What Are You Happy About Today?

I’m proud of my community today, and that made me happy. Our city lifted mask mandates today, and on my way to work I assumed only about 10% of people would still be wearing them…amazingly about 90% of patients and all staff still had their masks on.
I was able to beat the final boss of DQVII!! I really enjoyed the ending (I love when Dragon Quest games let you go on a little victory tour after defeating the final boss ehehe ;v; ), and I thought the post-credits scene was a lovely way to wrap the story up. I also went ahead and made sure to download the story tablets (and make a backup save for the sake of posterity), so I'm looking forward to getting into those and the other post-game content!
Also had time to clear the first level of the Hidden Depths DLC in Minecraft Dungeons, and I was lucky enough to get to unlock the secret level on my first go! Took a little bit for me to get used to the underwater mechanics, but I think I'm getting the hang of it now. ^^
I finally have a job interview coming up tomorrow for something closer to home. It's about a 20min drive from home vs my current 50min drive and it doesn't require driving on the major highway. It's doing the same type of work I currently do but for a different type of manufacturer.

I am extremely anxious though as I hate interviews with all my existence and I already had trouble sleeping last night when the interview isn't even until tomorrow. :/ Trying to stay positive here though. Here's hoping. I look forward to not spending 1hr 40mins a day on arguably the deadliest highway in the country. I'm tired of seeing scary things out on that highway on a fairly regular basis.
On top of my job and martial arts making me happy, my partner makes me happy every single day. Wouldn't trade her for anyone! :giggle:

Also, the Mavs did it! They beat the Timberwolves yesterday 110-108. I wasn't expecting it, so I'm glad they won.
:blush: Feeling so much better today, after being the last 3 days literally in the bed all day
:blush: I finally conquered the giant pile of clothes that piled up over the days I was K.O. from Covid
:blush: Cleaned my guinea pigs / rabbit cage
:blush: Restaurated two Tamagotchis
  • I have been talking a lot to someone I dated when we were high school together. We live in different states now (he's stationed in Kansas (he's in the military) and doing rotations in Poland, and I live in New York) Anyway, he's gonna try to visit me when he gets back. We're going to see if we can make a relationship work somehow with us being at a distance for now and him traveling a lot in the Army. He's a really good guy. We both weren't really mature enough for a relationship back when we dated, but we've both grown and matured a lot since then and might give it another try.
  • My building is having a coloring contest, they gave out packets of coloring pictures for people to do if they want to enter a contest, I'm gonna do it. I love coloring. I wish I still had my Prismacolor pencils but I'll just have to make do with my Crayola colored pencils. Anyway, I don't know if I will win but I don't really care, I just think it will be fun anyway and I've been trying to get myself back into art/crafts etc lately.
  • I have an appointment with my psychiatrist tomorrow morning, happy to be able to tell her I'm doing well since my medication increase.
  • Took a nice nap with my cat today :)
  • Yesterday I got on the treadmill for 45 minutes
  • I'm having Reese's peanut butter cups tomorrow, I've been craving them so much lately
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I decided to buy another Fire Emblem art book and the third volume of Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End today on Amazon. They’ll arrive this sometime week and I can’t wait to read them!

I started to play Cozy Grove again last night and I’ve been enjoying it again. It’s been a few months since I last touched it but I’m happy I had the motivation to play it again. It’s a nice break from Animal Crossing.
I bought Cozy Grove recently but haven't tried it out yet, I have heard really good things about it though :)
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@Merielle Good job! I finished that game both on the 3ds and my cousin's PS. It totally felt harder on the PS haha, but I was also super young.
I do remember being thrown off by the fact that their god was actually dead all along and it was the devil that was impersonating god.

I called my car insurance due to them overcharging what they quoted me. I managed to get them to go back to the original agreed price. They kept trying to give me silly excuses, but I had proof with an actual bill they sent me. This really shouldn't make me happy that a job isn't doing their job, but $50 is $50.

