. I quickly got dressed in a warm sweater with flowers embroidered on it -the one my mom gave to me- and headed out the door. The dirty, gray snow crunched as I walked.

“Knock knock? Hello, i’m Lavender! Nice to meet you!,” The door of the new home creaked open, and there stood a pink octopus. She was wearing a pastel shirt with stars and a rainbow. She had a curious, yet cheerful expression on her face.

“Hi Lavender! I’m Marina,”

She invited me inside and held out a shiny tray of freshly baked chocolate peanut butter cookies.

“Help yourself! I made them with love,”

My eyes widened and my mouth watered. Chocolate peanut butter cookies were my favorite! I stuffed two cookies in my mouth at once. They were so delicious! Marina giggled.

“You look like a squirrel storing acorns in it‘s cheeks!” She said.

We chatted for a while about books, techniques for growing gold roses, and baking cakes. Marina mentioned that she dreams of opening a bakery some day. I told her that I’d be the first customer.

Walking out the door, I noticed things that I hadn’t noticed before. The flowers that I planted last week had grown a lot! The sun came out! There was a spring in my step. I was thinking positively. All because of Marina.

Every day after that, I stopped by Marina’s house. She was always baking, so I got to try a vast variety of goods. Pumpkin spice muffins, glazed lemon cookies, and chocolate banana bread, to name a few. Her house always smelled like fresh baked goods, yum! Whenever I was with her, I was happy. I had a reason to keep going. A reason to be glad. Things on the island were exciting now. They were colorful. They were happy! Marina also seemed cheerful. She was getting along with the other villagers very well, especially Coco. They had weekly book clubs and baking meets together, and sometimes Lolly even joined in on the fun. Everyone seemed joyful with Marina around, even old, cranky Octavian. It was then I knew that Marina had restored not only my happiness, but everyone else’s, too.
I spent so long planning out this story! It took me a while to get it on the page too. I put my soul into this (Like Marina puts hers in her baked goods !) and I really hope you enjoy reading! Good luck to everyone 💙✨
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Mine's quite long, so I've put it in the spoiler below, hope you all like it! :D It is less than 2000 words though! It’s about 1984 I think 😂😂

The Snow Child and The Fox

In northwest Russia, close to the border with Finland lies the Khibiny Mountains. Vast and tall, they stretch for approximately 500 square miles and are in a circular pattern. Nearby lie the villages of Khibiny, Apatity, Kirovsk, and Titan in the south, to the east lies the villages of Koashva, and Oktyabrsky, and the Lake Umbozero, to the north, lies Revda, and to the west lies Imandra and Lake Imandra.

On the outskirts of the village of Imandra, at the base of the mountain, lived a couple in their 60s. The couple had lived in Moscow for the majority of their lives, and seeking to enjoy the remainder of their years outside of the big cities, they moved to the Kola Peninsula, outside the arctic circle. Having visited the area on holidays when they were younger, they decided that this was the area where they wanted to settle when they retired.

Natalija was 61, she had grown up on a farm on the outskirts of Moscow, raising pigs and cows with her family. She moved to Moscow for her studies at university, she wanted to become a lawyer. She saw how her family struggled to make ends meet if the harvests were bad, and so she wanted to help them in any way she could. It was at university where she met Sergei, her eventual husband, he was a year older than her. He was tall and strong, his shoulders were broad, and he could carry a hefty amount. His temperament was nothing at all like his appearance, he was soft and gentle, and volunteered at animal charities in his spare time, helping raise the babies who had been orphaned. He empathized with them, he was an orphan too, his father who was a miner was involved in a mining accident, and his mother a few years later fell ill and passed away. He was taken into the care system at 12 and grew up with a couple in their 40's.

Children were important to Natalija and Sergei, they had known that they wanted to be parents since the relationship got serious, and tried many times to have a child of their own, Natalija had a problem with conceiving, and the couple was too busy with their jobs to consider fostering or adoption, as they wanted to be able to give the appropriate time and care to the child, and not just leave it up to a nanny.

It was Natalija and Sergei's first winter in the country, they had heard how dark, and cold it got in this part of the country, but they hadn't expected it to be quite so sudden, or severe. It was midday, and Sergei was chopping wood in the forest nearby when something hit him square on the back of his head. He turned in all directions, but couldn't see what had hit him. A figure appeared from behind one of the trees, and he was hit this time in the stomach. He squinted as the sun was getting quite low now, but he could see his wife falling about with laughter. The forest wasn't too far from their home, so he headed back, walking past his wife, he scowled, and muttered;

'You think that's funny do you?'

