The Official "Rank My Villagers!" Thread


Snooty - 4/10 - He’s alright! Not the cutest for sure, but that is my personal opinion of the anteater types. I guess I would give him more points if his default shirt wasn’t that green shirt. I think it clashes with his coloring!

Octavian - 6/10 - I enjoy Octavian’s coloring a lot! But he looks waaay too angry so he loses points. Also loses points because his mouth is always open and it makes me uncomFortable.

Chèvre - 7/10 - I love chèvre! She’s an adorable normal, however she also lost a point for being kind of bland in general. And minus one more point because i think the goats’ mouths look like camel toes in the game.

Kidd - 8/10 - Okay he’s super cool and smoooth looking :D. Plus one point for being a cute lavender color, plus another point because he looks like he has a cool mustache.

Agnes - 4/10 - I don’t really enjoy Agnes. I had her on my island before, and I think i just really don’t like her coloring with all the black stripes. I think I would enjoy her more if she were a peppy rather than an uchi.

Teddy - 7/10 - Teddy is pretty cute! Not the cutest bear ever, I think I would enjoy his design more as a cub (but that’s kind of an obvious thing to say). I’ve never had him before but I wouldn’t mind adopting him If i saw him!

Rodeo - 7/10 - Rodeo mostly gets points for having such a unique and intense design. I came across him once at a mystery island and I thought he looked really cool, but his aggressive design personally wasn’t for me! But yeah, he’s really cool!

Flora - 8/10 - Never seen Flora in person yet, but she seems so cute! I love her derpy cute expression. I would definitely love to have her on my island.

Merry - 5/10- I’ve ranked Merry before and I forgot what I gave her last time. I don’t like Merry because I don’t like how her eyes are always looking up. It’s just a personal thing.

Fang - 8/10 - He’s gorgeous. I have him on my island too! I love how he’s really pretty and androgynous looking. I like dressing him up kinda fancy because he looks great. He’s not a 10 though because he is a bit basic!

heres my villagers : )



Timbra - 6/10 - I find her design to be kinda loud and distracting, but she gets points for being a sweetie :)

Dom - 9/10 - I love him! Never had him before, but I love his design and his eyes. He looks so cuddly. I would definitely adopt him if I get a chance.

Pierre - 10/10 - One of my favorite villagers. He was a permanent resident in my new leaf town. I dont have him yet on NH since his house design doesn’t really match my theme, but I miss having him around. Bonus points for being a smug :D. My favorite part of his design is the tear on his face.

Flo - 4/10 - She’s alright. Minus points for her kris Jenner haircut. She’s just a bit too edgy for me.

Freya - 7/10 - Gorgeous color and design (which is pretty easy all the wolf villagers) and I love her frosty eyeshadow. Minus a point because I dont like her name - it sounds really outdated and old fashioned and doesn’t suit her looks IMO.

Hopper - 7/10 - I like Hopper and I think his design is really cool. He’s like a cuter more palatable version of Rodeo IMO.

Raddle - 5/10 - gets points for being a very unique design. Minus points because I think he’s pretty creepy.

Tank - 8/10 - Awww tank is so Cute! He looks like a good boy :D I love all my good boy jocks.

Tia - 8/10 - I have Tia on my island too. I love her beautiful delicate porcelain design and I enjoy having her around. She’s doesn’t get a perfect score for being a bit basic.

Tutu - 8/10 - Never had her on my island before but she looks cuddly and adorable. Plus one point for her heart sweater. I would love to adopt her one day!
here are mine (it's an all-cat island!)


i don't have a jock... i just like the peppies and normals too much
Gonna put my current line up in, though many of them will be leaving over the next few weeks, starting with Blanche, who is currently in boxes. Probably my saddest goodbye so far as I always loved her design, just her house won't fit my new plans :'(

1. Flurry
2. Audie
3. Marshal
4. Raymond
5. Apollo
6. Shari
7. Blanche
8. Marcie
9. Broccolo
10. Bud

I will update my list once all the changes have happened. Quite sad really, as I was fairly settled on that line up. But I need houses that will work and can't build them all a private rural area haha.
here are mine (it's an all-cat island!)


i don't have a jock... i just like the peppies and normals too much
Raymond - 9/10 - I have him too and I like his design, expressions and style.

