I haven't made a full fledged happy post in a while so I have a few things I'd like to share

★ I'm still so happy that I finally won another animated collectible!! not counting the fireworks, the Galaxy Cupcake is the first animated collectible I've won since I won the Tetris Grid during the 2017 fair. coincidentally, I got a staff favourite for colouring challenges during both of those fairs! and of course I'm still over the moon about how I got the closest guess for CitB once again

but yeah, the cupcake is so sparkly and colorful and I adore it, I'm so honoured to have received another animated collectible after so long!

★ today is usually my day off, but I'm going to sub at a different library branch to make up for lost hours. I'm actually kind of relieved because my days off tend to be difficult, I don't like being at home all day. I'm going to a branch I've never been to before as well, so that'll be interesting!
★ speaking of libraries, I recently began the process of filling out a college application! I've finally made the decision to get my Master's in Library and Information Science (MLIS)! I have to write a short essay before I can submit my application, but that's not a big deal. and I've already had a meeting with someone in the department of information to get my foot in the door. I'm hoping to apply for as many scholarships as I possibly can to minimize the amount of debt I'll have afterward. but I'm so excited to see how it goes and see what the future will hold for me as a youth librarian!
★ I've been cooking for myself a lot more lately, trying to make things fresh from scratch. I recently bought a crock pot and I absolutely looove it! now I've spoiled myself and I can't really eat frozen things anymore hehe. but that's okay, I want to eat healthy and feel better about myself, not only physically and mentally but in terms of my pride too.
★ my relationship is still going very well, and we've been together for sixteen months now! I love my sun bun so very much.

★ nothing is set in stone yet, but I may have a time frame when I'll be taking a trip to Ontario again and I'm so excited!! I miss being there honestly, it's a breath of fresh air and I have so many lovely friends there too.

★ my mental health has been stagnating a bit and I still struggle a lot, but I'm taking things one day at a time and remembering to count my blessings. I always need to remember to be gentle with myself and keep working toward becoming a better Bug with each passing day.