The Anime Thread

Me considering getting a Crunchyroll subscription: this is frivolous, I can't spend money on that
Right Stuf Anime: hey we're giving you a 30 day free trial
Me, one episode in: okay this might be worth it

I haven't watched RWBY since volume 5 but I understand it's going to be a CR exclusive from now on, so I might... try to get back into it...
I noticed a few things. Sentai isn't letting rightstuf handle their limited edition, premium box set for season 5, since the site buyout. I got really good deals on the first two box sets. Sentai says it will handle sales of the premium box set on it's own website, which is a pain to get to. The website that was going to handle all the filth that Sony/funi/crunchyroll/aniplex didn't want, is up somewhat. Instead of eroanime, the name is less suggestive, the site looks similar to right stuf, and there is a listing for an out of stock season 1 bluray of Food Wars, as well as other non naughty titles.
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I noticed a few things. Sentai isn't letting rightstuf handle their limited edition, premium box set for season 5, since the site buyout. I got really good deals on the first two box sets. Sentai says it will handle sales of the premium box set on it's own website, which is a pain to get to. The website that was going to handle all the filth that Sony/funi/crunchyroll/aniplex didn't want, is up somewhat. Instead of eroanime, the name is less suggestive, the site looks similar to right stuf, and there is a listing for an out of stock season 1 bluray of Food Wars, as well as other non naughty titles.
I'm wondering if Sony just bought the name of the site, the contents of the warehouse, Nozomi licences like Dirty Pair and Gundam, and 30+ years of earned good will from actual customer service. That last one wont last.
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Nobody seems to be talking about the new RWBY only being on Crunchyroll.
I didn't know about that until I saw Lady Timpani's post, but I've always watched it on Crunchyroll anyway.

Back in the day (like when it first started airing lmao) I watched it on Rooster Teeth's website, but at some point it looks like they turned that into a subscription service too? I guess they figured it would reach a wider audience this way, and I think they're right.

Also I'm kind of late and this may have been posted here already, but it looks like there's a trailer for S5 of Aggretsuko:

Retsuko in her political era??
I finished Spy x Family last night!!!!!

and now for a season in review.

Spy x Family? What's that? Oh, it's just the new hit spy anime that all the cool kids are talking about. Seriously. From the animation to the storywriting to the comedy to the romance and even the characters, this show takes it to the next level. Few flaws hold Spy x Family down, launching it into the same trajectory as all-time great spy/detective/thief shows like Detective Conan and Lupin III. Each episode is jam-packed with something new and fun to watch, and you can be rest-assured this anime is aware of how great it is.

The father-mother-daughter trio relationship between Loid, Yor, and Anya is unbreakable. With each of them having secret identities it spices up the show even more and adds that spycy flavor you've been looking for (pun totally intended). The way the show seamlessly intertwines their lives while also reassuring the viewer that their marriage is just for appearances is flawless. Anya is absolutely adorable and sets the new standard for what anime children who are important characters should sound and behave like. And we can't even get far past the three when you start thinking about how fleshed out the supporting cast is in this show.

If it were possible, Spy x Family would rank 11/10 on the anime scale just for how amazing it is. For now though, we'll give it a 10/10. Make sure to grab some mixed nuts at the grocery store and watch your new favorite spy/slice-of-life show. 😎

That's all for now. Until next time. See ya!

Back in the day (like when it first started airing lmao) I watched it on Rooster Teeth's website, but at some point it looks like they turned that into a subscription service too? I guess they figured it would reach a wider audience this way, and I think they're right.

Also I'm kind of late and this may have been posted here already, but it looks like there's a trailer for S5 of Aggretsuko:

Retsuko in her political era??
Rooster Teeth is also owned by Warner/Discovery. They do own HBO max.
If it were possible, Spy x Family would rank 11/10 on the anime scale just for how amazing it is. For now though, we'll give it a 10/10. Make sure to grab some mixed nuts at the grocery store and watch your new favorite spy/slice-of-life show. 😎
Ok, for sure gotta give Spy x Family a watch now after reading your review. Heard nothing but great things now, glad you enjoyed it so much!

I'm almost finished with 2nd season of Bungo Stray Dogs, and yeah I think Dazai is my favorite character now. Can't help but love him now after seeing his backstory, and he kind of gives me Light/L from Death Note vibes as well. Feel like he has some master plan up his sleeve and he's thinking 2 steps ahead of everyone else, I could be wrong though.

The MC also reminds me a lot of Naruto and Deku so far, like if you combined them together then you'd get Atsushi pretty much. I love both Naruto and Deku so yeah he's starting to grow on me as a MC as well. Needless to say I'm really enjoying this anime a lot haha.
What will the "heroes" do in the aftermath of the big battle? The fight to protect what was crumbling down continues... now.

