The Bell Tree Fair 2016 - Coming August 6th!

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I wonder if there will be red and yellow balloons this time, just like how there are blue and green balloons. I still want blue and green.
would be kinda cool. would be nice with like a black feather too even though it's not really in game..
I hope the white feather returns.

what had to be done to earn the white feather in past fairs?
yeah, but how hard was it to collect all the tickets for it?

It's not hard if you kept submitting to the photo challenge or scavenger hunt. The only trick is that you have to be quick enough to get them. If they sell out before you have enough tickets, then sorry.

I was more interested into the cheaper and unlimited restock ones anyway. Because I love balloons.
Ugh I hope I'll be able to get one of the limited collectibles or one of the better ones just in general since I don't even have a camera ;-;
omg i just realized i'll be on vacation on august 6th lmaooo
omg i just realized i'll be on vacation on august 6th lmaooo

Oh, no!!! Hopefully you won't be gone the whole time!

I want something pink -- pink feather, pink balloon, just something pink lol
It's not hard if you kept submitting to the photo challenge or scavenger hunt. The only trick is that you have to be quick enough to get them. If they sell out before you have enough tickets, then sorry.

I was more interested into the cheaper and unlimited restock ones anyway. Because I love balloons.

Yeah, the actual restock times were kinda random unless you place top-3 or won any actual competitions when they would open the shop again for them. I was just lucky to get some nice deal here for my white feather sometime afterwards.
Is it just me or did it used to say the fair was gonna start August 5th and not 6th??
Question: because of my internet connections unreliability when it comes to fighting games in general, I will need to play from my friend's house using his wii u. Is he expresses interest in participating, is it ok if we both enter under the same nintendo ID?
The banner looks really nice. Looking forward to the event.
The banners are lovely. Wonderful job, Laudine. <3

And, as always, a huge THANK YOU to Justin and all the other people who will make this fair possible. I'm very much looking forward to it! <3
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