• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Are You Happy About Today?

1. ROONEY MOVED ON MY NH ISLAND!! <3333 (I adopted him a few days ago ^^)
2. I cannot stop listening to this new Sparta remix base that just came out a couple days ago. IT IS A BOP!
3. I found out that A deleted video I would listen to (before its deletion) was reuploaded (it was reuploaded a few months ago, but I finally found out today). :,)
4. A friend of mine on YouTube had their first day of their senior year. I feel kinda bad that their Summer break is over, but at the same time, I am happy they are getting their last year of school over with. He HATES school and being a kid. He is ready to be done with it. Thankfully, I am an adult and done with school since 2016, but I still have a long way to go until I am ready to live on my own, which is something him and I both relate to; we are looking forward to living on our own. But I digress. XDDDD
☆ I don't have a time to say tons of stuff but I am so happy to be doing so well in school! I have all A's this year once again and its only been 4 weeks! The first unit test for Science was really hard but I ended up doing better than I expected! I also almost have the silver visiting and traveling badges in New Leaf! Finally, today is a half day at school so I can come home and play some more New Leaf and finish up homework! 💚🐸🌠🍓🤩 It always makes my day to read about all the happy things going on with all of you 🥺
I forgot just how much I love flying. That feeling of speed you get on the takeoff roll is nothing short of exhilarating. And I get to experience it 3 more times on this trip! Once more today, and then twice more in a couple days on my way back. To top it all off, for my 6 hour segment (from the West Coast to the East Coast of the US), I was able to snag a cheap last minute upgrade from economy to first class, complete with lie-back seating! I've never flown first class before, especially with those kinds of seats so I'm quite excited for that.
Haven't been happy about much lately, but today I'm happy because I organized my room. Brought my mini fridge in here to make getting drinks easier for me. Plugged my extension cord in so I can switch between my laptop, Roku, and Switch on my TV at will. Got my mom's old Mac desktop up and running as well as cleared the rest of the miscellaneous items off my desk/dresser. It's not a lot, but it definitely helped me feel better to have an organized room again.

I'm also happy that I'm taking this Friday off work, so I only have a three day work week! 💚
About to head off to bed, but todays been good!!

- Got 8 hours of sleep for the first time in a while! I also managed to eat 3 meals, I keep skipping lunch.
- Decided to go into the library to study today because I've been struggling to get through stuff, and I managed ot get a bunch of work done! Over double the amount I did yesterday working from home, and it was a relief to make a sizeable dent into the load.
- Wore my new shirt out, and I was just happy with it idk
- When I got home, I felt like I could actually take a break because I'd done a decent amount, so I played some wobbledogs and animal crossing to chill, sketched for a while, then did a call and watched some episodes of the Clone Wars!
- My mum walked in and randomly surprised me with a block of chocolate!! It was so kind of her aaa, mint chocolate is my favourite.

Overall just a really nice day, and I'm really grateful for all the good things I have in life. 😊
- my partner started school and we picked up their new computer. It's pretty fancy and I'm kinda jealous but elliott gave me their old laptop and I shall use it to play the sims 4, just like I had already been doing lol. But now we don't have to share the laptop.

- my mom hung out with a few of her friends and it went really well. She can only say 1 or 2 words and then the rest is mumbles but her friends still knew what she was trying to say. They were like telepathically connected. It really raised my moms spirit.

