What Are You Happy About Today?

Today could’ve been better, but it’s ending on a better note at least 🙂.

Today I had fun chatting with some friends. Also got to play a little splatoon with @skarmoury @Aquilla @Mokuren. I was so rusty but still had a lot of fun :D.

I got enough energy to get another canvas crossing drawing started. I’m hoping tomorrow my energy will be better so I can finish it and see if I can do one more at least. 🙂

I was feeling a bit down earlier but I’m feeling much better after talking to friends 🙂.

Julia just moved to my island in ACNH today. Lopez got the speech bubble today and wanted to move so I said yes. I’m looking forward to island hopping again :D.

I found out most of this month is free for me so I can schedule Among Us sessions pretty much freely. I’m happy I got the thread up now :D; I’m really excited even though I’m a noob still 😅. I’m a bit nervous about hosting but I’m sure I’ll figure it out or someone in chat might be able to help me decide stuff like roles. 🙂

That’s it for now! 🙂
- I woke up early this morning and got more sleep than last night.
- Went to Barnes and Noble with my mom and aunt. I bought some books, a bookmark, and some pencils for drawing. The graphite pencils I bought are matte, which is convenient cuz normally, graphite tends to have a reflective quality like a glossy Pokémon card, and this makes it difficult to take photos of my drawings in pencil. I was surprised that there were art supplies here that I was specifically looking for, so I'll definitely visit this store more frequently.
- Had a nice dinner.
- Watched some anime in the evening.
It's been a fantastic week! I've gotten up early every day and have been productive at work. Finished taking on more responsibility and I did well with it, which could potentially open more doors for me in the future. Also wished for and obtained Mualani in Genshin Impact, and just finished getting her to level 90! I absolutely love her personality as it reminds me of myself a lot. I get paid tomorrow and then I get an extra long weekend and will be off work until Wednesday of next week! Hope everyone's weeks are going well! :blush: 💚
i unlocked the virtuoso trophy in until then on day four of trying to earn the trophy! i'm glad i stuck with it and suceeded 😌

also yesterday the clouds were in a formation. was cool :]
I had a great day. I started the day sitting outside and read a book for 45 minutes, finished it. I took a really nice 2 hour nap in the mid morning/early afternoon which felt great. I also volunteered at the cat rescue tonight, because another volunteer couldn't make it in so the volunteer coordinator reached out to me to ask if I could cover their shift and I said yes. It was a nice night, lots of sweet kitties. There was a bonded pair there tonight named Toast and Coconut, they were so cute. I also drew a character I came up with today. Now I'm just listening to music, drinking coffee, feeling good and enjoying the night :)
Finally got all the wedding items and variations in ACNH!! ;w; Finally I am Done™️ with that little quest of mine. also harvested my purple hyacinth enough to craft my very first hyacinth lamp!!

Watched some Youtube with my family today, and we got to see GeminiTay’s latest episode of Hermitcraft!

I got to make progress on some personal art more this evening!! I listened to some music too while I was at it, which was nice!

The Birthday Fair Pop Quiz is out!! 🎉 I’ve already started working on it and feeling pretty good about some of the answers I’ve settled on. It’s getting late so I’ll probably have to put it up for the evening, but I’ll try to get at least a bit further in tomorrow!
The past week has been pretty busy for me, but I want to make a post for today to mark a special day. ☺️

August 29, 2024
  • I had a day off from work today to celebrate my birthday! 🥳 My sister, mother, and I didn't go all out for a typical celebration, but we still did a lot of awesome stuff together and spending quality time with each other.
  • We went to a mall we've never been to before and it was quite the experience! It had a certain vibe that we liked a lot.
  • While we were there, we bought some fries from Potato Corner that had its pop-up shop open until the end of this month. I was made aware of this when one of my co-workers brought it up a few weeks ago, so I'm glad that I got the opportunity to eat those fries again with my mother and sister after not doing so in seven years (which is the same amount of time that Link was sent to sleep in Ocarina of Time when he was too young to wield the master sword lol)! 🥔
  • I told my mom that I wanted this game from GameStop. As a birthday gift, she bought it for me and guess what it is!
It's Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door! Finally, after so many years, I can actually get around to playing it. :LOL:
Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door.png
  • Aside from looking around in the mall and buying a bunch of food to enjoy eating, we also went for a nice car stroll. 🚙
  • Feel free to skip this point. No cars I have yet to mention on here but despite that, I saw a bunch that still made me very happy. It started out normally (first three were just Hondas lol), but as the day went on, the levels of awesomeness kept going up! I'll put them in a spoiler and order them from when I first initially saw them. 🏎️
  • I had some delicious food for dinner in the evening, particularly Chicken Sisig and Pancit Canton! Of course, I had some cake after. 🎂
  • I played a bit of Gran Turismo 7. For the third year running, I've been gifted a car in the game to celebrate my birthday and oh my goodness, I'm really happy with what I got despite already having it! I can use the other to apply a different livery while keeping the stock livery for this gift car.
It's a Ford GT LM Race Car Spec II! This gave me huuuuuuge Gran Turismo 4 vibes since the Ford GT is basically the face of that game.
Gran Turismo® 7_20240829203704.jpg
  • I even played ACNH for a bit to be greeted by Rocco, Raymond, and Carrie celebrating my birthday! Eventually, I showed up for Gruff's birthday and gave him some coconuts as a gift lol. Yes, we're birthday twins!

