• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Are You Happy About Today?

Made it to Legendary Miner in Fantasy Life!! ⛏️ Also completed a handful more quests that I've had sitting around for a while.
I watched some YouTube videos with my family, and we got to see the second half of GoodTimesWithScar's Decked Out movie!! This was the first time I've seen a Minecraft Jellie neck pillow and oh my god it was the cutest thing ;w;
Nothing serious or anything, but there's just a lot that's going on over the course of the next few days and I've been feeling kinda overwhelmed, but I was able to bury myself in some project stuff today and it made for a really good distraction.
Today I'm happy because:

- It was another low stress day at work. I completed everything that needed to be done.
- I spent the second half of my lunch break working on trivia questions for a game we're hosting next week. It's really fun.
- I got to leave work early and had a good massage therapy appointment. I'm feeling much more relaxed.
- I went shopping for my niece's birthday present. I got her a unicorn painting canvas and a cute slug plush that shares her name!
- While shopping for her, I also picked up a dinosaur variant of the painting canvas for my nephew's birthday in February.
- Also while shopping for her, I found a mole plush that shared a name with my husband! I had to buy it for myself. It was the last one.
- Only two more days left before my week off!


ੈ✩‧₊˚ before the game started, Mairmalade showed me a pic of an axolotl plush that they saw!! it was so blue, and so, so adorable 🥹 i can’t tell ya’ll how much joy it brings me that i’m the first thing some people think of when they see something axolotl-related!!! 🥹💙
The timing of this is so funny because while I was at the store today I saw some cute axolotl merchandise and thought of you too. 💗

First was the children's book Not a Monster. I flipped through it and talked about all the life stages of an axolotl including finding a mate.

Then, I found an axolotl plush named Luisa.
* Cyrus woke up at retail in my New Leaf game. ^_^

* I commissioned my friend to surprise me with a drawing. I gave him the details he needed to calculate the price, but he is choosing from one of my ships and the scenario. I wonder what it will be. ^__^

* I almost bumped into my brother, since we were both coming out of our rooms at the same time (and they are right next to each other). I freaked out and he asked me in a funny and robotic way if I was okay. He also jokingly asked if I forgot he lived here too. 😭😂🤣
it's really amazing how journaling can take me from feeling so incredibly sad and overwhelmed and irritated, to being at peace with myself. never underestimate the power of journaling. I feel like I understand myself so much better after I dump all my incessant thoughts onto a page and really have a chance to process them. 💖
The past two days have been a bit all over the place, but there was still plenty of good!

- Yesterday and today I managed to get a decent chunk of work done! Still a bit behind, but I'm making progress.
- Yesterday while I was eating lunch, I got attacked by a kookaburra! There's a couple that hang around the area, and they WILL try to steal your food from your hands. Very cute though, I managed to get some photos when it sat next to me:
birb 1.jpg

birb 2.jpg
- My walls ended up a little patchy, but mostly look good, and I'm able to sleep in my room for the first time in weeks tonight! I'm happy with the colour of green, and it's really cool to be in a room that feels more like the current me. It probably sounds silly, but with everything going on right now it feels like kind of a fresh start, and a symbol of everything changing right now. I'm also moving my furniture around!
- Played some acnh with my little sister, which was nice. I gave her 50 DIYs she didn't have that I've been hording, and showed her my town!
- Seeing the rain fall in acnh, especially on the windows, and hitting the water while diving just made me happy 😊
Thursday, September 21, 2023
  • Most of the stuff I was waiting for in the post for my Dad's Birthday has arrived. Just one more thing to come!
  • Got some coffee pods delivered from Amazon this evening. 6 packs of Starbucks Caffe Latte and 3 packs of Nescafe Flat White. Those are my favourite two types. 😊
  • Played some Mario Kart on my DS. I forgot how good the graphics were! I also played some Pilotwings. I loved playing that on the SNES when I was little! I am really bad at it, but managed to pass the 1st level, so that's a major achievement for me!
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- At the end of every week we get to go outside and do whatever the hell we want in gym class, so me and my best friends ended up lying on one of the picnic tables, using each other as pillows, and talking about random stuff while our other friend gently poked us with a fork. Pure bliss.

- Got to spend some quality time with my friend who I don't really talk to much. The others went to 7-11 so it was just the two of us at our normal lunch spot. We gave each other some advice on confessing to our crushes, how to pass that one science teacher's class, etc.