- i got a pack of strawberry haagen dazs ice cream bars
I became a Master Tailor in Fantasy Life! Still planning to at least try for Hero Tailor before moving on but didn't have time today.
I've recently switched to taking my shower in the evening and I think it's working a lot better for me than earlier showers did! There's just too many things to do "first thing" in the morning. 😅
Watched some of Markiplier's new videos with my mom!
I finished the lineart for the base of my OC ref!! ;v; Excited to get the colors down and then start working on sketching up some outfits eeee
My normal reaction to deep-sea creatures is "thanks, I hate it", but today I learned about the noble sea toad. They are friend-shaped. They walk awkwardly on their comically undersized leggy-fins. Please take this sea toad for your journey.
Today I'm happy because:

- I had a decent day at work. Nothing broke which is always a good thing.
- I got off work early for a massage therapy appointment and felt much better afterwards.
- I stopped by the pet store on my home to pick up some necessities for my dog. While I was there, I looked at all the cute animals. There was an adorable 3 month old tuxedo kitten up for adoption and one of the guinea pigs was hopping around playfully.
- I spent some quality time with my husband and my dog this evening.

☆ I don't have a time to say tons of stuff but I am so happy to be doing so well in school! I have all A's this year once again and its only been 4 weeks! The first unit test for Science was really hard but I ended up doing better than I expected! I also almost have the silver visiting and traveling badges in New Leaf! Finally, today is a half day at school so I can come home and play some more New Leaf and finish up homework! 💚🐸🌠🍓🤩 It always makes my day to read about all the happy things going on with all of you 🥺
Congrats on both your grades and your badges! Keep up the good work! 🌟
My normal reaction to deep-sea creatures is "thanks, I hate it", but today I learned about the noble sea toad. They are friend-shaped. They walk awkwardly on their comically undersized leggy-fins. Please take this sea toad for your journey.
I love the sea toad! 😍
* K.K. Slider came to my island and performed Welcome Horizons

* Unlocked terraforming and bought both the cliff and water permits

* Caught a peacock butterfly and donated it to the museum in New Leaf (too bad peacock butterflies have a shorter seasonality span in New Horizons)

* Thanks to Liz, I got some free cute white stuff for my house in new horizons <3333

* Got pink doors for both my New Leaf house and New Horizons house (I also bought the mermaid exterior for my new leaf house a few days ago). It turns out that you unlock more customization as you upgrade your house more and more (in New Horizons). At first, I thought it was only the roof and mailbox that could be customized in New Horizons.

* My main room in New Leaf is fully expanded. I will be buying the lovely set from someone very soon. Usually I will try to just get items for myself, but when it comes to furniture sets, it’s just too tedious and frustrating, so I make an exception here.

* I’m still nervous for my medical test results, but I’m glad that they are getting closer to coming in. It’s gonna be nice not having to worry about it anymore.

* I got an estimate delivery date for my Amiibo card, it is September 8.
Today was decent!

- Didn't manage to get enough done, but I got to watch my little sister in her dance performance, and she was good! She also performed a rendition of Hamlet with her class, which got a lot of laughs.
- Played gartic phone with my partner tonight which was a lot of fun, and we listened to one of my playlists! Mostly video game music and remixes. I'm listening to this one while writing this right now.
- Had some more mint chocolate today!
- Get to go out tomorrow afternoon which I'm looking forwards to.
i’m running on less than two hours of sleep, am still sick, and am overall just a big tired miserable baby today LOL, but there‘s still some things from the past couple of days and today that have made me happy c:

as sick and whiny as i’ve been these past couple of weeks, i am blessed in so many other regards— i have a roof over my head and a place to call my home, bonk is alive and well, both of my parents are alive, and i get to call so many beautiful, kind, amazing people my friends 🤍 i’m always scared to talk about what i’m grateful for out of terror of tempting fate, but as dark as my days are sometimes, i still have light in my life and i am so thankful 🤍 i feel it’s especially important for me to reflect on what i’m happy about and grateful for on days like today, to remind myself that it isn’t all bad, even if i have moments where it feels like it is.

