What Are You Happy About Today?

I finished my mum's christmas card today~
I ordered a new swtich controller and should be ready to be picked up tomorrow - blossom one
I have the urge to now do some video editing for an amv I've been leaving.

Despite having to go to work and UC tomorrow, I'm excited for some of the presents coming tomorrow.
I have also got some switch images ready to be uploaded to the animal crossing journal again! :D
I was so productive today. Not going to list everything that got done, but I was most happy about:

  • Cooking 5 portions of sausage casserole for the week.
  • Contacting a company to uplift 10 pieces of old furniture that have been cluttering our spare room, and they managed to take it just 4hrs later!
  • Moving my partner's desk upstairs.
  • Ordering a new sofa. Scheduled for delivery December 21st!
My girlfriend bought me dinner to say thank you for dealing with the furniture. 😋

My boys have been cuddly and adorable today. They are doing so well on their new diet - Delta's stomach issues are clearing up. 🖤

The remainder of my evening will be a glass of Baileys and watching The Umbrella Academy with my partner. We are starting from season 1, as I've only seen that one and it was so long ago I remember nothing!
i finished my 4th slayers amv: going history (megumi hayashibara) (lina) on lightworks 💕 💖

now i can check it & eng subtitle it
images0..(s2 ep 10).jpg
☆ I am happy that it is December 1st! My birthday is coming up soon so that excites me, I also go back to school tomorrow. (Can't wait to share my academics with all of you!) 🎉📅

☆ I was sick most of the weekend but I have been resting and eating as normal so I think I'll be better tomorrow! 🌞

☆ I changed all my profile stuff to a Winter theme! ❄

☆ I am going to have a yummy salad with chicken for dinner so I should start cutting up my veggies! 🥗

I have been playing New Leaf during my week-long break and catching up after all of my work!
Saw a couple episodes of Demon Slayer and one episode of Haikyu this morning!! My family and I also watched LDShadowLady’s new Wild Life episode over dinner this evening c:

I got some Christmas stuff for my parents done and got ahead on some work for tomorrow! This cough has really sapped my energy, so I thought it’d be best to do a little today so I won’t overdo it tomorrow ;u;

I saw Eda’s second event in Story of Seasons! I’m still in summer too, and at the rate I’m going I think I should hit the requirements for her third event before too much longer. I also have my first sheep and bought the blueprints for the sewing studio, so I might be able to switch out of the default outfit soon...!
I had a great Thanksgiving break. 😌
  • Last week we went to a party at my relative's house where a hibachi chef cooked food for us. He put on quite a show, and I liked the food he made! 🥘
  • Later we went to another party on Thanksgiving day. The ham was great! We even brought home leftovers. (But not just the ham of course, XD)
  • My sister and I watched Moana 2 yesterday! I'm hoping we can see the Dog Man movie when it releases because it could serve as great conversation material for me and my partner @ZeldaCrossing64...who really likes Dog Man hehe (more about them later!)
  • On the same day, I got my white GellyRoll pens! I already have a white gel pen, but I bought some from this brand just to see why artists like them. I can't wait to experiment with my pens when I get the chance! 🖊️
  • I worked on my homework over break, and even though there are a million other things I'd rather be doing than getting them done, I'm glad to be able to catch up. 📚
  • I also got more opportunities to chat with my partner on Discord. 💕 Yesterday they showed me a crochet pattern video tutorial they found while browsing Pinterest, and it looked so cute! I'll probably make it later when I have plenty of time to spare; it's been too long since I crocheted anything. T^T They also said, when I asked them about it, that they've been interested in crocheting ever since they saw my crochet thread hehe, I wonder what that could possibly mean......!?
Charlie told me the cat reminded them of the Mom's plush; I've been thinking about crocheting one for a while, so I'm pretty excited to see how I can make that look like the collectible. 🧶
  • To finish off, we ate out at a restaurant today! Our visit felt so quick even though we had appetizers, a main course, and dessert, lol 🍟
I am looking forward to Pocket Camp Complete's release tomorrow-ish and the upcoming Christmas break in three weeks. Just need to complete those wretched finals first! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving week too. :D
Today was decent 🙂; my mood isn’t the best; but my mood isn’t bad either.

Last night I was able to finish the fourth palace in Persona 5. I maxed out another confidant today too. I’m really enjoying playing more of this.

Earlier I had fun working on my second island and my journal. Tomorrow, if I play, I’ll be putting the last plot down.

