Also, I crashed out at 4:30am my time, Sunday 7th of August. Woke up at 10am and immediately grabbed a device to check on the fair.. And then catch up on all the posts here I missed (since the fair hasn't begun). It's now almost 10:30am my time. In my case my staying awake so long was mostly down to my own health and body clock. Sure, the fair anticipation is exciting, absolutely. But if I could have slept at a reasonable time, I would have, fair or not!
Also also : I'm sure the mods etc are going to open the fair when it's ready. No use them rushing it for us only to have the site crash as they didn't take the time to bug test and "play test" enough. I know enough about event management to know that the devil is in the details. The planning may have been flawless but it's all in the execution that things come together, or fall apart. I can only imagine how much more difficult putting on an online event is, worldwide at that. SO many variables to consider. My IT guy shuddered at the thought and then went cross-eyed just considering the logistics (he helped me with that anime event I used to run so knows what these RL events can be like).
If anyone involved in getting this fair up and running is reading this : thank you for your efforts. Please don't stress about the anticipation/pleading/whining/begging that is going on here, it's all part of the event build up. I'm sure that's not news, but it always helped me to be reminded of that when the pressure started to hit. Take your time to do this right, and go live when you're ready. You got this.