He put the ax down by the side of the shed, and the firewood by the front door as his wife headed towards him, her head low, and worried she had upset her husband. However, Sergei bent down, scooped together a clump of snow, and leaned back with his right side, and threw the snowball at his wife, who was quite surprised by the cold hitting her thigh as she walked. She stopped, looked at the pile of snow by her feet, and up at her husband, and laughed so hard.

They continued with the snowball fight for quite a while, ducking and hiding behind trees, when both of them appeared, holding up a white tissue as a means of surrender. Their noses and cheeks were red with the cold. They came towards each other and embraced, keeping each other warm.

'I've not felt so young in a long time Sergei!'

'Neither have I, now let's head inside and warm up!'

Natalija nodded, as they both headed inside, she put the saucepan on the open fire and filled it with milk, and added honey and spices. The smell of cinnamon and cloves filled the cabin where they lived. They sipped on their milky beverage when Sergei started to speak;

'It's coming to that time of year again Natalija, it'd be nice to have a little person to share Christmas with, imagine their little face when they see their presents, and that St. Nikolas has been for his brandy and Rudolph has eaten the carrot!'

'I know my sweet, how lovely that would be, but we're not getting any younger, and I don't know how we would cope looking after a little one now. If only we hadn't been so focused on our work...'

They both looked solemnly into the fire, and then as if a lightbulb had gone off in Sergei's mind, he sat up, grabbed his wife's hand, and led her to the door where they put on their coats and headed outside.

It was dark outside now, and bitterly cold, the only light came from the moon, casting her silvery glow over the land.

'What are we doing husband?'

'If we can't have a small person visit us, we shall make our own!' Sergei said with a smile.

The couple started to gather snow and roll it into a ball for the snow child's body, Sergei started to work on the child's head, as Natalija went inside to fetch one of her old coats, some mittens, a scarf, and a hat. After they had put all the clothes on the snow child, they realized they were missing the features. Sergei got some coal and a carrot for the eyes, mouth, and nose, as Natalija gathered some blonde straw for hair.

The couple stood back and admired their snow child, she looked perfectly imperfect. Her blonde straw hair, flowed down past her sides, the coat too big for her, but looked comfy and cozy all the same. The couple hugged their snow child, and got two of the kitchen stools from inside, and sat with her for a while, telling her their names, who they were, and they had their dinner outside, pretending to feed the snow child and share in the meal.

After a while, the moon had moved to the other side of the forest, and it was then they realized how late it was. They hugged and kissed their snow child goodbye, and headed inside to bed. Both went to sleep with smiles on their faces as they finally had the child they had wanted for so long.

Sergei awoke first the next morning, he got out of bed with a stretch and a yawn and headed to the kitchen to put water in the saucepan to boil. He looked out of the kitchen window, and the snow child had gone!

He knew it couldn't have melted as it was far too cold for that, nor was there any sign of it on the floor, or having been destroyed by an animal. He did see however a set of small footprints that headed through the forest. He didn't want to worry Natalija, so he put his coat, hat, boots, and scarf on and headed out himself to follow the footprints.

He followed them for a while, and soon the footprints became two sets of footprints, a small child’s, and pawprints. He continued, following the footprints, and ahead of him, he saw a flash of yellow and red. He called out, but what he had seen had gone. Sergei was getting colder, and hungrier, and the sun had moved to the other half of the sky, and so he headed back to the cabin, where he told Natalija all about the footprints, and the flash of yellow and red he'd seen.

Natalija wondered whether it was the magic of the moon that had brought their snow child to life, so the couple left clothes and some food by the edge of the forest for the child, hoping she would come back to get them, and that night they stood at the window and waited, and sure enough, she did.

She was small and slender, with long straight blonde hair. Her skin was pale, almost white, and her piercing blue eyes were almost the color of the sky. She had the large coat on which Natalija had given the snow child, and the large mittens, which were too large for her to be able to hold anything, so she took them off to eat the food. By her side was the culprit of the pawprints Sergei had seen. A small red fox was by her side, as she shared her food with it.

Sergei and Natalija debated about opening the door and going out, but they didn't want to scare her, so each night they set food out for the snow child and her fox. They did this for a few nights, and the last night they left her a note which read;

'Hello little one,

We made a snow child a few nights ago, and we think it's you! We would very much like it if you would come inside to our cabin where it is nice and warm. If you would like that, then please knock on the door.