Kiki - 8/10 - I think I just have a soft spot for black cats tbh.

Katt - 7/10 - I had her in NL and while I didn't like her at first (thought she looked too sneaky and rude) I warmed to her a lot and grew to actually like her.

Tangy - 6/10 Not personally had her, but she seems all cheerful and perky if I run into her elsewhere. However I am not sure if I like the food based villagers or not, it's up and down for me.

Merry, Felicity and Lolly all get 6/10, cos they're cute designs. Hard to judge them further as I've not even met any of them.

Punchy - 4/10 cos it's creepy how much him and Tom look like Rover, though I think that could be a fun story, like they're all related somehow. I wish ac would have more relatives.

Ankha 3/10 cos I've just never liked her much haha

Kabuki 2/10 for the same reason, but with the added bonus of being a bit creepy.
Gonna put my current line up in, though many of them will be leaving over the next few weeks, starting with Blanche, who is currently in boxes. Probably my saddest goodbye so far as I always loved her design, just her house won't fit my new plans :'(

1. Flurry
2. Audie
3. Marshal
4. Raymond
5. Apollo
6. Shari
7. Blanche
8. Marcie
9. Broccolo
10. Bud

I will update my list once all the changes have happened. Quite sad really, as I was fairly settled on that line up. But I need houses that will work and can't build them all a private rural area haha.

1. Flurry
7/10 - She's actually very cute, she was one of my island's OG villagers.

2. Audie
8/10 - I currently have her and while she's adorable I've started to like her a bit less because of her house exterior. Peppies honestly get on my nerves a little too.

3. Marshal
7/10 - Never had marshal, but he's pretty cute.

4. Raymond
10/10 - Currently one of my favorites.

5. Apollo
8/10 - I haven't had or seen Apollo since Wild World. Miss him, honestly.

6. Shari
3/10 - Don't really like monkeys but she's one of the better ones.

7. Blanche
7/10 - She's actually a really good looking villager too, ones I've definitely overlooked.

8. Marcie
5/10 - Pretty neutral about her.

9. Broccolo
1/10 - Don't like mice villagers at all.

10. Bud
4.5/10 - He's a villager I've had in almost every series at some point, and he was always one of the ones I got close with.


My lineup is currently:

Audie (might have her leave at some point)
Julia (want gone)
Merengue (want gone)
Flo (want gone)
Diana 10/10 too pretty

Wolfgang 3/10 I don't like the wolves but Wolfgang is okay-ish

Raymond 3/10 I had him for a bit and he DID look like a car salesman

Beau 7/10 I like him as part of a set with Fauna

Whitney 8/10 like I said above but Whitney is too pretty so I imagine her as a snow fox sometimes

Audie 5/10 not sure about Audie to be honest...

Julia 9/10 I love her anime eyes!

Merengue 5/10 I'm okay with Merengue. I wouldn't adopt her but if she appeared on my island I'd keep her around for a while

Flo 7/10 She looks judgmental but not bad as a penguin

Fang 5/10 I thought Fang was a girl when he moved to my new leaf town. His purple eyeliner is a great look though.
So for all of these I both Ranked them, the traditional way in terms of how much I like them/ how likely I would be to invite them to my island and Rated them out of 10, which seems to be the new things. All opinions are my own and not meant to make anyone feel and about their villagers. The great thing about having 400 villagers is seeing what different taste everyone has. Thanks for sharing everyone!

here are mine (it's an all-cat island!)