ੈ✩‧₊˚ i received some absolutely beautiful art from my beautiful, dear friend @King koopa 🥹🥹 i ran to his art thread so fast when i saw he had posted and was so excited to see what new lovely art he’d created, only to see that he had taken the time to create art for me of all people 🥹😭 i nearly started crying, it was such an amazing surprise and warmed my heart so, so much 🥹 i have received so many phenomenal pieces of art and acts of kindness during these past few weeks alone, and there genuinely isn’t a word in the dictionary to capture just how beyond awed and grateful i am. the fact that i have friends who are willing to spend time on me talking to me, interacting with me, making art for me??? i have no words, just like i have no words for how much i adore the art my dear friend made for me. it captures one of my absolute favourite aesthetics perfectly, and the inclusion of things that i love and that are important to me (axolotls and my rainbow moon) means the world to me. seeing @King koopa improve and become more confident in his art skills over time has been an absolute treasure, and i will cherish this forever 🥹🤍 thank you so so much again, koopa 🤍🤍

ੈ✩‧₊˚ i had my appointment with my doctor today! i had a strep throat test done (which was thankfully negative), but my throat’s unfortunately irritated and infected still, and there‘s fluid in both of my ears
this isn’t a surprise, but i’m just glad that there doesn’t seem to be anything seriously wrong with me other than a stubborn ear/throat infection. i’m back on stronger meds for another five days (the pills are so big… pray for me), so fingers crossed that they’ll get me back to normal! i was worried about the cost of the meds as i no longer have insurance right now, but they ended up not costing anything, and the pharmacist was super nice!! i was honestly very stressed when i got up this morning, and this helped a lot :’)

ੈ✩‧₊˚ i finally flipped my calendar over to september! i know this probably sounds like a silly thing to be happy about haha, but september-november are really difficult months for me with the anniversaries of my grandmother’s death and my zeva’s injury, zeva’s death, and bringing home two kittens that ended up passing away from fip, and i usually just do my best to forget the concept of time and months until december at the earliest heh. i didn’t even bother to change my calendar until december last year, so i’m really proud of myself for not doing that this year 🥲

ੈ✩‧₊˚ i literally can’t get over how much i absolutely adore my current lineup and aesthetic! 😍 this is genuinely one of my favourite lineups that i’ve ever come up with, and one of my favourite aesthetics that i’ve ever had! i’m so used to admiring everyone else’s lineups and aesthetics, and now i’m admiring my own as well LOL

ੈ✩‧₊˚ i’ve received a few cuddles from miss bonk over the past couple of days 🥹 she is currently rubbing her head against my leg and foot and licking my leg as i write this lol, she is so silly 🥹

it is now time for me to take a nap, GOODNIGHT

- my mom hung out with a few of her friends and it went really well. She can only say 1 or 2 words and then the rest is mumbles but her friends still knew what she was trying to say. They were like telepathically connected. It really raised my moms spirit.
i hope it’s okay that i reply to this, but this honestly made me so happy to read. i remember you mentioning a while ago that your mom wasn’t allowing her friends to come visit her. i’m so, so happy that she changed her mind and that it’s going well! i can’t even begin to fathom just how difficult and terrifying her stroke and the aftermath has been for not just her, but for you and your family. i hope she continues to do well 🤍

and enjoy your ice cream bars!

Celebrating my wedding anniversary today with a lunch at the beach then a surprise dinner later tonight 😍💕
happy (belated?) anniversary! i hope you and your hubby had a wonderful day! 💞
i’m running on less than two hours of sleep, am still sick, and am overall just a big tired miserable baby today LOL, but there‘s still some things from the past couple of days and today that have made me happy c:

as sick and whiny as i’ve been these past couple of weeks, i am blessed in so many other regards— i have a roof over my head and a place to call my home, bonk is alive and well, both of my parents are alive, and i get to call so many beautiful, kind, amazing people my friends 🤍 i’m always scared to talk about what i’m grateful for out of terror of tempting fate, but as dark as my days are sometimes, i still have light in my life and i am so thankful 🤍 i feel it’s especially important for me to reflect on what i’m happy about and grateful for on days like today, to remind myself that it isn’t all bad, even if i have moments where it feels like it is.

