Happy birthday, TBT!
I can't express enough how grateful I am for this little corner of the internet, you guys are literally one of the only reasons why I keep drawing and keep pursuing my creative hobbies. It's crazy to think how much I've grown art-wise because of all the events! If I hadn't joined TBT that fateful day in August 2015, I think I would've just stopped drawing altogether. (Also, did I mention I brought up TBT 's first egg decorating contest in 2019 during my medical school interview? They asked me if I had anything I was proud of and I told them I had won third place in a small contest and I showed them my Pavé egg. It was one of the first contests on TBT that I won and I can't emphasize enough how happy that made me. Anyway yes I eventually did get into my top choice of medical school ^^)
I'd also like to give a big mention to all the friends I've made on TBT, you guys make my days a little brighter

I'm forever socially awkward and I'm bad at making friends, so for me to simply have people to talk to regularly makes me really, really happy. There are a lot of community members I'd still like to get to know more and be friends with, so I'm happy to see that a lot of people are still staying on these forums while more are joining as well. :] The camp events especially pushed me to get to know others, it's so fun!
Sorry for rambling, I probably didn't make sense midway, but yeah!! This forum has become a pocket of happiness to me and to many others, I hope it sticks around for a long time.

love u tbt!!!