What Are You Happy About Today?

- Got through another day of work 🥳 Glad I have the day off tomorrow

- I managed to buy the last bottle of kewpie mayo! We've had it in stock for a week now and I was thinking of buying it since it's super famous in Japan. I noticed we only had one left this morning, and waited the whole day hoping nobody else would get it 😅 Super happy, I'm gonna use it to make Japanese stye egg sandwiches ☺️

- Got a bunch of free strawberries from work, like 3 boxes, because we had a surplus of them. I took them back home and made some strawberry + white chocolate blondies 🍓❤️

- Interview With The Vampire s2 finally came out on BBC iplayer, will probs spend a few days binging it 🧛‍♂️🧛‍♀️🦇
Watched an episode of Hunter x Hunter and Delicious in Dungeon with my parents this morning!! We also got to see SmallishBeans’ new Hermitcraft video this evening!

Started planning out my entry for Magnificent Memories!

I got to play Pokémon X a ton today and beat both the Shalour City and Coumarine City Gyms!! Which also means I’m free to fly between towns with Boutiques now (they still won’t let me in the Lumiose City one yet though... grrr...) so hopefully I’ll be out of the default outfit before long ;u;

Earned enough confetti for my first Gradient Heart Balloon!! ;w; Here's hoping I get one of the colors I'm after aaaaa. I think I should be able to hit the cap for this round tomorrow too!
Today I’m happy because I got a good amount of my lego sets done today. Tomorrow I’ll finish building the sets and figure out how to arrange them for my entry, if I can use them that is. 🙂 I’m having a lot of fun building them. I was surprised neither of my kitties bothered the legos today. Jewels was more interested in the tote that was on the floor 😅😹.

I caught my chonky girl splooting on the couch 😸😹


I was able to purchase my first balloon :D.

I got some nice trades today in Pokemon home including Pharaoh Trim Furfrou. It’s a shame the trims don’t carry over to any game though. But at least it’ll look good in my living dex 🙂.

I was able to buy a collectible that I wanted for awhile 🙂.

I’m not playing too much of this anymore; just reinstalled it recently and after earning enough orbs, I tried again on one banner I was interested in and got a character that I like 🙂.

Today has been a great day off. Me and Aurora had a nice morning walk. Was productive and got all the yard work done this morning before the rain. Aurora had a play date with my cousins dog Cora and they had so much fun. It was a really nice evening so was able to get Aurora a second walk. We got home just before it started to rain again. Having fun with the event and now have enough confetti to get a balloon. Happy I was able to get the third puzzle after not figuring out the second one.
Hope everyone had a great day.


Aurora had a nice long nap when she got home
It's Sunday now for me, but yesterday was pretty good!
- I got to sleep in a little which was nice! I was pretty tired from this week so it was nice to catch up a little.
- Finally got around to making myself a new pfp and signature combo for the event!
- Helped clean the front yard, shovelling dirt from the driveway and moving tree branches. It's been a while since I've done anything physical other than walking, and I enjoyed it and felt productive.
- Finally solved the puzzle! 😭 I struggled a lot but was grateful I managed to finish on time!
- My skins been feeling a bit clearer lately. I've struggled with pretty bad acne, and although it's calmed down a bit now I'm a little older, my face is covered in scars. But it's been pretty clear lately which is nice.
- Similarly, I got a haircut last week, and I at least am happy with it! It's only a little different to how I had it before but I prefer it.

I hope you're all having a good day/evening!
It has been one hell of a week. 😅

I finished all of my tasks at work for the summer, and I had plans after work every evening, so I took a few afternoons off to run errands/nap/relax.

On Wednesday I had a session with my PT before work. Upper body workouts terrify me as I've a disability that effects my wrist, but turns out I'm stronger than I thought! In the evening I went to the cinema and saw Longlegs. I had no idea what to expect, I was just accompanying my girlfriend who wanted to see it, but I loved it!

Had a double date Friday night with my friend and his husband. Always love catching up with them. We went out for dinner and drinks at a sports bar. They had Olympics footage on, which I don't actively watch but do enjoy.

Got the house in order yesterday and then I had a friend stay over last night. We had a few drinks, played Mario Kart, and watched the Super Mario Bros Movie. It was nice sitting and having a cup of tea together this morning before she left for work. ☕

I've 4 days (Tues-Fri) & 2 evenings (Wed-Thurs) of training next week, so I've booked tomorrow off work to do the grocery shop, batch cook, and mentally prepare myself for the week ahead.
- Happy to have another relaxing day off. I really needed this, I was exhausted after yesterday...