i don't have a jock... i just like the peppies and normals too much

1. Kiki - 8/10 - love Kiki, she’s cute, she’s just a bit quirky, and she’s simple yet stands out among the normals. I had her previously and gave her to a friend who still has her. She’s one I would consider inviting back though.
2. Kabuki - 10/10 - I know I ranked him higher than Kiki, who I rated higher. And it is because when I had him, through great island hopping luck early on, I expected to keep him forever. Unfortunately I just didn’t really click with him, which now realize is probably cause the cranky voice bothers me. However, I still think his design is one of the best in the game. He’s gorgeous and perfect.
3. Tangy - 7/10 - I don’t really like food villagers much. But she is an exception. She’s so cute and her house is one of my favorites in the game.
4. Merry - 7/10 - adorable. Love her little fangs and silly baby face.
5. Felicity - 6/10 - she’s super cute, though for whatever reason I find her slightly less exciting than some of the other peppy cats. Still really great though and feel if I ever had her on my island her ranking might go up.
6. Raymond - 5/10 - he’s a solid villager. Obviously much beloved. I have him now on my second island and though he is definitely not permanent, or my favorite smug, he has charm. I really dislike his house interior, even though I understand the reason for it.
7. Lolly - 5/10 - cute, nothing against her. She’s not my favorite but wouldn’t hate having her around.
8. Ankha - 5/10 - the first snooty I ever came across. She’s neat and I like her pouty face. Her level of theming is a bit to heavy for me. I would feel like she did not fit in.
9. Punchy - 5/10 - I feel bad he is so low on the list. I like him, primarily because I associate him with the lovely @Dunquixote! I have never given him enough of a chance I think, because there are so many cats I like. But I probably should.
10. Katt - 3/5 - it seems strange, even to me, considering how much I love and adore Tabby, but I have never found Katt’s design appealing. I think it is that her eyes look like glasses pretending to be eyes. However, I would like to giver her a chance to win me over, as I have a soft spot for a loveable weirdo.

Gonna put my current line up in, though many of them will be leaving over the next few weeks, starting with Blanche, who is currently in boxes. Probably my saddest goodbye so far as I always loved her design, just her house won't fit my new plans :'(

1. Flurry
2. Audie
3. Marshal
4. Raymond
5. Apollo
6. Shari
7. Blanche
8. Marcie
9. Broccolo
10. Bud

I will update my list once all the changes have happened. Quite sad really, as I was fairly settled on that line up. But I need houses that will work and can't build them all a private rural area haha.

1. Flurry - 8/10 - despite having my least favorite color palette, and my original intention to only keep her short term, I grew to really love Flurry. She’s so cute, and of course I love the hamsters and find them one of the most fun species to dress up. I kept her for over a year, and I still may one day bring her back to my island someday. So I guess she really did win me over.
2. Shari - 7/10 - I think she is a great uchi, especially for those who don’t like the abrasive was they have at times. Something about her clueless expression made the uchi personality come off as much more sweet but dense than rough around the edges to me. She’s really cute, and I like her yellow paws.
3. Broccolo - 6/10 - he’s very cute and I like his house. His catchphrase is hilarious and amazing. Of all the mice he is one of the ones I would be most likely to invite.
4. Raymond - 5/10 - also ranked above. Solid, nothing against him.
5. Bud - 5/10 - initially strongly disliked him, because I do not like the villagers with goatees. But I love his colors and his house and the sort of sunshiney beachy vibes, so I have come to like him more.
6. Marshal - 5/10 - I like Raymond a bit more, but these two are fairly similar in my estimation. He’s also solid, decently cute. He has a much much better house interior than Raymond.
7. Blanche - 3/10 - I feel like I should like her, but something about her design just doesn’t work for me. I think it is the eyes. I don’t dislike her though.
8. Marcie - 3/10 - my opinion on kangaroos has improved, but they are still not a favorite species. Marcie is cute but at the same time I feel like something is missing from her face?
9. Audie - 3/10 - not a fan of wolves or the workout hobby or her sunglasses on head. I think her house is wonderful, inside and out, and wish I could give it to a villager I liked better. Her coloring is also nice.
10. Apollo - 1/10 - I don’t know what it is, but I just have a very strong aversion to him. Plus he is a cranky.

