What Are You Happy About Today?


I still have so much paperwork and the board exams to think about but not right now! what matters is that i’m officially out! 🥹 aghhdjdjfkd i miss my friends already i miss everyone im so EMOTIONAL im gonna cry!! sorry i cannot construct simple sentences i literally do not know where to start and what to say RARGH

(also funnily enough during graduation i saw a bunch of balloons and went OH MY GOD MY ROUND 1 PARTY PREPPING STATION i think normal tbt user behavior)
Congrats on graduating medical school @skarmoury , that’s amazing and definitely something to be very proud of, great job! 😀

I’m happy about:

  • Yesterday my boyfriend and I watched 3 episodes of Naruto and played the Digimon TCG. It was his first time playing it. It was a lot of fun and I’m glad he likes that game now that he’s played it because it’s always been one of my favorites :)
  • The cat litter and cat food I ordered was delivered today so yay! Don’t have to make a bunch of trips to the store. I’m stocked up on cat food and cat litter for the month.
  • I had a really good volunteer shift with the rescue kitties yesterday, they were so sweet and a lot of fun! ❤️
  • I got some oven cleaner so I can finally clean the inside of my oven properly!
  • I got some big bags of bubble tea mixes. I got taro flavored, honeydew flavored, and Thai tea flavored mixes. they’re each 3.5 lbs bags. I don’t have the boba pearls but that’s okay, I still enjoy the flavored drinks! They’re soooo good. Maybe eventually someday I’ll purchase some popping boba online. Now I can enjoy some delicious drinks while I watch my anime shows :D
  • I slept super good last night!
  • My sister dropped off something I needed the other night which was nice of her, she also got me some snacks too 🙂
  • I’m almost finished with season 3 of The Boys. I’m on the last episode of that season. Then I can watch season 4 and be completely caught up finally. It’s such a good show. I’m so glad my boyfriend recommended it to me.
  • Today I have time to basically do whatever I want. Read, play games, watch shows/movies. Also I started playing a game on Apple Arcade called Wylde Flowers. It’s available on Nintendo Switch too. It’s so much fun!! I got my friend to start playing too and she really is enjoying it.
  • In October the new fantasy life game comes out for Nintendo Switch, I’m super excited about it , my friend and I are both gonna get it so we can discuss it
  • I really like my new therapist, she’s really cool
  • There was a coffee/tea thing in my apartment building I went to today which was nice
  • I’m planning on going to theater in September to see the new Beetlejuice and in December to see the Lord of the Rings movie coming out. Happy to have some stuff to look forward to.
  • Watching season 2 of Mushoku Tenseu right now and am enjoying it :)
+Although I am tired, I'm comfortable otherwise.
+My sunburn is barely noticable to me now.
+Although it's humid, it's nicer than it has been lately.
+I found some dresses last week that I actually feel comfortable in which is wonderful because hot flashes are not fun and I normally despise dresses with a hot passion. The ones I found actually have sleeves to them and POCKETS! and land no shorter than my mid calf and they don't drag on the floor and don't make my boobs hang out. The material doesn't feel super thin and see through or that one wrong move will cause the dress to explode into scrapes.The sleeves don't feel constricting either and though one dress is polyester, it is tolerable. The others are rayon which feels wonderful and won't wrinkle much or get fabric balls. I don't feel super exposed in these which is super important to me. And they were a very good price and in my size and without giant gaudy flowers or lace. I saved the website because I plan to go to them again in the future. I'm so glad I gave them a try after a few recommendations. Long term they should last longer.
+My senior dogs seem to be doing well. Last winter/spring things seemed a little uncertain but I guess the warm weather helps.
+I'm happy for a few other things that are small that could be taken for granted easily. Maybe they aren't so small? 📖 🖊️
i remember a few months ago i checked the custom 3ds theme plaza for themes from the game im obsessed with,but i couldn't find any. today I tried to search again and i founf a bunch!!!
im really happy!!!
I finished my sketch for my Magnificent Memories entry!! ;w; I’m hoping I can finish it by this weekend so I can get the tickets in time to try for the shaker keychain on Monday hhhhhh

Also submitted my entry for Round 4 of Party Prepping Station, and got a Glam Heart Balloon from my mystery balloon token tonight!!

Watched some short Youtube videos with my family this evening!
coldplay just announced they're releasing 'we pray' feat. burna boy, elyanna, little sims and tini on august 26th. i'm really managing my hopes for the other songs on the album after what's been put onto the internet but this track slaps and the track debut was cool at glastonbury :3
The people at my mom's work are in contact with the badging office. I submitted my formal application a few days ago, but the office was closed for the weekend, so there was a delay in relaying the information to them. The badge will allow me to get on the other side of the Airport without a plane ticket, and cut the TSA lines to get through faster as an employee. After my badge is made, I have to take this two hour class and take a test on it. The only thing giving me confidence is that I can take notes and use them during the test, so I'll be writing every little thing down. The test requires you to get a perfect score, so I'm thankful I'm able to take and use notes! Otherwise, I think I'd be screwed. You also get paid for the class, so there's that. The whole hiring process for this job takes about three weeks with the badge, background check, and fingerprints, but the pay is so worth all of this. In about two weeks, I'll probably be very close to having my first day.
My mom ordered us pizza and it was great. Naturally, I had pineapple! I'm actually eating the boneless wings and a few bread sticks as I type this out.
I'm in a better mood more recently than I have been, especially with the first point I mentioned!
Today has been a great day off. Me and Aurora had a nice morning walk . Cleaned up the yard this morning after this weekend’s storm. Luckily it wasn’t bad just some branches that fell. Got some errands done this afternoon.
Happy about the balloons I got. A rainbow bunny balloon and a blue heart balloon. My guess for the third puzzle was right.
I had been a bit stressed about something at work. After having a nice talk with my store manager yesterday I feel much better about it.
Played some Pokemon violet this evening and enjoying the DLC. Working on my blueberry Dex. I hatched some eggs and one was a shiny Cranidos. Going to hatch some more eggs to use for trades. Hope everyone had a great day.