Sergei and Natlija'

That night, the girl and her fox read the note, she came closer to the cabin than she had ever done, and pondered about coming inside. Sergei and Natlija had decided to not stand by the window as to scare her off, but Natalija, as she was stood washing the dishes, caught eye contact with the little girl, and smiled at her, the girl smiled back, and walked to the door, and knocked.

Sergei opened the door and welcomed the girl and her fox in, and Natalija cooked a hearty meal for them all with the spiced milk to drink. The foursome sat in silence while they ate until the little girl spoke;

'Thank you for the food. It's very kind of you to help us.'

The couple smiled and told her it was not a problem, Sergei was the first of the couple to ask her a question;

'What's your name little one? Does your fox have a name too?'

The girl nodded, and spoke softly;

'I am Irina, and this is Boris.' She said as she rubbed the fox's head.

'It's lovely to meet you Irina, and Boris, we're…' Natalija started to speak, but Irina stopped her,

'You're Sergei and Natalija, I know. I also know you made me because you can't have a child of your own. The moon saw how much love and care you put into making me, and with her magic, I came to life.'

Irina continued 'I was scared at first, the world was new and scary, but I found Boris here, and then saw you, Sergei soon after, and knew it would all be alright.'

Irina paused for a while, looked at Boris, and then the couple, and started to speak again,

'If it would be alright with you, could Boris and I live here, with you both?'

Sergei and Natalija couldn't contain their excitement, and immediately said yes!

From that day on, Sergei and Natalija lived with Irina and Boris in the cabin, Natalija would spend hours braiding, and playing with Irina's hair, Sergei taught her maths and science, and in the evenings they would play games, or go on walks to the village or around the forest.

All in all, they lived very happily together, and forever after.
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"Old Friend"
Dim light from the morning sun was appearing along Usagi's island horizon. The early rising villagers awoke to a fresh blanket of snow settled outside covering the dirt paths around town. Gaston sat up from his straw bed, taking a second to peer out the frosty window. He grumbled to himself, seeing all the new snow that needed to be shoveled. He knew the other towns folks relied on him to keep the paths clear and safe during these harsh winter months.

Gaston let no time go to waste that morning and quickly headed out the door with his snow shovel. He worked his way on the paths around Usagi's park, taking a moment to stop half way and look across the river. On the other side sat a big house with over grown weeds outside and the mail box packed full. Gaston could see dust settled in the windows. It had clearly been a few months since the home owner had come to visit the villagers of Usagi. Gaston knew who owned the house, for he was one of his oldest friends. "Will you ever come back Noah?" Gaston said out loud to himself. No one in Usagi had seen the home owner, a human named Noah since before winter, leaving all the villagers feeling sad and forgotten. "Maybe he's just too busy to play with us anymore", Gaston thought sadly to himself. He knew Noah was taking time away to soul search but the island felt empty without his best human pal to spend time with. It was hard on the animal crossing villagers when it came time for their human friends to take a break or even possibly move on forever.

Gaston had let too much time past reminiscing over his friend Noah. He could see the other villagers leaving their houses in the distant yet their paths still left snow covered. Gaston knew he had to work fast shovelling the remaining snow around Usagi or else Nan might slip and hurt her hip. He worked surprisingly fast for an old rabbit, using work as a tool to forget his problems. It was just about lunch time when Gaston returned back to his humble house. He noticed his mailbox flashing, a fresh new letter waiting inside for him. "Now who could this be?", Gaston thought to himself as he dug around inside his mailbox. He pulled out a postcard, quickly looking to see who had sent him this unexpected mail. "To: Gaston, From: Noah" the postcard read. Gaston felt a smile grow on his face as he continued to read.

"My grumpiest friend Gaston, how I have missed you and everyone in Usagi! Please forgive my absence for I have been busy working on the mainland. Tell everyone not to be sad without me, for we have all our great memories together! I will be returning to play again in the spring with all my animal friends. Spread the word!", wrote Noah on his post card.