- Finally finished up shopping prep for my upcoming trip(S). I ordered all the medical stuff I needed, a new skincare/cosmetics organizer, a new parka and gloves, and some Birkenstocks. I figured it's best to get the winter coat before winter, when sales are still on! I managed to get a fancy one for half price

- The avocado we got was perfectly ripe, I really enjoyed the avocado toast w/ eggs and bacon that I made 🥑
I was browsing the Shop a few minutes ago and noticed this:

enchanted forest scenery.jpg

I've liked that background since it started being used and was hoping for it to become a Scenery eventually.

I was, and still am, trying to conserve my funds for Halloween in a couple months, but I might have to grab a few while they're available.
I was browsing the Shop a few minutes ago and noticed this:

View attachment 575043

I've liked that background since it started being used and was hoping for it to become a Scenery eventually.

I was, and still am, trying to conserve my funds for Halloween in a couple months, but I might have to grab a few while they're available.

I wouldn't have known about this until much later and probably would have missed it had you not mentioned it, so that's what I'm happy about today as well! 🥳

I'm also happy because I got to sleep in and feel much better, and I'm having fun playing my games. :3
- I managed to finish prepping for a lab later this week and did the prelab quiz!

- We had some icecream for dessert

- I had a call with a group of my closest friends to make up for the fact we couldn’t catch up Friday as I was feeling a bit sick, and it was a lot of fun! We played gartic phone which was very funny, then just chatted about stuff. I really enjoy hanging out with them 😊

- Had a chat with some other friends!

I still have so much paperwork and the board exams to think about but not right now! what matters is that i’m officially out! 🥹 aghhdjdjfkd i miss my friends already i miss everyone im so EMOTIONAL im gonna cry!! sorry i cannot construct simple sentences i literally do not know where to start and what to say RARGH

(also funnily enough during graduation i saw a bunch of balloons and went OH MY GOD MY ROUND 1 PARTY PREPPING STATION i think normal tbt user behavior)
More things that I’m happy about :D.

I accidentally traded a Bloodmoon Ursaluna for the the wrong version of it; I got the regular Ursaluna instead of Bloodmoon (I was trying to get a different region’s). I was a bit upset since I thought for sure I specified the form and since it was a stupid mistake, but I found a level 100 Raging Bolt and just got it traded for another Bloodmoon Ursaluna and from the region that I wanted it from. 🥳

Before that trade went through, I went on my second Violet account to catch the loyal three since I was thinking of trying to trade one if none of my shinies got Bloodmoon (this was before I found the Raging Bolt). I got 2/3 and am on the third one now.

I’m about halfway to getting my second balloon :D. I think I might get a heart gradient balloon for my second.

Coming online today to a lot of notifications really brightened my mood and day. Earlier I was a little depressed since I woke up to a bad dream and also was panicking for no reason at all.

I’m really happy a lot of people liked my Tangy Camp Bell Tree Design :D. Also really happy that I kept tweaking it since before tbtwc, it looked much different. The theme wasn’t camp bell tree but was some vague idea related to some mini “story” I had posted a few years ago in the screenshots thread 🙂. It looks so much better and the theme and ideas are much more clear too than the previous design for her house.

I’m really looking forward to seeing the other events (I think I saw one HHP related? 👀) Ofc, I still need to finish my Magnificent memories and get going on my invitation after that 😅.

I’m feeling much less overwhelmed now that we’re further in the fair 🙂.

I hope everyone had a great day today :D
Once again happy about the new One Piece episode specifically!! ;v; Hibari you’re so valid... My family and I also got to watch another episode of Haikyu, which was super good!!

I made some more progress in Pokémon X and got the Lumiose City gym badge! They also finally let me in the fancy boutique and I was able to grind enough money at the Battle Chateau to finally get out of the default outfit and into a cute suit 🙏

Also watched some Youtube this evening, and got to see GoodTimesWithScar’s new Hermitcraft episode with my parents!

Lily of the Valley and Enchanted Forest Scenery were added to the event shop 😭 also excited for the balloon/tradeable feather raffles if I wind up having any tickets leftover!!

New rounds of CITB and Party Prepping Station!! I’ve submitted my guess for the new bottle already and shouldn’t have any problem getting a table setting photo tomorrow c:
- Finished work for the day, now I have 2 days off ☺️ I got home, had a bath, and made a delicious fish fillet burger w/ chips and sweetcorn. Currently relaxing with my coffee :coffee:❤️

- Two of the packages I ordered arrived today (y)

- Work wasn't too bad today and I actually managed to get some sleep before my shift 😅
I'm relieved that I finished all most the TBT Fair events and contests that were available on time. 😌 I just realized I have one more left. I can't wait for the second half! Hopefully I can participate as much as I can; I'm gonna start school on the 8th before that...