Today was decent!

My mood hasn’t been great since I’m a bit down but it didn’t stop me from having a decent day.
It was a bit frustrating though because of the communication errors that I kept getting while trying to do the halloween event on my main island with my other island’s rep. I think I managed to get all the diys. I think I got more than enough screenshots for two entries that I started in my island journal; probably won’t finish the entries today but that’s fine. I’m glad the event is over since now I can work more on this and my second island. I went island hopping after tting to finish the construction of Nook’s Cranny. I wasn’t going to invite any villagers that I had already yet, but I found Lily on an island and I couldn’t pass her up.
My kitties were being more curious than usual with my sister’s dog here. Neither of them hissed or growled at her; Spanky’s fur kept sticking up and her tail kept becoming poofy but she seemed more curious than scared. Neither bopped her either thankfully

I bought two collectibles that I wanted with my carnival coins; the swamp potion was a last minute decision but I’m really happy with it. I’m thinking of trading for the third one before I buy my last one.
I had a nice chat with
My mom made spinach pie for dinner; it was delicious.
Earlier I saw a drawing that
@azurill posted; I was extremely touched that she included my kitties in the burger costume with my favorite villager, Punchy in a hot dog costume. It seriously made my day

I got snuggles from both my girls today. I caught Spanky sleeping in her ramen basket today too