Gaston felt relieved holding Noah's postcard in his paw. It had been the perfect timing. Even though these friends had spent months apart, he knew once they were all together again it would be like nothing had ever changed. His days of worrying whether his human friend would return to the island were over.
A Winter Mystery

It was early winter morning on Pen’s island, cold and snowy outside, but warm inside her cozy kitchen.
Stretching and yawning Pen padded around the room on slippered feet.
As she turned her head and glanced out the window she noted the thickly falling snow against heavy grey skies. Switching on the espresso machine brought the welcome burble and the fragrant coffee aroma, which filled her senses with pleasurable anticipation. However, this morning Pen’s mind and heart remained heavy.
There was a problem that was deeply troubling her and it now came rushing up into Pen’s mind robbing her of her morning peace.
There was a thief on the island! Someone was stealing her golden roses!
At last count nine of her precious, coveted and carefully cultivated gold roses were missing. They had been ripped up from the garden bed each time leaving only a gaping ragged-edged hole!
Who could have done this!?
Pen loved all her island villager friends so much ... could one of them be guilty, and if so, who and why? This was indeed a sad and painful problem.
She needed to go out to check her gold rose bed again. Perhaps it had all been a horrible mistake and her precious roses would still be there, nodding their golden heads at her from their garden bed, right where they should be.
With her coffee warm in her belly Pen belted on her stylish Gracie Labelle coat, donned her lace-up boots and winter hat and stepped out into the snowy morning. Her warm breath made puffs in the air as she hurried over to check her garden, her footfalls crunching in the snow and sending up little frigid whiffs of cloud with each step.
As she passed by several of the villager houses she automatically looked upward to check which way the chimney smoke was drifting. She customarily did this for indication of balloon travel direction. Merengue’s chimney was sending soft smoke billows westward and her pretty pink curtained windows glowed warmly. Further along Raymond’s house was still and dark but Reneigh’s windows were lighted up invitingly, as were Diana’s.
Up ahead was the waterfall with its thundering cascade. Pen paused for a moment to admire the beauty of the winter icy mist that appeared and then dissipated above the stillness of its created plunge pool. It never failed to delight, but today she hurried on, too full of anxiety and with no time to linger in appreciation.
Around the corner and just over the bridge was her prized rose bed and as she approached her heart sank to its lowest depths. Another gaping hole! One more missing rose! This was the tenth golden rose to vanish in as many days.
A sob caught in Pen’s throat as she surveyed the garden bed in dismay. Anger, confusion, and sadness overwhelmed her. She hardly knew what to do or what to think.
With her head bent low she kept on walking. Maybe she would find some answers somewhere. Scanning the ground revealed no clues. Any kind of tracks would have been covered over with the fresh blanket of snow that was still coming down. Absently Pen noted the bigger dancing snowflakes in amongst the thickly falling smaller flakes but this was not a time for netting attempts.
Near the courtyard she saw Marina and Marshall with their heads together in conversation but she trudged on past them.
Heading for the beach she began to pass along in front of the steep cliffs lining the north part of her island. Tall cedars dropped little drifts of snow on her as she brushed past them, when suddenly; Pen caught a golden glint out of the corner of her eye. She stopped dead in her tracks and backed up a step or two. Yes! There it was again! A flash of gold. Peering at the cliff wall she could just make out a tall, upwardly narrow crevice and the glinting gold light seemed to originate from there. What could this be!? She knew she needed to try and squeeze through in order to check it out. Flattening herself as much as possible and taking three sideways steps through the almost imperceptible and narrow crevice she squeezed through and found herself in a small clearing she had never seen before - one bathed in golden light. The golden light was being reflected from her missing gold roses! And something else! Rather, someone else!
There was Raymond!
Blushing and stammering he faced the incredulous Pen. “Oh d-dear! Hullo, Pen!”
“So this is why your windows were still dark!” Pen exclaimed. “And this is where you are, and here are all my missing roses! Raymond, what is the meaning of all this!?”
He peered earnestly up at Pen through his heavy glasses, his one green and one brown eye expressing the conflicting emotions of shyness, embarrassment and love.
“Please don’t be angry with me, Pen!”
He stepped to the side and gestured to his work, and there were all of her missing roses, yes, but this time Pen noticed that they were planted in the shape of a heart!
“I was preparing a special surprise for you because I love you so much, and am so happy that you invited me to live here on your island!
I didn’t think you would mind a few missing roses since they will propagate and fill in after a while ... they will do that, won’t they?”
Pen hardly knew what to reply to Raymond. “Oh you little silly Billy! No, sadly, golden roses don’t self propagate but that’s okay. When I see what you have done and why you did it, how could I be angry?
And now, not to worry! I will simply try to grow some more, and meanwhile we can just relax and enjoy your creative handiwork. This has been a truly wonderful surprise, in fact delightful! ... It has greatly eased my troubled heart!“

And with that Pen and Raymond linked arms and gazed around the small clearing bathed in the golden light of her precious roses as the falling snow sifted in from high above, completing a perfect little hidden winter landscape.
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Loving everyone's entries so far. Here is mine, it's 1,995 words and I'm calling this Second Chances.


