While, to some extent, it kind of stretches credulity for Kofi and Xavier to stay a team after the weeks of tension and arguments, I have to admit that I've been enjoying the heel turn with their betrayal of Big E. I don't know whether Big E will ever be able to return to the ring, and am personally of the belief, given everything I've seen of the situation, that it's probably for the best that he never wrestles again despite how much of a shame that is (especially considering how Vince squandered his and Kofi's championship wins) and how much I'd like to see him back in action under the new management. Knowing wrestling, it could actually be a return angle for Big E and they're keeping the details hush hush, but who knows, it could just as easily be a way to get people to stop asking for him to return and a way to breathe new life into The New Day. Regardless of how it plays out, the betrayal angle was well done and the personality change for Kofi and Xavier has been refreshing.
After what happened on Monday, y'all have no idea how much I want Kofi to throw out this line: