• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What Are You Happy About Today?

The big thing I'm happy about today! I went to a cafe/bakery by myself today, I used google maps to get there and walked there by myself and ate my cannolis and drank my coffee at one of their tables BY MYSELF. That is huge for me, normally I struggle so much with doing things on my own/ or doing new things, due to anxiety

Here's a pic of my beautiful caramel macchiato with cinnamon on top and sicilian chocolate cannolis :D


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I managed to follow a full 30 minutes workout video on youtube !
( Yesterday I overdid it on my leg workout so I was looking specifically for something targeting my upper body. Found this wheelchair fitness coach and darn, just his warm up already left me unable to lift my shoulders lol ! Made sense reading the comments of others, he and other wheelchair users are used to use their upper body to carry themselves around. Really something non-wheelchair users don't think about! )
  • I finally started using little braces on my fingers to prevent them from bending weird ways and hurting as I do everyday tasks. They work so well I cant believe I waited this long to try them out
  • I'm really enjoying the class I'm taking
  • I figured out a way to transfer my Skyrim mods from my old pc which is great because I wouldn't even know how to go about hunting them all down again 😅
I went downhill super fast today and am miserably sick right now, but on the bright side my mom has rapidly improved today, and this might be some 48hr bug that's been going around my dad's school lately?? cross your fingers for me that I'll be feeling better come Friday because I'm not allowed to take most cold medicines on my current medication, so being sick is extra not fun 🫡 anyway!

I was able to finish decorating the inside covers of my next sketchbook before I started feeling too bad! Also used up all but a handful of my sticker collection in the process!

Watched a little bit of Youtube today, and got to see GoodTimesWithScar’s latest episode of Hermitcraft with my parents this evening!
Today wasn’t good at all but I’m happy that I found a costume to put my kitties in when I went grocery shopping 🙂. Also found some cute toys for them; I know they won’t play with them but I thought they’d be great for the pictures I take of them 🙂.


Grumpy Nook Cat Burger 😸😹😹😹. The little brown thing by her paw is a toy burger too 🙂.

I got my wallpaper, flooring and rugs orderable catalogue done (just waiting for some of my items in the mail; don’t feel like tting again).

I maxed my friendship with Julia today 🙂. That’s it for now.
Today was a good productive day off . Me and Aurora had a nice morning walk. I got the yard work done this morning. Got a lot of laundry and cleaning done this afternoon. Was so happy to see all the art from canvas crossing. Everyone did an amazing job with their art. I want to thank @Mutti , @-Blue- , @JellyLu and @Xara for the amazing drawing of my rep. I appreciate those drawings so much and they were all so amazing. 😍 I had so much fun drawing and happy that my drawings were liked. Had a nice evening spending time with Aurora and playing ACNH.
Hope everyone had a great day.
I haven't made a full fledged happy post in a while so I have a few things I'd like to share 🩷💜

I'm still so happy that I finally won another animated collectible!! not counting the fireworks, the Galaxy Cupcake is the first animated collectible I've won since I won the Tetris Grid during the 2017 fair. coincidentally, I got a staff favourite for colouring challenges during both of those fairs! and of course I'm still over the moon about how I got the closest guess for CitB once again 🤣 but yeah, the cupcake is so sparkly and colorful and I adore it, I'm so honoured to have received another animated collectible after so long! 🥹💗✨

today is usually my day off, but I'm going to sub at a different library branch to make up for lost hours. I'm actually kind of relieved because my days off tend to be difficult, I don't like being at home all day. I'm going to a branch I've never been to before as well, so that'll be interesting! 📚

speaking of libraries, I recently began the process of filling out a college application! I've finally made the decision to get my Master's in Library and Information Science (MLIS)! I have to write a short essay before I can submit my application, but that's not a big deal. and I've already had a meeting with someone in the department of information to get my foot in the door. I'm hoping to apply for as many scholarships as I possibly can to minimize the amount of debt I'll have afterward. but I'm so excited to see how it goes and see what the future will hold for me as a youth librarian! 🤩

I've been cooking for myself a lot more lately, trying to make things fresh from scratch. I recently bought a crock pot and I absolutely looove it! now I've spoiled myself and I can't really eat frozen things anymore hehe. but that's okay, I want to eat healthy and feel better about myself, not only physically and mentally but in terms of my pride too. 😊

my relationship is still going very well, and we've been together for sixteen months now! I love my sun bun so very much. 🥰💖🐇

nothing is set in stone yet, but I may have a time frame when I'll be taking a trip to Ontario again and I'm so excited!! I miss being there honestly, it's a breath of fresh air and I have so many lovely friends there too. 🥺💗🍁

my mental health has been stagnating a bit and I still struggle a lot, but I'm taking things one day at a time and remembering to count my blessings. I always need to remember to be gentle with myself and keep working toward becoming a better Bug with each passing day. 💜🫶🪲
i went into the office two days in a row which is a huge achievement for me lol, it's draining but i feel like my mental health improves a lot by being in and surrounded by people (all of whom i rly like which is a nice change)

alsooooo a few weeks ago my dad told us he's taking us all to japan next year (in october) - i feel like i can get through any hardships knowing that's in the future now lol, idk if it's weird to go on a family holiday when you're in your 30s already but idc i'm thrilled lol
Today was super great! I got up and was productive at work, and was able to get out early. Played video games for awhile and finished Kinich's story quest in Genshin Impact. Then I went to martial arts and found out that I'll be testing for my next belt rank in a month! Once I accomplish that I'll be one belt rank away from having earned a black belt in both Karate and Aikido! 🥳 🥳 🥳

♡ Got my DearMyLove dress in the mail today! Well. I had to go pick it up from the post office. It fits nicely, but.. it's a little tight ;; And, I'm too tall for it to fit length wise. It's whatever though; I can just wear stockings and a petticoat underneath! I'll have to post better pictures later, but this is all I have for now. I started getting sweaty in it, so I took it off 😭


♡ Got my Miffy Woobles kit today, too! ^_^ I can't wait to start making her!

♡ Got a coffee at this new local joint c: I also got a yuuuummy breakfast sammy! It had avocado spread, sausage, cheese, a fried egg, and some sort of sauce, all on a Brioche bun. It was SO GOOD!!! I also got coffee again later today xD

♡ Been going on walks almost daily. I walked 2-3 miles in the past 3 days! I'm really proud of myself. Hopefully this motivates me more to live a more healthy lifestyle ;w; Even though I have POTS, I read light exercise can help lessen the severity of the symptoms. Here's to a healthier Mimi! ^w^

♡ Cleaned the house today, since it IS my weekly chore. My dad helped me out a bit, so that made me really happy. ;w;

♡ HAD WEDDING SOUP FOR DINNER! IT WAS BUSSIN!!!!!!!! I looove wedding soup so much 😭 Probably my FAVORITE soup ever! Especially when it's homemade, and still hot!!