A buzzing of static came over the intercom. “Welcome to Athena airport. The time is 7.30pm and the storm still wages on. Please collect your luggage ASAP and you will be escorted to Residential Services where Mr Tom Nook will show you to your new home. Delta Oscar Delta Oscar is go.
A smile of pure excitement swept over my face as I peered out of the rain covered window one last time. A feeling of calm swept over me, as I remembered seeing the ocean as we landed, and I felt my shoulders begin to relax. I had done it; I had actually managed to leave the buzz of the city behind. Here I could be anything I wanted; I had a new chance at life.
I grabbed my small bag from the overhead compartment, swung it over my shoulder and walked down the plane. The plane wasn’t overly packed, a few faces scattered in the row of seats here and there. I had met a lovely squirrel earlier named Hazel as we had boarded the plane, I chucked to myself remembering the story she had told me about her family, and how she had ended her story with a mighty ‘uni-wow’.

“Hey Pokey! Make sure you come and find me once you’re settled in okay?”
I smile and wave goodbye before stepping out of the door. Big fat juicy droplets of rain immediately hit me in the face, and my glasses instantly becoming unbearable to see through. Grabbing onto the side of the railing I carefully headed down the stairs of the plane and headed towards the airport exit.


I jumped as an awful clap of thunder sounded far too close. Now what way was I supposed to go? I could have sworn that the man behind the desk had told me to go left. Somehow the rain seemed to come down harder as I tried to make my way through the bamboo trees that were scattered around my path. Shielding my eyes into the crook of my arm for just a moment to try and get them to stop stinging but it was no use. I didn’t see the large thing in front of me as I crashed into it and tumbled to the ground sending my glasses flying onto the ground somewhere.
“Arghhhh! Watch where you’re going!”
I panicked realizing I hadn’t just crashed into just anything; I had crashed into another being. “I’m sorry! I can’t see” I shout over another loud burst of thunder, clenching my eyes tightly shut and swatting the ground to try and find my glasses.
“Can’t see? Can’t see? I gathered that when you crashed into me! I’ll be having words with that trash panda in the morning about the type of no goodens' he lets in here.”
“I’m sorry. Can you help me find my glasses? Please?”
The voice mumbled in front of me but I could only just make out some of the words that they were saying. “Sorry…See… Glasses…For nothing…I oughta…” after what seemed like an eternity I felt a hand on my own. “Here.” Snapped what I had bumped into.
My glasses where cracked but I could now see the shape in front of me was a green goat with brown hair. Even though he only had three eyelashes on his blue eyes he had no problem with seeing through the rain. The man stared down at me grumpily. “You’re trespassing. Get off my land.”
“I’m lost. I didn’t mean to walk on to your land.”
“They never do.” He stomped off in front of me and had gotten a couple of feet ahead before he stopped, and let out a huff. “Are you going to follow me or not?”
I scrambled to get up off the muddy and wet floor and ran after him.
“Stupid Nook. I’ve been on at him for months now to put up better signs around the airport, but will he listen to me? No, never does. Super crook more like.” He huffed again under his breath, as I struggled to keep up with him.
“Have you lived here on Athena long?” I tried asking the goat but he ignored me and carried on his ranting as we were finally clear of the bamboo and I could see a large field full of wet flowers and bright lights. The goat stopped suddenly as I was admiring the flowers, not noticing I crashed into the back of him. He spun to face me angrily and pointed his stubby hoof in my face. “You! Go right up this path and then go right. Even you can miss the building; it’s the big one with the big purple roof!”
“Thank you, and I’m sorry about-”
The goat cut me off with a “Bleh eh eh” and pushed past me. I watched him as he disappeared through the bamboo trees. Great, I thought to myself. I’ve not even been here 20 minutes, and I’ve already made an enemy.


