The Bell Tree Fair 2016 - Coming August 6th!

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Looking forward to events to participate in, I had a lot of fun for Christmas which was my first event I really got to partake in and even though I didn't place I still had tons of fun!
The only thing that worries me is if Happy Home Designer entries are invalidated or if there is no Happy Home Designer event. But I don't any spoilers right now.
If a Mario Kart 8 tournament is one of the events, I'll sure sign up for it. I can do 200cc very well.
Nvm ... :blush:
I was having iPad issues ... Lol ... Somebody else please post something wonderful about the Fair and put me out of my misery ❤️
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I'm not on TBT for over a week, and see this. Very nice of you guys to do this. I can't wait to see what kind of collectables and events there are at the fair! This reminds me of when Club Penguin had a fair event...

I guess I'll just have to see what happens in five days.
3 more days!!


ayyy dis gonna be fun hope there will be photo stuff events :D
Really excited. I don't think I was active enough last year to get into much of it, but I intend to participate in it as much as I can this year. Have already signed up for a tournament.
Probably worth leaving a notice here to not expect the Fair to be live early in the morning or anything. Veterans here will know we tend to launch events quite late in the day, so a heads up to expect something similar for this most likely!
^yep we know :p

anyways *hypetrain intensifies, choo choo*.. totally gonna get like 11 more white feathers haha
Probably worth leaving a notice here to not expect the Fair to be live early in the morning or anything. Veterans here will know we tend to launch events quite late in the day, so a heads up to expect something similar for this most likely!

everyone was hyperventilating at the launch of the last fair :p
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