Don't worry, Gruff. I've already captured the moment. ☺️
  • I'd like to say a huge thank you to those who greeted me a happy birthday! You guys are rad hehehe. 😄💙
  • Lastly, I want to give a shoutout to @/xSuperMario64x for being a precious friend and partner. Today just makes it even more special and not enough words can describe how much I love him. If you're reading this, Bug, I want to say that I love you so very much! 💜
Yesterday was a good day. It was a half day at work. It went fast and was productive. Had a nice afternoon. My cousins daughter made the JV volleyball team at her school. They had their first game of the season so we went to go see her. They won. Stopped at the store on the way home. Made tacos for dinner. Had a nice evening playing Pokémon Violet. Found a shiny Comfey the other day.

Flower bloomed

Hope everyone has a great day.
- It's a beautiful sunny day! So nice after 2 weeks of cold, rainy weather ☺️
- Successfully went to my dentist appointment, it was just a yearly check up and thankfully my teeth are all in great health 🦷
- Went out for lunch with my mum afterwards to my regular cafe to go over our vacation itinerary
- No more work for like a month!!!! 🎉 The shifts I have when I get back aren't that bad either
I've been biting my nails a lot less! They're finally growing a bit now, and been using stuff to make them grow better. Just been so used to biting them for eons, it's hard sometimes, it comes naturally. Plan to try and find something I can hold in my hands when not doing anything, so it doesn't automcatically happen.
I've also never really seen my nails grow before, so it's weird to see and last time they grew more, the abnormal look to made me bite tham down again so hoping that won't happen again.

Been doing a bit of research for the quiz questions, and plan to finish off it tomorrow~

My urge to write creativity again has been bubbling and I am finally going to try and get back into it~ I have a few fanfictions that really need to be written; it's a pain to start that one sentence but once I do something, I can fix it along the way~
something I’ve been waiting for arrived in the mail today!! ;v;

submitted my answers for the TBT Fair 2024 Pop Quiz!! I wound up skipping a couple of questions (and reallyyyy don’t expect to get a full 8 throwback/regular tickets out of the others lol), but hopefully it’ll net me a little something extra!

got to watch some Youtube with my family this evening + see SmallishBeans’ new Hermitcraft episode!
I'm just glad the week is over and I finished everything on my to-do list at work. And also... I'm extremely, SUPER grateful for my friends from here, each and every one of them. It's odd that I feel most at peace during these times when I shouldn't, but I have to say my friends and family are really what keep me going, especially when I need the extra boost. And these are memories I wouldn't trade for anything... this all should go without saying, but it's what I'm most happy about today. 💚 :blush:
My official Rambley plush from the game Indigo Park finally arrived, and he's so cute!

Rambley Plush Makeship.jpg

I also have everything finalized for my next upcoming vacation that's only a few months away (aside from the request for time off at work, I'll be getting that one in soon)! It's the last big vacation I'll be able to take until I go on my next Total Solar Eclipse trip in early August of 2026, because that one will be expensive! I'll definitely need to start saving up for that one if I want to be able to take it the way that I'm planning.
Hi guys sorry I haven’t been on but I’ve been busy with work and stuff

I’m trying to draw lion king stuff more :)

And I got some lion king merch recently so I’m very happy about that, I got a lion king mug, lion king shopping bag, lion king slippers, lion king pandora bracelet, lion king kiara beanie plush, lion king simba plush & lion king nala plush.

Here’s my recent drawing

Just so grateful for friends who are getting me through today. I am blessed and thankful.

Wasn’t going to post but it is a year today that my beautiful mum passed. Just had a lovely quiet day at home with my beautiful son. His lovely friend my “daughter” sent me chocolate 🥰 and I was outside and found a white feather. Silly but I feel mum is with me.

Thank you @Yoshi155 🫶 so thoughtful and I will treasure 💜