After my eventual arrival on Athena the time that had passed was uneventful. I had settled into life on Athena, and it was now winter time. I had eventually learned the name of the mysterious goat that I had crashed into on my first night on the island. His name was Gruff. Gruff was one of the islands oldest villagers, he owned Athena’s largest farm and produced most of the grown items on the island. Of course ever since that night Gruff had avoided me at every chance he got. Well Gruff avoided everyone, he didn’t like anyone and I soon stopped taking offence to his cranky nature and let him get on with it. Hazel and I had become thick as thieves. Our homes and gardens had come on beautifully, and I was grateful to have a friend like her on the island. Lots of people seemed to come and go on the island. Some people moved in for a few days, others where here for longer, and for a while there seemed to be a thick aurora of uncertainty on Athena and buildings randomly moved and reappeared randomly overnight. Hazel assured me that she had no interest in moving off the island no matter how homesick she got or how much she missed her nieces, Athena was our home now and we were honorary sisters. That’s why when she told me she was going home for our first Toy Day on the island I was saddened. My first Christmas on the island and I would be spending it alone.


“You know…” Begun Hazel. “You and I are our lucky, we found each other at the beginning but not everyone here is as lucky as us. Sometimes those who have the meanest exterior are often the loneliest uni-wow.”
“Where are you going with this?” I asked her as I put down one of the bags that I had been carrying for her in front of the airport.
“I know you’re sad about me going home and even though I’m going home to be with my family I don’t want you to be alone. So I got this”
She paused while she dug into her red bag and pulled out a small box that was neatly wrapped. “You already gave me my present?” I reminded her. “I did. This one is for someone else.” I took the box from her. “Say it’s from you.” I looked at her confused and glanced down at the label. “Gruff? Hazel I can’t he hates me, you know that!” I told her sounding like I was almost whining. “He doesn’t hate you, he’s just misunderstood and you’re wonderful! So what your first meeting with him wasn’t the best, but that doesn’t mean you both can’t be friends. I can’t be your only friend on the island, as much I would love to be, but look how sad you are to be left alone here.”
I knew what she was saying made sense, Gruff and I had gotten off on the wrong foot, and months had passed and it really did seem like he hated me but maybe that’s just how the cranky old goat was, and he must be just as lonely pushing everyone else away all the time. Maybe we did have something in common after all. If Hazel hadn’t approached me before we had gotten on that plane that bought us here, I would have been Gruff. I knew I would have been. Me and others never really got on and I did always seem to push others away to avoid being hurt.
“Fine, just for you. What is it anyway?” I asked her as I passed her the other bag I was holding. “It’s a small flute. Rocket told me she helped deliver a bunch of musical equipment to his house when he first moved to the island. Just one last thing uni-wow. Make sure to bring him one of your peach pies. If the flute doesn’t win him over then the pie definitely will!” She chuckled as she picked up the first bag I had dropped on the floor, hugged me and headed into the airport.


The smell of the warm peach pie I had freshly baked filled the air from the basket I was carrying on my arm. I felt nervous as I made my way through the bamboo trees and up the path on to Gruff's farm. The farm was beautiful, there appeared to be turnips, cauliflowers, watermelon, cacao trees and so many other crops. I laughed as I saw 2 little puppies barking at bugs as I walked through the pumpkin patch and up the ramp to his house. I stood nervous in front of his door for what seemed like an unnecessarily amount of time. Just when I was about to knock, the door whooshed open. “Well? Are you going to stand there all day staring at my door or did you want something?” Gruff glared at me, his face softened as the smell of the peach pie hit his nose as I lifted the basket off my arm. “I have a Christmas gift for you, and I thought you might like one of my peach pies.” I smiled.
“Ah so you’re the pie maker. I had heard some of the others talking and had wondered….”
“Yup… that’s me…” I muttered off. “Well then, I suppose you had better come in.” he stood to the side of the door and signaled for me to come in. Hazel had been right his house was of musical instruments. I pulled the gift from off the top of the basket and handed it to him as he closed the door. “Here.” I muttered putting down the basket on the grey counter and turning to face him.
His eyes lit up as he opened the small present and pulled out a small box and revealed a small flute. “How did you know?” “Just a lucky guess, I guess…” “I had one just like this when I was small child my brother Billy and I each had one just like this…Thank you”
“You’re welcome… Anyway I should be off. Please let me know sometime how you like the pie and keep the basket, it might come in handy around the farm.”
“Nonsense. No way am I going to eat a delicious pie that big to myself, bleh eh eh! Stay.”