- While said friend and I were eating, a lady came up to us with her dog, a 14-year-old Yorkie, and he was so adorable!!! The three of us talked for about 5-ish minutes and it was really wholesome ❤️
I’ll be transferring full time to my preferred job in two weeks, at the latest. I’ll still be working at my other job, but only on call. I won’t have any set schedule there. This is something I’ve wanted for a while but have been keeping it to myself. It feels weird that it’s actually happening. I’ll still be able to visit my favorite person once a week. She’s been nothing but supportive and she obviously just wants me to be happy. That means a lot to me.
My favorite person was being sweet. We haven’t seen each other for two weeks. I wasn’t feeling well at all this morning but seeing her brightened my day. I was worried about puking in her car but she reassured me she wasn’t worried about that. I’m shocked honestly not really with how sweet she’s been about it.
I’m really vibing with this Reo Mikage keychain. I found this for much cheaper than it usually goes for, so I’m happy about that.
i wasn’t sure if i was going to post in here today since i am Tired haha, but i hope you’re all doing okay! 🤍

ੈ✩‧₊˚ today is my best friend’s birthday!! he turned 22, and it’s both crazy to me and such an honour that i’ve gotten to know him since he was 15. we’ve been through so much together and individually in our 6 years of friendship, but i’m beyond grateful that i met him and get to consider him my best friend 🤍 i didn’t meet my “deadline” for finishing his birthday art in time to give it to him at midnight (though i still sent him his happy birthday message then), but i finished it and gave it to him a few hours ago! i was honestly so nervous while making it because i’m still not very confident in my art skills, and i wanted it to be good and for him to like it so badly, but he thankfully loved it!! he said it’s the cutest thing anyone has ever done for him, and he picked up on all the details i included in it!! i’m so happy he liked it! 🥹😭🤍
i’ll touch on all of the details i included when i eventually post this in my art thread hehe, but here it is!! i have a love-hate relationship with it, but i’m just so glad that he liked it :’) and no shade to anyone named kyle LOL— it’s just one of our inside jokes


ੈ✩‧₊˚ i’ll also hopefully be hanging out and playing new horizons with him tomorrow!! i’m very nervous since i haven’t played with him before (or had anyone in general over to my island to hang out lol), and my island is very much-so abandoned and barren (it’s still in january ffs LOL), but i’m excited! there’s some fruits and clothes that he’s been wanting, so i’m excited to give those to him— i plan on wrapping them up so that they’re like little gifts, and the little party area that i’m making for him is almost done as well!! i’m nervous, but very excited :’)

ੈ✩‧₊˚ bonk cuddled with me while i was working on my homie’s art!! 🥹 i was lowkey stressing while making it, so having her with me helped a lot 🤍 my mom also ordered her a new scratching post/mini cat tower that came yesterday, and she likes it!

bonus: she was making biscuits, but i call it her “suckle stomp” time since she puts the blanket in her mouth while she kneads 🥹

ੈ✩‧₊˚ i did some much needed self-care today! i (and my skin) feel much better now haha ☺️

The timing of this is so funny because while I was at the store today I saw some cute axolotl merchandise and thought of you too. 💗

First was the children's book Not a Monster. I flipped through it and talked about all the life stages of an axolotl including finding a mate.
View attachment 514084 View attachment 514085
Then, I found an axolotl plush named Luisa.
View attachment 514086
CRYING FOREVER, LOOK AT THAT ADORABLE LITTLE BABY 🥹💖 luisa is such a little cutie i love her so much!! and i need that book on my bookshelf asap, idc if it’s a children’s book!! those are so cute, thank you for sharing 🥹💖 and your new mole plush is so precious as well!! he’s just a little guy!

- Yesterday while I was eating lunch, I got attacked by a kookaburra! There's a couple that hang around the area, and they WILL try to steal your food from your hands. Very cute though, I managed to get some photos when it sat next to me:
if criminal, why is he just a little baby 🥹
  • Sooooo, I got promoted at work yesterday. The manager called me into his office to talk. I was worried because I figured I was being fired or something or did something wrong, but they offered me an additional position because they were really happy with the work I've been doing, so I'll be conducting interviews with employee candidates, passing on the ones I think should be hired to the hiring manager, and running orientation for new employees in addition to still being a cashier. I've only been there 3 weeks 1 day lol
I reached Legend as a Blacksmith and an Angler today in Fantasy Life, and caught up on several more quests!!
My family and I watched some YouTube videos again today, and we got to see Grian's latest episode of Hermitcraft! We're definitely gonna have to check out his Decked Out runs on his second channel next time.
Today was very busy, but at least that means I have a few less things on my mind! We were also finally able to replace our laundry machine that broke a few days ago, which is a big relief because I was beginning to run out of sweatpants to wear. ;w; I'm gonna start catching up on the laundry tomorrow.
I got to work on some stuff! Stuff that is... secret. I can't say what it is yet (it's not anything big!) but I'm having fun with it! ehehehehe
Today I'm happy because:

- They hosted a celebration at work for everything we've accomplished as a team so far this year. I got to see a lot of people that I haven't seen in person in years and I had some nice conversations with a few co-workers. I didn't get much work done because of everything going on, but I did at least complete everything that had to be done today. I also had fruit and a chocolate pastry for breakfast.
- I left work on time this evening. The weather has been gorgeous all day.
- My husband pressure washed the house and it looks so much nicer.
- We went out to dinner with his parents this evening. We took them to our favorite Japanese steakhouse and they really seemed to enjoy it. It was nice catching up with them too since we haven't seen them in a while.
- Tomorrow is Friday. One more day and I'm free!!!

  • Sooooo, I got promoted at work yesterday. The manager called me into his office to talk. I was worried because I figured I was being fired or something or did something wrong, but they offered me an additional position because they were really happy with the work I've been doing, so I'll be conducting interviews with employee candidates, passing on the ones I think should be hired to the hiring manager, and running orientation for new employees in addition to still being a cashier. I've only been there 3 weeks 1 day lol
Congrats! That's amazing!
Today has been fairly good to me! I’ll also mention a few things that happened yesterday.

September 20, 2023
  • I ended up finishing work early. I definitely needed that because the day prior was absolutely horrible and I don’t want to talk about that any further.
  • I ate the rest of the apple pie that my mother made the other day.
  • Smooth McGroove uploaded a new video! He's recently returned to making acapella music and it makes me happy to hear that. What makes it even better is that he did Hateno Village from Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom! The original version always gives that relaxing, welcoming feel and I sometimes go to that village just to listen to it.
Ever since I visited Hateno Village for the first time in Breath of the Wild back in 2017, I wondered if Smooth McGroove would ever make a cover. It wasn't until six years later that many people's ears would be treated by this, and I'd say the wait is well worth it! Man, I'm feeling nostalgic just talking about it. 😊
  • I played Gran Turismo 7 and met the gold time for an online time trial after many tries. Not gonna lie, I thought I wasn't gonna make it and just take the L accepting only silver, but I somehow managed to find a few more tenths out of nowhere and I'm not complaining! Though, it certainly did make me dislike the car I had to use quite a bit...
The guy from Saudi Arabia reaches world record times that has anything to do with road cars most of the time. Can he stop being so good and make many people suffer lol.
Gran Turismo® 7_20230920205724.jpg

September 21, 2023
  • I had a day off from work.
  • My dentist appointment went well!
  • After finishing the appointment, I bought a couple of things I needed at a store then went to a library for a bit. While looking around, I noticed that there were a few 3D printed stuff and what really caught my eye is that someone made a Hylian Shield!
I don't know who made this, but they're an utter legend. Get it? Because The Legend of Zelda? I'll see myself out lol.
3D printed Hylian shield.png
  • I bought a few more hotwheels plus a matchbox. A couple of them were found hiding behind a bunch of other cars, so I'm glad to have snatched them up!
I don't really know where to begin. After over a year of collecting miniature cars, I finally managed to snag a car in the colour purple, most notably the 1969 Ford Shelby GT-500 and the Dodge Viper RT-10 (for which the latter I got yesterday, actually)! The 1973 Honda Civic Custom is pretty wack having three spoke wheels and somewhat resembling Mr. Bean's MINI Cooper if you were to have a quick glance at it lol.