My lineup is currently:

Audie (might have her leave at some point)
Julia (want gone)
Merengue (want gone)
Flo (want gone)

1. Flo - 7/10 - I think she is both cute and cool, I like her eyes. Would consider inviting her if I ever found her.
2. Beau - 6/10 he is cute but basic to me. I find him a little forgettable, but face to face find him quite cute. (Is it just that my mind is going?)
3. Raymond - 5/10 - as I said above. I have him and he is alright, nothing against him. He’s fairly cute, but has not clicked for me
4. Julia - 5/10 - my friend really loves her. She is cute. I think she should be a peppy instead of a snooty, which would make me like her more
5. Merengue - 3/10 I find her design too sickly sweet and it feels overdone to me. She is still cute-ish though. I do like that they made a rhino into this super cutest cream puff, as they are an underrated species who don’t generally get enough love.
6. Audie - 3/10 - as I said above, not a fan of the wolves or the workout hobby, or default sunglasses on head. Her house is really great though and her color is pretty.
7. Wolfgang - 2/10 - see above regarding wolves. His coloring is nice but cranky is my least favorite personality.
8. Whitney - 2/10 again, wolf, sorry. I really do not like the colorless or winter pastels color palette villagers. Snooty is fairly close to cranky personality wise for me.
9. Fang - 1/10 - sorry, I know he is popular but he would be one of my 10 least favorites
10. Diana - 1/10 - again, sorry. I gave her one because zero seemed mean. She’s one of my least favorites and I really avoid her at all costs. But luckily she’s got tons of fans and doesn’t need me.

so…seems like we have very different taste in villagers 😅. Which is okay! I hope I didn’t make you feel bad about your choices, because of course you should like who you like! (And my opinions are probably the weird ones…)
here are mine (it's an all-cat island!)


i don't have a jock... i just like the peppies and normals too much

1. Raymond - 10/10 - I love him. I pay no attention to popularity. I love a lot of villagers who has a design that does not look like it goes with their personality. I also like he is a cat. His toothy grin melts my heart so much.

2. Punchy - 10/10 my favorite and BFF from NL and even now. I just love that smug, sassy expression even though he is a lazy cat. He also looks like a friend’s cat. :)

3. Kabuki - 5/10 - he has an interesting design. I honestly have not made up my mind about him.

4. Katt - 6/10 (not sure how I rated her before) - I’m interested in her and definitely like her a lot more than I used to. Her design isn’t my favorite but I think it still is pretty good.

5. Lolly - 10/10 I love her! She would probably be the first villager I’d add if we had extra space. I have a soft spot for tabbies; one of my late cats was a gray tabby.

6. Felicity - 8 to 10/10 - I think she really is cute; I like Merry a bit more than her but still like her as well.

7. Ankha - 10/10 she is one of my favorites. I love her design so much.

8. Tangy - 6/10 - she’s cute :). got to protect her from @NefariousKing and his tangy conspirators

9. Merry - 10/10 one of my favorites. I love her little teeth and her bangs :)

10. Kiki - 10/10 another of my favorites. I used to not like her until I adopted her in NL. She became a fast favorite. I love her squished black nose.

Gonna put my current line up in, though many of them will be leaving over the next few weeks, starting with Blanche, who is currently in boxes. Probably my saddest goodbye so far as I always loved her design, just her house won't fit my new plans :'(

1. Flurry
2. Audie
3. Marshal
4. Raymond
5. Apollo
6. Shari
7. Blanche
8. Marcie
9. Broccolo
10. Bud

I will update my list once all the changes have happened. Quite sad really, as I was fairly settled on that line up. But I need houses that will work and can't build them all a private rural area haha.

1. Flurry - 5/10 - she’s pretty cute
2. Audie - 8/10 - I think she’s really pretty. She’s the only wolf I really have a strong opinion about
3. Marshal 10/10 - one of my favorites. I love how grumpy he looks; his catchphrase is cute too :).
4. Raymond -10/10
5. Apollo - 4/10 - he’s okay
6. Shari - 2/10 don’t care for her much
7. Blanche - 5/10 - she is okay; I had her in Nl and I didn’t like her then because I didn’t want her and wanted her to move, but I think I’m over the “grudge” for the most part
8. Marcie - 0/10 Sorry. Don’t like villagers with lipstick and don’t like the kangaroos.
9. Broccolo - 7/10 he’s pretty cute
10. Bud - 0/10 I don’t like any of the lions.
Audie (might have her leave at some point)
Julia (want gone)
Merengue (want gone)
Flo (want gone)

You have so many cuties!

