Villager Trading Plaza Feedback

I think there should be a whole new forum category for "Looking For" villagers (Villager Lookout). The single looking for thread at the top of the plaza has never worked for me, and honestly it's rare that it works for anyone else.

It would be alot of work but in the end I think it would be worth it. Have a thread for each villager (do it by personality or species if not wanting to list every villager) and then its like a masterlist of the peopl looking for those villagers. Its so much easier to check too. I know when I had villagers leaving it took me probably 30 mins to 1 hr to even find people who had the villagers I had leaving as a dreamie.
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I do think dreamy proof should be required more often. I don't think signature proof is really required, though.

I feel as if you see how much a person wants a villager/dreamy more when you see that said person has been searching for that villager via posts, you'll be able to determine if it's a dreamy or not. I can edit my signature in 5m. Does that mean anything? Not really. Does me asking for weeks for a villager sound more credible? Yes. At least imho.

Personally, I've never cycled, but I'm grateful to those that do. I think the villager cycling plaza is a blessing.

I just got turned down for a raffle giveaway because my signature was taken down last week. Like you said, anyone can add a name to their sig in minutes. I have been looking hard for the villager. My ability to be a loving home was based on a signature. The trader has no clue how nice my village is, how I rarely (if ever) let anyone move. People could easily post past thread link posts as searching for proof which is way more valid. Cyclers are smart and some, not all, know how to work these giveaways to obtain high-end villagers.
IDK if this is the right place to vent about this, but it's my here it is.

1. I get that dreamie proof is important, and I totally agree with cyclers when they want it.
2. Since cyclers are doing this for free, they should be allowed to set the rules they want.
3. I've gotten all of my dreamies from cyclers, and I'm very appreciative of what they do.


I've noticed that some cyclers are being a little rude to people on here about "giveaways" and "raffles" for the most wanted tier-1 dreamies. People want them desparately and some of the have-ers are kind of on an ego trip. Even though they aren't demanding bells/items--they ARE talking to people rudely, ignoring them, disqualifying them coldly, just doesn't sit well with me, because the spirit of cycling is supposed to be about making people happy. And most cyclers say they are doing this so that people don't have to lose out on getting dreamies from more demanding sellers.

The dreamie proof is so that people who are pretending it's their dreamie don't end up getting the dreamie and then selling them. But isn't a "Selling" thread more honest than a "giveaway" thread that makes people jump through hoops?

Tell me if I'm seeing this wrong. I'm not trying to just criticize...but this has been really bothering me on a personal level, and also when I've been seeing other's getting rejected for dreamies/raffles/giveaways.
Hello Justin from you think it would be possible to allow people who aren't in the cycling business to have a few extra bumps allowed? This would help keep giveaways from being pushed down and more lower tier villagers a chance to find a home. Just a thought. Requires no board updates.
IDK if this is the right place to vent about this, but it's my here it is.

1. I get that dreamie proof is important, and I totally agree with cyclers when they want it.
2. Since cyclers are doing this for free, they should be allowed to set the rules they want.
3. I've gotten all of my dreamies from cyclers, and I'm very appreciative of what they do.


I've noticed that some cyclers are being a little rude to people on here about "giveaways" and "raffles" for the most wanted tier-1 dreamies. People want them desparately and some of the have-ers are kind of on an ego trip. Even though they aren't demanding bells/items--they ARE talking to people rudely, ignoring them, disqualifying them coldly, just doesn't sit well with me, because the spirit of cycling is supposed to be about making people happy. And most cyclers say they are doing this so that people don't have to lose out on getting dreamies from more demanding sellers.

The dreamie proof is so that people who are pretending it's their dreamie don't end up getting the dreamie and then selling them. But isn't a "Selling" thread more honest than a "giveaway" thread that makes people jump through hoops?

Tell me if I'm seeing this wrong. I'm not trying to just criticize...but this has been really bothering me on a personal level, and also when I've been seeing other's getting rejected for dreamies/raffles/giveaways.

Valid points and concerns.

I find most people are reasonable. But I did come across two that were a bit strange. I'm reluctant to get into specifics; but I'll just say that this is an area where one, apparently at a disadvantage, has to just roll with the punches.
Candy83--I agree, most cyclers are reasonable. I'm just concerned that people are losing sight of the point of cycling---to make people happy with dreamies, and to make it easier for them to obtain them.