Today (yesterday) was a little rough but I’m feeling a little better.

I’m happy I found my old Pokemon tcg coins. I panicked a bit since I couldn’t remember where they were and then I couldn’t find my phone 😓. I know silly things, but it’s not like I wanted to panic. I’m still trying to get my nerves calmed down but I’m already feeling better about it. Now I need to find a better place to put them, where I won’t forget where they are 😅.

I just got a trade I wanted done in Pokemon home. Doing Teal Mask on another account to get extra legendaries to trade ended up really fun and getting me a lot that I wanted. It was challenging since the loyal three’s level was 70 and the pokemon i transferred wouldn’t obey, but the few quick balls I picked up and luck on when the pokemon obeyed did the trick 🙂. I’m hoping to do this again; I’m still having so much fun trading :D.

I’m happy I made a little more progress on my entry for magnificent memories even though it wasn’t as much as I wanted to get done. I’m a bit stumped on what else to add before coloring the background.

I’m excited about the gimmighoul raids coming up in Violet and the chance for a shiny :D (since it is shiny locked outside of events).

I almost have all of Ibuki Douji’s skills maxed in Fate Go; just need to level up a skill one more time :D.
I've been super productive today!! I unboxed my packages, sorted through them, and then did a massive clear-out of my room. I'd had a lot of junk accumulate from various birthdays, Christmases etc and just not put stuff away or thrown anything out. Anyway I'm very happy because now everything is super organized, especially my clothes, makeup, and skincare ☺️ I've packed up a bunch of clothes, comics, and books in good condition to take to the charity shop on Friday too

- Also happy that all the clothes I bought fit me. I got a navy parka, a bikini, a swimsuit, some birkenstocks, and some wool fingerless gloves ❤️
My partner and I went for an early morning walk at the beach today - we also got some breakfast and a coffee and I managed to track down some winkles which we snacked on for lunch ☺️ I’ve been talking about them (and trying to find them) for 5 years so I was really excited when I finally saw some. It was my partners first time trying them and he liked them too!
  • The TCG deck boxes and and card sleeves I ordered for my boyfriend arrived at his apartment, so I'm glad all his stuff arrived :)
  • I feel good, practiced violin yesterday after not touching it for a couple months due to motivation issues
  • I have some sweet Italian sausage cooking in pasta sauce in my crockpot right now, hoping it turns out good :) Gonna have it with some pasta tonight
  • Started watching Gen V last night, it's set in the same universe as The Boys. After I finish Gen V I'll continue with season 4 of The Boys :)
  • I've been having less mood swings lately which is nice
  • I'm gonna practice violin more today and clean up my apartment some
  • I also got on the treadmill yesterday for 30 min, which was good because that's another thing I've been struggling with motivation for. I might get on again tonight after my food finishes cooking in the crockpot :) It's got about 5 1/2 hours left to cook
  • So in general I'm doing well, my motivation has improved, my mood has improved a lot,energy has improved, I'm having less mood swings, less anxiety, less panic attacks, less irritability, less impulsiveness, and I'm actually sleeping. I'm grateful that the med changes my psychiatrist made a couple months ago have helped a lot. Also a lot of stuff I'm doing on my own is helping as well like meditating daily, mindfulness, starting to exercise again and do my hobbies, doing self care etc. :)
Oh cool! How long you been playing violin? I tried playing in middle school but my mind just couldn't wrap around it.

My class put on a "concert" in the middle of the day for our parents on our last day. I had to fake my way through it because I couldn't even play Hot Cross Buns after we had practiced it for like two weeks. Lol lucky for me the teacher liked me and gave me an A. But I couldn't play at all 😭
VGM makes me happy every single day 🥰

I just love the Slateport City theme so much 💖 especially the ORAS version. I listen to it at least once or twice a day, and it's even better while I'm writing. It's like a huge party! A celebration of life in the big blue sea! Like it's welcoming the player into the wide, open world! Like it's saying, "This is when the real adventure begins!"

Once you arrive there for the first time, you're officially leaving the boondocks. At least that's the feeling I always get. To me, this place feels even more massive than Rustboro, which is supposed to be your actual first "big city" experience. But.... it's honestly the music that does it for me 😂 the Rustboro theme is calm and peaceful, meanwhile the Slateport theme is loud and energetic. It's another case of music doing the storytelling. Another example is the Evergrande City theme, which sounds like it's saying ,"Well, this is it. You're a loooong way from home, kid. It's all or nothing, now!" and it somewhat hints at your journey not being over yet.

I can't go a single day, not a single second I'm outdoors or indoors, eating or showering, without listening to VGM, not just from Pokémon but also from a whole bunch of varied games. It's one of the most important aspects of my life. It agitates me NOT having some kind of music playing in the background! (except when I'm sleeping, unless what I'm watching/listening to soothes me to the point of falling asleep)
The company construction that had messed up with drains and neighbors walls that led to all their rain water and sand sliding in our backyard, brought an excavator and redid the drains and all, and our problem should be solved...(we should see with the next rain) However, they had to deal with my mom who is a super good bargainer (that customer you don't want to have) and now they are redoing our driveway, and moving rocks to our flowerbed, she made them work for her for more than 3 hours lol....I was mad at them before for all the troubles but now I almost pity them.