What Are You Happy About Today?

Today (technically yesterday) made me really happy! 😄

August 31, 2023
  • The whole day has been pretty sunny.
  • I have a day off from work! As a result, I went to some places with my mother and sister.
  • We first went to this small business toy store since I told my mother that I wanted a car model as a late birthday present. I was hoping to find a certain one and I couldn't BUT, I settled for a different car and arguably made me even happier. What is that car you ask?
I present to you a blue 2003 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 (C5)! The lighting makes it looks like it's black but yeah. It made me really happy to get this car because the C5 is the first Corvette generationI ever laid my eyes on ever since being introduced to it many years ago in a licence test from Gran Turismo 3 (which was tough to complete even though you literally drive in circles rip). Anyways, I was surprised that it also came in with a box since it was only the car model itself that was displayed in the store initially before buying it and having the store owner pack it up. Funny how it's the 50th anniversary collection and here we are in 2023 with the Corvette name being 70 years old now lol.
Blue Corvette C6.png
  • I went go karting! I remember doing this fun activity last year, though, my mother and sister didn't want to join the track with me, so I was by myself with a bunch of random people lol. Regardless, I still had fun feeling the twisty turns and bumps while also dealing with G forces! My right leg was feeling jelly for a little while after holding down the gas pedal 90% of the time oops.
  • I ate a chicken sandwich from Jollibee!
  • After that, we went to a movie theatre to go watch the Gran Turismo Movie! Yes, it actually exists lol. I've refrained from mentioning it until now since I'm pretty sure it was marketed to the oblivion and people must've been getting annoyed by that. 😂 Anyways, I found the movie enjoyable especially with the racing scenes and engine noises. I was surprised when my mother and sister enjoyed it too since they're not really into racing or cars in general.
It made me happy when the movie incorporated a few cars I recognized such as the 2006 Ford GT and the 2002 Honda NSX Type R at the beginning! Though, there have been many times where I said to myself, "why is this car not in the game?!?" and "why is this track not in the game?!?".

And speaking of tracks, it was pretty jarring to notice how the movie made a lot of their shots on one race track and yet, treated it as if the characters were racing on a different one entirely. It's so weird when the Hungaroring in Hungary is treated like Silverstone in the UK or Circuit De La Sarthe in France. Which was weird because the latter did actually take place there, but only on the start finish straight while the rest of the other parts is in cgi.

There was a quick shot where it had a stack of the Gran Turismo games from 2 to 6 which was a nice touch since I own those games aside from the first two. And of course, the movie also used some scenes where the main character was playing Gran Turismo 7 and which resonated with me a bit. Though it was only in the early parts and never really dabbled upon it again afterwards. On the plus side, they did use some sound effects throughout that I recognize from the game, such as the countdown sound effect that's been used since the first game back in 1997!

One of the most random parts was where the main character had to drive away from a police car in an industrial area (or something like that). It's made even funnier when the game UI popped up a few times because the series is mainly known for closed circuit racing, not escaping from cops like Need For Speed for example lol.

Finally, the series creator of Gran Turismo made a cameo appearance for a quick moment in the movie where he was a sushi chef and it's pretty wack haha.

Though ultimately, as a huge fan of the Gran Turismo series, I wouldn't recommend others to watch as it may not be interesting for those who aren't into cars or racing. Heck, it might even disappoint other fans of the series since it's just another one of those generic racing movies ignoring shots where it does include the game and despite being based on a true story. If the storyline was more based on a player's experience where they started with a regular everyday road car (e.g. a first-generation Toyota Yaris) and slowly climb to the ranks of driving sports cars, to driving super cars, and eventually race cars, I feel like the movie will resonate a lot more to them and enjoyable to watch.
Gran Turismo movie poster.png

Here's another photo of it and I'm in the shot too! However, I photoshopped put on my racing helmet for this one to keep my identity anonymous. 🤣
Gran Turismo movie poster 2.png
  • I watched the Nintendo direct for Super Mario Bros. Wonder and I really liked everything that was showcased!

Edit: Added a few words.
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Making a big gaming related decision made me happy. I decided I was going to give my Switch and my home related consoles to my brother.

First off with the Switch, I realized that the "sell-pile" in terms of my Switch games kept getting larger by the second (no joke). So I thought, instead of selling these bad boys, give them to someone I trust and will make good use of them.

Also, in terms of my TV/home related consoles, well, it's sort of a long story. I live in a group home, and the cleaning crew who come every Tuesday is very rough with my stuff. The cleaning crew already broke my Gamecube and a couple other things so I was like *welp* can't risk it with the N64.

So since my brother is moving to a new house and will be taking ALL the home consoles that we ever owned with him, and I KNOW he would never sell them, well, .... family I guess.

He said in exchange for all this, he's giving me some GBA games, but I won't take them all when I see the fam this weekend. Just the ones I want.

Well I won't be gameless my fellow gamers. I still have my 2DS and GBA. They're handhelds so they're safe. Plus, I invested way too much money into my 2DS to give it up back when the E-shop was a thing.