Diana- 10/10. My queen. I had her in New Leaf, and became extremely attached to her. I have had on my old island as well. She is one of my top favourite villagers.
Wolfgang- 10/10. My favourite wolf. He is my second all time favourite villager. So technically I should be rating him 100/10. Love him so much. Really miss having him on my new island, but he won't match my theme.
Raymond- 3/10. This is the rating that I always give this cat. I don't see the appeal, and don't find him exciting or interesting.
Beau- 6/10. I believe I have rated this boi in the past. He is very cute, but not my favourite.
Whitney- 10/10. Everybody loves Whitney. She's a superstar. She was in the Animal Crossing movie, so she is naturally a queen. I love her design. If Wolfgang wasn't my favourite wolf, she would probably be it.
Audie- 10/10. I'm dishing out so many 10's. But again, I'm obsessed with Audie. I had her on my old island twice, and I adore. Only thing is, I feel she should be a snooty rather than a peppy. Overall great house and design though.
Julia- 7/10. Very pretty villager. I want to have her one day. I really like her colours.
Merengue- 7/10. Another cutie. Had her in New Leaf. Wasn't absolutely crazy about her though.
Flo- 3/10. Meh. Most of the penguins are cute, but I don't like Flo all that much for some reason.
Fang- 10/10. Top tier boi as well. If it's not obvious, the wolves are one of my favourite species xD. No, but I love Fang. I have him at the moment and I don't know how I lived without him previously. He is so cute with his grandpa cranky personality.
here are mine (it's an all-cat island!)


i don't have a jock... i just like the peppies and normals too much

i feel you... i like the peppies and normals too much myself haha. 😅

raymond - 3/10 - he doesn’t appeal to me much but he’s not bad, either!
punchy - 5/10 - a very cute lad! he’s two of my friends’ favourite villager, which makes him extra special to me. :’)
kabuki - 4/10 - i didn’t use to care for him much, but he’s definitely growing on me!
katt - 10/10 - one of my favourite villagers! i know there’s quite a few people who think she’s ugly, but i’ve always found her to be absolutely adorable! i’d love to have her on my island one day. ^^
lolly - 10/10 - ten honestly isn’t a high enough number to explain just how much i love lolly lol. she’s so, so, so adorable and is an absolute sweetheart as well!
felicity - 6/10 - she’s adorable!
ankha - 4/10 - not really one of my favourites tbh, but she’s still very pretty and i like her a lot!
tangy - 10/10 - tangy was actually the very first villager that i ever met, so she gets bonus points for nostalgia haha. but regardless, she’s such a precious lil baby and i love her a lot!
merry - 10/10 - so, so adorable! i love her. 🥺
kiki - 10/10 - an automatic 10/10 for being a black kitty lol. she reminds me of my irl black kitty, so she gets bonus points for that, but she’s overall super cute and i have fond memories of having her in wild world. :)
Tammy: opps wrong Tammy

Lyman: 8/10 "Lemon" ^^ I do love him, he's very cute. I had him once and he was my baby.

Fauna: 6/10 When I see her I think of Bambi right away. Not my favorite deer villager, I alway think she would be good in a Disney Core.

Rosie: 10/10 My baby, my partner in crime on my old island. Shes one of my favorite peppys.

Sherb: 10/10 Baby boy. I have him, hes my derpy goat premie.

Chops: 10/100 Gonna straight out and say how much I LOVE Chops!! Hes just so cool in his outfit, design. Like a soldier piggy.

Harry: 6/10 As far as hippos go I dont hate him, not a favorite. But he's still a cool dude.

