The Bell Tree Fair 2016 - Coming August 6th!

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Wait so what time is it starting ;-; my posts seem to keep getting overlooked and I don't want to make plans for when it starts
I too would like to know if there's an eta on when it the fair actually begins today. I've been really busy as of recent, and been somewhat inactive for a few days or so. I still really wanna participate in the more lax events though, and hopefully earn tickets.
last minute wagers:

I think White Feather returns, and that there will also be a new Dark Feather! and that one or more of the basic feathers will be retired. ;)

I also think blue and green balloons and red pinwheels get retired, creating a huge mad dash for the old colors! :eek:

and some kind of fair food has to show up, right? maybe cotton candy? :confused:
nooooooo. I can deal with some of the older feather colors retiring but NO PINWHEEL?! </3

- - - Post Merge - - -

why is everyone getting excited for a cancelled event?

I hope the White Feather is still a thing. I need to swipe one for a certain user. :rolleyes:
North America is always last when serving an hour in each day, but oh boy, their time zones get more focus.

Hopefully Fair Time is based on GMT-5. So if it's 5:00 PM Fair Time, it's 5:00 PM from where I live. But I bet it would be GMT-4 (Eastern Daylight Time) or GMT-7 (California Daylight Time).
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Probably going to do the events for fun (I hope the house of mirrors will be back) and do a giveaway with the tickets later. Good luck everyone!
Just came on. I figured it'd be up by now. Oh well. Still hyped. I'm going out today so I guess I'll check back in a few hours. If I'm late, save some of the fair food for me!
im sooo excited :D
i guess i still have to wait awhile tho. i hope i can stay awake to see the opening xD
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