I also decided that eventually that I will dip my toes into Animal Crossing and EVENTUALLY get New Leaf. I already know Pecan is my dream villager. I saw some funny image of her not too long ago and I have no idea why I found it funny.
* So the smug villager I got in my campsite was Henry. Not bad 🙂

* Turns out I was correct yesterday; I needed to get the smug villager to move in, in order to start selling land, which I did ^^
I also did some island hopping and found Walt on a mystery island tour. I decided to swap Apollo out for him as one of my dream villagers. ^^ I thought Apollo would be easier since I have his card (cannot remember if I have Walt’s), but I was wrong. <333

* Caught the gar, koi, giant snakehead, and killifish I needed in NH. thank goodness too, because some of these went away after midnight.

* I made a wish on a shooting star in Wild World last night and I got a much wanted item: Lovely Kitchen. (Lovely is my favorite furniture series). Wishy the star really does grant wishes in WW 🥺🥺🥺

* One of my best online friends and I discussed some fun ideas of how to go about commissions and art trades for our shared ships, one of them is putting some of them into the Wheel Decide website and letting it choose for us. I did this with some more commissions I will be ordering from him (the wheel gave me Daisy and Cole in his Pastel Chibi style. Since he is low on points, and that is cheaper compared to the other choices I put, I am also having him do Skye and Maurice in the same style.)

* He was feeling motivated to draw one of our OC ships we share, so he had me also spin the wheel for one of our shared OC ships. The wheel gave me Ron (my OC) comforting Chiasi (his OC), so that’s what he drew. <333
Got some stuff done to prepare for my trip:

- Bought train tickets to the airport (y)

- Got my boarding passes printed off 🎫

- Got notified that my package should arrive tomorrow, so fingers crossed! 🤞

- Washed my hair and changed my bed sheets ✨
Today after work I got some painting done. Almost finished the lil tree (paint bu numbers, but plan to change it up)

And, since I am visiting my family in a different country, which I haven't seen in over four years, I cracked down to get some nice gifts ready. Etsy is a life changer, honestly.
My sister loves bath bombs, but where she lives, they have no baths only showers, well I found some similar to bath bombs but for showers~ I than found a nice funny tshirt for my brother in law, (Reads: My beard, my rules), and my friend, I got him a nice zodiac glass, and my mum a wooden fox and flower press bookmarker~ :love:
I wanted to get my sister a lady gift set, but was unsure because of the certain things that may not be allowed on the plane.

I got my nephew some manga, and his figurine should be coming soon~

Also been able to focus on adding photos onto my animal crossing blog!
okay i meant to post in here like two weeks ago, but then i got sick with literally every plague known to man an ear infection + some sort of cold and died 😔, but i’m finally feeling a little better! i can barely hear anything and have a bit of a cough at night still, but i’m significantly more human than i was a week ago :’)

the past couple of weeks have been up and down for me (especially since i got sick and it’s now september—rough month), but there are still so many things that i’m happy about that i’ve been eager to talk about! 💖💖

ੈ✩‧₊˚ i have been blessed with so much amazing art over the past month! i can’t remember if i’ve already talked about this in here, but my sweet friend and fellow moon bunny @CylieDanny surprised me with a precious moon bunny axolotl drawing (that’s currently in my signature!) shortly after space camp started, and it is still so, so treasured to me and one of my favourite things ever! i also received gloriously stunning art of my moon bunny rep (that is currently my avatar hehe 💙) from my amazing, generous friend and fellow moon bunny @Zerous! it’s been weeks and i‘m still looking at it like 😍🥹😭 because not only can i not believe how beautiful it is, i also cannot believe how beautiful and amazing zerous is 🥹🤍 the lovely @-Mars- also surprised me with some adorable art of my island rep as well, and i still can’t get over how good it is!! their art style is so cute, and the fact that anyone is willing to spend time making art for me has me so 🥹 i am beyond grateful and speechless!! and lastly!! the incredible @ Blink. and @Mistreil drew art of all of the space camp crew reps and moon bunny reps together, and both pieces still have me in shock… like how are the people in this community so talented!? i am in disbelief and awe 😭
made by CylieDanny, i love the colours and their art style so much MWAH

made by Zerous, pleaseeeee look at how stunning this is i can’t 😭💙

made by -Mars-, it is so so cute!! i’m obsessed with the way they drew my rep’s outfit 🤍

made by Blink., look at this!!! i’m so honoured to see my rep in blink’s iconic style, and to be among such cuties 🥹

and finally, made by Mistreil!!! look at all of the incredible moon bunnies, my homies 🥹🥹🤍 i still can’t get over my rep’s expression, it’s so accurate LOL

ੈ✩‧₊˚ i know space camp has been over for a little bit, but i still wanted to briefly talk about it and its conclusion in here since i didn’t get a chance to before the plague ear infection got me 😅 i‘ve always enjoyed the tbt team-based events a lot since they give me an opportunity to socialize a bit more, to make new friends and to become closer with some of my old ones, and space camp was no different! i met, became friends with, and got closer to so many incredible people, and despite any bumps, i will always cherish and be grateful for that and my amazing friends 🤍🥰 i am also still so shocked that i won a rainbow moon and placed in 3 events??? i genuinely have no words, but i am beyond grateful, and will cherish my moon always 🥹 i miss the space backdrops and theme, and will miss the special reacts once they go, but i’m so, so thankful for all of the memories that i got to make during camp, and am forever thankful to staff for always working so hard to put together events for us 🤍