ੈ✩‧₊˚ i received some absolutely beautiful art from my beautiful, dear friend @King koopa 🥹🥹 i ran to his art thread so fast when i saw he had posted and was so excited to see what new lovely art he’d created, only to see that he had taken the time to create art for me of all people 🥹😭 i nearly started crying, it was such an amazing surprise and warmed my heart so, so much 🥹 i have received so many phenomenal pieces of art and acts of kindness during these past few weeks alone, and there genuinely isn’t a word in the dictionary to capture just how beyond awed and grateful i am. the fact that i have friends who are willing to spend time on me talking to me, interacting with me, making art for me??? i have no words, just like i have no words for how much i adore the art my dear friend made for me. it captures one of my absolute favourite aesthetics perfectly, and the inclusion of things that i love and that are important to me (axolotls and my rainbow moon) means the world to me. seeing @King koopa improve and become more confident in his art skills over time has been an absolute treasure, and i will cherish this forever 🥹🤍 thank you so so much again, koopa 🤍🤍

ੈ✩‧₊˚ i had my appointment with my doctor today! i had a strep throat test done (which was thankfully negative), but my throat’s unfortunately irritated and infected still, and there‘s fluid in both of my ears View attachment 512866 this isn’t a surprise, but i’m just glad that there doesn’t seem to be anything seriously wrong with me other than a stubborn ear/throat infection. i’m back on stronger meds for another five days (the pills are so big… pray for me), so fingers crossed that they’ll get me back to normal! i was worried about the cost of the meds as i no longer have insurance right now, but they ended up not costing anything, and the pharmacist was super nice!! i was honestly very stressed when i got up this morning, and this helped a lot :’)

ੈ✩‧₊˚ i finally flipped my calendar over to september! i know this probably sounds like a silly thing to be happy about haha, but september-november are really difficult months for me with the anniversaries of my grandmother’s death and my zeva’s injury, zeva’s death, and bringing home two kittens that ended up passing away from fip, and i usually just do my best to forget the concept of time and months until december at the earliest heh. i didn’t even bother to change my calendar until december last year, so i’m really proud of myself for not doing that this year 🥲

ੈ✩‧₊˚ i literally can’t get over how much i absolutely adore my current lineup and aesthetic! 😍 this is genuinely one of my favourite lineups that i’ve ever come up with, and one of my favourite aesthetics that i’ve ever had! i’m so used to admiring everyone else’s lineups and aesthetics, and now i’m admiring my own as well LOL

ੈ✩‧₊˚ i’ve received a few cuddles from miss bonk over the past couple of days 🥹 she is currently rubbing her head against my leg and foot and licking my leg as i write this lol, she is so silly 🥹

it is now time for me to take a nap, GOODNIGHT

i hope it’s okay that i reply to this, but this honestly made me so happy to read. i remember you mentioning a while ago that your mom wasn’t allowing her friends to come visit her. i’m so, so happy that she changed her mind and that it’s going well! i can’t even begin to fathom just how difficult and terrifying her stroke and the aftermath has been for not just her, but for you and your family. i hope she continues to do well 🤍

and enjoy your ice cream bars!

happy (belated?) anniversary! i hope you and your hubby had a wonderful day! 💞
Thank you so much 🥰 I’m about to go on holidays too now to celebrate my bday also haha a lot happens in September for me 😊
Today I'm happy because,

- I got up and was productive at work, and finished everything before my three day weekend. 📊

- My kitty came into my room and cuddled with me earlier. 🐱

- I had a lovely chat with my friend @xara , as well as a few others on Discord, and because of the support I'm feeling better. 💚

- I got groceries and tomorrow I'm going to work on bank account-related things as well as get a haircut. ✂️

- A new episode of Jujutsu Kaisen released today, and I'm really looking forward to watching it. 🎥

- Aside from personal responsibilities, I have the rest of the weekend to play video games. 🎮