Also had enough time after work to change my oil. Had to almost destroy the filter to get it off. It was on so tight dang. But all was well and I got it done!
Today I'm happy because:

- Today was so much better than yesterday.
- The weather was absolutely perfect for spring, sunny and warm.
- I heard some birds chirping and saw squirrels, a bunny, and a calico cat in my yard today.
- I got caught up on a lot of work. After feeling like I was falling behind all day yesterday, now I feel like I'm ahead for the week.
- I called about a second billing notice I received and luckily they had already received my payment. The two crossed in the mail.
- My mom did a great job of controlling her spending today and didn't pull money out of her account to give to my brother.
- I received my federal tax refund today.
- I have a massage therapy appointment tomorrow.
- I enjoyed my dinner of mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, and an apple pie.
- My dog was being pretty good again today and cuddled with me on the couch.
- I'm looking forward to reading my book tonight before bed.
@TheDuke55 Thanks! ^^ I have heard that the 3DS remake streamlined a lot of things/improved QoL in a number of ways, so age probably wasn't the only factor.
Yeah, that was... oof. I had a sense that something was about to happen, but I think that was mainly because I'm used to being at a higher level for the final fight in DQ games (~45-ish, and my party was around ~35 for the first Orgodemir fight), and I'd heard about VII being pretty long... so I was getting pretty jumpy in the lead-up to that twist, ahahaha.

Despite feeling a little under-the-weather for most of today, I'm still quite happy about a couple things! c:
My copy of Rune Factory 5: Earthmate Edition arrived today!! I probably won't play it for a while, but I'm glad to have it and I'm excited for when I do start. This is also the first time I've gotten a steelbook game case, and it's really quite nice!
I played through all three of the DLC story tablets in DQVII! I didn't think I'd have time for all of them, but they were a lot shorter than I was expecting—though I still really liked them. Youth of a Hero felt a little odd and like it ended kind of abruptly, but I thought Memories of an Old Friend and Divine Recollections did a good job of tying up some loose ends in little time.
Sunday at work comes along and I’m kind of tense (for a lack of a better word) and still bothered by something that happened at work. My friend attentively listens to me and leans on the table looking right at me not distracted by anything else. Then my voice starts to crack a bit because I’m kinda sensitive (although I don’t let that side show really at all) and she holds out her hands, says “come here” and pulls me in for a hug. Then a few seconds later while still holding on to me she whispers, “if you need someone to talk to, I’m here for you.” And idk if I’ve ever had that level of friendship before but it’s amazing.
That as a whole just makes me happy.
I saw Keagan this morning and I put his sweater on him because he looks so cute in it. Keep in mind my grandma has an obsession with keeping her apartment at very low temperatures so it was not hot in her house and Keagan was not sweating. I just loved how cute he looked in that sweater. I don’t have a picture, though…
I was able to get some pretty decent sleep last night and am feeling good about my sleep tonight. Although, I do have to be up a bit earlier tomorrow because my dad needs an oil change, at least it’s during the hours that I work.
My copy of Fire Emblem Echoes art book later on in the day and I got my copy of of Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End third volume in the mail without a problem! I also decided to get The Adventures of Tintin Complete Collection while I had the chance.

I watched the The Adventures of Tintin movie today and boy, it was fantastic. Like, I wish it had became a movie series or something of the sorts because it looks really amazing for a film that came out 10 years ago. I love falling in love with series that I didn’t know of before because I get to experience so much from what I had missed out on.
I watched the The Adventures of Tintin movie today and boy, it was fantastic. Like, I wish it had became a movie series or something of the sorts because it looks really amazing for a film that came out 10 years ago. I love falling in love with series that I didn’t know of before because I get to experience so much from what I had missed out on.
I remember I got that for my birthday or something way back then. I didn't even know of the movie and I probably would've never watched it if it weren't for that fact. I was really surprised with how good it was. And the duo kept getting themselves in the most funny of predicaments. Like the whole plane/gas scene.

