What Are You Happy About Today?

Today was an absolute blast today :D.

Earlier, @mocha. shared me an adorable picture of Todd ☺️. It’s always nice to hear from her.

I ended up not going out to Olive Garden but my parents brought me home takeout still :D.

I am really happy everyone is having fun with the Among Us sessions! I’m so glad @himekirako convinced me to try playing during the fair since now I’m hooked :D. i was really happy @Yanrima~ joined us today and a couple other people too! I get a bit intimidated in chat sometimes when it comes to voting and feeling bad for being sus of someone that was not the imposter, but I think I’m starting to feel a bit more comfortable. I really appreciated everyone’s patience with me 🙂 as a host and also in general (sorry Shell for earlier >.<). I was able to get my first pet today! It’s not as cute as @Xara ’s son but I like it because it makes me think of the silly stuff I do with my cat twitter friends 🙂. I’m hoping to get another one sometime 👀; I am a sucker for pet cosmetics in games & mounts (like in WoW; I miss my goodies in it).

During one of the sessions, Spanky was being cute and I saw her picking up one of her yarn balls in her mouth and playing in her tent 🥰.

I had a nice chat with @skarmoury about animal crossing house designing :D.

I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s sessions :D.
Happy about a couple things this past week! ><

@MrBox drew me the CUTEST art for my bf's birthday ;w; I'm really happy that they got it done so fast! Just in time too :3 I caved and showed my boyfriend early, instead of waiting until the 6th (I'm bad at keeping surprises a surprise T^T) but he loooooves it! I'm so happy!!!

♡ Pulled Mualani in Genshin the other day! I was also pulling for her weapon with my saved pulls and got Kazuha's weapon but.. I'm still happy about that, since I have Sac Sword on Kazuha atm. He needed his sig weapon!!

♡ Went to the county fair today! I got to eat some good food. They had my favorite noodle place there, too! Even got some sweets c: I ended up getting a slushie ice cream float thing, a cinnamon roll, an ice cream malt thingy.. man.. I ate so good >< I have no regrets! I even got to see the cows, the horsies, and piggies! I was happy. I love fair animals!

♡ Working more on my boyfriend's homemade birthday card :3 I'm so excited to finish it and give it to him on his b-day! ^_^

♡ Streamed Fields of Mistria on my Twitch yesterday! I had a lot of fun. Even though, sitting for too long really hurts my tailbone and my back >< I want to stream more so I can get a nice following and just.. enjoy entertaining others!

♡ Started reading Tokyo Revengers :3 I am all caught up on the anime, but I kinda feel like a fake fan having a Mikey tattoo without knowing how the series ends >_> I'll always love Mikey though! My favorite anime character ever, aside from a few others!
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
  • Blossom howled for the first time today, not once, not twice, but three times! She was barking aswell as someone knocked on the front door very loudly! I was laughing so much as I’ve been constantly saying to my Dad ‘Do you think she will ever howl?’. The vet assured me on several occasions there was nothing wrong that it may just take time. It was so funny to finally hear her angelic howl! I hope to hear it again very soon. I’m sorry I know I write about her a lot, but I love her so much and she will always be my Baby Basset!
  • Received her Flea and Tick Spray to deter them. Yesterday my neighbour said to me that her dog got a tick from the long grass. It’s terrible as the council have stopped mowing the grass around the neighbourhood. Luckily, so far Blossom has escaped ticks, but I believe in prevention is better than cure.
  • Bought some purple glittery eyeshadow. Tried it on, looks really nice. Just enough glitter so I can wear it during the day. Also, bought some index cards so I can make a name card for future events!
  • Glad it’s a lot cooler. There is supposed to be a September heatwave in the UK, but I am hoping for lots of cool weather instead!
- I'm happy fall is starting soon. I felt kinda bland this summer so I'm hoping them autumn vibes can rejuvenate me

- my mom has been doing well. She was feeling sick like a month ago and I was worried about it becoming reoccurring but she seems to be doing great

- my neighbour washed and waxed my car even though it's an old piece of crap. He obsessively cleans his car and I think my car was bothering him lmao. He went in and detailed in the wheels and everything. I was like dang you didn't have to do that. Now my dented 2002 kia is perfectly polished, amen

- I've been thinking about playing harvest moon 64 on the switch. I just gotta get the switch online expansion pack. I've been watching YouTube videos trying to decide
It’s been a rough few days being sick and not sleeping well. Happy today that I finally slept well and only woke up once instead of multiple times. Finally eating even though it’s just soup for now. Finally starting to feel a little bit better . Happy that my mom picked up some more Gatorlyte for me. Didn’t do much today trying again to rest. Played some ACNH and some Pokemon Violet. Also started a new puzzle. Hope everyone is having a great day.


I recently received my first paycheck from my newest job. It was a lot more than I had expected for only three days. I’ll be getting a full paycheck in two weeks, so I’m looking forward to that. I bought a new sling bag with my paycheck because my old one was worn out. It still makes me look like a tourist, but I don’t care.

I watched the newest episode of Disventure Camp today! It was the final episode for the third season. We only got twenty minutes of the episode to prevent leaks so I’m not sure who actually won yet. I’ll have to wait until Saturday to see the full episode. Thankfully, I have off work for that, as well. As for what I’ve seen so far, the episode was great. It really gave closure for the characters I came to love. I'm looking forward to the fourth season! I'm still not ready to let go of this current cast. It'll be all new characters, but I'm sure it won't be disappointing!