Midoriya speaks with the past wielders of One For All and finds out that he is the last wielder of One For All that will ever exist. Presented with this information, he is asked whether or not he can kill Tomura Shigaraki, who has All For One. Midoriya rejects this notion, however, saying that One For All is a power meant to save, not kill, and says that he will try to save Shigaraki.

Meanwhile, Hawks and Best Jeanist meet with All Might and All Might takes them to a secret place to tell them everything about Midoriya and One For All.

But the biggest event of all, is that Midoriya leaves U.A. High and leaves notes behind for his classmates detailing about how All Might passed his power down to him. Midoriya becomes a vigilante and is ready to fight villains on his own. What will happen next?

Next time on My Hero Academia season six, episode nineteen. "Full Power!!" You won't want to miss it! (y)

Finished part 1 of Spy x Family and started part 2 over the weekend! Still really enjoying it but don't have much commentary on it yet. I really like comedy in anime so I'm glad that it has more of an emphasis on humor than I had expected.

Looking forward to watching Aggretsuko next week, even though it'll be the final season!
okay okay okay I just caught up on G Witch and even though I saw stills of That Scene from ep 12 I have thoughts

okay I'm kind of obsessed with the framing of it... Like Prospera wasn't even wrong, really, unfortunately they did have to kill because it wasn't just a duel for ownership of a company anymore, it was an act of war, but her manipulation of Suletta was still disturbing
But like I said, the framing makes it very triumphant; Suletta defeats the enemies, yay! The two major antagonists who have been named aren't even killed so it's very much in the realm of allowable, morally justifiable violence for an anime series. It's just nameless grunts being hurt. And then the credits roll, and it's this part that I was not expecting. I thought the splat was going to be pre-credits. But no it's Suletta saying "I'm going to save Miorine!" which we as the audience want at this point.
and THEN the post-credits scene is the splatter scene and it totally turns everything on its head. Everything is suddenly reframed and it makes it clear just how insidious Prospera's grooming of Suletta is.

More thoughts:
Speaking of justification, I like how the series is toying with how justifiable characters' actions are. Delling wasn't wrong to want to shut down Fólkvangr, but obviously the way he chose to do it was morally incorrect. And Elnora/Prospera wasn't wrong to be angry and seeking revenge, but grooming your daughter (?) and experimenting on her for a decade is.

Nika's plot hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm so so interested to see where that goes.

Will they even go back to school?? How do you go back to school after that

I love how it pays homage to Revolutionary Girl Utena. The duel system and school setting were obvious nods, and of course that scene at the end of the OP with Suletta and Miorine floating is very reminiscent of Utena's own OP, but Prospera saying "this isn't a duel" reminded me very much of Akio telling Utena during their duel that this wasn't a game and people could be hurt. And the way Akio's relationship to Anthy parallels Prospera's to Suletta! Obviously not a perfect parallel but a neat one nonetheless.

I also find it interesting that in G Witch's case the Bride has much more agency than in Utena, although Miorine becomes complacent toward the end of the season and accepts her lot because she just genuinely likes Suletta, whose lack of agency more closely resembles Anthy's. I'm excited to see where they take their relationship-- if they have any hope of being together it has to exist outside of the bride/groom system; even if they like each other (and I really do consider the scene in ep 11 a declaration of love; it hits all the beats for this genre) it's just making the best of a bad situation. They didn't actively choose one another to begin with, and even though they pretty much have now, it's still within the confines of the duel system (Suletta even says "I'm your groom"). We already know Suletta has trouble with how she perceives and her relationships to others and constantly seeks to make herself useful. Which as an acts of services ***** myself I get, but even though that conversation ended on a good note, I still think it's just one step in the evolution of their relationship.

whew I wrote so much lmao idk if anybody is actually gonna read that but thanks if you did! I genuinely have not enjoyed an anime like this in awhile. I'm so excited for s2 in April!
Does anyone care about those anime awards?
The crunchyroll awards? I'm interested to see who wins, but award shows have never really been my thing. Usually because just whatever is most popular or has the most die-hard fanbase usually win these kinda things, but always interesting to see if any shows can make some upsets.
Watching the OG YuGiOh after only seeing it as a kid, and it’s hilarious how dramatic the series is. Guy can’t catch a break. He beats one bad guy and another one immediately threatens the world.

But if I leaned one thing, it’s to always trust the Heart of the Cards.
Watching the OG YuGiOh after only seeing it as a kid, and it’s hilarious how dramatic the series is. Guy can’t catch a break. He beats one bad guy and another one immediately threatens the world.

But if I leaned one thing, it’s to always trust the Heart of the Cards.

Joey Wheeler always trusts in the Heart of the Cards... or at least he tries.
Watching the OG YuGiOh after only seeing it as a kid, and it’s hilarious how dramatic the series is. Guy can’t catch a break. He beats one bad guy and another one immediately threatens the world.

But if I leaned one thing, it’s to always trust the Heart of the Cards.
I hear that the heart of the cards was added when they dubbed it.