The stars where twinkling brightly in the sky as we said our goodbyes. Gruff and I had laughed and talked for hours as we shared the pie and had gotten to know each other properly. I apologized again for our first meeting, and he apologized for being cranky and promised to take Hazel and I fishing in the New Year.
“Thanks Kiddo.” He said smiling, as he waved me off at his door.

That night I fell asleep happier than I had in the longest time ever.
I've read all the stories now. Oh boy the jury is getting a hard time selecting the top 3. I'm glad i'm up-to-date now. And am excited to see all the new entry's. All entry's gave me such a warm and positive feeling. Winter and Animal Crossing is a perfect for match for stories!
Ok, I tried so hope its good enough for participation 😊
New Year's Eve

Whitney looked into her dressing table mirror and smiled at her reflection. How was it possible to feel happy and sad at the same time? It has been such a lovely day.

Julian and Whitney had been the closest of friends for many years. They had somehow, over the years, ended up neighbours and built up a strong friendship. They were opposites who brought out the best in each other. Whitney was always shy and insecure and hid behind a cool frosty façade. She was always in awe of Julian’s natural confidence. It drew her like a moth to a flame. He was a very special person in her life who she would always adore.

It was New Years Eve and the residents of Bayside had all been in a joyful mood. In the morning everyone had met up by the town hall to find Isabelle giving out party hats! The party atmosphere was contagious and even though it was early morning Stiches decided to set off some fireworks and Audie handed out the party poppers. Erik suggested that everyone went ice skating. It was such fun and that deer could certainly skate. He whizzed over the ice at the speed of light. Whitney was a little unsteady on her feet as she had never been able to skate and was frightened of making a fool of herself. She shouldn’t have worried as her good friend Julian was always beside her to look after her. He took her hand and guided her slowly over the ice. She felt so carefree and safe beside him that, for a moment, she didn’t feel awkward or self- conscious.

When it began to get dark, everyone went back to their homes to get ready for the New Years Eve fireworks. Whitney decided to knock on Julian’s door so they could walk to the town square together. He opened the door and she caught her breath, he looked so handsome in his midnight blue velvet jacket that matched his gorgeous eyes. She took a deep breath and smiled as they walked and chatted together.

The fireworks were spectacular, everyone gasped as they lit up the night sky. The islanders were all caught up in the excitement and were in a party mood. It was a happy fun night enjoyed by all. As the countdown to Midnight began, Whitney became quiet and thoughtful. What a year it had been. She felt content and happy surrounded by her friends in her new home. 5-4-3-2-1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Julian appeared beside Whitney and hugged her from behind. “Happy New Year dear friend”. He handed her a glass of sparkling cider and they clinked glasses. Her very dearest friend. She felt totally blessed to have him in her life.

As they walked home together, Whitney took Julian’s hand and glanced up at him. Moving to Bayside, meeting such a wonderful group of friends and having Julian back in her life. She was a very lucky wolf. Smiling to herself she let out a small sigh, 2021 was going to be a good year, she just knew it!
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I decided to make a short story for children with a winter theme. Hope you like it.

Roscoe and Bun-bun Play in the Snow

Hello humans. My name is Roscoe. I'm a baby snake. I love my best friend Bun-bun. He's a bunny. I also love my mommy. She's a doggy.
It's snowing today. My mommy said I can play in the snow with Bun-bun. So we're going to play today.
Let's go sledding. First we go up the hill. I have to carry Bun-bun because he doesn't like to walk up the hill.
Next we get on the sled and push push push. My mommy pushed me and Bun-bun so we don't have to. My mommy is so nice.
Now we go down the hill. We were going really fast. I was really scared, but Bun-bun had a lot of fun. I like it when Bun-bun has fun.
Now it's time to go skating. First we need to put on our skates and our helmets. I can't wear skates because I don't have any feet.
We need to be safe because the ice is slippery and hard.
Next we got on the ice. Bun-bun wanted me to hold his hand because he doesn't know how to skate. We fell a few times, but we kept trying.
Now it's time to make snow angels. We have to lay down and spread out our arms and legs. But wait. I don't have any arms or legs.
Oh no. I'm so sad because I can't make snow angels.
Bun-bun said I can make snow snakes. Now I'm happy. Snakes are cool, and Bun-bun is even cooler.
After making snow snakes, me and Bun-bun went inside. It is very cold today. My mommy made us some hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows. It was so yummy that Bun-bun wanted more.