I played with Jewels a little a bit ago. She did not really want to play but she seemed to still enjoy the attention lol; later when I’m trying to sleep she’ll probably knock some of my games or nendoroid down because she’ll want attention then 😅. I got some snuggles from Spanky today too!

Been happy chatting with @Mimi Cheems too! Always nice to chat with her and be silly. 🙂 .

Also, was really happy to get the red coin collectible last night :D.
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Today I'm happy because even though it was the anniversary of my mom's death day, it didn't feel like it. I had a great weekend and finished watching Spy x Family S2 with my friend, and we're excited to watch the movie together soon. I also am fully recovered from my COVID and flu shots and am feeling back to 100%, sleep-wise as well. I've been having fun with my games too. Today I 10 starred Imaginarium Theater in Genshin Impact once again. I actually messed up the first time and could only clear nine stages, but I redid it and got the final star. Last, but certainly not least, the Dallas Mavericks defeated the Portland Trailblazers just now 137-131 to extend their winning streak to four games and will potentially jump up in the standings again. After a slow start to the season I've been very impressed with how they've battled back and demonstrated great teamwork. Hope everyone has a great week ahead! 💚
i’m happy i got to relax today! having a super early flight yesterday threw me off a bunch and i wasn’t able to sleep much since i had to unpack and clean, but i slept in until noon so i think i caught up a little! then i spent the day watching tv with my doggos and facetiming my boyfriend

i also set up my new (and first) gaming laptop and it’s so cool because it lights up with the rainbow colors on the keyboard and around the edges!! i might just make it all pink but the rainbow is really pretty.

i was also pleasantly reminded that i don’t have to do lesson prep tonight because i got it done before the week break, so i get to end my night continuing it takes 2 with my boyfriend 🥰
I had a lot of fun tonight enjoying the holiday atmosphere at one of my local theme parks. I took some really nice pictures and had some really good food. It was not as busy as I thought it would be which was really great because I was able to go on some of my favorite rides there! I also got a cute holiday bag as well... I really shouldn't spend a lot of money but I mean it's okay!

I am also happy I can sleep in tomorrow since I have the day off tomorrow.
  • Got to chat with my bf a lot today! Man. He makes me so happy ;w; He even watched my Twitch stream earlier today! It's nice to have someone supportive. I always doubt other peoples feelings towards me due to my BPD, but.. when I really think about it rationally.. I have a lot of people who love me, and care. That also makes me happy!
  • I also chatted with @Dunquixote today ; she is so fun to talk to! I'm glad to have amazing friends :3
  • Played Stardew Valley some more. I started a new save for a vanilla run, since I'm always playing with mods that help me to my advantage xD It is so stressful when my energy isn't at max T^T But I'm slowly getting there!!
  • Got my Christmas tree out of the storage room, which is so exciting! I haven't put up my tree for my bedroom in a few years. Although.. I lost the legs for the stand. So, now I don't know what to do.. ;w; I decorate my tree to be angel themed every year I put it up. I'm looking forward to adding the stuff I've collected over the past few years to it!
  • Speaking of streaming.. my best friend irl (we're long distance besties but still besties!), was streaming. She raided me while I was streaming and I thought that was so kind of her! ;w; I'm really grateful for her. She's always had my back. It was nice to chat with her while I was gaming ^^
  • Even though I'm SUPER nervous.. I'm excited to start working again. Because guess what that means?! Yup! I'm saving up to see @nyx~ and go to a theme park together sometime this upcoming new year 😈 She's always coming out of her way to come see me when she's around, so it's time I return the favor. I'm so happy to have a friend like her ;w;
I saw Wicked with my family.

notes: Being in a movie theater close to midnight is a unique experience.

I'm not a fan of Ariana Grande. However, she did an excellent job in this movie.

I don't mind musicals. One of my all time favorite movies is Little Shop of Horrors. So, I was perfectly fine with how this was presented.

The end of the movie tested me. It was very late and the movie was almost 3 hours long. I nearly fell asleep.

It was fun!
after a few subtitle edits & checkovers, i can romaji subititle my 4th slayers amv: going history (megumi hayashibara) (lina) now
D9E5wdPXkAUwXAx... (s2 ep 18).jpg

(i say ''4th'' , but i have two unfinished slayers amvs that i gotta finish & those are really the 2nd & 3rd... (those being ''zelgadis - we are'' amv (hikaru midorikawa) & ''sylphiel - alone'' amv (yumi toma) )

but this one was finished first before them... this is really the 6th slayers amv by the way :3 ... so it became the ... wait... ok, my bad... it really is the ''4th'' slayers amv fully finished :3 )
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