The Bell Tree Fair 2016 - Coming August 6th!

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Is it me? Or is TBT running very slowly ATM. I sense something's up.

Edit: Wait, seems fine now. Must be me.
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Lookie, the tickets on our sidebar have arrived! I'm getting hyped, but I can wait.
Tickets are here

It's already August 6 here, where's my fair )))):
Tomorrow omg I'm excited

Just noticed the tickets, and holy hell cant wait
I only have smash for 3DS. I never bought a wii u but I'll be around for this!
last minute wagers:

I think White Feather returns, and that there will also be a new Dark Feather! and that one or more of the basic feathers will be retired. ;)

I also think blue and green balloons and red pinwheels get retired, creating a huge mad dash for the old colors! :eek:

and some kind of fair food has to show up, right? maybe cotton candy? :confused:
last minute wagers:

I think White Feather returns, and that there will also be a new Dark Feather! and that one or more of the basic feathers will be retired. ;)

I also think blue and green balloons and red pinwheels get retired, creating a huge mad dash for the old colors! :eek:

and some kind of fair food has to show up, right? maybe cotton candy? :confused:

Cotton candy would honestly be amazing
Wait so by "August 6" do you mean August 6 at 00:00? Or August 6 sometime in the morning like 6:00?

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Cause I can stay up til midnight but...
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