When we finished our hot chocolate, me and Bun-bun went back outside to make a snowman. First we rolled up three snowballs and put them on top of each other. Then we gave him two eyes made out of buttons, a nose made out of a carrot, and two arms made of twigs.
Bun-bun wanted the snowman to come to life like Frosty, so we looked and looked but couldn't find a magic hat anywhere. Our snowman didn't come to life, but we still named him Frosty.
After we played with our snowman, my mommy said it was almost time to eat dinner. Me and Bun-bun both went inside. My mommy ate steak, I ate a mouse made of marshmallows, and Bun-bun ate some lettuce.
Me and Bun-bun felt sleepy after we ate. We went straight to bed. My mommy tucked me and Bun-bun under the blanket. Then she kissed me on the forehead and said good night. Then she did the same thing for Bun-bun.
I said good night to my mommy and to my best friend Bun-bun. In a few minutes, I was fast asleep. I dreamed about what tomorrow would be like. I really hope it snows again tomorrow. If it does, me and Bun-bun can play again.
Good night humans.
Haven't written anything in a while but I had fun with this!

It was a rainy afternoon.
My sister is coming over!” said Chrissy to Whitney.
Chrissy turned on the music to Bubblegum K.K. and started to dance as she stirred the pot of potato soup on the stove.
Whitney rolled her eyes at the music.
“You and her would get along great!” Chrissy said in a high pitched voice.
“If she talks like that I doubt it...” Whitney said.
"You both really would, she’s actually just like you” Chrissy said
“How so?” Whitney asked
“Let me tell you one of my favorite stories....”

One day we both decided to take the train and go shopping at the Marketplace. It was a beautiful sunny day. Francine was very excited about shopping at this very expensive clothing store owned by this rich Giraffe named Gracie. It was all she could talk about. Francine loved fashion and Gracie sold only the best. The store was even having a special sale for the end of the season- 50% off! Well on the way to the store there was a little pink kangaroo that was crying and running in circles.
“Help! I can’t find my mommy!” She cried in distress.
Francine decided to stop and talk to her.
The little kangaroo said “Help! I’m lost I can’t find my mommy and I’m hungry!”
“Where did you last see her?” Francine asked.
“I don’t know!” She cried
Francine took her hand and went to get her something to eat. After we ate we went over to the police station but the officer on duty Cooper was going to put the little kangaroo with the lost items and didn’t want to call anybody!
Francine and I feeling hopeless left the station. Outside the station we saw a missing child poster with the little girls face on it! Francine got out her Nookphone and called the number. The girls mom, named Marcie answered the phone. Marcie had been looking for her for hours and was happy to hear that she was safe. She wanted to thank us with a cup of coffee and meet us at the Roost. We ended up talking for hours and Marcie was very appreciative and happy her little girl was safe. By the time we got out Gracies store was closed, and our train was leaving.
“Aren’t you upset you missed the sale?” Chrissy asked
“There are more important things than fashion Karat” she said.
Chrissy was happy that even though at times her sister seemed stuck up she was always willing to help other animals in need.

“See she is just like you, into fashion and always willing to help others!” Chrissy said
“I can’t wait to meet her” Whitney said
Chrissy portioned the soup in the bowls and heard a knock on the door.
Whitney went to answer it and Francine had brought gifts for both Chrissy and Whitney. Before dinner they both opened up the gifts and inside were cream colored sweaters from Gracies latest line!
“I love her already!” Whitney said smiling.
Whitney ended up talking with Francine for hours about everything fashion to how annoying and uncultured they thought some villagers were.

Chrissy smiled as she cleaned up and was happy to bring two friends together.

The end
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@Vrisnem, i’ve got a quick question; hopefully you haven’t already answered it and i just missed it >_<. i was wondering if the method that’s been used to accept contest entries in the past (the “A” symbol) is going to be used for this event as well or if it’s safe to say that all stories have been accepted so far? hopefully this makes sense aha.
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@Vrisnem, i’ve got a quick question; hopefully you haven’t already answered it and i just missed it >_<. i was wondering if the method that’s been used to accept contest entries in the past (the “A” symbol) is going to be used for this event as well or if it’s safe to say that all stories have been accepted so far? hopefully this makes sense aha.
None of the entries so far have been reviewed. I have exams this week so I won't start reviewing entries until Friday at the earliest. When they are accepted the green 'A' react will be used on your post to let you know. :)
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