The trend seems to be going in the direction of making it HARDER to obtain dreamies from cyclers. As someone who isn't fond of auctions and buying/selling of villagers, I find it ironic that just tossing out the bells is becoming a very tempting option, compared to begging for one from a cycler. o_O

But again, in general, I've met a lot of very generous, kind people on this forum...I just hope that isn't changing. ^.^
I've noticed that some cyclers are being a little rude to people on here about "giveaways" and "raffles" for the most wanted tier-1 dreamies. People want them desparately and some of the have-ers are kind of on an ego trip. Even though they aren't demanding bells/items--they ARE talking to people rudely, ignoring them, disqualifying them coldly, just doesn't sit well with me, because the spirit of cycling is supposed to be about making people happy. And most cyclers say they are doing this so that people don't have to lose out on getting dreamies from more demanding sellers.

I get this, but people need to be put in their place sometimes. People will always take advantage of cyclers, and kind people who give things away for free in general. But if you're strict and stern about it, no one will really bother you as much.

More Rules & Restrictions = Less BS
Less Rules & Restrictions (like reserves) = More BS

This is just how I feel. I'm not sure how the others look at this, but I look at it - and being stern and strict - this way.
People who abuse the tier-1 stuff since you can get most as starters (except for the smugs and ocotpuses).. really some prices are outrageous.

also people who don't update on here if they are on multiple sites.

and people who is not considerate of timezones. dude.. if you can't hold just have a quick giveaway or something.
People will always take advantage of cyclers, and kind people who give things away for free in general. But if you're strict and stern about it, no one will really bother you as much.

I've never cycled, so I didn't consider this. I'm sure it can get frustrating when people are rude, throw tantrums, etc. In those cases, of course, the cycler has to put their foot down. But again, I don't think everyone should have to be treated that way, BEFORE they've shown a sign of being rude or a whiner, etc.

Also, I was addressing more of the cyclers who want the credit for being generous and giving, but then make it hard for people to get dreamies. Example: Just right now, I saw a cycler trying to claim Merengue on a giveaway thread, so that they could turn around and give her to people on their own thread. They actually admitted to this! Why?! The only reason I can think of is because they felt they could police who gets her better!?!? That just doesn't sit well with me. o_O
Just right now, I saw a cycler trying to claim Merengue on a giveaway thread, so that they could turn around and give her to people on their own thread. They actually admitted to this! Why?! The only reason I can think of is because they felt they could police who gets her better!?!? That just doesn't sit well with me. o_O

I agree but I think that it'll probably fun for the cyclers to experience cool villagers for once ;p
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Awww, I feel a little bad after reading this thread because I am auctioning a villager right now. I bought a second copy of the game with the intention of cycling temporarily to either A: get the ones my kids want or B: Sell the ones they don't want to make enough bells to buy the ones they do. I have given some away though, I post every villager that leaves because if my kids dreamies are at the bottom of the barrel, I know other people have dreamies in tier 5 too.

I haven't been around long, but I think the villager trading plaza has a good flow. The only thing I would change is maybe encouraging more people to post those tier fives before voiding, just in case.
After lurking around for a while, I wish there was a strict set of rules/set format for all auctions. People omit important information, or start an auction and then almost immediately end it and void the villager (which circumstances cause sometimes and I understand that, but it just seems to happen so much).
There's also a lot of people breaking their own established auction guidelines, or changing them midway through(like why even put a buyout if you are going to let people outbid the buyout person?? rude). I wish there was like...maybe a form you had to fill out when you make an auction thread that asked for specific information about your auction. Or some kind of very detailed auction guide. I think it can get a little sloppy around here without one.
After lurking around for a while, I wish there was a strict set of rules/set format for all auctions. People omit important information, or start an auction and then almost immediately end it and void the villager (which circumstances cause sometimes and I understand that, but it just seems to happen so much).
There's also a lot of people breaking their own established auction guidelines, or changing them midway through(like why even put a buyout if you are going to let people outbid the buyout person?? rude). I wish there was like...maybe a form you had to fill out when you make an auction thread that asked for specific information about your auction. Or some kind of very detailed auction guide. I think it can get a little sloppy around here without one.