They were supposed to make another movie, but it sadly never happened due to how it undersold. And it wasn't that it was a bad film, it was just that it didn't get advertised commercially and the public at the time didn't know who Tintin was. They really screwed up with advertisements.

@Croconaw I saw Keagan the other night when I was browsing one of the pet threads. He's very cute! Reminds me of one of my neighbor's labs who I grounds keep for. They have all sorts of farm animals and it's fun to always play with him a bit whenever I go.

It's also great that you have a very caring and attentive friend! It can be hard to find a genuine and good friend. It's great that you have someone like that to help you out.

@Merielle Woah I didn't know that Rune Factory 5 was already out. It felt like that game was going to be in development hell forever. I remember the main company ended up going bankrupt right? I haven't played a Rune Factory game since the first one. It's crazy that there are already 5 of them.

I don't know how much has changed of the series since then, but maybe I'll give it a check.
@TheDuke55 Yeah, I only recently got into the series with RF4S, but by the sounds of things it didn't seem like RF5 was going to happen for a while there. I'm not terribly familiar with the earlier titles, but I've really enjoyed RF4S so far and I'm expecting to like RF5 too, so I'd say they're definitely worth checking out! c:
@TheDuke55 Yeah, I only recently got into the series with RF4S, but by the sounds of things it didn't seem like RF5 was going to happen for a while there. I'm not terribly familiar with the earlier titles, but I've really enjoyed RF4S so far and I'm expecting to like RF5 too, so I'd say they're definitely worth checking out! c:
Definitely going to! There's not a lot of games out that I really want to give a try. Except for maybe Kirby, that game looks really fun. Thanks for giving me a game suggestion! Rune Factory 1 is mostly like Harvest Moon, except you can go in caves and the wilderness to mine and hunt monsters.

Most of the other probably in-depth game is a bit fuzzy due to how long ago I played it. I do remember there was a story part where there was some kind of warring army regiment that you ended up kicking out of the region throughout the gameplay. If it has a story like that to it in 5, I'll definitely enjoy that to.
I finally have a job interview coming up tomorrow for something closer to home. It's about a 20min drive from home vs my current 50min drive and it doesn't require driving on the major highway. It's doing the same type of work I currently do but for a different type of manufacturer.

I am extremely anxious though as I hate interviews with all my existence and I already had trouble sleeping last night when the interview isn't even until tomorrow. :/ Trying to stay positive here though. Here's hoping. I look forward to not spending 1hr 40mins a day on arguably the deadliest highway in the country. I'm tired of seeing scary things out on that highway on a fairly regular basis.

To update from yesterday, my interview went really well. I was really stressed at home before leaving but once I got there I was fine. Apparently I was the first in person interview as most applicants were applying from big cities several hours away and they did Zoom interviews instead. In comparison I live like a 20min drive away in the next town over. Despite not having the specific schooling required they were very interested due to my job experience. I'm in a funny place where my current job is a very different strain of engineering than what I went to school for (but is more in line with this potential job) so I'm they were able see past that odd fact about me. I find out Friday what they decide. I think I've got a pretty good shot unless someone else is able to blow them away between now and then.

On a less exciting but still exciting note, my Earthmates Edition of Rune Factory 5 was delivered today. I probably won't play it for a while (too many other things going on right now plus I still haven't finished Rune Factory 4) but I look forward to seeing what all the special edition comes with at least. I also recently ordered a used copy of Chrono Trigger for DS. It could possibly be delivered today. This one I might actually play I've only heard amazing things about this game and I've never played it before.
  • Woke up early and spent awhile playing ACNH
  • Signed/renewed my lease for my apartment
  • Had a good appointment with my psychiatrist this morning. She said she's proud of me and how well I've been doing, our next appointment is 2 months away instead of 1 because I'm doing well and feel like I don't need an appointment every single month in a row at the moment.
  • I bought some Flamin' Hot Cheetos and can't wait to eat them!