ੈ✩‧₊˚ my incredible friend @-Blue- gifted me a moon bunny collectible a couple of weeks ago, and i’m honestly still crying over it 🥹💙 i have no idea what i’ve done to deserve to have such beautiful, kindhearted people in my life, but i have no words to express just how truly grateful i am. i feel so ass at properly expressing the depth of my gratitude lol, but i never take my friends and all of the kind acts i’ve been shown from the beautiful people on this forum for granted, and blue’s friendship means the absolute world to me 🥹 thank you so much again for my moon bunny my friend, i know i already said in the dms haha, but i will truly treasure it (and you) always 💙

ੈ✩‧₊˚ i went for a drive with my mom a few days before i got sick, and we both had a lovely time! we stopped for some delicious food and drinks on the way, got to see a bunch of farm animals, ducks, hawks and dogs, and i also got a very pretty photo of the sky! the photo doesn’t do how pretty the sky was that day justice, but i still love it! ☁️💖

i also have an edited version, and wowie 😍

ੈ✩‧₊˚ i haven’t been able to chat with my friends much as of late because of how sick and tired i’ve been, but i’ve been having a lot of fun sending cat pics back and forth with @Midoriya on discord, and i’ve had some lovely chats with @xSuperMario64x on there as well! i love my friends sm ☺️🤍

ੈ✩‧₊˚ i’ve been able to sell quite a few of my unused collectibles! i’ve had a goal for the past couple of years to try and obtain one of every collectible, but i recently decided to let it go since it feels sort of impossible with how many collectibles there are (and will be in the future,, curse staff for being so talented and generous), and how many that i bought to try and get closer to my goal, but that i have no idea what to do with. so instead of having a bunch of collectibles in my inventory never seeing the light of day, i decided to let them go and just focus on the collectibles i like and actually have ideas for. it’s a silly thing to be happy about, but i feel sort of lighter because of it haha :’)

ੈ✩‧₊˚ bonk is doing well! she has been a big comfort while i’ve been sick, and has given me many cuddles and leg licks to try and make me feel better 😋🖤

this is a very long post and i have no idea if any of it makes sense because i am TIRED lol, goodnight homies!!
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Today I'm happy because:

- I got to bed just a little bit earlier last night. I'm trying to fix my sleep schedule and it's so hard.
- It was yet another easy work day. I can't believe I made it through the entire work week without anything blowing up.
- Not only do I have Wheel of Time season 2 starting up but I also now have access to the AMC Interview with a Vampire series.
- My husband and my dog are both sweet and I love them so very much!
- I have three days off due to the holiday on Monday!

@xara I'm so glad you're feeling better! I've missed seeing you around. I hope you can continue to rest and heal. 🖤🤍
* Ate Whataburger for lunch
* Bought a lot of Nook Miles Tickets from LMP that will go towards my island hopping for dreamies
* Found Big Top on a mystery island and invited him to live on Utopia ^^
* Thanks to the rain on mystery island tours, I CAUGHT A COELACANTH!!! 🥺🥺🥺
* Also caught a coelacanth in New Leaf <33333
* Found my NFC reader/writer
* Invited Astrid into my campsite in New Horizons
* I also invited Astrid to move in my NL town
* I ordered Rooney's Amiibo card. I've been wanting it for so long. I hope the payment goes through and it arrives. ^^
I watched some short Youtube videos with my parents!
I became a Hero Hunter and Master Mercenary in Fantasy Life!! I've liked keeping my ranks even so far, but I think I'm gonna need to make it further into the story before Hero Mercenary can happen ahaha 😅 Hero Paladin was a happy accident anyways whoops
I got to chat with some lovely TBT friends this evening!! ;w;
For today and yesterday:

- I managed to get through the part of my group assignment due yesterday! I was responsible for editing, compiling, referencing and stuff, so I had to wait until yesterday for people to finish writing stuff, but I'm happy we got it done and for my group being really nice!
- Got to visit my partner for a bit after I finished last night! We just chilled and had some food, but it was really nice 😊
- Played some mario party superstars with my siblings this morning! Lots of fun, and although I didn't win, I did manage to accumulate almost 300 coins after battling a master cpu for 130 and somehow winning!!
- My roof has been collapsing, but It's finally being able to be fixed which is exciting! It means I don't have a bedroom for a bit, but fair trade of for not being crushed in my sleep tbf. I was thinking of repainting my walls while everything's moved out of there! My walls are currently a purple I chose when I was like 6 lol.
- My mum managed to secure a mortgage, so she can buy a house now!! It's been a long time of stressing and waiting, so I was so happy when I got a call from her saying it was a yes 😊

@xara so happy to hear you're not dying feeling better!! You're so sweet though, I'm so happy I was able to help at all 😭🤍