Hound00med is a mod over at the Reddit villager trading subreddit and they have set extremely strict rules over there regarding auctions. They require a minimum bid, minimum increase, buyout, time of auction end with timezone, and actually enforce the rules! Often you will see mods intervene with auctions if the OP is out of line - allows the auction to go past the end time, takes over buyout, etc. Offenders get a "strike" or sometimes even a ban.

I don't know if the way TBT is structured that "strikes" can happen. It's also a much more active community with fewer mods, which is why a lot of auctions go rampant here - there's just no one to enforce the rules. I'm sure a lot of people who do sketchy things on their auctions know that they are doing something wrong, but don't have someone to rap them on the wrist for it, unfortunately.
I agree about auctions. If I am doing an auction or trying to get a villager in auction, I go to Reddit. I don't know why, but it is so much easier and you get more visibility. A lot of times on TBT, your auction just gets pushed down by all the cyclers and you end up voiding a tier 2 villager.

Having said all that, TBT has the most active cyclers right now anywhere on the web, I think. If you have the time and willingness to stalk cycling threads, this is the place to do it.

For the so called tier 4 or 5 villagers? Go to Reddit. Seriously, they have more giveaways for weird or unusual villagers. Unless it's a high tier villager, you just don't see too many auctions or giveaways for the unusual villagers here on TBT.
I don't really understand why people say cyclers "push down" the posts. What pushes down your posts are brand new threads, not a new post.

Or am I wrong?
By default, the site orders threads by how long it's been since someone last posted, so the more recent a reply is, the higher on the list it'll be.

If you guys ever want to navigate past certain prefixes, you can sort threads by clicking on the prefix or looking under "Thread Display Options" at the bottom of the page.
After lurking around for a while, I wish there was a strict set of rules/set format for all auctions. People omit important information, or start an auction and then almost immediately end it and void the villager (which circumstances cause sometimes and I understand that, but it just seems to happen so much).
There's also a lot of people breaking their own established auction guidelines, or changing them midway through(like why even put a buyout if you are going to let people outbid the buyout person?? rude). I wish there was like...maybe a form you had to fill out when you make an auction thread that asked for specific information about your auction. Or some kind of very detailed auction guide. I think it can get a little sloppy around here without one.

I agree 100%. I really wish this issue could be addressed by some mods/admins. Or at least, I'd like to know the standpoint about this issue.

They require a minimum bid, minimum increase, buyout, time of auction end with timezone, and actually enforce the rules! Often you will see mods intervene with auctions if the OP is out of line - allows the auction to go past the end time, takes over buyout, etc. Offenders get a "strike" or sometimes even a ban.
(buyouts are optional, just saying ^^)
Ugh, it bothers me so much when people extend their auctions. I see no legitimate reason for them to be allowed to do that, lol. It's so sketchy to not stick to your word. People end up disappointed.
I also saw an auction in which the poster said they would think of an end time later... AKA, they'll give an end time whenever they feel like the price will head in the right direction ;s

there's just no one to enforce the rules.
Well... I have to diagree, here, haha... these things are just allowed, and I really don't know why. X_X
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Well... I have to diagree, here, haha... these things are just allowed, and I really don't know why. X_X

Woah, I didn't know it was allowed - I won't be participating in any auctions here, haha. It is extremely sketchy for someone to not put an end time on their auction (even more so than extending it...) I think the ONLY time that it's ok to extend and auction is if you have literally zero offers.
Woah, I didn't know it was allowed - I won't be participating in any auctions here, haha. It is extremely sketchy for someone to not put an end time on their auction (even more so than extending it...) I think the ONLY time that it's ok to extend and auction is if you have literally zero offers.

Hmm, rather than being flat-out allowed, it's more like I just don't see it addressed in the rules at all. I'm sure it's maybe frowned upon?? but I never see anything done to prevent it. There are many organized/structured auction-holders here of course, but as always, there's a bad bunch, haha.

I love the rule on reddit that you're not allowed to extend an auction once you've gotten an offer. I've said it a bunch of times on here, and I even made a thread ranting about this, but I seriously cannot think of any reason you'd legitimately need to extend an auction once you've already got a bid. Of course, real life situations happen and you may not be around at the end of the auction, but I don't see why that necessitates an extension. You could simply let the participants of the auction know that they will have to wait around a little for you after the auction has ended. It feels like a lame excuse that people use just to bring in higher offers and to make more money.