Punchy: 9/10 Hes a cutie, I really like his design, I like how his chill design fits his personality. Though I think it would fit a smug better.

Marshal: 10/10 My forever baby boy. Always will be on my island.

Yuka: 8/10 Im not a fan of koals, but I like her palate, and she has a really pretty design, and fitting name. So I do like her.

(Sorry those are out of order, butter fingers)

Kid Cat
Last edited:
Kid Cat
Kid Cat - 5/10 He's okay.
Marshal - 7/10 Talking from experience, he's cool.
Olivia - 7/10 I like her.
Ione - 6/10 Alright, she's good.
Shino - 9/10 Gotta love her.
Bruce - 10/10 He is amazing!
Static - 10/10 Also amazing!
Sasha - 6/10 Cute, but I don't understand why the fandom raves about him.
Raymond - 6/10 - Again, I like him, but I don't understand why the fandom loves him so much.
Sherb - 8/10 He reminds me of my uncle for some reason.

(Yes, I know my signature implies something completely different, but that's my ACNL file down there. I should probably edit it for ACNH.)

Twiggy - 8/10 I've never had her but I think she's cool. The combination of her angry eyebrows with peppy personality seems really fun and silly.
Mitzi - 7/10 A solid cat
Phil - 6/10 He's okay, I would take him if I really needed a smug villager
Flora - 10/10 So cute, I want her one day
Anchovy - 4/10 I don't like the hair/eyes/eyebrow thing going on
Ken - 10/10 He's on my island!
Mint - 10/10 Another villager I would love to have sometime
Bruce - 6/10 He's fine but there are other deer I like more
Tiffany - 1/10 Too "sexy" for Animal Crossing I don't like it
Filbert - 5/10 He's perfectly average to me

Here's my current villagers:
Here's my current villagers:

Believe it or not, you have 3/4 of my all-time favorite best friends from my original Wild World town!

Axel- 5/10. He looks extremely friendly but I wish the elephant model were different.

Cookie - 7/10. All the dogs are cute! I tend to prefer realistic looking villagers but I think Cookie is one of the better brightly colored designs.

Dora - 10/10! One of my first favorites, I will love her forever. I will never understand the fandom hate for mouse villagers.

Flo - 5/10. I like the penguins but she’s a little too human for my tastes.

Ken - 5/10. I also like the chickens! But I’ve never had Ken and he doesn’t stand out to me too much.

Pecan - Another 5/10. I’m a squirrel fan, but Pecan is one of my less preferred squirrels.

Peewee - 10/10! Another beloved friend from Mooville. I adore the gorilla villagers and Peewee is the best of all.

Punchy - 9/10. Honorable mention to another Wild World friend! He wasn’t even in the top 4 from earlier. He’s a classic cat and one of the better lazy villagers.

Teddy - 4/10. I do not prefer most of the bears and Teddy is no exception. Sorry Teddy! Not your fault!

Tipper - 10/10! I was obsessed with cows in elementary school, so naturally I was over the moon to have Tipper in Mooville when I was 11. She has my undying loyalty.
I don't get to rank any villagers? Ah, come on...

Here's mine if you're on mobile and can't view signatures:
  • Patty
  • Bob
  • Mallary
  • Cherry
  • Tom
  • Dotty
  • Lopez
  • Poncho
  • Kyle
  • Caroline
I'll post again when I'm able to rank a list no one else has done yet.
I don't get to rank any villagers? Ah, come on...

Here's mine if you're on mobile and can't view signatures:
  • Patty
  • Bob
  • Mallary
  • Cherry
  • Tom
  • Dotty
  • Lopez
  • Poncho
  • Kyle
  • Caroline
I'll post again when I'm able to rank a list no one else has done yet.

I didn't realize it was mandatory based on earlier posts, my bad!

I don't have time for another long ranking but mine are:

  • Antonio
  • Bubbles
  • Benedict
  • Stu
  • Stella
  • Limberg
  • Yuka
  • Azalea
  • Ione
  • Huck
You can rank mine and repost your list!