Aside from the purple cars, the 1992 Mazda Autozam AZ-1 is what made me the happiest. Why? Because it's the first car in my collection that is a kei car, a car category that's pretty much exclusive in Japan! The matchbox you see here doesn't give the real life counterpart enough justice how small it actually is in person. And now it got me thinking, does a Suzuki Cappuccino (which I miraculously spotted in real life last year) and Honda Beat also exist as a matchbox? If so, then it's something I should look out for in the future! I also hope that the Autozam AZ-1 returns in Gran Turismo 7 as it appeared in the older games in the series.
Hotwheels 10.png

One more pic then I'll stop rambling about cars in this post. With the recent acquisition of a purple car, I can make a rainbow now! 🌈
Skittle cars.png

For those who want to know the cars used here, they are:
Mercedes-Benz 300 SL
McLaren F1
Honda S2000 <- This car is responsible for starting my hotwheels collection in the first place!
Porsche Taycan Turbo S
Lotus Emira
Dodge Viper RT/10

  • My father cooked tasty food for dinner!
  • I played Tears of the Kingdom and did some more adventuring. I got a couple more armour gear in the process and deleted some king gleeoks!
My bestie Ashton drew him (left) as an ice prince and I (right) as a rose queen and . <33333 (Note: He is the one I mentioned a couple days ago about having a mother and son friendship with <3333)

* Speaking of Ashton, he was the one I had draw a commission where he chose the ship and scenario; he ended up doing my main OC ship: Orchia x Manton (I told him to draw them in the FNF style with a black shading effect)

Note: He is also the one who draw my current profile pic. He has a LOOOOT of art styles. <333

* Went out with my dad and got some cotton candy ice cream. Also, I found out something brilliant today: There are empty quarts that Baskin Robbins has that they can fill with any ice cream flavor. This is a lot better than having a cup. Now I can eat as much or as little as I want without having to throw the rest away. I only wish I knew about this earlier. :,)

* I had yet another funny encounter with my brother. We were again coming out of our rooms at the same time, so he continued to joke about me forgetting that he lives here too. 😭😂🤣

Speaking of, it is my brother's birthday tomorrow/today (it's past midnight), so I am looking forward to how that will go down. ^,^

I love that he shares a birthday with one of my favorite villagers (Ankha) <3333

. . .​

I know it is four months late, but I want to share something with you guys. :,)

He drew a picture of him and I together for mother's day this year; May 14, 2023 - and he sent this message
"Here is what I have drawn for the occasion. Pardon the long message attached, it's a special day, so I thought I could say it here:
Happy Mother's Day, Shawna. Even though you're not biologically my mom, honestly, you're extremely relatable. Plus, you're also very caring and compassionate. I know you say it comes naturally, which I honestly get, but I don't even know. I genuinely see you as a mother figure. Especially because you've been there for me when ever I'm feeling stressed out about something. You've also been very understanding towards me throughout all the years we've been friends...did I mention that May is our friendshipversary? It's quite convenient, isn't it? We became friends on the month of Mother's...seems like it was ahead of hour time, wasn't it? Anyways...Happy mother's day once again. I love you as a mom, and always will acknowledge how my kindness comes from you."

(and if anyone is curious, I've know Ashton online since 2018 <333)

I teared up when I woke up that day. It was the best Mother's Day ever...probably for both of us... 🥺🥹💕

I am the one on the left, he is the one on the right,

Ashton has an art shop for TBT, actually: https://www.belltreeforums.com/thre...s-open-trades-ask.615293/page-2#post-10441795

He is not very active on this site, but I could let him know if anyone here is interested in commissioning him. ^^
- Successfully joined my preferred team for the halloween event in one of my fav online games 🎃

- My new cable knit wool jumper arrived today and I'm pretty happy with it. Just in time for winter lol

- Happy to be warm, I bit the bullet and turned the heating on today because it's so cold around here now 🥶
Friday, September 22, 2023
  • Found out that Milky Way Hot Chocolate is sold in a jar. Only had it last year as part of a taster pack and loved it!
  • Got Blossom a Santa toy and some Christmas flavoured treats. They won't see Christmas though, I can't resist her little face! I'm going to open them later and see if she likes them
  • Watching a beautiful sunset from my window.
  • Cleaned the oven and tidied up.
  • The last item I was waiting on in the post arrived. 😀

Let's try this again...

Today I'm happy because,

- I got up early and the weather outside has been nice. ☀️

- I loved on my kitty some. I've been giving her head pats and rubs more lately, which is making both her and me happier. 🐱

- I recently donated to a GoFundMe for someone's fight against cancer. As someone who lost their mom to cancer, I felt it only right to do so. 💸

- I also just helped another friend out with pulls in their game. 🎮

- I'm glad it's Friday and the weekend is here! Looking forward to having a couple days off from work. I'm also headed on a trip this weekend to west Texas to check on something, so it should be nice to get away from the house for awhile. :giggle:

- I'm always thankful and grateful for my friends and family, cause they're what keeps me going. 💚