I saw Green Day and The Smashing Pumpkins on tour. I was excited to see the latter up close! I’m happy it didn’t rain too much since it was an outdoor venue. I took A few videos, but I don’t want to crowd this post with tons of videos, so I’ll share one for each!

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- Went to the next town over, picked up a book at the library and ate lunch at a restaurant! I had a patty melt with onion rings and sweet potato fries.
- My manager is letting me listen to music during my shifts now because my performance has gotten better!
Got to work on some creative stuff for a little bit today!

I was able to make it to both Among Us sessions this evening!! ;v; I laughed so hard so many times tonight omg, and I also got to try out some of the new roles some more! I think I actually get the idea of Engineer now and I'm figuring out Tracker too I think!

My parents and I watched one of PearlescentMoon’s runs of Cub’s Labyrinth in Hermitcraft! It was cool getting to see a run all the way through to the end of the maze. We got to see a handful of other shorter videos too!
It's only the morning but I feel great so far, a LOT better than myself yesterday.
Before work I cleaned and washed everything up we left over from dinner yesterday and did it before my mum gets back from work.

She be going to the dentist and I didn't want her to rush washing up before her appointment.

At work and pretty much done everything in time so I get to sit down and relax. May put some loft on if I can.

Might soak my feet once home and have a lil catnip since I woke up feeling like I didn't like a wink.
Today was a good day, though fell a little apart with my switch connection problems during Among Us.

I was happy I was able to get it for $3 on the switch and had enough funds leftover on my switch to get it. I was able to get the little toast pet bundle. I still don’t know what the issue is and why among us on my tablet had no d/cs. :/

I did have a lot of fun playing Among Us today! I just felt bad because whatever is going on with my switch connection. I saw later my bluetooth on my phone somehow got turned on (i never use it so i leave it off). But I doubt that is the problem since I d/c so much in tera raids on Pokemon Violet; this has been going on for months.

I got a shiny wooloo today when out! When I went out to get my new lens for my glasses, I kept checking every wooloo. I didn’t think I’d actually find one though!


baby 🥹

I caught Jewels splooting again today 🥰. My silly pancake cat 😹😹😹

My head hurts and I’m out of words, so this is gonna be short 😅 But today was a great day, started out not too great but I’m so so so happy I was able to get in touch and chat with a bunch of people as well. Very very blessed, I couldn’t ask for anything more 😭💕

Also placed my preorders for the Kuromi and Ena nuis/plushies, so I’m stoked for that! :) Shipping it to my close friend in the US who I’ll be meeting up with in December so that’s something to look forward too.

Also did a practice test last night on pediatrics, I’m surprised I got 69! haha yes funny number LMAO but for someone who only did a first read of a 100-page handout, I was not confident at all with my answers… I was expecting a 30 or something. 😆 Good place to start on! I still have to breeze through the handout again and keep on studying and practicing, but it’s a benchmark. c:
I just wanna say that all my friends' collectible dreams are coming true and I'm so happy for them I feel like wanna cry for real!! 🥹💓🫂

also gonna see if I can get my ring cleaned today, I haven't talked about it here yet but it was my mum's engagement ring, a 1ct diamond with a gold band. I'm not wearing the wedding band bc ofc I'm not married, but I'm wearing the engagement ring to symbolize my love and devotion in my relationship. the diamond is already so sparkly and beautiful and I think it'll look even more lovely once I give it a much deserved cleaning. 🥺💗🌟
Happy today because I got up early and have a lot left to do today still, including visiting with a new doctor and checking out a new gym. I also absolutely love the clothes I purchased yesterday, and they ended up costing me very little out-of-pocket thanks to a gift card. Also my last day off work! :blush:
Today was really good. My switch only disconnected a couple times in the last Among us session. 🙂 I was able to get the bread pet and other goodies from the cosmicube today! :D I’m really grateful with how patient everyone is with me and my d/cs and also in the game. I am finding it hard to get away when found sus in the game, but hopefully I’ll get better eventually as I play more. 🙂

Been enjoying chatting and bantering with @himekirako more! :D

I got Inky today! 🥳🎉 :D. It feels good after all the work and time I put in the event 🥳.

I’ve been a bit down about something, but the Among Us Sessions really cheered me up today. :D

I caught Spanky chattering a lot at the birds today. I picked her up and kept chattering non stop at them 😹😹😹.

I got a new cooking recipe in ACNH today 🙂.

That’s it for now! I hope everyone had a good day 🙂
I bought my White Feather from the event shop!! ;w; I’m holding off on buying my Black Feather to see if I can manage to work out a deal for a Final Boss Feather in the meantime, but either way I’m so incredibly happy to finally have one, and excited for my Black Feather too aaaaa. These felt like impossible dreams for so long omg. Also bought my Fair patch!!

Participated in the 5pm Among Us session today!! Also decided that I’m getting enough hours/enjoyment out of Among Us to justify buying some of the paid currency ahaha—I got myself the Feast and Fungle Cosmicubes and the Polus Bundle, and I should still have enough left over for the Trick Cosmicube come spooky season!! ;v;

I watched a little bit of Youtube with my family this evening!